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14233711 No.14233711 [Reply] [Original]

Who was right?

>> No.14233716

They’re both right.

>> No.14233718

Me. Live with your mom, do odd jobs, read all day, invest in a home gym, and fuck escorts.

>> No.14233720

FPBP. You have to put in the effort to succeed, but doing so feels awful.

>> No.14233721

Did the retard on the left actually say that? That's the most hilarious fucking quote I've ever heard.

>> No.14233728

Bukowski. Musk is a bureaucrat that makes silly toys for grown boys.

>> No.14233731

Elon Musk is not a retard, Corey.

>> No.14233736

Elon Just got BTFO'D

>> No.14233758

Working as an enterpreneur vs working as a wagecuck.
Musk thinks as a businessman while Bukowski is just an average Joe, I can't believe how shallow his quote is.

>> No.14233762

FPBP. Elon is just optimistic and in the mindset of being the boss of your own company or at least helping to start one whereas Bukowski is a somewhat pessimistic "realist" who doesn't have any hope for being anything more than a low ranking wageslave

>> No.14233767

This. There is also the caveat that if you are truly mediocre, you will never achieve any sort of great success outside of extreme luck.

>> No.14233769

Bukovsky, Elon uses the cringe capitalist argument about work hard get rich.

>> No.14233770

true, this reminds me of the "JUST BE AN ENTREPRENEUR LMAO" meme

>> No.14233773

Or maybe Musk has employees he wants to work 80-100 hours per week...

He’s not lying when he says that’s what it takes to “be successful” either as an entrepreneur or as an employee at least in America, but if you’re the type to browse /lit/ and appreciate such things and still think “being successful” means making more and more money so you should to advice from a clearly miserable and soulless techno-industrialist you’re a complete retard.

>> No.14233774

You get diminishing returns for working more time in a week, partly because you get more tired (and the tiredness is cumulative), but mostly because you never stop and think about what you're doing.

>> No.14233777

Eh he says that the 100 hour workweek increases your chances of success

>> No.14233778

always been kind of fucked up to me that the only way to ensure one's material comfort is to be resolutely miserable for years on end (nobody could honestly say they would enjoy working 100 hour weeks, even though I'm certain Musk is lying here and covering up the fact that his family earned its keep from a South African blood diamond mine), and even then its not 100% certain. Why is a constant need for industriousness seen as a virtue and not a tragic symptom of an economic system -- and by extension a society -- which prizes instrumentalism and usefulness to commodity production over self-actualization? This seems like something that everyone from the most radical communist to the staunchest fascist would be against -- sacrificing individualism and the pursuit of one's own human perfection for the sake of perpetuating a dying economic system? Can someone explain why anyone who isn't ruling class thinks this is something worth keeping around?

>> No.14233781
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Maybe not. But he is a retarded glownig.

>> No.14233784
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Hi redddit/Alphabet Inc.. How many trucks did you order?

>> No.14233793

Elon is a retard. Nobody works 80 hours a week efficiently. It's like exercise, you can exercise more but then you also gotta sleep more. And he's talking about 100 hours? Yeah get fucked, that's retarded as fuck

>> No.14233794

Great point. Though I doubt the ruling class cares, since it's the one benefiting from the system. Money is moving at all times.
On this note, I think we are regressing to the amount of hours that 19th century folks used to work for (though in much, much better conditions certainly). Instead of this being a necessity, now it's also virtue.
Just bouncing some ideas off your thoughts, cheer.

>> No.14233796

Elon Musk doesn't believe in enterpreneurism.

>> No.14233801

Agreed, plus the average concentration is about 4-5 hrs a day of efficient work done. So I don't know what he counts in as 100 hour workweeks.

>> No.14233805

Never trust the advice of people who are very successful. If it's not their connections, then a lot of luck is involved. If neither, they are incredibly exceptional, so not at all like us.

But most are simply connected and lucky. Lolbertarians truly believe their success was based purely on merit. They are delusional, like an early btc investor who believes themselves to be a genius. No, a fair number if people who got in at the ground floor were lucky idiots.
Joe Rogan is another good example, though he has softened his libertarianism with age and wisdom. Remember this if you get lucky

>> No.14233808

I’ve never had a job where I could be busy for 40 hours a week, let alone 80 or 100.

I’m willing to work hard, but only if there is meaningful work to do.

>> No.14233819

There's a difference between working on a wage without perspective for growth, and working on a project where your work ethic directly effects how well the company is doing and how much money you make.

>> No.14233821

Elon inherited millions from his family emerald mine in which they profited off the labor of apartheid-era, South Africa. The hardest this guy has ever worked is probably deciding which dumb meme to post during a board meeting

>> No.14233824


>> No.14233826

Whoever got a small loan of one million dollar to kickstart his startup

>> No.14233828

Keep in mind that for these cunts everything counts as work.
Dinner with some cronies? That's work.
Meeting with glownigs to hand over information? That's work.
Driving to the airport to meet with Swiss banksters in Bermuda? That's work.
Smoking weed while doing an AMA for reddit? That's work.

>> No.14233831

>Keep in mind that for these cunts everything counts as work.
kek this is too true.

>> No.14233834


>Have your own business or a job you actually care about and benefit from

Do your best and work hard

>Have some shitty job at a mcdonalds or something

Do the least amount of work you can, no need to give a shit.

>> No.14233856

"Working" for guys like Musk means going from meeting to meeting and just talking generally about shit. He is literally counting commutes too said meetings and all his idle time thinking about what is said or will be said at those meetings.

His "work" is not real work as most people know it.

>> No.14233857

all tax deductible too!

>> No.14233888

No aspiring entrepreneur works 80 to 100 hours a week. Not a single one. Medical doctors will work 80 to 100 hours a week. CEOs of massive conglomerates will work 80 to 100 hours a week. People aspiring to those sorts heights? Those people in traction won't put more than 20 hours a week towards those goals because there's only so much you can do to become a doctor or CEO. Studying for more then 20 hours a week leads to burnouts. Putting in overtime at white collar work does not asccend you to upper management positions.

>> No.14233900

>Why is a constant need for industriousness seen as a virtue
Because industriousness implies growth and without growth there is only stagnation/degeneration. Neither of these is conducive to the long-term health of a society.
>sacrificing individualism and the pursuit of one's own human perfection
You’re conflating the good of a few individuals here and there with the good of society as a whole — from the broader perspective the loss of individualism and the pursuit of (unattainable) human perfection are hardly a sacrifice.
>for the sake of perpetuating a dying economic system
But it’s not dying — it’s doing quite well and in all likelihood will continue to do so.
>Can someone explain why anyone who isn't ruling class thinks this is something worth keeping around?
Because the far majority of people cannot be kept occupied, fed, clothed, and housed unless they participate in a collective system. Concrete reality trumps nebulous goals like “self-actualization” and “individualism” (especially the latter, given that humans are social animals).

>> No.14233920
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>> No.14233939


>society growth GOOD
>individual growth BAD

Kill yourself collectivist scum

>> No.14233941

Not OP but who do you think is benefitting from the way the system is set up? I doubt society and the common people get a direct benefit from all the hard work.
>In before called communist
I am far from a commie and I relish the goods of our society. Though you can't deny that long workhours are grueling, unless you have never worked in your life, and most people don't give a shit about their job and care much more for things that are important to them, such as family. The same family which is being destroyed due to long hours at work. My thoughts are a bit convoluted so hopefully you get the gist of it.

>> No.14233965


>> No.14233971

Moreover there are other things that are important for the health of society such as art, philosophy, sports, literacy and well rounded knowledge. Art being a tricky one for people who can only see material results as being the apex of society.

>> No.14234043

Elon Musk is right but only if you work on your own business otherwise Bukowski is right because making other people richer is miserable

>> No.14234061

Jeff Bezos would be someone who I'd grant is exceptional and made his fortune through the singular application of it. Mark Zuckerberg, in contrast, is more on the lucky side. Clearly above average in intelligence, with perhaps a good graduate student's knowledge of computer science with strong coding skills (hardly a prodigy as the media made him out), Zuck still kinda sucks. The myth that all these tycoons have some secret power to their personality that puts them ahead of everybody else is part of capitalism's ideological repetoire and is meant to keep people in a state of wishful thinking. That they are "temporarily embarrassed millionaires."
Working an absurd amount like Musk suggests is fine if you have the environment to fully capitalize on those hours invested. A hundred hours spent running a billion dollar company has more behind it than a 100 hours washing dishes.

>> No.14234071

Right, upper level management stuff is mostly just talking.

>> No.14234075
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We're not robots. You have to consider mental health.

>> No.14234100
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>> No.14234103

>Jeff Bezos would be someone who I'd grant is exceptional and made his fortune through the singular application of it.
>have some secret power to their personality that puts them ahead of everybody else
At first glance this might seem like a contradiction, but the fact of the matter is that most successful people come from very solid and well off socioeconomic backgrounds that permitted them to develop their skills and capabilities in a safe nurturing environment. Their success is an extension of this secure foundation. So the secret to success is to already be successful (to already be well off).

>> No.14234106

why do normies like Elon Musk so much? i don't get it

>> No.14234113


>> No.14234116
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Relevant to the discussion, but you hate, so I’ll just leave it here.
And an interview with the author

>> No.14234118

Doesn't Elon's family literally own emerald mines in South Africa

>> No.14234120

If other people are putting in 40 hour workweeks and you're putting in 100 hour workweeks, that might just be because you're defective and it takes you 100 hours to do something that a normal person does in 40. So no, you won't ever surpass anyone, you'll have to keep straining yourself just to keep up.

>> No.14234121

He's the perfect mix of industrialism and pseudo-intellectualism that makes normies feel all fluffy on the inside

>> No.14234122

>No one should ever work.

>> No.14234127

Didn't Bukowski literally write some incel book

>> No.14234154

Individualism is impossible without the support of a society. Society however can easily function without individualism. Sorry, but these are the eternal facts — and I do mean eternal, as in will never change so long as humans exist.
Of course some individuals — an elite — will do far better materially than other individuals. It has always been this way. Society however prospers as a whole as all the hard work, whether properly rewarded or not, ultimately accrues to its benefit.
Certainly art, philosophy, sports, etc, are important to society — but none of these are achieved without effort.

>> No.14234176

What do you think is the way of the mediocre?

>> No.14234185

Agree, though I should have made it clearer. By "those who benefit" I meant the bankers and the corporations, both which have no country or homeland. They're internationalists and would burn your society to the ground if it meant more money for them. If indeed all the work benefited my society, then yeah I would be all up for the 100 hour week bullshit

>> No.14234188

Bukowski wrote about drinking heavily, working and quitting shit jobs, and slamming muff all over town.

>> No.14234232

>They're internationalists and would burn your society to the ground if it meant more money for them.
Agreed, although as I’m living in a first world country my society is their society, so their burning it to the ground is unlikely to happen. They would however burn me to the ground if it was in their interest, and I them, so let’s be grateful for “civilized” restraints.
>If indeed all the work benefited my society, then yeah I would be all up for the 100 hour week bullshit
But all of it does benefit society, as long as the work is productive. It seems more to me that your gripe is that the work doesn’t benefit you enough, which I suppose is a fair critique for many people.

>> No.14234241
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Doesn't make Elon's bootstrap rhetoric any less disingenuous.

>> No.14234246

Yeah, his Father murdered people to do it to (got away with it as 'self-defense' under apartheid). To be completely fair Elon has long talked shit about his dad, who has done plenty more insane shit besides. Nevertheless it's the initial source of his money and connections, Musk is largely just an idiot prince whose read enough sci-fi to blow bazillions on eccentric projects

>> No.14234261
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>slamming muff all over town

Bukowski had some of the lowest standards I've ever seen. He fucked a lot of chicks, but they were all 2's or worse.

>> No.14234275

This pic is like the "please tell me that's a chick" meme but reversed

>> No.14234284

El engendro transgenero...

>> No.14234297

He looks like a happy camper though, can't blame him

>> No.14234298

Is that a trap?

>> No.14234306

>Putting in overtime at white collar work does not asccend you to upper management positions

That’s not true, though. :3

>> No.14234308

The lower your standards, the happier you’ll be in life.

>> No.14234307

More like a proto-trap. You had to be a real chad to hang out with them, unlike today's fags who fuck effeminate transvestites

>> No.14234333

The fuck are you on about? That’s a woman. Probably poor, certainly alcoholic for quite some time, and whose endless string of poor life choices is evident in her face, body, and clothing. Granted that she’s mentally ill, but her mental illness differs from that of traps and trannies.

>> No.14234361

The whole “hustle, hustle, hustle” “get up and grind” mindset is truly awful. I’ve been an entrepreneur and succeeded, I can tell you flat out that most of the people who I worked with were miserable and had assimilated their identity to their brand. Basically, if they ever went into a business slump their life was fucked because everything hinges on making money as an indicator of self value. They tie the value of their own self to dollars. In what way is that not slavery?

I find that the people who end up drunk on “the grind” are people who were financially in trouble prior to it. Not always, but often, they’ve got the personality that constantly needs to expand and grow their physical wealth through real estate or cars or what have you. It’s not that they can’t live on a lesser income, but it won’t get them the money to put in granite counter tops or buy a new truck and without that they feel like a nobody. It’s all a big game of hiding from insecurity and personal growth, frankly it sickens me.

I’m much happier now doing work I enjoy within regular hours and making decent money.

>> No.14234369
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>Thinking that thing does not have a penis
NGMI my friend

>> No.14234387

Hookers are never like in the movies.

>> No.14234389
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I tip my hat to you, oh rare person who recognizes the importance of balance in life

>> No.14234399

What kind of hookers are you into anon, tell us more

>> No.14234407
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Nice trips of 3s. That's a dude btw, sorry to burst your bubble son

>> No.14234416

>In what way is that not slavery?

You might be a rock 'n' roll addict prancing on the stage
You might have drugs at your command, women in a cage
You may be a business man or some high-degree thief
They may call you doctor or they may call you chief
But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes you are
You're gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody

>> No.14234418

Based and time-to-tell-you-a-story-grandson pilled

>> No.14234428

Better serve the lord than these money-chasing mongrels

>> No.14234439

So according to Elon, work equals reward.
Taking an engineering pay of $1k per year times 20 years is $2M earned.
Taking Musks pay of $25B for 20 years mean $1.2B per year.
$1.2B divided by $1K or $2.5B divided by $2M both give a ratio of 12500 to one.

That means if it took the engineer working 50 hours a week and using the conservation that work equals reward, Elon must have been working 625000 hours a week to that other engineers 50 hours.

That would be impossible and he's an engineer so I guess he's saying that for every 10 hours over you work you add a magnitude of your reward.

So I guess he's saying for every 10 hours you work overtime you can expect to add a zero to the end of your yearly income..

He's so smart....

>> No.14234454
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>Why is a constant need for industriousness seen as a virtue and not a tragic symptom of an economic system -- and by extension a society -- which prizes instrumentalism and usefulness to commodity production over self-actualization?
There you have it. Most have production as the highest value

>> No.14234528

This is it.
"Everyone wants to be successful, but no one wants to bleed from the eye's to get there." - some rapper a few years ago.

>> No.14234535

Of course productivity — material or immaterial, it doesn’t matter — is the highest value. What else is there?

>> No.14234552

PRINCIPLE OF ECONOMY by Baudrillard. It's quite short

>> No.14234553

Jesus christ this is spot on

>> No.14234567

This is also an unfortunately reality, although the number of people who could be greatly successful is much larger than most people believe.
There's also an important distinction between great success and fame. There are researchers in the world right now contributing incredibly important works to the body of human knowledge that absolutely no one will ever know about unless they go to academia. The most famous philosophers are largely known by name only. Even then, some of their work may not be known; pretty much every Westerner knows who Descartes is and some of his principal ideas in philosophy - basically no one except STEM college students know that Descartes was also one of the most important mathematicians in human history.

Fame (especially while alive) != success. It only means many people are aware that you exist.

>> No.14234569

Read "brown boys" at first. Both are accurate

>> No.14234575

The aphorism "work hard, get rich" is still an aphorism. No one who isn't working their ass off is getting rich any time soon, with wild exceptions (and exceptions don't break the rules) of trust-fund babies whose parents also allow them to be useless idiots.

>> No.14234588

>no one worked before industrialized capitalism and wage-slavery
Got it. Shitting in caves is better than being aware you're shitting in a cave.

>> No.14234598

It’s actually the biggest of turn offs. No matter what they look like. Not just because there are no exclusively f4f either, but because the exchange of money for sex is revolting to me.

>> No.14234608

>Not just because there are no exclusively f4f either
What did you mean with this?

>> No.14234639

>because the exchange of money for sex is revolting to me
Does that mean you find hookers revolting? Are they below a factory worker? Do they deserve just our disgust and maybe pity?
If so, you are more bourgeois than you think

>> No.14234641

100ish IQ
>But IQ is not a real measurement
IQ is arguably the single best measure of capacity for success out there, to the point that even something like a 3 millions bucks inheritance is inferior to it.

>> No.14234647

>Individualism is impossible without the support of a society. Society however can easily function without individualism. Sorry, but these are the eternal facts — and I do mean eternal, as in will never change so long as humans exist.
Today I learned society is a formless blog existing in a vacuum without any individuals in it.
A bug colony can't even exist without at least one individual - typically a queen. You're also grossly devaluing civilization and culture (things predominantly generated by individuals and shared by a community) in order to uplift society. You're also conflating the idea of community with society and vice versa. None of this addresses that human beings are an individualistic self-actualized animal that lives communally. Nothing you're saying here agrees with even the scantest inspection of history or biology.
You're arranging a false dichotomy. Individuals and society are not a function of the other or vice versa - it's multi-variable. You put an individual and a communal function together, a society results from it.

QED collectivists are even stupider than staunch individualists

>> No.14234665

Oh shut up with your morality

>> No.14234683

Female to female. I image if you’re asking for a woman to eat you out, she’s taken cock. Which I’m not really against in principle, bi girls are fine with me (my last fwb was a divorcée) but again it’s gross if it’s business.

Naw, the business of it. If anything I think they deserve more respect, but I’m not going to support some legalization of it to bring in tax revenue. They should unionize, but then so should we all.

>> No.14234700

It only makes sense that a test which erroneously labels social knowledge as intrinsic intellectual capacity would mark well for social success. You essentially just said
>people who are good at math will be good at math, to the point that a rich person wouldnt be better at math than someone who studied math!
Yes, IQ is a strong representation of aspects of human intelligence and strongly correlates to social success, because the skills that IQ tests check against also happen to be useful skills to succeed in our current social structure.
If our social structure was based around who was best at beating each other to death with rocks, IQ wouldn't be quite so useful.

The point I'm trying to make is that your point is only coincidentally valid through a vary narrow window based on a false premise. Your argumentation is flawed as hell.

>> No.14234708

Do you consider yourself a femme or a butch?

>> No.14234711

Does musk account for the disproportionate share of the revenues he gets compared to his workers who get none? His workers would be stupid to work any more than the bare minimum since they don't get any of the profits while musk gets the lion share

>> No.14234718


>> No.14234725

no, but Elon is not as smart as he thinks he is, either

>> No.14234729

I consider myself mid, but some think I’m butch.
Enough about me, please. I’m sorry.

>> No.14234747

>"Working" for guys like Musk means going from meeting to meeting and just talking generally about shit.
This is so true lol

>> No.14234748

I just realized Elon is basically the ideas guy

>> No.14234759

>Smoking weed while doing an AMA for reddit? That's work.

that punchline caught me off guard, keked irl

>> No.14234781

A CEO/Founder can be a force but your average CEO for rent is literally Ron Burgundy.

>> No.14234789

The person who’s conflating things is you, anon. I’m referring to individualism — the social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control — and not to individuals. Society doesn’t need individualism to function, whereas a proponent of individualism cannot survive/reproduce outside a social framework.

Civilization and culture (in the sense of art, etc.) are byproducts of society and, strictly speaking, are not necessary for a society to function. To speak to your next point, individuals constitute communities which themselves constitute society — society being communities writ large. That the individual (with very rare exceptions) matters little is unfortunately very well in keeping with the lessons of both history and biology. Of course individuals are influenced by society, and vice-versa, but at the end of the day a grain of sand in the Sahara is just that — and whether it’s there or not the desert endures. Anything else is hubris.

>> No.14234818

>It only makes sense that a test which erroneously labels social knowledge as intrinsic intellectual capacity would mark well for social success
What the fuck are talking about. IQ are literally match-the-picture, to the point that even tribesmen that never even saw a piece of paper can do it.

>> No.14234826

*are you

>> No.14234829

Fuck Elon Musk.

>> No.14234835

Weird how 99.99% of the planet is wage cucks but I'm supposed to give equal consideration to Musk's idiotic point of view

>> No.14234852

Well written, concise and to the point. A 10/10 comment for sure

>> No.14234887

I dont like Elon Musk but this post is a bit retarded. People like him dont claim that more work is the sole factor influencing the money you make. They view it more as more work giving slightly more rewards which then open up new roads in the future that allow them to work down different paths which the 40 hr/week engineer simply doesn't have open to him.

Rewards also vary depending on what type of work their doing and I can almost guarantee you Musk is not doing the same work as the engineer.

>> No.14234903

you cannot serve both God and mammon

>> No.14234966

I've wage sucked in the past and always felt four hours a day would be quite effortless. Something about eight hours of non-stop cuckery on the clock that is draining

>> No.14235031

You’re all just jealous he gets to fuck Grimes. Or telepresence with her using wireless vibrating beads and whirring suction tubes— or whatever it is they do. So Elon has a pretty good life. Better than Buk. Doesn’t know shit about shatterproof glass, though.

>> No.14235046

she ugly tho

>> No.14235057

Musk admitted in an interview that he has more energy and mental power when sexually abstinent.

>> No.14235159
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>> No.14235269

i'm skeptical of elon musk telling people to work long hours, the dude didn't want his factory slaves to unionize.

>> No.14235280

>progression is linear
>fatigue isn't real
>burnouts are a myth
God dammit Elon.

>> No.14235295

Looks like a tranny. Makes sense why you like her

>> No.14235296

They're both wrong. Human dignity is found in work. However work is not dignifying. Bukowski was a despondent hedonist who had given up; defining life by pleasure and defining himself as powerless to change. Musk is an industrious nihilist who refuses to accept the fatalism of his own position; he sees no meaning in what is done or how it is done, but can only measure life and purpose by what he acknowledges are empty comparatives of success. Bukowski is a man who is hungry for everything, but eats nothing; Musk is a man who is hungry for nothing, but eats everything. If either ever did away with their American maximalism and instead found the bitter balance of French indifference, we might mock them for being poor copies of Camus.

>> No.14235321

Dude thats awesome.
Where you from?
>do odd jobs
like what?
>read all day
read what? which books?
>invest in a home gym
>fuck escorts.
again where u from

>> No.14235355

On one hand, I think you're very stubborn, but on the other hand I know for a fact you schlicked it to me. For sheer persistence or whatever, I guess I'm happy, but I do think you're making a mistake to identify as a lesbian still given that I know how you interacted with me.

If you want my honest opinion everyone, these sorts of behaviors are evil, and are actually instilled by the government and media in today's generation. The people in control are extremely manipulative and are geared towards making sure that certain sections of the population that they consider as unworthy are labelled as 'homosexual'.

I find that certain characteristics are discouraged in the masses quite efficiently in this way. :3

You are naturally straight. I have proven it through you, if you choose to accept it.

>> No.14235376

Elon Musk is a piece of shit, imagine being that deluded.

>> No.14235400 [DELETED] 

335 close grip pause bench 500 squat
Lot of 1950s-contemporary Americans (Gaddis, Gass, Vollmann, Dara, Hawkes), Modern Irish writers (Beckett, Yeats, O'Brien), Austrians (Musil, Broch, Rilke, Bernhard), Proust, Henry James, Chekhov, Flaubert, Melville, some 16th-17th century writers (Montaigne, Browne, Burton, Dryden, Donne, Milton, Pascal, more shit) and some more shit. Been spending most of my time reading over the years. It can get lonely but I enjoy it and there is so much I want to explore. Considering going back to school.

>> No.14235472

335 close grip pause bench 500 squat
Lot of 1950s-contemporary Americans (Gaddis, Gass, Vollmann, Dara, Hawkes, Mcelroy, McCarthy), Modern Irish writers (Beckett, Yeats, O'Brien), Austrians (Musil, Broch, Rilke, Bernhard), Proust, Henry James, Chekhov, Flaubert, Melville, Patrick White, Robbe-Grillet, Ishiguro, Faulkner, Simon, some 16th-17th century writers (Montaigne, Browne, Burton, Dryden, Donne, Milton, Pascal, more shit) and some more shit. Been spending most of my time reading over the years. It can get lonely but I enjoy it and there is so much I want to explore. Considering going back to school. Just been on the low for a while being frugal (not really buying anything other than books) and chilling.
Mostly construction stuff

>> No.14235482

>You have to put in the effort to succeed
This is what all the middle class managers who are just a step up from Buk tell themselves, they look at Musk and secretly believe themselves to be like him when all they will achieve is waste their lives on work, be friendless, and alienated from family, before they die of a heart attack at 54
Capitalism is a joke and only morons actually swallow that shit. If you're that gullible, just play the lottery and get it out of your system, odds are better and it leaves you time to actually live while you're alive

>> No.14235562

Where do you get escorts?

>> No.14235565


One is talking about entrepreneurship, aka working for yourself. The other about wagekeking.
You think Bukowski didn't work? You think his novels wrote themselves?

>> No.14235567
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You have to be kidding of course. Tboys cake on makeup to try and pass. You have no eye for beauty.

>> No.14235578

Bukowski was a mailman, cushy government job, paid vavations and benefits, he doesnt know how bad it REALLY is

>> No.14235600

Literally /OurGuy/

>> No.14235630


>> No.14235636
File: 2.97 MB, 2048x1724, mnKgNtC99X5WXfiEXE4HZmw_utFxJvQrZNn3_mtoNQM[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk is a brainlet who is literally just saying pic related. Bukoswki was based.

>> No.14235638

>Work like hell
My hairy ass, Musk got all his money from subsidies.

>> No.14235642

It's really annoying when actors tell you how hard they work.

>> No.14235644


Yeah that's pretty clear, considering the career he chose. Stop listening to what people say and look what they do.

Also it's entrepreneurship you dumb fuck.

>> No.14235652

Utter loser

>> No.14235653

Grimes is 3D pig ugly. That you find her attractive really is the final nail in your coffin; I (and everyone else with a non-mentally ill brain) can safely ignore everything and anything you say, do, or write. Go wallow in the muck with swine and be gone from this board forthwith and forevermore.

>> No.14235666
File: 67 KB, 1200x675, A1B1D108-CBFB-49B6-99F2-CE55702DFDA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/a/ is pissy now

>> No.14235669

What makes a winner?

>> No.14235800


>> No.14235816

The real loser is someone that gets their happiness from another person.

>> No.14235825
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Not sure if this is a tranny pig or not but nonetheless believe this is your taste.

>> No.14235872

Rather, relies on it exclusively.

>> No.14235889

So who do you agree with butters?

>> No.14235892


Oh fuck off, go exist in a vacuum somewhere you edgy teenager.

>> No.14235908

What upsets you about that statement?

>> No.14235918

Better middle ground. People come and go.

>> No.14236085

Musk and every other CEO do not put in 100 hours a week. He maybe did that for the 2 months he was preparing to launch Paypal back in the day. The "100 hour workweek" of CEOs includes their commute, workouts, dinner with clients, and even their hobbies so long as they can justify them as being semi-relevant to work.

Even for those who do work hard, 40 hours is not accurate as a work week. Most people can only do 4-5 hours of concentrated work a day, maximum. Look at the habits of great writers. Some people can go into fugue states and write books in short periods of time (they probably just have undiagnosed manic episodes), but most people can only be really productive for a few hours.

This is not saying most people are lazy. Some people actually do work 12+ hours a day, but if you are doing intellectual labor you reach diminishing returns at a certain point, and most of that additional work is prone to errors. Most self-professed workaholics I've met are extremely unreliable, and require other employees to fix their constant mistakes. The huge time investment is more for their own self-image than the actual quality of work.

Discipline has its rewards (waking up early, for example), but in the context of work, its usually just a part of upper class self-mythology.

>> No.14236106

>live with mom
>odd jobs
Cringe, paying for sex is pathetic

>> No.14236111

escorts are /lit/. Ask Neetchan, Schops, and Musil.

>> No.14236137

>wears shit loads of makeup
>Still el goblina

>> No.14236146

For real, artists from every which way have indulged in that kind of shit. I'm surprised that a board built upon the work of creative people would unironically chastise people for having unorthodox lifestyles.

>> No.14236372

Oh yeah right, like this isn't explicitly a jab at me :3


>> No.14236373
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>> No.14236400

This is basically correct but with the inclusion that Bukowski is basically right b/c most people are never going to reach any real meaningful level of success. Most people don't like thinking like that tho b/c it's comforting to think that we're in charge and not just dumb shit like chance which is more realistic but also less reassuring. Most people think they're geniuses waiting to be discovered or self-made and I think a lot of everything would fall apart when we realize that that's not the case. On average you're average. This whole thing is an aspiration trap because the reward often isn't worth the effort. You could work hard, something you probably don't enjoy doing, at something you probably don't care about, and miss out on huge chunks of time and happiness that could have better spent being unimportant, loving or being loved, but the idea of walking into a gold lined slaughterhouse is frankly just more appealing. Life is boring compared to the hyper reality of the imagination which is where a lot of the cultural myths of the "hard working but happy man" occupy

>> No.14236417

I hope the brainlets responding to you are all samefags. Equal opportunity and working hard to succeed is a myth. It's all rigged.

>> No.14236420

My advice is, seriously, seriously seriously, find some way to escape the idea of an all consuming career. Don't ruin your passions by commodifying them. Find a way to live where you can take care of your base animal needs first, because otherwise you're just masking your own misery. Ask yourself:

Do I have enough time and energy for my loved ones? Family, friends, spouse, neighbors, etc?
Do I have enough time and energy to create?
Do I have enough time and energy to exercise?
Do I have enough time and energy to eat healthy?
Do I have enough time and energy to sleep?
Do I have enough time and energy to pursue the things I value?
Do I have enough time and energy to discover or try something new about myself or the world?
Do I have enough time to just relax and decompress and do nothing?

A lot of people can't do any of these things because of their circumstances. Maybe healthcare is too expensive, or they're taking care of a sick loved one, or maybe they live somewhere where it's too expensive to live. There are a lot of ways to get trapped into cyclical poverty. Some are easier to escape than others. I think it's important to acknowledge that suffering b/c otherwise it's, idk, erasure? It feels cruel.

I'm making very early steps towards getting away from this kind of lifestyle and this kind of thinking and I already feel better. If you can leave, seriously, do so.

>> No.14237193

>one is a fart-sniffing billionaire that invests in money-losing passion projects
>one is a fictional character that was written to deliberately exaggerate being a salaryman

>> No.14237260
File: 92 KB, 289x241, Elon Musk Balding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The protagonist in Factotum is an alcoholic loser. This quote is constantly taken out of context.

That said they are both right in some regard. Nobody ever got anywhere by not working hard, but plenty of hardworking people never got anywhere.

>> No.14237368

>The protagonist in Factotum is an alcoholic loser.

Yeah, not at all like Burkowski.

>> No.14237424

>live with parents
Only if you aren't a burden on them and they love you
>odd jobs
Nice, end goal should be NEET or passive income level (basically self-paid NEET).
Autodictatism & classic literature?
>paying/having sex with prostitutes
Either celibacy or gf/wife anything else is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.14237458
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>tfw strong work ethic but too shy when it comes to speaking up for myself and trying to network

>> No.14237478

Anyone see the new Rick and Morty episode with Elon last night? Oh man

>> No.14237506


>> No.14237573

This so much

If you own equity or get a comission, work your ass off.

If you're a salaried employee, do the bare minimum

>> No.14237608

Fake. Elon was disowned by his father and he ran away to Canada with $200. Worked various jobs across Canada such as boiler room cleaning jobs until he got accepted at a university. In university he made money building pcs and organizing parties in a rented frat house. After college he left for America with $2000 and tried to apply for various tech jobs like Netscape (firefox) but failed to get an interview. He survived on $1 a budget living with his mom and sleeping on the couch in some small apartment. He made his first million by creating google/yelp hybrid software back before either were created. The guy is self made.

Bezos got stared with half a million loan from his parents to start his own book store.

>> No.14237705


Because obviously happiness comes from other people. What pisses me off is your holier than thou attitude that denies basic needs such as social contact.

But let me guess everyone else is weak and you are sooooo special and smart. I can just taste the edge through my screen.

>> No.14237709

Foucault was right

>> No.14237712

>seeking felicity in creatures
Never gonna make it.

>> No.14237719

fuck off, Elon

>> No.14237753

>parents say I should be working full time just because I'm nearly 30

>> No.14237791

I fell for this meme, on one hand they've stopped bothering me about getting "a real job" and I have a lot of disposable income, but on the other hand I now have much less (2 workdays worth of) free time.

>> No.14237804

Leftists can't handle the truth and prefer to live in delusion where every successful person is a boogie man

>> No.14237850
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>> No.14237874

this dude is literally a cuck. fuck off man. if we lived in the primitive society he dreams of id beat him to death with a rock

>> No.14238171

Are you a clinically diagnosed retard? Were you not taught how to read in school? Check the article you just posted
>A study indicated that the risk of mental health problems reduces by 30% when people move from unemployment or stay-at-home parenting into paid work of eight hours or less per week.
>But researchers... found no evidence that working any more than eight hours provided further boosts to well-being.
The first bit suggests that we should all be working to decrease our chances of depression.
The second bit says that 8 hours a week is basically all that's necessary, from a mental health perspective, but it does not imply that working more than 8 hours has any downsides.
The article is saying that it's healthier to be a wagie (or at least a part-timer) than to be a NEET.
This is ostensibly a literature board. Please improve your reading comprehension abilities before you consider posting again.

>> No.14238203

God this is painful to say, but it's Bukowski

>> No.14238323

>Because industriousness implies growth and without growth there is only stagnation/degeneration. Neither of these is conducive to the long-term health of a society.

Economic growth, you mean. Isn't the US population extremely productive right now, yet in a heap of psychological misery? While I do think people should work hard toward something (and something that is not focused on themselves), that work should be meaningful to them. Working long hours for a company such as Facefuck (a company contributing to the destruction of the social fabric) is not virtuous no matter the cash you get from it or how long you're working for them.

>> No.14238476

Do people believe this nonsense?

>> No.14239481

A biographer wrote it. He interview father during his research. Apparently the father has been cut off from all his children/grand children/entire family on Musk mother side/etc. Musk hasn't inherited any from his father because they hate each other.

>> No.14239512
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actually living the dream

>> No.14239515

>A biographer wrote it.
Oh then it must be true

>> No.14239530

Life's not rigged, faggot

>> No.14239558

I'd trust a long time tech industry reporter over random inane comments.

>> No.14239565

because industriousness is the reason why it's possible to have material comfort
no industriousness = no first world living conditions

>> No.14239650
File: 614 KB, 622x960, 11C32E14-5ABD-4239-BAF7-A46B2B984741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You completely miss the point, Musk isn’t arguing that it’s equal opportunity, he’s saying hard work increases your odds, your anger that those odds are heavily stacked against you is irrelevant. Working 100 hour weeks is like buying 10 lottery tickets over 2 lottery tickets, you can stamp your feet all you want about how it isn’t fair some people never win the lottery and some people buy one ticket and win, but the fact that buying more tickets increases your odds is irrefutable. They’re both right because extremely hard work can lead to success, I’ve witnessed it myself first hand with an uncle who had a heart attack at 40 but became a millionaire, and bukowski is right that the system that breeds such a hyper competitive environment is toxic to the soul. Hence they are both correct.

>> No.14239871

But he created many companies at the forefront of today's entrepreneurial climate. I may be misunderstanding the word entrepreneur, so I am genuinly curious to what you mean that he doesn't believe in it. Cheers

>> No.14239881

True. The more I grow up, the more I see that the "be more productive" meme is jus that, a meme

>> No.14239889

Add Baudelaire, the most based of decadent scum. A real patrician

>> No.14240086

This. Elon inherited a emerald mine. Wagecucks itt didn't

>> No.14241132


>> No.14241148


>> No.14241462

Itt: logical evolution vs dialectical evolution discussed within the obsolete conceptual framework of mid-20th century political philosophy. Next up, killer robots. Master of the Mint Musk skims the vast spoils, regardless.

>> No.14241643

Pretty much but living on your own is the goal

>> No.14241670

Depends on what you want from life. Some people don't need a successful career and lots of money to be happy. Good for them

>> No.14241682

>doesn't have any hope for being anything more than a low ranking wageslave
In this day and age this is absolutely fucking false though, especially if you live in Europe. The average joe, with average intelligence, can easily get credentials in a non meme field and join the ~95% income percentile. After a few years of that, one can start their own business without venture capital if they want to, or invest in fixed income securities and do fuck all for the rest of their life while living comfortably.
Granted this is harder when you're poor to begin with (meaning lower than middle class), but still by all means doable.

>> No.14241716

>Equal opportunity and working hard to succeed is a myth
>that fucking cope
Maybe you should have just applied yourself, huh