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/lit/ - Literature

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14235373 No.14235373 [Reply] [Original]

Acceptable words to denote dialogue:


Unacceptable words to denote dialogue:

>> No.14235380

the classic reddit take

>> No.14235391

He ejaculated.

>> No.14235424

>"Jenny look out!" he queefed

>> No.14235490


>> No.14235520



>> No.14235544

Go back. Please.

>> No.14235552


>> No.14235661


>> No.14235671


>> No.14235672

>using ANY dialogue tags at all

>> No.14235673

Those tenses specifically or what?

>> No.14235674


>> No.14235679

>not having the entire book be one long, unbroken description of the protagonist's foreskin
The plebbest.

>> No.14235696

Because if you have to mention, for instance, that your character "asserted" something, you have failed to convey this through the dialogue itself

>> No.14235704

t. Hemingway

>> No.14235714

Writing dialogue expressions like this is the hardest part for me, if i use the ones in OP I feel that the text is flat but if I use more elaborate words i feel like it comes across as try hard.

>> No.14235716

How do you feel about "whispered" or "mumbled"

>> No.14235718

>needing crutch words

>> No.14235735

Have you ever spoken to a human being in your life?

>> No.14235855
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>long, unbroken

>> No.14235869

ejaculate piously

>> No.14235909

>"Acceptable words to denote dialogue"
he whined, like a bitch.

>> No.14235938 [DELETED] 
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Does not apply to erotic fiction, the most advanced, literary form of fiction.
>"Take your clothes off," she said.
>"Take your clothes off," she demanded.
Which one makes more sense?

>> No.14235949

>I love you, she said
>I love you? she asked
>I love you, she answered
>I love you, she replied

Contrast with :
>I love you! she exclaimed
>I love you, she whispered

Adding adjectives, adverbs or prepositions can be good too :
>I love you, she quietly whispered
>I love you! she gently expressed

Maybe not the best examples but you get the point. Imagine reading an entire book of she said he said, she asked, he replied.

>> No.14235962

Best post I read today by far

>> No.14235970

croaked is a good one

>> No.14236023
File: 17 KB, 489x371, just won.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using adverbs to modify dialogue

What kind of YA shit is this? Kill yourselves.

>> No.14236027


>> No.14236061
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>> No.14236068

"I love you," quoth he

>> No.14236074

We’ve all read hundreds of such books. The point is you don’t notice.
Not that I disagree affixes like that can strengthen dialog — if done right.

>> No.14236090

How do we feel about murmured, boys

>> No.14236121
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>he uses quotation marks

>> No.14236148

This is fucking terrible advice. The reason people are told to use he said she said is due to amateur writers' propensity to abuse adverbs and other forms of dialogue attribution rather then having that shown through either the context in which the dialogue is said or the dialog itself. Obviously its not a hard rule to just use he said she said. A good portion of dialog doesnt have tags at all.

He put the dossier down on the desk. "When do you think we're getting that report? Soon, I hope."

>> No.14236202

Of course the majority of dialogue doesn't have tags, as the majority of dialogue doesn't warrant it. My point is if the only tags are "said", "asked", "replied" and "answered" it servers no purpose. On the contrary, adding adjectives and such can strengthen the dialogue on which it is used, instead of adding a self-evident statement, you don't need "she asked" if you have a question mark. I never said if you use those it's automatically good.

>> No.14236212

Whispered I like, as it is an affectation. Once.

>> No.14236217

Quietly whispered, huh?

>> No.14236222

Possibly. Once.

>> No.14236329

>using dialogue at all

>> No.14236480

The first time I saw this word used in that context was when we had to read Uncle Tom's Cabin in middle school. Me and my friends thought it was hilarious, good times

>There was great running and ejaculating, and opening and shutting of doors, and appearance of faces in all shades of color in different places, for about a quarter of an hour.

>> No.14236489

I like ", he lied."

>> No.14236502
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I like
For when someone is cut off.

>> No.14236663

she believed

>> No.14236679


>> No.14236703

I think "lied", "inquired", and "spoke" are acceptable.

>> No.14236725

lied and inquired are both useful for economy

>> No.14236746

just drop using these words and just put the quotation marks

>> No.14236849

ill STATE what i want you fucking cunt

>> No.14236910

Using all sorts of dialogue verbs are fine, just don't fall into the trap of never using said. Said is still the best and flowiest.

>> No.14236921

the absolute state of your grammar

>> No.14237076
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Was I the only one who was told by pretentious English teachers in high school that "said is dead"?

>> No.14237103

Yeah I mostly agree with this. Writing that has to tell you what something is instead of, like, setting up an environment where that feeling is inferred or colorfully explained is usually bad writing. This is unironically why I agree with Cormac McCarthy's stylistic choices. Redundancy makes for bad writing, and punctuation should largely be felt and not read

>> No.14237555

attack my post and i will destroy you faggot.

>> No.14238994
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>10+ lines of dialogue in a row
>not one dialogue tag used

>> No.14239073

The purpose of tags is to identify the speaker. That's it. The dialogue/context should do all the rest. If you need an adverb, your dialogue or context is poor.

>> No.14239281

"I love you Anon...": her warm breath, her blushed cheeks, his big fat cock; I sure do miss my youth.

>> No.14239302

>he said
>she said

>> No.14239307
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I dare someone to use this appropriately in their best prose

>> No.14239353
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>his "book" has dialogue

>> No.14239358

>I love you, she quietly whispered

As opposed to loud whispering?

>> No.14239363

I ejaculated in your mom's pussy

>> No.14239365

"Holy moly!" I ejaculated in her pussy. It echoed.

>> No.14239424
File: 3.00 MB, 640x532, coomer gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'M GONNA COOOOOOOOOM!!!" my voice boomed as my dick ejaculated in her womb.

>> No.14239427


>> No.14239469
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>he uses words in his writing

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.14239504

>there's two monkeys

>> No.14239595

There are books that are lauded as masterpieces that use "he sighed" as a dialogue tag, even when the preceding dialogue is a full sentence. "Blah blah blah blah blah blah," he sighed. No period, just a comma, the second quotation mark, then "he sighed."

>> No.14239645

No book is perfect. Perhaps it could be even better without that.

>> No.14240506
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>> No.14240515
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>not even allowed to use "said" anymore

>> No.14240518
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Heard you were talking shit?

>> No.14240524
File: 128 KB, 473x235, gee bill.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is quite the devious trickster.