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/lit/ - Literature

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1422347 No.1422347 [Reply] [Original]

Latin American literature > North American literature

I'll tripfag just for this time.

>> No.1422352

probably not
NA is much more culturally diverse

>> No.1422353


>> No.1422355

South America has no good authors

>> No.1422360

Future literature > past and present literature.

>> No.1422361

I really hope you fags are trolling. Pablo Neruda, Gabriel Garcia Marques, Mario Benedetti, Gabriela Mistral, Isabel Allende, Jorgue Luis Borges, Mario Vargas Llosa, do you guy want me to continue?

South American literature is WAAAY better, imo.

>> No.1422368


>> No.1422369

>Gabriel Garcia Marques
>Jorge Luis Borges
>lol i know names

>> No.1422378

you realize the only reason borges, marquez, and nerudo appear to be good writers is because of their english translator. we have to deploy several ezra pounds to carry you mexicans and youre still pretentious. wow

>> No.1422380

> Implying Garcia Marquez and Borges aren't world wide famous and recognized
> Implying they aren't god tier

>> No.1422381


>> No.1422385


>> No.1422387

1: Shakespear
2: Neruda
3: Garcia Marquez

>> No.1422390

I'm a big fan of the continent's lit, but it stands as proof that magic realism becomes galling when it's used in every novel.

>> No.1422392

>troll calling a troll a troll

>> No.1422393

what authors are you reading?

>> No.1422394


I think your opinion sucks.

>> No.1422396

Deal with it.

>> No.1422403

Your shitty opinion? I just did. Now I just want to forget you exist. I probably will in half an hour.

>> No.1422406

jorgue borges doesn't count. He was educated in Europe and even died there.

Most of them are closet 'euros'.

so much for SA literature.

>> No.1422409

Then try and prove me wrong, fag.

>> No.1422410
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>> No.1422413

to be honest, yes

>> No.1422414

Faulkner, Hemingway, Twain, Eliot, Bishop, Plath, Walcott (English-speaker albeit Caribbean), Poe, as well as some truly great Hollywood writers and a few bigs that I'm missing...

I'd still say they're pretty even. And the Latin Americans have had a significant edge on us these past few decades, really since the 1960s. From Marquez to Bolano they've had a lot of success that us English-speaking Americans haven't really been able to match. But before that (especially early 20th - Faulkner/Eliot/Hemingway era) it was quite different.

>> No.1422415

You are asking me to prove a subjective opinion wrong?

>> No.1422416

well then we just lost Hemingway (developed his iconic style while he was in Europe) and Eliot, among others

>> No.1422417

>Latin American literature ≥ Anglo American literature
Fixed that for ya.

>> No.1422418
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Finally, a decent post.

>> No.1422422
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> latin american literature discussion
> no cortzar or caicedo
> no discussion of costumbrism
> /lit/ fucking confirmed for hipsters

>> No.1422423


Uh oh, I sense the claiming of writers. You know, writers that are famous because they deal in universal themes common to all people.

>> No.1422426

Cortazar is pretty good.

>> No.1422430
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>> No.1422434

1422416 here; was responding to previous poster. really this whole discussion rests on there being distinctive literary identities to different cultures, which in the case of latin america vs anglo america is pretty valid.

it does get difficult to evaluate when you're considering writers with a significant european influence, especially writers who developed their style in Paris or spent most of their adult lives in England, which happens for writers of both continents. but that's one of the issues any new world writer is going to run into in some way

>> No.1422441

I never, ever, really, expect to see something Bananero-related on /lit/, ever.

>> No.1422450

> yo soy un vampiro, el pedazo te miro

lo uso de ves en cuando en /ñ/

>> No.1422466

– Ay~ Ojala que llueva~
– ¿Pa' que mierda querés que llueva?
– Porque quiero ver gotas~
– Ése no es el timón.
– Ya sé~

>> No.1422471

que se jodan todos desde arenas hasta zabarrieta, el bananero es la voz de una generacion

>> No.1422478

bump for the mood

>> No.1422484

Oh, /lit/, always thinking if it's an author who doesn't write in English it's more cool.

/lit/ 2010 - all about the Russians

/lit/ 2011 - all about South American authors

>> No.1422487

latin american lit > russian lit

any day

>> No.1422488

this will be a golden year for me

>> No.1422489

De donde es ustedes?

>> No.1422490

creeo que king of zeroes es argentino, yo soy colombiano

>> No.1422492

Yo soy argentino.

>> No.1422495


I was just in Argentina a couple of weeks ago. I live in New Zealand. You guys have the most beautiful continent and literature. And I've lived in Africa too.

>> No.1422496
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>> No.1422499

Well, thanks, man.

>> No.1422505

>you guys
are you talking to me? coz im not argie

>> No.1422507


I mean South America as a whole.

>> No.1422512

I think he's talking to Sudacas in general.

>> No.1422513
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>> No.1422527
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Who the fuck cares?!??!

Stop making stupid comparisons. Neither Marquez nor Updike wrote to be better than one another! Just read and appreciate and stop being retarded! Jese! Every damn day, I see this shit!

>> No.1422538

>one box of butthurt

>> No.1422539

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.1422544
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>> No.1422548
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>> No.1423117

goodmorning bump

>> No.1423144

i feel like i missed it

>> No.1423146

Goodmorning bump.

>> No.1423287


>> No.1423501

afternoon bump

>> No.1423740

fuck this shit bump

>> No.1423743

For the sake of discussion I will say, S. american literature is developing more substantially than n.american literature and i'll go ahead and blame postmodernity..because.

>> No.1423764
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this is kind of like a Cooltop thread....

>> No.1423839
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>> No.1423857

After piano bump.

>> No.1423888
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I like Severo Sarduy

>> No.1423893
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Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson trump all your poets. Borges is good, so's Bolano and Marquez but we have Melville, Pynchon, Faulkner etc.

Pretty much South American literature exists only because of North American literature. It's game over mexicans.

pic related, it's what your average south american looks like

>> No.1423899

that's because your definition of describe is backward

>> No.1423944
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jou señor, habe ofended mee, my family an my lans

>> No.1424035

You know Borges praised american science fiction because he realized Southamerican literature was just "oh, how fucked are we from our goverments, let's escape reality"

>> No.1424041

>Machado de Assis
>Guimaraes Rosa
>Garcia Marques


>> No.1424047
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>Octavio Paz
>no mentions

what the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.1424053
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no one namedrooped my vavourite beloved wetbackkk nooooo

>> No.1424055

Good fiction, but ruined by idiotic people who believe "woa dude!, getting the shit out of you on drugs is DEEEEEEEERPP"

>> No.1424057

Don't be crass, all of these writers are spictacular.

>> No.1424062

>deep and edgy
>don't be crass

>> No.1424066
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oh you

>> No.1424067

>Pretty much South American literature exists only because of North American literature. It's game over mexicans.
Try again brave troll.

Also, sure is latinbros in here YEPA YEPA ANDALE!

>> No.1424082

ITT: Latin literature didn't exist before the XX century, no sir.

>> No.1424127

i can't believe you guys are dignifying mexicans with a response

>> No.1424141

Bumping because I honestly think this has to be on page 1.

>> No.1424149
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>Implying USans have dignity to give

>> No.1424177
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Game Over Americunts

>> No.1424249

European lit > American lit

>> No.1424264
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Canadian lit > All other lit

>> No.1424270

bump because im a motherfucker

>> No.1424336

>north vs south american literature thread
>look forward to interesting discussion about different styles, authors, genres, historical context
>only see name dropping and name calling

fuck's sake, /lit/

>> No.1424363


Canadian literature...as if Margret Atwood counts as a writer. Actually I'm hard pressed to name a single decent writer from Canada other than the copy writer for brochures from tourism Canada. Not much comes out of Canada but hot air and the odd BAWWWL writer that seems on teh brink of being an hero.

tl;dr: Canadian writers not being fit to write the McDonalds menu.

>> No.1424377
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>he reads Margaret Atwood


>> No.1424393

Alice Munro you fucking dork

>> No.1424436


You fucking serious? That BAWWWL writer that writes from the third person perspective in the tones of some ass-burgers halfwit talking about their imaginary friends in some dump hole of Ontario.

Comon! I wouldn't have let the bitch use a pencil with an eraser to do word puzzles. She couldn't write for a damn, her characters were garbage and the settings for most of her books bordered on completely pointless to fucking dull as paint drying.

Next Canadian author that is revered for some unknown reason, other than for being able to spell gud and use basic gramur.

>> No.1424439
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>implying andres bello did not existed

>> No.1424446
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>> No.1424453
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Too deep for you.

>> No.1424863

after nap bump

>> No.1424883


you lose

>> No.1424888


>> No.1424903


not everyone is trailer dwelling piece of shit who reads guns and ammo, cooks meth, and molests his siblings.

>> No.1424913

butthurt Kentucky fag here: Rednecks, niggers, and hipsters (of sorts) make up almost all of the U.S. However, this country has a better history of lit which is becoming seriously threatened by Latin America, along with all other nations.

>> No.1424916


by posting this, you are proving that you are not a redneck! feeling pretty good about not being a redneck?

>> No.1424944

/lit/ is full of really fucking immature and/or stupid people. Oh wait, no shit, I'm on 4chan.

>> No.1424962

I think America is still doing well. We have a large duplicity of styles and genres, many innovators in each. Contemporary literature is still completely on lock-down... Pynchon, Barthelme I guess, McCarthy...

Really, what bothers me most about present day Ameri-lit is how comfortably bourgeois it's becoming. Literature is increasingly becoming a niche hobby that some of suburbia uses to make them feel a bit more cultured. For that market, we have Franzen, Eggers for the younger ones, maybe even Lin for the kids. I think this is partly why you see something like Oscar Wao trumped up so much. America wants culturally diverse novels and to incorporate influences from different cultures to show how progressive and worldly it is. It strikes me as a little insecure.

>> No.1424969

niggers > mark twain

umad americunts?

>> No.1424982
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>> No.1425017
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I thought it meant multiple or something

>> No.1425025


douche yourself by reading some Harry Crews my fellow /lit/izen

>> No.1425272

Canadian literature goes like this:
Quebec: a bunch of fine authors, a particular style and a well developed literary scene
ROC: Malcolm Lowry (protip: not even Canadian)

>> No.1425287


Look, just because everyone watches that one movie about the hockey sweater doesn't mean that Quebecois literature is actually worth anything

>> No.1425307

well there's Ducharme, Nelligan and de Saint-Denys Garneau, all easily as good as anything that's been published in France or in the rest of the francophonie.

>> No.1425899


>> No.1425929

Japanese lit > American lit

prove me wrong you fucking gaijins

>> No.1425943


>> No.1425945

Nothing to prove wrong. It's true.

>> No.1425952

>Pablo Neruda, Gabriel Garcia Marques
These two alone would have carried your argument.

>> No.1425955

King of Zeroes, puanero? o soy el unico aca en /lit/?

>> No.1425978

Pynchon, Hemingway, McCarthy, Dick, Twain, Kerouac (Canadian-American, but this is North vs. South not US vs. everywhere else), Melville

>> No.1425981

donde esta la biblioteca

>> No.1425987


>> No.1426025

I don't know enough, nor have I read enough South American literature to even form an opinion on this topic.

>> No.1426032

I know. I misspelled it tho, it's Marquez.

>> No.1426065

come on guys, post some serious arguments.

>> No.1426070
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> mfw no roald dahl

/lit/ confirmed for hipster faggots

>> No.1426112

tambien estoy yo

>> No.1426114

i think you are in the wrong thread

>> No.1426126

My favorite Latin/South American authors:

My favorite North American authors:

For some reason I'm way more well-read in Spanish language literature than American, despite being American. Weird.

>> No.1426129


Confirmed for idiocy.

>> No.1426141
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>Not for hipsters

>> No.1426191
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>> No.1426223
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end of story

>> No.1426242

I'm OK with this. I'm actually listening to lateralus atm.

>> No.1426247

>implying /lit/ doesn't listen to classical and free jazz only

>> No.1426249
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> implying you have any classical knowledge

> mfw

>> No.1426251

neutral milk hotel > tool

>> No.1426253


Hey, man, I know those Germans were pretty good.

>> No.1426256

Shit band > shittier band


>> No.1426258

Beethoven > Mozart


>> No.1426261

mozart is waay superior

>> No.1426262

Boccherini > All

>> No.1426266

go fuck ourself
your argument is invalid and im drunk

>> No.1426285


>> No.1426292

Frodoe > Robert Jordan + Nazgul


>> No.1426575

good morning bump. I hope we get serious today

>> No.1426830

fucking impossible

>> No.1427149

after black swan bump. anyway, north american lit > south american lit

>> No.1427195

how was it? >>1427149

>> No.1427298
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Silly Americans, thinking their literature is anywhere near as good as Europe's.

>> No.1427833

it was pretty good, a bit overrated imo

>> No.1427847


>> No.1427878


>> No.1427951

this thread is dildo

>> No.1428580

indian lit > american lit

>> No.1429015

Bunch of idiots in this thread. To think there are so many individuals here who having a bit of Marquez think Latin American literature is better than North American literature.

Well, faggots, have you read any sci-fi or fantasy by a south American author? No, you haven't. What about any decent philosophy? Again, no. How about some good non-fiction, some history or something? Uhh, nope, don't think you have. Seen any good plays by Latin American playwrights? Nah, didn't think so. Oh, what about all those pre-war and 19th century classics, read any of those? Oh, wait, those losers in south American hadn't learned to write then.

Fuck's sake and to think people seriously believe this is some sort of contest.

>> No.1429390

Anne Carons is an amazing poet, on par with anyone currently living. Other than that, Canada is mainly shit.