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14231366 No.14231366 [Reply] [Original]

name a more overrated book

>> No.14231370

Not an overrated but underrated = Brave new world.

>> No.14231384

Also overrated, read We by Zamyatin

>> No.14231386

the bible

>> No.14231404

Let me guess amigo. You just finished it for your English 11 class. Then under the belief that this book is “overrated,” which holds true for normies/consumers and not for any serious readership (which most not be true for you since the circles you’re in have led you to believe your erroneous statement), got on 4chan, wanked it to r9k and B, and then went on google images and then on Lit, and so assertively and pontifically ask the same old shit tier post that appears on here.

>> No.14231434


>> No.14232193
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>r9k and B

>> No.14232216

I felt like 1984 copied the entirety of "we" but added a more realistic touch to it. Take the glass walls being replaced by cameras for an example. It really felt like blatant copying to me especially given that "we" had been written many years prior to 1984.

>> No.14232218

have sex

>> No.14232232

and yet one is the better book that gets widely read.

>> No.14232265

>Strange, older, Russian book with few mediocre translations and an unknown author vs book written by some english journalist
I wonder why 1984 was popularized before We, I really do.

>> No.14232284

1984 is a good novel. Not my favorite but it’s plenty readable.

Most overrated:

>> No.14232299

Harry potter

>> No.14232360

>I felt like 1984 copied the entirety of "we" but added a more realistic touch to it.
You feel very wrong, and I think you're banking statements like that entirely on the hopes that literally no one has read We (or seen the fucking movie).

I mean, many elements of 1984's world are derivative as hell (not gonna contest that), but to call it a copy of We specifically is just retarded. Not only is the impetus (and justification) for establishing a totalitarian system radically different in each work (meaning that each work ultimately criticizes radically different things/lines of reasoning; when it comes to topics like logic and objective truth, the points 1984 and We make are even diametrically opposed), 1984 also focuses much more on the "How" and less on the "Why", and it's exactly the "How" that so many people found and find interesting about 1984. The whole thing about restricting thought by restricting language, or the power to change even the past by means of constant falsification of records are such dominant and relevant elements in 1984 that it's just moronic to call it a copy of We, which wholly lacks those elements and focuses on different things altogether.

>> No.14232375

The Handmaid's Tale. Literally just purple prose mixed with generic dystopian fiction topes that became popular because of the message it supposedly sends rather than any objective merit. Margaret Atwood clearly can't write compelling characters if her life depended on it.

>> No.14232385

You haven't read Orwell's essays on the determination of the English language. The guy was a genius and if you read 1984 as dystopian fiction you are a moron.

>> No.14232386

Faust, Part Two is shit and rating it any higher is overrating it.

>> No.14232391


>> No.14232407

Good job admitting ur dumb

>> No.14232413

Most overrated statement, everyone that's graduated high school know about and have read Brave New World.

The only good thing with We is the concept. Read Kallocain instead, it's actually a good book.

>> No.14232461

walked into this thread pissed, only to find:
thanks for not being brainlets guys

>> No.14232489
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i JUST finished reading it yesterday. I don't think it's overrated. I'm trying to read more books like 1984 and am only now getting into literature at all, but so far, it has been the only book I've been excited to pick up and read whenever I didn't have anything to do.

>> No.14232493

communist manifesto

>> No.14232764

The Bibel.

>> No.14232820

the entire song of ice and fire series by grrm

>> No.14233469

>name a more overrated book
I know that's an obvious choice, but it's the first thing that came to mind.

>> No.14233511

I don't think it's overrated but sort of afraid of admit liking it because of redditors and normalfags comparing it to drumpft, obongo or whomsoever

>> No.14233724

I'm not necessarily sure that overrated is the right word for 1984. It's more of a case of people who barely comprehended the book using it's vernacular to look cool in political discussions
>da democrats use doublethink in thier argument. CNN threw dis story in the memory holes!1!
>name a more overrated book
The Stranger

>> No.14233866

Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.14233870

>normies like it so IT SUCKS

Every 1984 thread

>> No.14233892

I will correct myself because I did not mean to make it sound like We=1984: I felt like 1984 took many elements from We but improved them in a way that his book would be a better representation of the dystopia he was attempting to represent. One such example are the glass walls used to spy onto the citizens which were replaced by the more ominous cameras. Cameras are just more realistic than glass walls.

My idea is that Orwell has never lived in the USSR, he has only been in Spain during the communist movements (tell me more if you know). So, in order to know more about the USSR, I would expect him to read authors from that place and time period. Zamyatin seems like a great person to read if your idea is to write about the USSR and therefore it would be easy to take elements from the book and modify them.

I wish I had more examples to prove my point that 1984 took elements from We but I think I lent my book and forgot who. Anyways you seem to agree with me on my point(which isn't that 1984=we).

>> No.14233899

Cringe et bleu pillé

>> No.14233906
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>if you read 1984 as dystopian fiction you are a moron.
Are you implying that it isnt a work of fiction in some way? It may be Orwell making a forecast but I don't see how it could possibly not be fiction

>> No.14233908

my diary desu

>> No.14233924
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Also I got banned for posting under the same mobile network as butterfly lol

>> No.14234174

The Government Read This Book And Used It Like An Instruction Manual !

>> No.14234686

I just read Catch-22, found it absolutely hilarious. Instant favourite.

>> No.14235641

I've heard this line at least 20 times in the past year, I'm fucking sick of it

>> No.14235670

I cant, besides meme shit like got or arry potta