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/lit/ - Literature

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14231012 No.14231012 [Reply] [Original]

I'm just so tired of life. I need a reason to live. Give me one book that will do so.

>> No.14231016

Crime and punishment

>> No.14231023
File: 312 KB, 1379x689, BB99E6AF-D34B-4AF4-9A87-A19F3D7E7129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One can lead the horse to water, but only it will drink

>> No.14231046

Lmao, you avoided "he"

>> No.14231053

Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino

>> No.14231055

You've posted this image multiple times. Why not recommend something OP is actually asking for like >>14231016?

>> No.14231191

You exist to make the world better. Its as simple a that. Make G-d proud.

>> No.14231264

just get a gf, it worked for me

>> No.14231293

>just get a gf
ive been trying for 5 years now

>> No.14231317

unironically, Infinite Jest
either it will help you, or it will be some demoralizing and painful, you'll an hero and finally be free.

>> No.14231319
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>> No.14231344

fuck off and read Zarathustra and then some post modernism to dispel whatever fake system is plaguing your existence and smothering your creative spirit

>> No.14231407

Isnt deconstructionism a construction itself?

>> No.14231415

*As well

>> No.14231422

Based nonsequitur poster

>> No.14231430

People refer to animals as it all the time. Male fragility much?

Haha. So funny. “Church gib reson” give me a break.

Finding a mate is difficult to begin with, but almost impossible in this state of mind. You need to steady yourself first. Love yourself first. Make a stable circle of friends second. If all is well there a suitable mate is more likely and more unnecessary

God hate us. Or would if it wasn’t dead. Stop lying to yourself

>> No.14231438

Ralph Waldo Emerson and take shrooms in nature

>> No.14231440

all of our methods of comprehending the world are constructions of the mind
nothing we experience is an authentic representation of the world as it is
rather, it rests on our different intuitive capacities such as language, time, and our senses
so any way that we choose to interact with the world by definition has to start out as a construction

>> No.14231446

Read mystical and religious writers like Guenon and Seraphim Rose.

Don't read Stirner and don't read nihilists in general.

>> No.14231498

The thing about these authors you label nihilists, is that they acknowledge something that is a problem and come to solutions for them. They’re not nihilists.
Capt Kierk’s solution, pretend you’re faithful.
What’s Schopy’s solution? Dog love? Bitter spite to ugly women?

Epicurus’, contentment, friendship, happiness.
Stirner’s, freedom
Nietzsche’s, demigodhood

>> No.14231529
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Read the Legend of the Galactic Heroes novels or watch the anime.

>> No.14231573

They recognise a problem and then wallow in it with solutions that make no sense at all on their worldview.

>> No.14231594
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Their so-called solutions are shit. Meaningless bullshit to fill time and stupid nonsequiturs to cope. "Make art; admire the absurdity of existence; do what you wish, what makes you happy; care only about yourself; an eternity of nonexistence feels like a blink of an eye; all you did wrong will be forgotten and optimistic nihilism, hahaha!".
This type of crap disgusts me the most. How intellectually dishonest you've to be to believe that you can be truly happy as a nihilist? These kinds of people have to actively to lie to themselves all the time that their lives matter. I pity them, they're pathetic.

>> No.14231597


>> No.14231670

Yes as opposed to those Christians who totally aren't doing the same thing, albeit in a much lower effort and unimaginative way

>> No.14231676


>> No.14231677

What it must be like, to live such a superficial, vain, indulgent existence

>> No.14231692


To be quite honest, try "The wisdom of insecurity" - by Alan Watts. I know it's a meme tier recommendation but I cant really think of anything else that will ease your anxiety about existence per se.

>> No.14231698

And replace it with what exactly? Fuckin moron.

>> No.14231735


>> No.14231821

Unfair smear
You don’t understand what life is, litli. You feel attacked right now, but it’s just cold water meant to wake you. Take the nice warm towel now. Shhh.
As everyone, as always.
I’m fine thank you. But these words are not applicable to them. You’re going to have to read them to find out.
Alan is nice stuff too.

>> No.14231844
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found your problem

>> No.14231864

i am the reason

>> No.14231985

>Church gib reson
Someone hasn't read the epilogue, where it all comes together. Fucking retard.

>> No.14231987 [DELETED] 

OP asked for books that will make him want to love, not books that will convince him to commit suicide, mothman.

>> No.14231992


>> No.14231996

OP asked for books that will make him want to live, not books that will convince him to commit suicide.

>> No.14232021

Mothman isn't an actual nihilist. They're a deluded existentialist who thinks their rejection of God allows them to believe in anything other than nihilism.

>> No.14232036

t. Never read any of em

>> No.14232048

I've read The Ego and His Own

>> No.14232053

And you wanted to commit suicide because of it?

>> No.14232058

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.14232074


>> No.14232080

>God doesn't exist
>Morality is a spook, might makes right
>There's nothing wrong with murder, theft, infanticide, etc.
>There is no higher human essence to strive for
Why would you want to live?

>> No.14232082



>> No.14232127
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How about an activity?
>be me
>have one hour commute home
>route takes me close to two different city libraries
>stop in one
>use interlibrary transfer to transfer as many books as I can from the other library, (for some reason they don't have a limit)
>stop at other library, transfer all of the books the first library has to this one
>have about 20 books on hold at each library that were shipped between locations at taxpayer expense
>repeat the process every two weeks after my holds expire
This is what they get for turning a quiet place of learning into a homeless encampment.

>> No.14232147

None. I asked myself this same question 12 years ago. First I went to my local library and began reading books that seemed relevant to my condition. Then I jumped into the classics, then I dipped my feet into philosophy. In a few years I read every relevant book in the library. After that I discovered /lit/ and made a post very similar to yours. Most recommended stuff I had already read but one anon steered me toward the ancient Indian philosophy and another towards Buddhist teachings. I had not found an answer in the west so I looked to the East. But I read all of those as well and I feel no different. The suffering is the same, that tiredness weighs heavier and heavier by the day, the pain lingers and it will not go away. Reading can not help with this nor will it. Nothing can.

>> No.14232182

Read The Problem of Pain.

>> No.14232256
File: 92 KB, 1278x768, C9EA68B0-253A-4389-9679-99497B68343C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>might makes right
That’s Spencer.
>There's nothing wrong with murder
That’s not in there either. One kills for a variety of reasons. If it is a thrill kill, those around you will see you as a danger, so they over power you. If a killing is found to be a just case of self defense, those around you will not come after you.
Stirner describes what actually IS in the world.
The great project of freedom is why we want to live. Not with comfy lies that creep up and stab us in the night. “Ah, it was just God’s will... or was it the devils work this time?”
It’s all about equality of power, and briefly he nods to the greater cooperation that would come of it.
Why live? Why not?

>> No.14232340

>That’s Spencer.
>That’s not in there either.
They're the obvious conclusions from Stirner's ideas.

>If it is a thrill kill, those around you will see you as a danger, so they over power you.
Presuming they know you did it.

>Why not?
Because there's nothing keeping you here. You're not going to go to hell if you kill yourself, and who cares if anyone would be sad over your death. In death, there's no ability to regret or to care about anything. As far as you're concerned, when you die, the whole world ceases to exist. There is not enough pleasure in the world to justify the pain of existing (see Schopenhauer).

>> No.14232392

a book will not help you. you need to find a better reason yourself

>> No.14232471


Mans Search for Meaning

>> No.14232510

>I need a reason to live.
In other words, I need a coping mechanism.

>> No.14232522

death in venice

>> No.14232525

Such presumptions are made now.

>He’s seen Schopenhauer
There’s your problem

>> No.14232547

What defines 'true' happiness?

>> No.14233543
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>> No.14233593
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, 7EDC41BE-8365-41F0-9742-470012207DB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only absolute brainlets can read Nietzsche and see any sort of optimism or life affirmation in it because Nietzsche is a charlatan and these brainless endlessly spout no true Scotsman tier fallacies about how if you REALLY get Nietzsche you’d understand. There are empirical studies proving that we actually struggle to distinguish intelligence two standard deviations above our own from one standard deviation below our own. So often an idiots hot take will actually be very similar to a galaxy brained take. Similarly a caveman tier moron with an IQ of 80 will agree on many points about society and technology with with Ted K., Nietszche is the consummate midwit philosopher because any sufficiently intelligent person understands that without god there can BE no morality and without morality life defaults to bleakness. You can understand this completely intuitively as a brain let or work through all the syllogism slowly and tediously like an autist but the conclusions are the same. Similarly midwits who love FN really struggle to grasp the actual essence of Pascals meditations and in particular his wager which will actually help OP a great deal.
Tl;dr if you have sub 100 IQ OR above 120 IQ read pascal. If you’re anything in between read Nietszche, Stirner, et al.

>> No.14233609

I've put this anime on the backburner for 8 years now. Is it really as good as they say?

>> No.14233622

It really isn't anything more than a space opera with petty politics. Would not recommend.

>> No.14233642

what if i have a father?

>> No.14234029
File: 81 KB, 731x447, The Greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfbbb, down vote

>> No.14234068

>muh God of the gaps
>muh IQ realism
>muh moral realism
Fuck off retard

>> No.14234506

Based and taopilled.

>> No.14234513

Your reason to live is to wait til my book gets published so that you can read it

>> No.14234601

actually retarded
try human nature pill

>> No.14234613
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>> No.14234634

pls be muh gf

>> No.14234663

What does iq has to do with pascal?

>> No.14235694

Hungry Hungry Caterpillar