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14230947 No.14230947 [Reply] [Original]

if contemporary catholicism is a bit of virtue with a load of crypto-protestant crap then is catholicism not useless - do we not need to develop a new system of virtue which improves upon catholicism which evidently does not work

>> No.14230961

Catholicism as a value and traditional framework is not only viable, but perfect. The problem is that it is impossible to realize under our circumstances. Proddies, specially those of the evangelical and neo-pentecostal variety, thrive under conflating Jesus with trade, exchange and generally creating a confusion between faith and commerce. Remember: the Church thrived when wealth was measured by owning land and managing serfs.

>> No.14230971

so how do we return

>> No.14230993

>Catholicism as a value and traditional framework is not only viable, but perfect
Priests rape kids.

>> No.14231131

At a lower rate than school teachers and coaches, yes.

>> No.14231930
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>> No.14231932

That's your idea of perfection?

>> No.14231940
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>> No.14231953
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No, I'm just tired of people trotting out the abuse crisis as if it's some kind of blanket gotcha for all of Catholicism, when abusive priests are and always have been a small percentage of outliers throughout the centuries. It got old in 2003, learn a new song.

>> No.14231959

cringe maurrassian reading of catholicism

>> No.14231997
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Honest answer: we have to wipe the United States, as it currently exists, off the face of the Earth.

America has been a totemic counterbalance to the Church ever since its founding. America's great influences philosophically are Roman (pagan), Masonic, and congregationalist Protestant. All of these blended together to create a nation almost perfectly calibrated to oppose the Catholic Church. Even seemingly mundane aspects of the American way of life are anti-Catholic. The First Amendment, for example, with its separation of Church and State, is an overt denial of Catholic Rome's claim of universal authority in spiritual matters.

And America's influence, both philosophically and culturally, has been a hindrance to the Church from the beginning. It inspired the French Revolution, with all the damage that did to Catholicism in Europe. Its rise as a hegemon has led to actions taken under its influence that are openly anti-Catholic. America has conducted a reign of terror in Catholic South America, murdering priests and nuns, including martyring Saint Oscar Romero.

Perhaps more insidious than America's political influence is its cultural influence. The toxic mix of Hollywood and Madison Avenue has wormed its way into every corner of the world, promoting and celebrating a Godless, empty lifestyle of hedonism and consumption. American culture promotes abortion, birth control, gay marriage, divorce, and countless other overt sins, and it makes these celebrated by an increasing amount of people all around the world.

America has even influenced the Church directly. Think of how much of the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council was shaped by American priests and bishops. Think of the awful guitar music, the felt banners, all the other aspects of the "spirit of Vatican 2." The Church in America, as a result of American influence, acts like some kind of corporate body, with the bishops seeming more like branch managers of a franchise than actual shepherds of the People of God.

America IS the problem. It has always been the problem. The most pressing question for the Church to answer is The American Question. The problem of America must be solved for the Church to end the doldrums it currently faces worldwide. This doesn't meant that America has to somehow be violently destroyed. But America, as we know it, is going to have to change.