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14228017 No.14228017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the morality of plastic surgery? Instinctively, we are repulsed by it and believe it to be fake, inauthentic, and cowardly, but why? Is it really that different from things like working out, getting a haircut, changing your personality, etc? Furthermore, with genetic engineering and such things on the horizon, what are the implications of those?

>> No.14228050

Many reasons.

It's the face. Altering the face (not temporarily like makeup for example) is taboo. It is taboo to family, to "god", to friends and to yourself. Altering your nose with plastic surgery for example is the biggest FUCK YOU you can give to the universe. How insignificant and irrisponsible of you to let a millimeter of cartlidge be the reason for your despair and sadness and overall lack of confience. Your face is your identeity, it shapes your personality, it is your neoteny. To completely change it like pic related is 100% wrong and even tiny fillers are morally wrong. It removes your character, your essense. You are playing god, you are essentially scrapping gods painting and saying "i can do better" which is absolute bullocks.

>> No.14228055

Let's face it, if these people had read Hubbard's work then they wouldn't have needed surgery.
Start with Dianetics and then take it from there.

>> No.14228057

to further hit on this point of it being futile and wrong:

the picrel girl cannot just ignore her past face. she physyically and emotionally cannot keep up the lie that she was always like the After photo even if she tried (she wouldn't try). And automatically anyone who she will be lovers with will be shown her real self and it is a double if not TRIPLE turn off even more.

>> No.14228059

lookfags will seethe and invent some stupid moral codes to prevent the rest of us attaining the only thing they have

>> No.14228071

shut up. love yourself. looks get you in to the door but personality keeps you in. i'm a male model unironically trust me on this

>> No.14228073

Dianetics. Read it.
You'll thank me later from your Bentley.

>> No.14228085

>i'm a male model
>I wank on cam for gay weirdos

>> No.14228097

I'm ugly but I'd never get plastic surgery.

>> No.14228104

>Instinctively, we are repulsed by it and believe it to be fake, inauthentic, and cowardly, but why?
Because you're tricking people into thinking your genes are high value while you're a disgusting subhuman with múltiple traits making you istinctively unfuckable.
>Is it really that different from things like working out, getting a haircut, changing your personality, etc?
Absolutely, working out and "changing your personality" (assuming It's in any way possible) require work and demonstrate your willingness to put effort into things which is determined genetically, culturally and by the quality of your education. Getting an haircut or plastic surgery is something that is done to you at your direction, it only demonstrates that you had the money to get your hair, or your fat, cut.
That you would feel the need to do so and change your appearence at least demonstrates that you're conscious of your shortcomings, which is indeed a positive trait to have.
>Furthermore, with genetic engineering and such things on the horizon, what are the implications of those?
Even If we might be able to alter the appearance of someone to Some degree we are far from being able to determine the looks of a person with genetic engineering and/or retroviral therapy. The research is focused on combating diseases and make us immune to some of them. The long term ramifications are as of now unknown.

>> No.14228115

Based scientologist retard, why are you spamming threads with dianetics?

>> No.14228123

It demonstrates how shallow we all are, not for making plastic surgery but for it being so effective. Demonstrates how skin-deep our love really is.

>> No.14228126

/lit/ has always been a Scientology board so it logically follows that a lot of people will be talking about it here.
There's always been a certain buzz around the technology here and anons love it

>> No.14228129

ok boomer

>> No.14228172

I don't see it as unethical. I got surgery to fix my nose after I was in an accident. I breathe better, look better, it's helped me in many ways. Poorfags can seethe all they want, they don't matter much

Typical slave morality

>> No.14228188

>after I was in an accident.
Your opinion doesn't matter in This context given premises. We're talking about altering your appearence because you're ugly not about legittimate health concerns.

>> No.14228195

Dense morons. How cringe do you have to be to be Pro Plastic surgery. Admit you're fucking ugly as sin and you're desperate to change your looks that you'd go so far so to litearlly inject foreign objects into your FACE, the most delicate and exposed part of your entire being.

I can't imagine genuinely having plastic surgery and even more i can imagine what kind of person would advocate it. What kind of frankenstein do you, yourself have to be, in order to say "plastic surgery it perectly fine and ethical and i may myself have it". Catastrphic cringe. Get soem perspective. The world doesn't revolve around your geniplasty, your lip fillers or your nose job. The world doesn't stop and stare at your new hair plugs, your hairlione restoration device. Nobody gives a fuck

>> No.14228203

Oh i see You're an atheist seething about people recomending the Bible, which started due to atheists recomending it out of context and in ridiculous situations to attack Christians.
It's a shame, I thought you were based but you're just another redditizen who should go back and pay for the firewall that'll hope fully keep you out.
Polite sage.

>> No.14228207
File: 41 KB, 607x447, elon_looks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He got plastic surgery and he's 1000x smarter than you'll ever be.

>> No.14228223

No anon, we are not athiests, it's a religion.

>> No.14228235

>Altering your nose with plastic surgery for example is the biggest FUCK YOU you can give to the universe.
Yeah genocide really can't compare. As long as you don't hit the noses.

>> No.14228248

But god was trying to paint someone who would die young. How dare anon interfere!

>> No.14228257

You haven't even read the post. Go seethe somewhere else.

>> No.14228258

hypocrite that you are

>> No.14228274

lol, Ok Mr. Phrenology

>> No.14228280

I've read every post in the thread and it should be pretty clear which one I'm referring to.

>> No.14228285

What does that image have to do with what I wrote? I'm not advocating nihilism, I'm pointing out that anon is infinitely more petty than the people he's complaining about.

>> No.14228303

Read Plato's Gorgias my man.

>> No.14228325

It is good and just that you are controlled by your fear of ghosts while I brush them aside in pursuit of my own fulfillment

>> No.14228327

>dude nobody cares appearance has no impact on job opportunities whatsoever
>don't tell me otherwise don't tell me I'm being looked at no YOU'RE the ugly one STOP

>> No.14228367

not reading a single word of your post. im just pressing reply to tell you. it is indiffereint to me what u think, i am write your wrong

>> No.14228374

But isn't lying wrong?

>> No.14228402
File: 38 KB, 500x500, based joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wouldn't happen if we didn't live in a society

>> No.14228403

Instantly puts us on the defence because we use physical appearance to discern genetic quality/affinity, health, character, etc.

>> No.14228417

I'm handsome and I genuinely approve of methods to help ugly people not be ugly. It's evil to be ugly.

>> No.14228448


>> No.14228529
File: 56 KB, 616x596, 1571747431667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are playing god, you are essentially scrapping gods painting and saying "i can do better" which is absolute bullocks.
You can say that about any human invention ever. Prove me wrong.

>> No.14228585

>What's the morality of plastic surgery?
It's okay in and of itself, but looks shouldn't be so important. It's also expensive. With that money a poor family could have been helped.

>> No.14228600

imo, in a social state, every person should have the right to get one plastic surgery operation for free per lifetime
nobody has to live with a face their arent happy with because of their parents (or accidents sometimes)

>> No.14228649
File: 68 KB, 831x1024, 191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's absurdly based.
being ugly is a disadvantage though all stages of live. and not just for dating. making friends, getting a job etc. you are always better off if you look attractive.
of course it would be preferable if people just stopped caring about looks. but that's not going to happen.
at least not until plastic surgery is cheap and reliable.
that's the funny thing. looking good is special because not everyone can do it. but if anyone can look like a top model then it stops being special.

so plastic surgery will peak and then become unpopular again because individuality will rise. kinda like how Japanese women pay to make their teeth crooked. or how expensive clothing often deliberately looks like trash.
if anyone can look perfect it becomes uncool.

>> No.14228674
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of course it would be preferable if people just stopped caring about looks
I get that the current obsession is unhealthy, but I'm not sure if this extreme is called for.

>plastic surgery will peak and then become unpopular again because individuality will rise. kinda like how Japanese women pay to make their teeth crooked. or how expensive clothing often deliberately looks like trash.
>if anyone can look perfect it becomes uncool.
Isn't this Syndrome's plan? What are the social implications of The Incredibles on plastic surgery, /lit/?

>> No.14228704

low iq act

>> No.14228751

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.14228911

>Prove me wrong.
Don't have to. God will.

>> No.14229019

>Nobody gives a fuck
Pretty much 90 percent people's opinion on you is your looks though.

>> No.14229024

You don't appear to know what neoteny means. Also, existence precedes essence. That said, plastic surgery is wrong if your partner doesn't know what you looked like pre-surgery and you procreate. But if he knows you have shit genes and he still wants to have children with you then there's nothing wrong with plastic surgery.

>> No.14229060

Who the fuck wants to be ugly?