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14226595 No.14226595 [Reply] [Original]

>Christianity is bad because they’re pussies
>they’re pussies because I said so

>> No.14226610

I agreed with him, but then one day I recognised he was just describing most people rather than just Christians. Regardless of religion or lack thereof, the vast majority of people just behave like how he says Christians do

>> No.14226611

But Christians ARE pussies. How else could Islam take things over in Europe so quickly and in such large numbers?

>> No.14226614

>Get manipulated and fucked over tremendously
>"My son... you need to forgive...GOD will deal with them after they are dead!"

>> No.14226615

Are you the same guy who posted the book earlier, but taking an opposite position? Or are there really two equally awful fucking posters with diametrically opposed viewpoints about the same book on the same day? Will you two get trapped in the negative energy corridor like Lazarus and anti-Lazarus in The Alternative Factor if you touch? Or will you fall in love?

>> No.14226624

Thats actually not his main argument in the Antichrist.

His main argument is why are Christians expecting a Kingdom of Heaven on earth when Jesus returns, when he said it was already Here on Earth. The Kingdom is within you

Which, by the way, I havent seen a Christian refute yet

>> No.14226629

>“Why did Christianity trample down the culture of Islam? "... Because Islam was noble, because it owed its origin to manly instincts, because it said Yes to life even in the rare and exquisite treasures of Moorish life!"

>> No.14226632

He very likely is. This thread >>14225802 looks like OP is Christian and ironically posting "CHRISTIANS BTFO"

>> No.14226637

I don’t refute

>> No.14226644

So the Kingdom of Heaven is an ugly, poor, depression and anxiety riddled 24 year old KHHV manlet in the form of me? Oof...

>> No.14226646

But master is dependent on slave, if the slave exhibits the virtue of hard work to make gain for the master, is the master not dependent on the slave? If the slave forgoes his virtuous nature as time passes does slave morality not overpower master morality?

>> No.14226650

Nah man. If you actually read the book you would know what he means by Kingdom of Heaven

>> No.14226656 [DELETED] 

4 of dubs just BTFO'ed the Christians, aka Neo-Juden

>> No.14226664

I think >>14226644 is a Christian and he just btfoed himself.

>> No.14226665

Islam is conquering Europe because Europe is no longer Christian you retard.

>> No.14226674

Ackchually, Rome becoming Christian is what allowed Islam to demolish the Empire.

Which is a good thing, by the way. Allah sent the Prophet Isa (pbuh) to subjugate Rome with Meekness and prepare the road for Muhummad (pbuh) to take over Europe over the course of 1400 years

>> No.14226683

The presence of Islam in Europe will be the death of Islam.

>> No.14226692

>Islam spreading to more places actually will be the death of Islam

Libtardism isnt going to win in Islam like it did in Christianity.

>> No.14226699

Nietzsche is right about Christians.

May Christians think they're special snowflakes who aren't resentful, and say cringey shit like "I appreciate Nietzsche, but I've found a way to be life-affirming :-)" are just deluding themselves.

Anyone who believes in an afterlife is just displacing anger at the world; it's a morphine against they pain they feel as they grow complacent while dicks fuck their ass throughout life repeatedly.

The only positive to Christianity is it makes society's cucks more compliant towards the men who do great things.

>> No.14226719

Europeans are not converting to Islam, Muslims (migrants and those who stayed in their countries) are converting to the modernist ways of Europe. Literalism is already becoming very popular amongst Muslims, preparing the field for all the disease of modernity. People in Europe whose parents/grandparents are muslim migrants are actually much more likely than others to be homosexual, they are incredibly materialists, etc... Muslim societies in muslim countries are changing extremely fast.

>> No.14226720

You’re placing too much value on the feelings generated by an afterlife rather than the ramifications and nature of an afterlife itself. The afterlife in Christianity being a paradise isn’t so much important as the purpose it holds

>> No.14226743

>the purpose it holds

A mechanism of social control.

All you need to do is be able to grasp sociology, then look at what Christianity is on a sociological level. Then you say, "oh, I get it" and you stop taking it seriously as a belief system.

The only reason someone would fail at this is if they're a brainlet who has failed to grasp human beings after a few decades on this planet.

>> No.14226750

Nietzsche had problems with christians because he had issues with his father, who was a lutheran pastor.

>> No.14226758


My mind has been opened now. Thank you.

>> No.14226779

Again, looking at everything through a lens of how it affects what we “know” and not looking at the fundamental nature of what it IS. The only reason you believe it is a control method is because you take the high ground of assuming that none of Christianity is real to begin with. That would be a whole other argument, in which I would first have to debunk empiricism and materialism as being a legitimate outlook on reality.

Heaven’s true purpose isn’t a place for the poor on earth to look forward to, it’s a fulfillment of God’s movement upon the universe. Heaven is the final filter for all that is good and evil, it is the triumph of what is good over what is not. Heaven being a place has no relevance in regards to what it serves. Heaven is knowing what is good, and hell is knowing what is not.

>> No.14226792

You checked out the west lately? It is practically defined by white people hating themselves. It is pathetic.

>> No.14226817
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You can babble like a schizophrenic all you want. The sociological view is the best one, because it's the only one capable of honest reflection of humanity. Christianity is full of weepy, annoying nonsense language dressed up to sound deeper than it really is.

I don't think you have to reply, I already know this conversation will go nowhere. I'll just leave you with this: being of sound mind isn't about considering all positions, but about pruning your branches of weak, dying, sickly perspectives and leaving only the strong ones to grow your vine. Christianity is patently weak, dying and sickly. Anyone seeking health should prune that branch and move forward into new uncharted lands.. don't cling to the past, people who look backwards into the past also think backwards.

>> No.14226841

Oh, so instead of analyzing what I have to say you call me names instead. And of course, instead of attempting to understand what Christianity “is” and divorce it from what it implies in the world as we know it, you keep making more unfalsifiable claims about it (unfalsifiable because there is nothing to be ultimately proven anyways).

Do you choose to have an argument or blindly choose a hill to assume from?

>> No.14226857
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Demanding an argument is what losers do, because they imagine the power of words can overcome gut feelings. Words can only deceive the weak.

Christians feel you literally need to argue why Margot Robbie is more attractive than a meth addict. Imagine needing to argue the most obvious of aesthetic choices. What a sick and demented mind.

>> No.14227003

Margot Robbie is perceived to be more attractive because in every major photo release she is heavily doctored and modified to look like the ideal form of herself, like any other celebrity. The meth addict looks ugly because she has been equally modified to look like the worst version of herself, regardless of her most “natural” appearance. Both of those photos are meaningless in judging beauty.

And what a shitty analogy to justify your lack of defense. You’ve already lost.

>> No.14227013

Proof Christians are full of shit. Nothing more needs to be said.

>> No.14227051

There's nothing like this at all in the book.

>> No.14227283
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It's not as if Maritain, Weil and Gilson have shown that Nietzsche is piss for snot.

>> No.14227292

Nietzsche was classicist, so for him the comparison is always between Greek/Roman people and Christians. Greek hero, defeats humans, monsters, sometimes even gods, battles storms and harsh seas. Christian hero gets caught and killed by mob of jews forcing Romans to kill him, alternatively Romans don't need encouragement from the jews to kill him.

>> No.14227293


Unfortunately, it is only available in French.

>> No.14227317

I live britainistan
>the number of Muslim converts I’ve met
>the number of Middle Eastern descent ‘muslims’ who are openly gay/lesbian/etc
Half a dozen
The occaisional autist on here is who converts to Islam because of their conservative values does not change the reality that while Europe may racially change, capitalist liberalism will swallow Islam as it has swallowed everything else it has encountered

>> No.14227490

He doesn’t read

>> No.14228687
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>Islam take things over in Europe
jfl if you actually believe that.

>> No.14228713

This. I live in immigrant country. Muslim immigrants live very haram. Had sex with Turk, Moroccan and Syrian grills. Very hot.

>> No.14228746

You don't understand the relationship between Euros and "non-whites" at all. They're viewed as so inferior as to not be a threat. To imply that they are is to impugn the universality of modern liberal culture.

>> No.14229346

belief in an afterlife comes from coming to know the soul

>> No.14229353

lol what

>> No.14229372

there is a reality to you that is not well captured by "time", and which is separate from the world of things. it can not die.

>> No.14229483


>> No.14229491

Based retard

>> No.14229498

There's only one christian that ever lived and he died on the cross, did you read the book?

>> No.14229499
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>religion is like, how they control you maaaaaan
What a hot take