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14223769 No.14223769[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14223799

>why it's so hard for white people to talk about racism
it can't be that hard. she's a white person and she talks about racism ALL THE FUCKING TIME

>> No.14223810

Literally everybody is racist. Thinking, in it's very nature of seeing things similar as equal and grouping them, is racist, with Platonism and religion being holy justification for denigration or worship of a form/race/group/concept.

>> No.14223811

unrelated, but I hate that nearly every 21st century book has a subtitle. I get it's for marketing purposes but I almost think letting the title stand for itself would encourage more people to open a book up

>> No.14224799

You're saying everyone wants a race war?
That's wrong.

>> No.14224809
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>> No.14224835 [DELETED] 

*smacks ass* You've been a bad girl tonight butterfly! :3

>> No.14224841

she right
who else goes absolutely apeshit and floods every online space besides fragile white tradcucks?
they are the most easily baited, because they are the dumbest fucks
the holy trinity of ignorance

>> No.14224867


>> No.14224870

What's with the fucking Illuminati eye pendant?

>> No.14224875

racist book is top seller. America

>> No.14224882

moth please downsize your pics you amateur

>> No.14224887

I'm going to post this and dip, but I really think we tend to conflate racism and prejudice. Racism has certain systemic support that prejudice does not. So I think everyone can be prejudiced, but not everyone can be racist.

>> No.14224902
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>> No.14224911
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>> No.14224912
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It’s jewelry

>> No.14224914
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people want segregation

>> No.14224921
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Antisemitism is all so tiresome

>> No.14224925

Butterfly only dates Jewish women.

>> No.14224928

Isn't she half Jewish or some such?

>> No.14224931

She doesn't do anything I don't let her do :3

>> No.14224937
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>> No.14224938

>Brainlet: led by prejudice
>Midwit: did you know prejudice is like, wrong and irrational?
>Intellectval: after consideration, prejudice is just biological heuristics rooted in reality. Informed by postjudice.

>> No.14224948
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>> No.14224950

These are the worst types of Jews, far removed from any ancestral Jews, secular, usually looks down on Hasidic Jews, born into upper-class families, yet sometime the true victims of the Holocaust with a keen ability to detect injustice inflicted on other groups. Fuck her. I actually dated a hasidic Jewish girl and she was based as hell, obviously it didn't last because I'm not a zionist or Jewish, but she was cool.

>> No.14224981

Reactionaries truly are the SJWs of the last decade

>> No.14225005

>Le dems are the real rasist argument

>> No.14225017

you should update your definitions meme arrow

>> No.14225024

Which are the new ones?

>> No.14225051

SJW’s were reactionaries to the relitively centralist nature of the 2000’s. Alt rights were the reactionaries to the reactionaries, then the two self perpetuated each other. If I were to blame the og blame game I would put it square on the shoulders of SJW’s. We were already heading to a more liberal world before they became a noticeable thing, and all they served to does was to increase galvanization, extremism and reactionary instead of constructive development.

>> No.14225060

sjws dont get arrested for their opinions though do they

>> No.14225072

Not really. I like meeting Chinese people at uni and we live together just fine. A Chinese guy is my best friend.

>> No.14225100

What does that have anything to do with the post you replied to

>> No.14225102


>> No.14225136

>i yell 'niggers' on the internet because of platonism

>> No.14225137

You may be white and do so as long as it's unqualified self-denunciation.

>> No.14225143

Wait so butterfly is redpilled on the JQ? That's actually based af

>> No.14225152

I hate when people post shit like this without including a key for colours

>> No.14225160

Acting uncivilized used to work back in world War 2. After that people became more civilized so the conservative movement had to move on to euphemisms. Now they're moving back to their roots maybe because they're desperate or maybe because they think it works in furthering their agenda. I don't think it's working. Trump hasn't done anything of note and neither has any right wing party yet. They're going to lose anyway.

>> No.14225165

>decades of red-lining and other legal forms of segregation don't erode overnight

>> No.14225174
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>> No.14225175
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>> No.14225177

even if your progressive parties win niggers and spics will murder you anyway, nobody gives a shit about your white fragile notions of social softness

>> No.14225180

Also claims not to believe in race yet cannot fathom why 70% of their colleagues happen to come from the same 2.5% of the US population that they also come from.

>> No.14225189

Urban is nigger

>> No.14225190

based and funpilled

>> No.14225202
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And yet it still happens even when completely new communities form, in the absence of any official or unofficial racist policies. I wonder why that is.

>> No.14225206

Holy fuck how can this happen? Legacy from segregation maybe?

>> No.14225208
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Some jokes about white people are pretty funny, like all racist jokes.
I don't want to be accused of being a bad person in a non joking way with no evidence though. That's not crazy.

>> No.14225209

I forget how I know this, but there is a huge middle-eastern (Islamic) population in Farmington. I hope they're not coded as "Asian" on that map, which I think would be misleading.

>> No.14225213

People want to be with their own.
Just like you prefer to be with your family than with strangers, we prefer the familiar over the foreign.

>> No.14225218

People really got brainwashed with tabula rasa garbage huh

>> No.14225219

Wasn't Detroit a huge center of American manufacturing?

>> No.14225225

It was once a decent place, not the Detroit we know today.

>> No.14225227

Was. Long time ago.

>> No.14225236

Do you have an actual examples or do you believe that Canada is a land that has never had any sort of racial discrimination?
Any how many of those immigrant communities can actually be considered "completely new"?

>> No.14225245

Why wouldn't people go live with their own?

>> No.14225247
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pic related, Detroit population over time

>> No.14225258

Live by the nigger, die by the nigger

>> No.14225261

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying they wouldn't in general, but there are more factors that people take into consideration than "would my neighbors have the same skin color as me" when they're picking an apartment to rent in a large city.
People may prefer those who look like them due to biology, but that doesn't necessarily result in hard r racism, the belief in superiority and the thirst for violence against others.

>> No.14225270

But it's not just "look like me". Race is not just a video game character skin, you're starting from the wrong premise.

>> No.14225272

You do sound pretty fragile.

>> No.14225273

It’s only bad when white people do it

Tell that to the book author. Her whole argument is how you’re racist even if you think you aren’t

>> No.14225277

yeah lets just omit the auto industry and pretend its niggers
do you really think your sloppy propaganda fools anyone with an IQ above room temperature?

>> No.14225278

You're looking at people to judge them, you're not conducting interviews with them to determine their personality traits, you're just making assumptions about what they're like based on their appearance.

>> No.14225288

Not him but this is a dishonest reply lol

>> No.14225291

>You're just making assumptions about what they're like based on their appearance.
Millions of years of evolution are not for nothing my friend. Or you want me to go to the ghetto and conduct an individual interview with every nigger on the block to see if they're gonna rob me should I buy the cheap house there?

>> No.14225305

Perhaps when looking at immigrant communities, as they do literally come from a different culture, but if you're born, raised, and living in the same city only a block or two away from someone else, there's probably not a whole lot of difference.

I didn't say it was for nothing, but as economic mobility improves for "niggers" they are increasingly being seen in neighborhoods that are not "the ghetto", and as such probably will not rob you.
Is it really surprising to you or anyone else that you would be exposed to more crime if you lived in a poorer neighborhood?

>> No.14225322

I don't exactly see this "mobility", but even if it were the case, why would they not rob me?

>> No.14225324

>why would people who are seeing financial success not rob me
take a wild guess

>> No.14225329

is there a single black country on earth that isn't plagued by crime? or a single black city?

weird isnt it

>> No.14225330
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Nah we just recognize patterns faster than other races due to our high IQ and nip shit in the bud before it becomes a problem instead of letting shit fall out of the sky on our head and blaming whitey for all our problems and getting played by the long nose

>> No.14225336


>> No.14225337

Just remember that when black leftists talk about "white fragility" they are really talking about "white urban leftist fragility," which is the only whites that academic blacks have direct experience with (notice also the "whites" in question are sometimes jewish). This fragile nature is actually true in general. Notice most leftists that visit /lit/, who are likely white, are extremely touchy about people questioning them and their ideas. In some major places on the internet, you can get banned for disagreeing with high harvard doctrine of the baizuo.

>> No.14225342
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>> No.14225344

Cities have higher crime rates..
You have truly redpilled us all

>> No.14225345
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Because they are white or east asian and therefore not prone to violent crime?

>> No.14225348

Why would that be weird? Blacks are typically poor, cities are typically hotbeds of crime, and black countries (African nations), were divvied up by colonialism which especially fucked them up.

>> No.14225357

You can either accept a premise or reject it, but please do not do both as it muddles the discussion.

>> No.14225360

I mean there are peaceful white cities, peaceful white countries, peaceful east asian cities, peaceful east asian cities, these demographics are bizarrely consistent in their crime rates everywhere they exist

and yet there is not a single prosperous black country or city on earth. not one example at all. Not even a hint of an example, there isn't a black Delhi let alone a black Tokyo or Oslo. Every single black population on earth is poor and violent in comparison with their peers

>> No.14225367

If you recognized patterns so fast you'd recognize that is a fabricated quote.

>> No.14225369

Do you people never get tired of making the most fantastic excuses? I mean in real life you can get away with it because the whole power of the system is behind you, but why even bother coming here and typing this bullshit

>> No.14225370

i wonder why blacks are typically poor
i wonder why they were so easily conquered by europeans(and arabs before them)
i wonder why there isn't a single example of black prosperity anywhere on earth

>> No.14225376

rofl imagine being this blue pilled

>> No.14225381

Yea that's what the word racism does, that's its purpose.
Connecting normal group identification with genocide.

>> No.14225386

the reason the city lost over a fifth of its population from 1970-1980 was the race riots in '68, ask any Michigander why their family left Detroit, they'll probably say the '68 riots.

>> No.14225388

Because you said so or the first thing that came up from your jewgle overloards said so? LOL kys psued monkey, you have no idea wtf is or isn't real because i requires you actually look rather than click the first thing that comes up brainless ape

>> No.14225394

What do you mean?

>> No.14225399

>i wonder why there isn't a single example of black prosperity anywhere on earth

Except in white nations you mean?

>> No.14225403

The cultic circular reasoning of you dupes never ceases to amuse me. You all think you're some genius who can detect some world conspiracy and somehow every fact and observation either supports your view or is somehow a lie as part of the conspiracy. This kind of critical-thinking resistant circularity is the mark of a real fool.

>> No.14225407

They can only build something within white nations? that doesn't strike you as a bit weird?

>> No.14225409

Oy vey!

>> No.14225411

>poor, urban people committing more crime is a "fantastic" excuse

I can accept someone holding a view that might makes right, but bringing it back to the original point, you don't want neighbors you believe you could easily subjugate?

>> No.14225412

<yawn> stfu donkey, this is why your people are retarded losers born to serve

>> No.14225418

You're wasting your time here, Mr. Rosenbaum.

>> No.14225419

>I can accept someone holding a view that might makes right, but bringing it back to the original point, you don't want neighbors you believe you could easily subjugate?
do you think this even remotely relates to what we're talking about, the genetic inferiority of sub-saharan africans?

>> No.14225422

Last woman I had sex with was Armenian.

Examples of white fragility. Amazing how they don’t see it.

>> No.14225429

Hey, Butterfly, I've been following your posts for a while because they're cute... you have a cute personality to the way you write, you know that? Would you be willing to do me a little favor? I hope this doesn't sound creepy but would you be willing to record yourself farting on Vocaroo and send me the link? If you need to fart any time today, would you please consider doing that for me? *crosses fingers* Either way, thanks. I'll keep reading your delightful comments.

>> No.14225438

Why are they predominantly poor wherever they are? Predominantly guilty of petty crime? Predominantly more stupid and underperforming in whichever intellectual task? Etc.etc., it's always just colonialism and evil whitey, it gets really tiresome.
As a bonus, not being from the US it's really funny to see you leftists making excuses for black underperformance in a very imperialist, US centric manner, where everything is framed in terms of slavery and colonialism, even when applied in contexts wildly different from American history. Extremely ironic and illustrative of the modern white man burden.

>> No.14225440

What we're talking about is to what extent people are segregating themselves on the basis of race in inner-cities.
You're the one crying about niggers robbing you while simultaneously talking about how easily you can destroy them.

>> No.14225443
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>> No.14225450
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I want to stick my finger in your butthole

>> No.14225451

Is there a more Jewish post than this

>> No.14225465

Butterfly what are you like when you cum?

>> No.14225472

I don't know about the status of Africans in other nations, but there are many people in the United States who don't realize how short of a time frame the history of our nation is.
Many seem to subscribe to the theory that once the emancipation proclamation was delivered that every black man in country was on an equal footing with every other man.
Even Jim Crow and legal discrimination wasn't very long ago, this idea of instant recovery just doesn't make sense.

>> No.14225478

>who else goes absolutely apeshit and floods every online space
Nutelloids when someone says nigger? Is this a joke post?

>> No.14225490

Look into what NYT bestseller actually means.

>> No.14225502

I don't give a shit about the US and as bad as uprooting a people and using it as cattle is, it cannot possibly be an eternal excuse for their continued misbehavior, especially when slavery has been a universal phenomenon since man is man.
And the reality of blacks literally everywhere cannot be ignored or handwaved with cries of slavery or colonialism every time someone points it out.
Denying this reality due to oversocialization doesn't make it any less obvious, and you need the apparatus of the entire system to make it so and sweep under the cover the fact that yes, those criminals whose race the news article ommitted were, indeed, fucking niggers.

>> No.14225505
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Most of them have only been here a couple generations. So, yeah, most of them can be considered completely new. For example, there aren't that many Chinese people living in Vancouver's Chinatown. They vastly prefer Richmond, a suburb that has swollen massively in a relatively short period of time because of our very generous immigration policies.

For the record, I don't really care where Chinese people live or don't live, I just find it ironic that whites are constantly being accused of being racist when it's actually the newcomers who prefer self segregation, not us.

>> No.14225510
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>> No.14225518

I agree, it cannot be an eternal excuse, but you must admit that it can at least be submitted as a temporal one.
So when exactly should the aftereffects of slavery and discrimination have gone away in your personal estimation?
Assuming a more ideal race was the subject of these hundreds of years of degradation and humiliation, of course.

>> No.14225529


You're young, dumb, and full of cum. The subtitle meme has a storied history extending back into the 18th century, and is not the recent Reddit political-book phenomenon that you imagine it to be.

>> No.14225545


The single fault in this analysis is the idea that any jew is white, otherwise it's sound. jew and white are disjoint categories.

>> No.14225559

>So when exactly should the aftereffects of slavery and discrimination have gone away in your personal estimation?
You're not getting me. The biological reality of these people put hard limits on what they are capable of, slavery doesn't have anything to do with it in the fundamental level. Again, ignore the US for a moment and that will put it into perspective, both in the case of blacks over the world, regardless of slavery, or in the case of non blacks who have also suffered slavery in mass scales.

>> No.14225560

>using cultural studies semantics

>> No.14225564
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Not on your side? They must both the other!

Truly the propoganda is all-powerful.

>> No.14225566

consider the case of blacks in sweden, which never participated in the slave trade; or blacks in liberia, which has been a republic modeled on the US constitution since the 19th century.

if they are failing to achieve in these places then you need another excuse than "muh oppression".

>> No.14225570

I understand you perfectly, you believe that blacks are subhumans, but I'm asking you how believe "normal" humans would do in that situation.
How many years/generations would it take for non-blacks to recover from that level of physical, cultural, intellectual, and spiritual suppression?
Performance of any kind or quality isn't worth anything unless you have something to compare it to.

>> No.14225580

I have no idea about what the issue with blacks in Sweden is, but Liberia underwent a civil war due to the colonization of the area now known as Liberia by the African-Americans that settled there. To you, there is no difference between the black man you see in a ghetto and a black man you see in a National Geographic magazine in the bush, but there were, and still are, huge differences between those settlers and the natives, though both are simply "black."

>> No.14225584

How many years or generations would you say it takes, if you propose excusing their behavior on that? I do not think they should be excused at all.

>> No.14225586
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making perpetual excuses for blacks suggests that you yourself consider them to be sub-human. you're just more dishonest about it. link very related

>> No.14225589

>I have no idea about what the issue with blacks in Sweden is
Curious how you only have an idea about blacks where the excuses of slavery or colonialism can be conjured up even on a slim basis, but nothing to say about the exact same behavior (even extremely similar criminal statistics, if I recall correctly from the UK) in countries where they are being welcome with open arms, and given benefits even to the detriment of native Europeans.

>> No.14225604

What do you mean by "excusing their behavior?"
If they commit crimes, they should do the time, but I'm just being realistic about what to expect from people who have been suppressed so harshly for such a long amount of time.
If you brutally beat a child for the first 15 years of their life, and then just stop one day, you wouldn't except them to grow up and be a normal person, they're going to be fucked up in one way or another.
Time has seen the gap in achievement, employment, etc. go down (though it surged back up with the war on drugs), but I would expect blacks to come close to whites within another 50 or 60 years, assuming nothing like another war on drugs occurs.

>> No.14225611

>Literally everybody is racist
that doesn't make it ok.

>> No.14225612


>> No.14225614
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>Liberia began as a settlement of the American Colonization Society (ACS), who believed black people would face better chances for freedom and prosperity in Africa than in the United States. The country declared its independence on July 26, 1847.
the civil war was 150 years later.

>> No.14225615

Jazz and blues more or less killed a civilization. The creation and popularization of those two genres and their descendants is so horrific it makes all of the other atrocities of the 20th century look like child’s play. There’s no reason to believe that any suffering they experience today is undeserved.

>> No.14225616
File: 212 KB, 528x353, multikulti in sverige.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you ignore everything we are saying about places where slavery or colonialism haven't been a problem and they are still the exact same?

Interesting coincidence that the initiators of multiculturalism in Sweden were Jews.

Anyway I'm off to sleep, it's already dawn and the retards playing loud music nearby just stopped.

>> No.14225622

From a very brief glance at Sweden's demographics, it seems that the majority of these criminal immigrants are refugees. These people arrive to the country poor, uneducated, and they don't speak the native language.
It would miraculous if they didn't commit more crime, though it needs to be noted that it isn't simply "blacks", but many people from the Middle East as well (though you will probably also call them subhumans as well).

>> No.14225631
File: 945 KB, 500x211, realization.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Interesting coincidence that the initiators of multiculturalism in Sweden were Jews.
>Interesting coincidence
>initiators of multiculturalism
>Interesting coincidence

>> No.14225638

Yes, the civil war was 150 years later, a coup by a native ethnic to overthrow a government that was dominated by the descendants of those African-American settlers.
As I said, while you see African-Americans and random tribesmen in the bush as both being simply black, they see things quite differently.

>> No.14225641
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>I would expect blacks to come close to whites within another 50 or 60 years
what is your justification for believing in this fantasy? that's an absolutely extraordinary claim which is about as evolutionarily likely as the japanese sweeping the medal table in the 100m sprint

>> No.14225655
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it is interesting that you're so good at explaining away the differences between African-Americans and random tribesmen, but when it comes to African-Americans and Whites, you seem to develop an abnormally large blind spot

>> No.14225698

Improvements in education mostly, the black high school graduation rate has increased significantly each year, the wages of blacks has been steadily rising, the number of blacks in poverty has decreased significantly, nearly every statistic regarding black Americans is improving.
This is in spite of the war on drugs, the predatory loan industry, and the general momentum of poverty. I would describe my outlook on this particular aspect to be cautiously optimistic, economic downturns or policy changes can easily erode or outright destroy any sort of gains in achievement and well-being.

>> No.14225708

Not that guy but look up the heritability of general intelligence as shown by twin studies and grnome-wide association studies. It's bleak.

>> No.14225719

I recognize that there are differences, but I think that you blow them out of proportion. I'm not explaining away anything, because there simply isn't much to explain.
A large issue I have is simply identifying different races, the definition of what/who a white person is has changed significantly over time, it wasn't that long ago that Irishmen were considered negroids, whereas today you would be laughed at if you called a red-head a black. You might consider this to be clutching a straws, as there is obviously a difference between an African-American and an Irishman, but exactly where is that line drawn? When you have only one grandparent of darker skin? Only one great-great grandparent? If your DNA test shows some particularly well-known haplogroup?
But this discussion has gone off into the bushes, and we are still no closer to finding out to what extent segregation is self-imposed and I don't think you're particularly interested in discussing that.

>> No.14225721

>You have light skin so you should conform to the weird racial theories that are in power in the Yankland.
>You have light skin so you should apologise for what other random people with light skin did hundreds of years ago.
>What do you mean your country was a colony most of its history? What do you mean you were regarded as non-whites up until this day because that happened to handier then?
>No no, you have light skin. Now, apologise.
I’m not Irish, btw.

>> No.14225722

The second generation acts the same, significantly worse than the native population at the same socioeconomic status, and without shame.

t. Grew up poor in a bad neighbourhood in Sweden

>> No.14225729

kek, i mean if "high school graduation" is your metric then you'll probably be right. they'll adjust the grades to make sure of it:

>> No.14225732

I'll be frank, as a whole, I don't think African-Americans are as smart as what most would consider white people. I also don't think that you need to be very smart in order to function well in society, or be a good neighbor. There are plenty of people that are as dumb as a box of rocks that are perfectly nice, law-abiding productive citizens.

>> No.14225741

High school graduation is more important for it's economic consequences than for it's educational value. How many jobs actually make use of the variety of knowledge students are supposed to have learned there? Practical courses on how to interact with other people would be of far more use than studying calculus or trigonometry.

>> No.14225753

I think you're in danger of throwing the baby out with the bath-water. The book in OP has no difficulty identifying who White people are. when White privilege is talked of by liberals they seem to know who they are talking about. Those apportioning collective blame for slavery do not seem to find it difficult to decide who is tarred with the legacy and who is a victim.

>> No.14225754

>segregation is self-imposed
This seems to differ between countries, so I think its more a cultural thing. Compare Paris to London, similar cities, both with large amounts non white immigration since the war. In Paris the ethnic minority population is mainly in the periphery banlieues, while in London its spread around the city, and there are no exclusive ethnic enclaves of the kind you see in Paris or America
The difference seems to be post war urban planning where the British built public housing in the bomb sites while the French built it on the outskirts as central Paris wasn't bombed like London.

>> No.14225770

Kill yourself and go back. In that order. Faggot tourist.

>> No.14225778

that is a reasonable point when it comes to blacks. but while blank slate critical theorists control academia it is not possible to propose or implement such a high school system without applying it to students of all races because it would be racist to do otherwise. Which means we are forced to reduce all to the lowest common denominator in the name of equality, the inevitable consequence of socialism

>> No.14225794

Where's the baby? The idea of "white privilege" is currently in the process of setting back any efforts to reduce inequality between races by multiple decades.
The irony seems to be lost on these self-professed "liberals" that for as much as they despise religion they are whole-heatedly embracing the dogma of original sin, and in doing so, are condemning those who have done quite literally nothing wrong at all, and making enemies of them in the process. Instead of uniting people they are dividing them, and not just dividing them along any old lines, but by race.

>> No.14225810

I would think blank-slate subscribers would be the biggest proponents of such courses, ones that stress "EQ" rather than IQ.
The real problem with such a course would be how these critical theorists would actually formulate the class. I think most people, of practically any ideology, agree that soft skills are extremely important, but how those skills in particular are taught would be a matter of much debate.

>> No.14225815

>Last woman I had sex with was Armenian.
Will you snow niggers stop corrupting the world with your vile influence? Honestly, I just want another superpower besides Westerners. I am getting tired of you people. You are either deranged liberal degenerates or far-right narcissists. I fucking hate all of you.

>> No.14225830

Language is defined by how most people use it.

It's simply inevitable.
Same for "ableism", "ageism", "lookism", ...
You can say we should have no preferences and hierarchies and treat every individual and every group exactly the same, but that's just not possible.

>> No.14225849

the idea that because we cannot perfectly delineate a race we should pretend that everyone is born equal. 95%+ of the time there is no contention and when it comes to the edge cases there's usually a strong internal preference one way or the other. it is true that if you have the luxury of time you can learn more about an individual and whether their stereotype is just, but if you're walking down a dark alley you aren't that interested whether the gentleman who jumps out from behind the dumpster is from Somalia or Djibouti

>> No.14225850

Our notion of what makes someone a different race from us is socially constructed and can be changed though

>> No.14225858

Yes, but that doesn't eliminate racism, it only changes it.

>> No.14225863

it will happen, as a desperate attempt by race-deniers to level out "achievement", but you'll see a lot more people withdrawing their children from public schools as a consequence. segregated schooling makes so much more sense. an honest reading of history would blame the civil rights era for dividing America by putting an end to freedom of association

>> No.14225866

There are observable differences between races because that's how God has created us. :3

>> No.14225870
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>> No.14225877

Perhaps. But if you think about it, there's no real reason why eg Obama should be raced as black instead of white given his parentage. That is pure social convention based on the old one drop thing

>> No.14225886
File: 67 KB, 483x602, obama---banana_o_1061945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon
how many White men could say that?

>> No.14225887

It doesn't matter if that gentleman is from Somalia, Djibouti, or Belgium though.
Treat people who assault other people like anyone else who assaults people, lock them up.
But if the gentleman from Somalia hasn't committed any crimes, then treat him with common courtesy and don't shout nigger at him.

>> No.14225890

He's not saying there are no differences between groups of people, just that the categories ("white", "black", ...) are socially constructed.

>> No.14225897

At least 1, if we counted Obama as been white from 1/2 his parentage rather than black from 1/2 his parentage.

>> No.14225916

Robert de Niro springs to mind

>> No.14225921

the purpose of stereotypes is to save time by using pattern recognition and intuition. if the information proves to be misleading about a particular individual you can update your model. so it is unlikely for day to day purposes that we're going to create dozens of groups where a few will convey the same amount of information.

"we're all humans" is a non-starter because it leads to different outcomes which then get blamed fallaciously on racism. so how many categories would you like? i think it is important to separate Whites from Jews, for example, but many purported anti-racists believe the opposite.

>> No.14225927

his father was a kenyan which is why ohammed is black
anyone can produce a negroid if they go oil-drilling. but obongo can't produce a white son

>> No.14225935

>>If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon
>how many White men could say that?
Any white man with a black wife

>> No.14225940

That's pure social convention and could be changed. We could do the jewish rule and say a white mother makes you white.

>> No.14225953

it would not pass a visual inspection so it would be a very perverse way of ordering society. why would you think this is a better way of doing things?

>> No.14225959

>it would not pass a visual inspection
It would though. People with white mothers like Obama are noticeably lighter skinned. You can easily tell the difference between a pure black African and a mixed race person

>> No.14225985
File: 209 KB, 1153x813, nuremberg-race-laws-chart-in-english-chart-ver-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a good argument for a system like the Nuremberg Laws. Hitler really did do nothing wrong

>> No.14225990

Unironically a more sophisticated and nuanced look at race than contemporary America

>> No.14226307

Obama is half white and half black. Sorry.

>> No.14226319
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>> No.14226325

No. Actually he was the first mixed race president. Unless a few presidents had Jewish ancestors. They probably did.

>> No.14226334

only Lyndon Johnson

>> No.14226464

>but I'm just being realistic about what to expect from people who have been suppressed so harshly for such a long amount of time

for them to act relatively normally, as they did in the 40s and 50s?

>> No.14226467

>Thinking, in it's very nature of seeing things similar as equal and grouping them, is racist, with Platonism and religion being holy justification for denigration or worship of a form/race/group/concept.
Holy hell, a person wrote this and thought it was good.

>> No.14226495

Didn't take the Irish, Chinese or Italians but a single generation 100's of years ago

>> No.14226501

Its literally "u mad?" but with intellectual pretensions.

>> No.14226589

I don’t need any one to enlighten me on demographics or white fragility because I know what my lived experience is. My small American town was once nearly 100% white and a peaceful, decent place to live. 15 years later, whites are less than 50% of the population, with the majority now Black and Latino, many of them illegal immigrants. In that time violent crime has increased over 600%, drug abuse is rampant, and the town is filthy and in tatters. Homicides in the streets have become a regular occurrence. Four years ago I lost a family member who was murdered in their own home in the suburbs during a robbery-home invasion gone bad, and countless friends as victims to violent crime. My quiet town has become known as a place you drive around on your way to your destination yet you can easily find NPR and New York Times articles on immigrants “revitalizing” the area with their economic incentives. They never mention the crime rates.

I don’t need to be red-pilled by the alt right on race or blue pilled by some Jewish leftist author because I lived it in real time for 15 years.

I hate Donald Trump and I voted for him in 2016. The only reason I voted him was because he had the balls to call out the violent crime being brought into this country by illegal immigrants, which is a very real reality.

To all the leftists who love to talk about white fragility and immigrants, I only pray you don’t ever have to see what happened to my town and my family and friends happen to yours because that’s what is waiting for you if you don’t wake up.

>> No.14226608

But realizing such things is RAYYYCISSS

>> No.14226793
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Anon, potential illegal imigrant here. Do you think "undocumented" immigrants are unproportionally related to crime by how many times (of course excluding illegal immigration itself)? What about blacks and latinos?

>> No.14226853

I don’t understand the question.

>> No.14226884

Sorry, my English is shit. What I mean is... In comparison to americans, how many times more are illegal immigrants commiting violent crimes? Do you get what I'm trying to aks now?

>> No.14226886

If you’re asking if I think illegal immigrants in general disproportionately commit more crime, then natives and if I do think that by how much, then I don’t know. That wasn’t really my point.

Culturally, there’s some tension regardless and crimes do arise out of that. In general I think most of them are good people and don’t disproportionately commit crimes, but the handful that do are extremely bad. Not only does that handful commit crimes at much more disproportionate rate, but it’s violent crime and drug related crime in particular, not petty property crimes. What’s worse is the younger generations take this to extremes.

While most of the parents are generally good people, the kids are not. The kids are happy to gang bang and sell drugs and assault people. This gets worse with every generation.

So it’s not really a matter of whether I think illegal immigrants in general commit disproportionately more crimes. That’s really irrelevant. The point is that as illegal immigration increased, violent crime and drug related crime skyrocketed and that’s really just a fact. So even if the illegal immigrants in general are good people who don’t commit crimes and it’s just a few bad eggs, my home has been destroyed and it is at least in part because of illegal immigration.

>> No.14226957

Hm, okay. I undertand now. Thank you for taking your time to answer my question in detail.

>> No.14226963


>> No.14227328
