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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 218 KB, 800x800, Jessica-Biel-without-makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14228762 No.14228762 [Reply] [Original]

This place adds literally zero (0!) value to your life, why do you still come here?

>> No.14228773

Im lonely desu

>> No.14228774

i was never asked to be born, i was plucked out of nothingness to endure this cursed existence for a sliver of time so just let me enjoy memes without bullying me you nigger

>> No.14228778

For the memes

>> No.14228832

get rekt, OP

>> No.14228845

0! = 1
I'm actually okay with this one value point, OP

>> No.14228848

Because I can’t 100% leave 4chan no matter how hard I try so I come here or to /sci/ which has some people worth talking to.

>> No.14228860

She looks cute without makeup. Fuck incels.

>> No.14228874
File: 639 KB, 500x281, Miyu_excited_lewd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a masochist. All my life I've been tormenting myself. I can recall countless instances of this from my early childhood all the way up to today. A short while ago I came to the conclusion that I'm in love with my own mental anguish. That's probably why I still come here.

>> No.14228893

Matter of habit. This place was way, way more valuable to me when I was couple years younger. Now I just enter the URL in my browser even though I'm fully aware that this place has been swarmed by zoomer redditors and that I've read 99% of the worthwhile things people here have to say.

>> No.14228939

I don't come here as often as I used to, and I never visit other boards, but it has added a little value to my life. For example I discovered a few of my favorite books on /lit/ such as The Peregrine and Morte D'Urban.

>> No.14228970

Literally, in hopes that somewhere around here has THE curated guide to everything, but more specifically, literature (and the arts in general) and health

>> No.14228977

The best stories are the ones that make you feel sad at the end.

>> No.14228983
File: 96 KB, 980x552, 130814212900-17-marijuana-horizontal-large-gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have friends

>> No.14229022

I can't relax my anus

>> No.14229204

>plucked out of nothingness
This makes no sense. If you are in nothingness, you are nothing and cannot become something

>> No.14229223

closing my tab, see you lads in a couple hours

>> No.14229249

cause I can

>> No.14229301


>> No.14229309

Same desu. But sometimes I also go to /tv/ for meme binge

>> No.14229323

i'd go drinking with fags from /tv/, i definitely would avoid literatis irl

>> No.14229622

Need help?

>> No.14229987

Unironically, this place is interesting. It’s good to expose yourself to unfiltered alternative opinions without.

>> No.14230030

1. I get exposed to books and ideas I wouldn’t otherwise.

2. Some of you people actually read and like to think and talk about what you read.

3. To escape normie hell. Some of you guys are pretty bad, but they’re so much worse.

>> No.14230076


>> No.14230079

I would like this.

>> No.14230114
File: 23 KB, 480x360, happtHit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14230123

for feet pics whore post em

>> No.14230150

this. honestly think she looks better on the right

>> No.14230271

Everything is valuable

>> No.14230295

Prove it.

>> No.14230301

Parmenides over here bros

>> No.14230317

Permenides was preemptively refuted by Guenon

>> No.14230364

It inspires me to continue reading and it has given me resources that have genuinely improved my life. You're just using it wrong.

>> No.14230378

Which board is the gayest aside from /lgbt/?

>> No.14230399


>> No.14230647

I can no longer resonate with non-channers. My diction, humor, and writing style are forged by 4chan. I do not find normalfags interesting and I do not find them funny, while they find me intensely offensive and elitist.

4chan is my ohana. t/l note: ohana means family.

>> No.14230759

i come here to stay infuriated and keep my testosterone levels high at the cost of reduced life expectancy

>> No.14230765

>I do not find normalfags interesting and I do not find them funny, while they find me intensely offensive and elitist.
This x1000

>> No.14230787

Nice baseless assumption there bro.

>> No.14230862

there is no value in my life

>> No.14231130

He can't be in nothingness else that would constitute something

>> No.14231469

Because /lit/ is the less retarded board in the whole site.
Even /sci/ is way more retarded than here.

>> No.14231487
File: 1.06 MB, 1667x2500, Karlie-Kloss-Feet-3171138-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her feet haven't aged a day.

>> No.14231495

>"adding value" to your self
Who thinks like this?

>> No.14231507

anus here. you can relax now

>> No.14231513

Same! Have a beer on the house

>> No.14231539

Literally every immature self-centered prick on this godforsaken planet.
Zoomer: running around trying to find "the thing"
Boomer: making buck to accumulate "the thing"
Doomer: sad because can't find or believe in "the thing" anymore
Bloomer: trying to fake it

>> No.14231777

Too vague and general to mean anything. Sorry, Anon, does not compute.

>> No.14231782

This. Biel Feet will be a twenty first century religious icon

>> No.14231819

I'm going to anilingus you, so you'll go from relaxed to gaping.

>> No.14231820

So hot, Anon. Do you like a bit of brap on the tongue?

>> No.14231887
File: 16 KB, 143x189, my soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck do you know of anyones life, wretched thot poster?

>> No.14231936

0! does not equal zero.

>> No.14231969


>> No.14232081

Nobody ever responds to my cries for help desu. I don't know how much longer I have. I just need someone to listen and maybe a hug.

>> No.14232574
File: 4 KB, 220x155, hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go Anon. Now whats bothering you?

>> No.14232637

For sure yes.

>> No.14232639 [DELETED] 

lay it on us friend

>> No.14232644

tell us about whats going on friend
wish i could hug you buddy

>> No.14232745
File: 61 KB, 569x681, Plotinos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>>What measures, then, shall we adopt? What machine employ, or what reason consult by means of which we may contemplate this ineffable beauty; a beauty abiding in the most divine sanctuary without ever proceeding from its sacred retreats lest it should be beheld by the profane and vulgar eye? We must enter deep into ourselves, and, leaving behind the objects of corporeal sight, no longer look back after any of the accustomed spectacles of sense. For, it is necessary that whoever beholds this beauty, should withdraw his view from the fairest corporeal forms; and, convinced that these are nothing more than images, vestiges and shadows of beauty, should eagerly soar to the fair original from which they are derived. For he who rushes to these lower beauties, as if grasping realities, when they are only like beautiful images appearing in water, will, doubtless, like him in the fable, by stretching after the shadow, sink into the lake and disappear. For, by thus embracing and adhering to corporeal forms, he is precipitated, not so much in his body as in his soul, into profound and horrid darkness; and thus blind, like those in the infernal regions, converses only with phantoms, deprived of the perception of what is real and true.

Her on the left: profound and horrid darkness, conversing with phantoms in the infernal regions.

Her on the right: eagerly soaring to the fair original from which she is derived.

>> No.14232766

I like the charts

>> No.14232795

Plenty of perspectives to be gained here.

>> No.14234090

Because, once in a great while, buried in the middle of a massive thread, an Anon will post a book that sounds interesting and I will find and read that book.

It's how I learned about Memoirs of Hadrian, which immediately became one of my favorite novels.

>> No.14234124
File: 137 KB, 749x746, 4356735623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, /lit/ revived my teenage interest in literature. Anons here have recommended me a large number of fantastic books that I might've missed otherwise, and as a result I believe I've become more empathetic, and perhaps even more thoughtful. It's a strange thing to say, but I think this board has made me a better, more educated, more informed individual.

>> No.14234132

Too bad we don’t have friends offline to discuss this stuff with and get great recommendations

>> No.14234162

This desu

>> No.14234163

My fucking brother right there. Looks like complete shit with makeup, like a bad way figure or smth

>> No.14234678

i come here for the general hostile board culture, plus the insight of certain posters. rei koz, guenonfag, and schizoposter have all enriched my life, as well some unknown metaphysics posters. everything else is entertainment, like going to a bar after work

>> No.14234689

Gives me the authority my father never allowed me by talking down others

>> No.14234873

I wish Plotinus was my uncle

>> No.14235029

I wish I could reach this sanctuary

>> No.14235090

old fuck here it's great see young people discussing literature there is hope for the future peace carry on

>> No.14235114

>before bbc
>after bbc

>> No.14235128


>> No.14235153
File: 81 KB, 736x660, sfdg05nv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jessica "qt3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436 78925903600113305305488204665213841469519415116094330572703657595919530921861173819326117931051185480744623799627495673518857527248912279381830119491298336733624406566430860213949463952247371907021798609437027705392171762931767523846748184676694051320005681271452635608277857713427577896091736371787214684409012249534301465495853710507922796892589235420199561121290219608640344181598136297747713099605187072113499999983729780499510597317328160963185950244594553469083026425223082533446850352619311881710100031378387528865875332083814206171776691473035982534904287554687311595628638823537875937519577818577805321712268066130019278766111959092164201989" Biel

>> No.14235193

to laugh at that delusional butterfly dude

>> No.14235201

Based Aristotle

Not being ironic, tragedy is the highest form of artistic expression for storytelling and this gets proved time and time again by history, especially now

>> No.14235216

Is it because life itself is a tragedy?

>> No.14235218

Nothing really beats the catharsis of a good tragedy.

>> No.14235299

Then where did the universe come from? What was before it? Time cannot be infinite because otherwise how would we get to this point ?

>> No.14235362

you stupid nigger, lol

>> No.14235371

There aren't a lot of unique web communities anymore. /lit/ has a special subculture. It's not good at all but it exists.

>> No.14235417

I like the distinct personalities that show up from time to time. Butterfly, Gaskun, the Greek poetry poster.

>> No.14235545

Life is a comedy

>> No.14235556

every few days I check the catalogue for any thread that looks like I can get books from. It works pretty good sometimes I can get near a hundred a session. I recommend it

>> No.14235783

recommend me a book

>> No.14235822

Not zero. It has some interesting threads sometimes, also the occasional funny meme.

>> No.14235952

because it's better than /pol/

>> No.14236143

No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai

>> No.14236157

someone here told me to read parenti and i enjoyed his work so it aint all a waste

>> No.14236166

You were born into this world.

>> No.14236176

>4chan is my onahole

>> No.14236204

I'm stupid but not stupid enough for reddit or other boards. Also normies repulse me. This is the only place where I can get in meaningless arguments with midwits like myself.

>> No.14236211

>failed normie tears the book
no thanks

>> No.14237276


>> No.14237341

where is the smart people's board?

>> No.14237399

I'm here anon

>> No.14237401


the only cope is to permanently hide your power level

>> No.14237410

I argued this with my parents when I was 16. They didn't buy it really, it was kinda just to get money for weed.

>> No.14238880


>> No.14239385


>> No.14240208

I'm not winning at life in other categories