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14229865 No.14229865 [Reply] [Original]

What books can help me decide between Christianity and Islam?

Reposting because my last thread turned into a Catholic vs. Protestant debate.

>> No.14229871

Are you inbred?

If yes, pick Islam

If no, pick Christianity

>> No.14231383

Read both holy books. Then choose.

>> No.14231475

If you want to wipe God's ass clean (and wear thy holy asswipe on your head),
Pick Islam.

If your lord and saviour is a chill hippie dude that was kebab'd on a stick,
Pick Christianity.

>> No.14231724

OP just lock yourself in a dark room and pray, it's religion, it doesn't usually come from a place of careful intellectual consideration.
Listen to some russian orthodox chants and some nasheeds as well

>> No.14231737

okay guénonposter

>> No.14231885

Quran 2:62
John 14:6
Quran 2:62
John 14:6
Quran 2:62
John 14:6
Quran 2:62
John 14:6

>> No.14231902

Qur'an 3:85

>> No.14231974

>The people who actually followed the original teachings of Jesus before Paul showed up will be admitted into paradise

truly astonishing.

(James 4:7)
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

>> No.14232002

oddly clarifying

>> No.14232600

just pick islam
Source: im muslim

>> No.14232625

anything mudslims tell you to convert you may be a lie, so take that into account

>> No.14232790


Anything Christians tell you to convert you may be a lie. so take that into account

>> No.14232793

Read Rene Guenon. He was born to a christian family and converted to Islam because of how superior it was

>> No.14232799

Nobody chooses Islam except for two reasons:
a) Fear of being killed by Muslims.
b) Desire to kill non-Muslims.

P.S. There's also the case of women converting in marriage, but let's ignore that for now.

>> No.14232811

kinda like how people in the middle ages would only be Christian because they were afraid of being tortured and killed by the Church

>> No.14232812

>kinda like how people in the middle ages would only be Christian because they were afraid of being tortured and killed by the Church
Replace 'people' by 'scamster Jew criminals' and you'll be almost correct.

>> No.14232818

>its okay when we Christians do it


>> No.14232825

Read the hadiths. You'll never want to convert after reading how much of a degenerate psychopath Muhammad was.

>> No.14232839
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>Muhummad was a psychopath but Old Testament Prophets weren't

Stop being a shill

>> No.14232840

Islam is literally a religion of barbarians and savages, why would you ever pick it?

>> No.14232844

Did I say that? Min al-wadi7 an m7ammad kaan majnun

>> No.14232850

>we dindu nuthin, inquisition edition

>> No.14232851

oh no no my pol buddies we got too cocky this time

>> No.14232857

Reminder that Ezekiel eats literal shit in the OT because "God told him to". And Christards ITT are calling Muhummad the degenerate.

Christards arent even human

>> No.14232859

Why do we have so many muslim shills all of a sudden? I thought 4chan hates all minorities

>> No.14232861

they are, it's just some sort of brainwash
reminder jews literally sold jesus to the romans while Isa (aka jesus in islam) is the most cited person in the Quran, even more than muhammad, fatima etc

>> No.14232865

t. seething Christard. 4chan hates all desert religions.

>> No.14232877

Its okay, I like Islam. I will probably convert to Islam one day.

I just like pointing out that Christians are hypocritical by criticising Muhummad for the same reasons that other people criticise Old Testament Prophets

>> No.14232915

That literally never happened.

>> No.14232917

Sid ni3ak ya ibn el sharmouta

>> No.14232919

Just go straight to reading Hubbard's work.
Start with Dianetics and then take it from there.

>> No.14232928

still trying to troll /lit/ into reading that shitty book i see

>> No.14232935

your Dianetics is a flaming pile of garbage

>> No.14232937

>I wonder who could be stupid enough to read this book