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14230248 No.14230248 [Reply] [Original]

I'm always told that I'm trying too hard to look smart. It's not intentional but I guess I'm just naturally a fucking douchebag.

What do?

>> No.14230256

Stop being a douchebag

>> No.14230258

looks gud
dont be a conformist cuck

>> No.14230858

Be smart

>> No.14230889

Coat your bullshit under a dozen coats of irony, don't namedrop, don't be a pansy. Most people will like a knowledgeable person, provided said person doesn't act like a barbarian.

>> No.14230901

I kind of feel like I have a similar problem. I'm a real wordy bastard and I can't help but feel that I sound too pretentious.

>> No.14230926

Just clarify that you don't actually read all the authors you namedrop

>> No.14230946

Literally talk less. You’ll appear smarter while not seeming as if you’re trying too hard.

>> No.14230964

>don't be a pansy
Don't listen to this guy, OP.
Our world is in dire need of high quality Dandy Fops, as the vast majority of our delicate men have become overweight numale betaboys.
You will, of course, have to take part in our homosexual slumber parties where caressing reigns supreme and penetration is banned outright.

>> No.14230969

I have the opposite problem: everyone thinks I'm a galaxy-brain despite having an incredible case of pseudery

>> No.14230972
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>> No.14231013

Just keep doing it, you'll adjust with experience. You just need to run your mouth a bit until you start appreciating the value of your words

>> No.14231150

namedrop as little as possible. make your point in conversation with as minimal theoretical machinery or reference as possible