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14229290 No.14229290 [Reply] [Original]

Is this good?

>> No.14229298

Butterfly - Why I’m no longer talking (I’m masturbating) to :3

>> No.14229300
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>> No.14229321
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>Reni Eddo-Lodge

>> No.14229328

I skimmed it at my schools library. It's a decent primer on how irrational things are getting but its not good in a traditional sense. You can read the paper "the whiteness question" and you'll get a more concise and intelligent explanation of why white people bad.

>> No.14229329

Too black
*scratch noises*
Too strong

>> No.14229331

White people would probably like that desu

>> No.14229333

> Why I finna be no longer talking to wypepo about dat race shit

Good. Thank you. We want you to shut up.

>> No.14229342

>"the whiteness question"
>Sarah Jeong
Jesus take the wheel.

>> No.14229426


>> No.14229448

It's a total lie and niggers have yet to shut up about their stupid fucking problems

>> No.14229530

A nigger wrote it, what do you think.

>> No.14229549

If only.

>> No.14229553


>> No.14229612

I stopped talking about race to people because they're white

nigger, the intellectual

>> No.14229634

>Eddo-Lodge holds a special resentment for the white people who don’t wish to see her as black. Their “shallow understanding” of racial history frustrates her more than actual racism.

Based and redpilled.
There's nothing more pathetic than a white person who "doesn't see race".

>> No.14229639

It seems to race bait right there in the title so what do you think?
I doubt there is a single original thought in that book I couldn't extrapolate from the title alone.

>> No.14229994

It's a shame white people get easily triggered by anything questioning their ability to talk about race

>> No.14230704

This constant pounding harassment of anti-white rhetoric has worn on my nerves. I hang with a lot of asians and they casually drop anti-white racism like it's okay. But god, you mention comfort women or vegetarian japanese males or mao zedong and they go apeshit and start sobbing on the pavement. When I see pop politics and leftist media constantly constantly constantly constantly constantly ranting and raving about white people I just have no patience anymore, it's 0 to 60 for me and I intensely want to chop them up with an axe and shoot their grandmothers.

These fuckfaces are going to meme the holocaust into existence. You talk about how white people are all racist evil nazis long enough and they're gonna become just that.
In 1990 white people didn't see race. In 2019 you bet we sure as hell do, and it's polarized between belly-crawling apologists and budding aryan murder machines. They call this progress.
"White people" have dealt with this shit for years with the patience of a saint, taking slaps in the face every single day without flinching and without angering. The "woke" crowd are not relenting no matter how many inches they get, they want a whole mile, nothing is ever enough, they're never satisfied, they just get increasingly spiteful and malicious about it all. Now? I'm tired. This is not going to end well for anyone. But, what I bet you is, the people who have the military history track record of being flawless masters of war, the people who have 1.7 guns per person including toddlers and grandmothers, the people who have stockpiles of 100,000s of rounds of ammo in their basement, the people who have perfected war to an artform and outclass every other army combined, what I bet you is, things will be a lot less worse for them than for everyone else by the end of this.

>> No.14230868

>White man BAD!
The only thing worse than the white man is not being able to live around him.

>> No.14230905

>claims to no longer talk to white people about race
>writes a book that is primarily read by white people
I am not sure if it’s good or not, nor do I really care, but the writer is a damn dishonest human-person

>> No.14230942

You carry the fire.

>> No.14230975

Sorry (that I'm not sorry)

>> No.14231579

imagine spending your time on a board filled with recommendations to improve one's life and increase one's empathy and just being a bigot. I am so sorry for you

>> No.14231588

lmao flawless masters of war! Holy fuck this is the edgiest fucking retarded gobbledygook i've ever read. make sure you get your GED, genius

>> No.14231612

Look at this nignogs bookshelf wtf, pop-political diatribes on food. Ann fucking Patchett? Ooof.

>> No.14231616
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are you sure this is the author of the book? I lost my sides.

>> No.14231618

Why I no longer read books by women

>> No.14231621

I don't see race. It's a silly concept that makes little sense biologically or historically. Obsession with a definition of race that's 300 years old is responsible for the apathy and floundering progress this author seems to be upset about. The book is about her personal distaste for a group of humans, a group that happens to be rather large and diverse. It's base-level bigotry but it's the kind that's labeled acceptable.

>> No.14231624

Imagine not being able to pick up a lighthearted rag. Stay triggered etc

>> No.14231626

Why do people still take pictures with bookshelves behind? They do realize it's comes off as pseudo and cringy, don't they?

>> No.14231641
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>> No.14231669

Imagine spending your time on a forum where karma points are treated like gold and people discuss the same 4 YA and genre fiction books they have been reading over and over again well into their 30's while never being inspired to read the classics outside of high school or college. Stay mad.

>> No.14231840

Someone this bitter is obviously compensating for some deep attraction to yet utter rejection by white men.

>> No.14231868

Would love to see a clearer shot of that shelf. 100% it is probably made up of academic nonfiction with absolutely nothing in terms of literature.

Periodic reminder that most hardcore leftists don't actually read literature. The most they read is critiques of literature and ""theory"".

>> No.14231871
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Imagine getting triggered at a stupid joke on a Vietnamese flea circus forum

>> No.14231911

When I was leaving the mall yesterday there were a couple of black guys hanging out by a nearby cross stop who seemed to be cupping/peddling, but were actually spouting some pseudo-religious madness about how Jesus was going to come back and enslave white people and that he had proof it in the bible he had on him. In fact, he was inviting the people who were unfortunate enough to be stuck at the cross stop to challenge him on it so that he could show it to them right then and there.

I actually entered that scene walking behind a family of black folks, and as soon as they heard what that crazy bastard behind us was spouting one of the ladies cried out, "Oh lawd...". She sounded surprised, appalled, and amused all at once.

The whole thing was fucking bizarre.

>> No.14231980

Damn, ngl would ding dong diddly summer of 92 her

>> No.14232177

God I wanna split her open

>> No.14232184


>> No.14232186

Don’t care who you are or what color you are if you’re talking about race your a racist.

>> No.14232189

They really want the formation a movement similar the NATSOC again.

>> No.14232378

>masters of war
>get BTFO by rice farmers
>get BTFO by goatherders
>get BTFO by goatherders again: electric bugaloo

>> No.14232389

We wouldn’t be triggered if every other race knew how to take criticism of their own race without going apeshit.

>> No.14232403

She cute

>> No.14232412
File: 112 KB, 800x1204, IMG_20190322_113602_682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope all you want but whites conquered the world and established civilization as you know it. It's obvious from miles that all the hostility towards us is at it's core a feeling of inferiority inadequacy

>> No.14232415

In spite of making 13% of the population, (larping) niggers account for 51% of shitposts on 4chan(nel).

>> No.14232416

Niggers can't be cute anon

>> No.14232429

I don't think she wrote this. It's far too incoherent.

>> No.14232432

black israelites

>> No.14232454

>sexually transmitted 'scourges'

>> No.14232463

How long until she gets SULKOWICZ'd?

>> No.14232469

>the whiteness question
>Sarah Jeong
She wasn't the author of this. Is there some connection I'm missing? (not American)

>> No.14232479

Based chink. Degenerates who engage in casual sex get the rope.

>> No.14232486

Yet without the white man Koreans would have been Jap rape slaves

>> No.14232494

>I don't see race.
That's a lie. It's a very common one, though, a product of prolonged brainwashing.

>The book is about her personal distaste for a group of humans
Yes, but not about white people in general, but mostly the virtue signaling faggots such as yourself.

>> No.14232505

Most discussions about whiteness basically just affirm that white nationalists are being more reasonable than more moderate and tolerant whites.

>> No.14232533

imagine making her carry your half-white baby, h-haha

>> No.14232534

The amount of paper that is wasted on publishing bad books is in itself a human tragedy.

>> No.14232537

>type this quote into google
>0 results found

>> No.14232609
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The seething hatred of the strong and successful by the teeming masses of resentful untermensch continues unabated, as it has since the dawn of time. Only nowadays we pretend to take them seriously LMAO.

>> No.14232638

>It's obvious from miles that all the hostility towards us is at it's core a feeling of inferiority inadequacy

Exactly this. It's so fucking pathetic.

>> No.14232652

It would be good if niggers stopped talking to humans abiut race, yes.

>> No.14232682
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>Only nowadays we pretend to take them seriously LMAO.

Yeah, we're totally just pretending haha. Everything is under control, don't worry.

>> No.14232695

I wonder how she excuses her very personal responsibility for the crimes of the north korean dictatorship

>> No.14232701
File: 164 KB, 792x962, nice country you built there, whitey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's just a prank. Whites still got this.

>> No.14232711
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>> No.14232718

I'm Slavic, your powers don't work on me.

>> No.14232723

gettin a big hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.14232725

You might not have the white guilt, but you're part of the same neo-liberal dogma that promotes mass immigration.
The end result will be the same. Unless you stay poor and the immigrants won't want to come.

>> No.14232743

>Unless you stay poor and the immigrants won't want to come
that's exactly what the slavs are doing though

>> No.14232748

>That's a lie
It isn't. I genuinely do not see any meaningful difference in two humans who have different skin colors.

The "brainwashing" you speak of is more appropriately leveled at people like yourself, who seem obsessed with divining the innermost thoughts of various groups of humans based solely on inborn traits such as skin color and geopolitical locale. You are certain, religiously so, that a person who possesses a certain skin color must hold certain beliefs. It's simple bigotry, nothing more.

And the book is plainly and obviously about her distaste for groups of humans considered "white," a classification so historically inaccurate and misused it has no real meaning.

>> No.14232761

>race is only skin deep
Bait not even worth a (You).

>> No.14232768

By any serviceable definition, yes. Anything else comes closer to culture, which is not determinable by examining someone's skin color. You may not assume someone's culture and belief system by their skin.

This is the most banal and uncontroversial position. I don't understand how it has become such a flashpoint for skin-obsessed academics.

>> No.14232775

> here's a novel-length rant where I talk to racist white people about why I no longer talk to white people about race
Nagger logic, erryone.

>> No.14232779

I agree that race is not an impactful factor. But I disagree that all cultures are of equal value and no one will convince me otherwise.

There's clearly superior and inferior cultures out there and pretending inferior cultures hold equal merit is not only stupid but actually harmful.

>> No.14232781

>Hyphen name
It cannot possibly be

>> No.14232791

> You may not assume someone's culture and belief system by their skin.

I hope you're trolling, because I don't think real people can be so stupid.

>> No.14232798

>albino Africans
How does this disprove the fact that you cannot know anything meaningful about an albino "African" by looking at them?

>> No.14232807

>you cannot know anything meaningful about an albino "African" by looking at them?
I'll bet you a good sum of money they're not attending MIT studying compiler construction. Want that bet? I need easy money.

>> No.14232845

No idea, the author won't talk with me about race so I can't read it.

>> No.14232862

Why do /pol/tards write their fantasies down and pretend they're actual quotes?

>> No.14232882

Yes anon, this happened
It did

>> No.14232904

Why is it that every time I read a great work of literature and I research the author, it turns out they were an antisemite?

>> No.14232908


>> No.14232912
File: 2.88 MB, 600x600, The Weak should fear the Strong.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She actually dated a prominent alt-right figure and claims that she cant stop dating white men despite hating white people.
Women's political stances are purely cosmetic, it's only their cunt that makes decisions.

>> No.14232948

fake quote NIGGER

>> No.14232957

>Obsession with a definition of race that's 300 years old is responsible for the apathy and floundering progress this author seems to be upset about.
In a way I agree. There is a lot of ignorance about race, but the ignorance is perpetuated by the liberal economic system and the short-sighted immigration policies that mostly serve big capital. It's why talking about race is taboo now.
A society with a better understanding of race would not allow blacks like this author to live in the UK in the first place. All these stupid books and white guilt-baiting would be avoided.

So basically the author is right in diagnosing the problem; it's the weakness and short-sightedness of white people that lead to this situation.
But she's wrong in the prescriptive part. The solution is not to "fight systemic racism", the solution is to kindly send her back to Africa.

>> No.14232971

Nice bait

>> No.14233024

unironically based

>> No.14234458

Prejude is not the same as bigotry
Not thinking people are different because of skin color (which is only one part of race) is not the same as "not seeing race"

>> No.14234470

Sounds like you're awful at picking friends

>> No.14234482

>In 1990 white people didn't see race
this has to be b8. If you'd have said 2000 it would've been believable

>> No.14234493

>get BTFO by rice farmers
when did this happen? The opium wars? The boxer rebellion? WWII?
>get BTFO by goatherders
yes, truly colonialism in a nutshell

>> No.14234498

I disdain anyone whom i can read completely just by looking at their clothes

>> No.14234519

she look like she fuck white guys

>> No.14234523

If this is true it's literally apartheid

>> No.14234537

you aight wite boy

>> No.14234550

You can bet your ass she loves rape-role playing with whites as well

>> No.14234606

>it's literally apartheid
It literally is. They are making whites live in deprived townships and denying them the right to vote or own property

>> No.14234614

Based response.

>> No.14234657
File: 178 KB, 1100x733, what russia is really like1554557211678-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

дypaк нe пoнимaeт чypки

>> No.14234716

Do SJW black people really get in your face about race shit? I work with a bunch of black people but theyre mostly just pseudo hood and the topic never came up or ever really heard them complain about it.

>> No.14234722

fun fact: without speaking Russian, I know the first word, "durak", means something like "idiot", because it's also the name of a card game

>> No.14234731

How does russia not have more school shootings and suicides.

>> No.14234779

The suicide rate is absurdly high in Russia.

>> No.14234787

Sounds racist.
Is it?

>> No.14234803

bloggers get published:the book

>> No.14234820

/pol/ mined her twitter, she has a white fetish (was revealed when she said she couldn’t live in an all asian space colony because she needs a wyatt mann). Obviously fucked in the head but she is kinda hot

>> No.14234908

Yeah, but how is it not even higher? Is there even anyone in Russia that has any hope for the future of the country?

>> No.14235214

what yeah?

>> No.14235223

Russia is a white African country

>> No.14235318

>get BTFO by rice farmers
>implying the US couldn't have glassed Vietnam 50 times over without even sniffing its nuclear arsenal

>> No.14235357

It is the primary and practical component. Not seeing race is the preferable and actionable position to take on differences in skin color. This allows a more objective and infinitely more useful standard in addressing social problems than leveraging various groups and identities in a game of oppression.

>> No.14236004


>> No.14237277

Blacks should not be in the UK because they cannot absorb sufficient vitamin D in such a northerly climate.

>> No.14237320

Some of the women, the men don't seem to give a fuck. Mostly asian women and white women and numales shill this crap. Asians are the worst, though, easily the most radical of the lot.

mattress girl was asian if you remember.

>> No.14237515
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we need to put whites in camps

>> No.14237528
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>> No.14237543

this is such a cute post. p smart too

>> No.14237550
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>> No.14237600

slut's mad

>> No.14237611

Now if only we could get all the others to stop talking to us about race.

>> No.14238077


>> No.14238450
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Fixed it