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/lit/ - Literature

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14226115 No.14226115 [Reply] [Original]

What books helped you to find God and give up atheistic beliefs?

>> No.14226127

the groyper twitter

>> No.14226129

The Quran.
Also Rene Guenon

>> No.14226149

Jesus is King

>> No.14226151
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>> No.14226329

>atheistic beliefs
how come christcucks can't string more than five words together without exposing their retardedness

>> No.14226477

Wasn't a book I learned the science

>> No.14226482 [DELETED] 

Unironically this. Its the biggest piece of fedora-tipping shit. It made me realize how cringe atheism is, case in point:

>> No.14226489
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Spinoza's Ethics

>> No.14226537

Brotip, you don't find God, he finds you.
>Prodigal son
>Lost sheep
>Lost coin

>> No.14227989

Adi Shankara

>> No.14228161

degenerates like you belongs on a cross

>> No.14228175


>> No.14228182

Just go straight to reading Hubbard's work.
Start with Dianetics and then take it from there.

>> No.14228183

Origin of Species.
>I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created parasitic wasps with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars. -Darwin

I was convinced that God had to exist and was a troll and sadist.

>> No.14228208

Was never really an atheist, an agnostic at worst.

>Joseph Campbell's Masks of God
For recognizing the sacred exists in all cultures' religious traditions.

>Plotinus, On Beauty
For explaining to me the notion of a perfect being and its association with the good.

For learning how to think about these things or be interested in them at all.

>The Bible, particularly the NT read in light of the aforementioned
Obvious reasons.

>> No.14228229

Shankara's Upanishad commentaries

>> No.14228322
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Best post so far, and knowing the absolute state of /lit/ this may be the best answer OP is going to get. Good job anon.

>> No.14228337
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>> No.14228355

>Max Lucado
Good Christian author if you're interested. I use a lotta his books as mouse pads and read them to assist in faith.

Not gonna look smart by reading his stuff though, it's pretty simple and easy to follow. For real stuff:

>Leibniz and Augustine