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/lit/ - Literature

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14228536 No.14228536 [Reply] [Original]

I have entered my post-Subahibi period of life.
What a masterpiece.

>> No.14228814

why would visual novels have artistic merits?

>> No.14228915
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>diskontinuierliches Dasein
Man, it is so nice to see Japan enjoy and hold german language and culture to high regards. Even if it is mostly in anime where they have settings in german scenery, with german names, german characters or just german words for titles or song names. This in such stark contrast with the typical bashing of Germany by every nation in the west is really humbling coming from people on the other side of the globe. Wish Germans could be reciprocal in this manner, but since the majority of modern "culture" produced here is shit it would't be equivalent even if Germans stopped being ignorant and arrogant torwards japanese in the first place.
Love those deft artistic hands people and their island.

>> No.14228932

Kys, pseud

>> No.14229055

Why wouldn't they?

>> No.14229085

It suffers from the VN syndrome of dragging waaaaay too much. I couldn't finish it.

>> No.14229107

Man I wonder why other european countries might not hold germany in the highest steem

>> No.14229162

>refrences Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Critique of Pure reason Immanuel Kant
What is this game?

>> No.14229588
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When did /lit/ realize that Fate/Stay Night was the most accurate representation of Kierkegaard's "three stages of life" concept ever programmed for a computer?

>> No.14230514

Are there any /lit/ visual novels that someone can recommend? I have never played one. (in b4 Fate stay night and Higurashi I hated their anime)

>> No.14230716

The Silver Case
Famicon Detective Club
Saya no Uta

>> No.14230758

There's no German in the original title. It's just furenzoku sonzai. The translators decided to render this phrase like that for some reason.

>> No.14230791

Don't forget the part where it discusses Nicholas of Cusa.

>> No.14230814

The one OP posted.

>> No.14230846


>> No.14231705

>Famicom Detective Club
that was a good one
great soundtrack

>> No.14231755

why would visual novels have autistic merits?

>> No.14231908

Camus in the Blue Sky was good if you know some Japanese and you want to see some cute lolis confront absurdism.

>> No.14231952

>Monster Rape 3.0

>> No.14233291


>> No.14233300
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Life is absurd, bro.

>> No.14233342

This is a shame. Some of them could be decent entertainment reading featuring cute girls, if only they were 10 hour long instead of 40 (and writing quality would improve removing filler, with decent translations).
>dude don't worry it gets good 30 hours in
Are japs payed by amount of words? Is the Otaku market just after something to fill empty days with?

>> No.14233348

Can you make an argument for why I should drop 30 dollars on a visual novel? Is it really that good? How many hours did you get out of it? Its been a while since I've even played a video game, over a year, would I even enjoy it if I was just coming from a purely literituristic perspective? I also watch anime which is why it peaked my interest in the first place, but does it appeal mainly to the visual components (anime), the story components (literature), or the gameplay that is necessary for anything in this medium to have (video games) component?

>> No.14233355

They barely register as vidya to me. You click about once an hour to choose between two or three buttons presenting options for the story.

>> No.14233362

is it that good tho? Like 30 dollars good? I could buy like 7 or 8 books with that. also nice digits

>> No.14233410

Yeah I got at least 50 hours out of it. And yeah it is really that good much anime appeal and lit appeal.
Make sure you read cyrano de bergerac first

>> No.14233429

hehe funny cum hehe

>> No.14233432

hehehehe funny ayana cum hehehe

>> No.14233453

>Are japs payed by amount of words? Is the Otaku market just after something to fill empty days with?
The games don't really get edited in the way literature would, so there's no tendency to trim unnecessary details. These games also cost like $100 in Japan, so people expect to get plenty of entertainment out of it I presume; Japan people also do enjoy the pointless slice-of-life character scenes that so many in the west seem to hate.

>> No.14233483
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>Can you make an argument for why I should drop 30 dollars on a visual novel?
That's actually a good price considering it's length and that it's one of the best games in the medium.
>Is it really that good?
Yes; it's universally acknowledged as one of the best visual novels in Japan and the west. Be aware it has some disturbing content, including rape of various sorts and extremely brutal depiction of bullying.
>How many hours did you get out of it?
See pic. I don't recommend buying it on Steam though, as you'll have to patch it. You can buy the full game (that you don't need to patch) from JAST.
>Its been a while since I've even played a video game, over a year, would I even enjoy it if I was just coming from a purely literituristic perspective?
It doesn't have any gameplay elements other than a few choices you have to make. Most VNs aren't really video games in a meaningful sense. Think of it as a multimedia novel.
>I also watch anime which is why it peaked my interest in the first place, but does it appeal mainly to the visual components (anime), the story components (literature), or the gameplay that is necessary for anything in this medium to have (video games) component?
The art and story are good, so is the music:
Here is the opening movie by the way:

>> No.14234215
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I stop reading after the first end if I remember correctly, Jan 12 of this year, and never had the courage to finish it.
The third part was especially soul-crushing.

>> No.14234266

Not finishing the job, I'd imagine

>> No.14234299

The House in Fata Morgana is genuinely a masterpiece

>> No.14234379

>Can you make an argument for why I should drop 30 dollars on a visual novel?
here's one: torrent it retard

>> No.14234632

HOLY BASED. Literally best romance story ever

>> No.14234831

how do you purchase the digital version? I can't find it

>> No.14234984
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Yeah, let's just bully this guy some more, sounds like a good plan

>> No.14234997

he lives to bully

>> No.14235063

Looks like shit. Did a child draw that?

>> No.14235066

>plays subahibi
>commits suicide
rip conjueror

>> No.14235102

how many hours does it take to complete?

>> No.14235148

About 50

>> No.14235197

are there alternative endings and stuff? like do you choose the route the game takes? sorry i'm new to visual novels. thanks

>> No.14235219

Where is my Brothers Karamazov visual novel or do I have to make it myself

>> No.14235238
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>not reading the manga adaptation

>> No.14235270


>> No.14235344

My people

>> No.14235569

iirc it's mostly lineal