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/lit/ - Literature

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14234202 No.14234202 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of it /lit/?

>> No.14234910

no we're not writing your homework for you

>> No.14234976

I am interested too. I am a newfag on /lit/ and its the first in the starter list, also. Thinking about buying it tomorrow even though I don't know anything about it

>> No.14235027

it's easy to read.
it's not heavy nor boring.
it predicted the current human predicament better than 1984.
It unironically helped me understand shakespeare and sparked further interest in his works
it belongs to a time where big social theories were a thing, this is its major weakness imo

>> No.14235064

i use to folow a youtuber that said this was his favorite booknow i dont follow any youtuber

>> No.14235084

definitely buy it, i wouldn't put it in a favorite books list but it is an extremely useful rebuttal to utopianism, utilitarianism, commercialism, and exposes the totalitarian streak in sexual liberation: rootlessness, pedophilia and the abolition of meaning all being components of said totalitarianism

>> No.14235180

>it predicted the current human predicament better than 1984.

>> No.14235206
File: 87 KB, 510x680, amusing-ourselves-to-death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the correct opinion

>> No.14235211

There's more to BNW than the ONE FUCKING THING it got right. I hate people like you.

Well, not really. You're probably qt af, but you know what I mean.

>> No.14235215

What was the point of the sexualization of the Children in the book? Like why were the people who made that society doing that? Because that is something I see happening IRL

>> No.14235293

Probably just social decay, idk man destruction for the sake of destruction, think of what would disgust you and make it happen. Like an universe where people are not allowed to have sex anymore (I am a law student, not the brightest, in fact I am downright horrible, but during the act of necrophilia, the victim of the act of necrophilia is not the corpse, or the corpses family, its the state), so because sex is outlawed, people start fucking corpses because the punishment for necrophilia is nothing compared to the punishment for regular sex. Idk just an idea. Also I am the guy who said he wants to buy the book, the store that I buy books from has it but only in my native language, should I get it in my language or buy lord of the flies in English instead?

>> No.14235339

Which language would you get it in? The old German translation was rather good. No idea about that "updated" one.

>> No.14235349


>> No.14236620

I read it recently. The thing that surprised me the most is that at the beginning of the year I read Ted's manifesto and a few other books that changed my whole worldview on progress and technology.
I thought Ted was being so original that it amazed me that this book was written so long ago.
I think the idea was great, but I don't like how the story unfolded from the middle to the end.

>> No.14237372

Are you going to read 1984 along with it?

>> No.14237450

there you go

>> No.14237902

What does "pneumatic" mean?

>> No.14238036

I think it meant "airhead" in the context he was using it in.

>> No.14238071

>the world controller was a jew

What did he mean by this?

>> No.14238760

I thought it meant tight pussy

>> No.14238791

One of the most poorly written books to have acheived such fame.
In fact, there is really only one good idea, that people will be born in jars in the future. But this prose is cringe. Then he goes on this whole thing about Native Americans in a zoo, which is weird, and devolves into a soap opera.
One of the worst books ever written to have achieved such a high status

>> No.14238799

It's alright. There are better dystopians like 1984 and Shades of Grey

>> No.14238801

Island is his better work

>> No.14238802

Ted stole a lot of ideas from others. He was not original in the least, but at the very least, he brought attention to those ideas, and he lived what he preached. The man was a killer, but he merged the pen and the sword in the way most people cannot and/or will not. Also, the conversation in BNW, the one the indian and the normalfag have with the philosopher-king "Director" in the middle section was the probably the best part of the entire book. A real red pill if there ever was one, and brought everything together nicely. Though I honestly did not care for the rest.

>> No.14238809

not Director, but World Controller, iirc. It was along time ago when I read it.

>> No.14238810

You should order it online in English and your necrophilia thing sounds pretty fucked up.
>better than 1984
like fuck it is

>> No.14238835

It's actually a utopia. Social stratification keeps the retards/midwits in their place, drugs keep them pacified. The geniuses who like the system rule over it, and the ones who are too individualist don't have to participate and can just chill on the Falklands or wherever and hang out with each other.

>> No.14238839

>You should order it online in English and your necrophilia thing sounds pretty fucked up

It was just an example of what I find fucked up

>> No.14239051
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Is Bernard Marx what average 4channer is?

>> No.14239266

definitely go for it newfag, its a great book, thoughtful and also a lot easier to read than a lot of the other stuff on the starter list (i read it when i was pretty young and it was part of a shift for me from kids books to the good stuff).

>> No.14239391
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>definitely go for it newfag, its a great book, thoughtful and also a lot easier to read than a lot of the other stuff on the starter list (i read it when i was pretty young and it was part of a shift for me from kids books to the good stuff).

I got it. Reading it in class rn. The "henry ford God" caught me off guard

>> No.14239764

it does