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14223255 No.14223255 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone refuted this book yet?

>> No.14223263


>> No.14223270

Intelligent people commit crimes all the time, they just get away with them far more often.

>> No.14223283
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debunked. have sex incel

>> No.14223291

No, because the people who criticize it most haven’t even read it. Most of the book has nothing to do with race and IQ, rather IQ and stratification within society. Plus, Murray didn’t even take a position on whether the black white IQ gap was caused by genes, he was agnostic.

>> No.14223401

Who is this leftist idiot

>> No.14223431
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>> No.14223459

IQ is gated behind wealth privilege and accounts for the disparity between races better than race does

>> No.14223463

cope harder, shaquan

>> No.14223475
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this is a lie. academia is lying to you.

>> No.14223479
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>> No.14223501

Is that supposed to be a Jew lol

>> No.14223510
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>> No.14223547
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>> No.14223554

Oh fuck off racist. You know that blacks turn to crime because they are discriminated against

>> No.14223585

how are they discriminated against?

>> No.14223591

Gonna need a source that includes other areas
White nationalists are notorious for lying about data to push the agenda

>> No.14223607
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>> No.14223618

>discriminated against
because they commit crime

>> No.14223627

There is no picture of the data that looks for very good for antiracists. If there was we would all hear about it constantly instead of the entire topic being taboo as fuck

>> No.14223638


>> No.14223646
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all you had to do was put in the word "some" and your reply would have been fine.
but then again, youre probably a pink haired soiboi crying about your wife's son.

theres this white dude who wrote a book called the Hillbilly Elegy where parts of it speaks about "Appalachian" values and their effect on the poor white people. appalachian is just a euphemism for the Kentucky backwaters. the book acknowledges the external and genetic factors contributing to long-term poverty, but places a large onus on their culture as well.

anyone who tries to discount the effects of "nigga" culture is just a feelgood cunt larping as muh Jesus.

>> No.14223651

any refutation that isn't hosted on livejournal?

>> No.14223763

I'll never get over the fact that a board dedicated to books has a subsection of retards who only read one book and then tell everyone else they're a shill or kike anytime it's pointed out that the retards have only read one book and are in fact retarded

and the worst part is none of them actually read the book, they just know about it from memes

>> No.14223775

what does that have to do with niggers in america having an average IQ of 85?

>> No.14223939

>Has anyone refuted data?
>Has anyone refuted the racist strawman I made? W-what? He never attributed racial disparity to genetics?

>> No.14224026

What part of "they just get away with them far more often" don't you fucking understand, retard?

>> No.14224051

Do you seriously believe what you're saying?

>> No.14224055

It's not belief, I've personally known guys who embezzled money before, and they were all white. It's mostly whites playing the higher game in society, and there is a ton of crime going on there, and you're extremely naive if you think I'm lying.

>> No.14224075
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Shut the fuck up redditor

>> No.14224077

Yeah but things like the murder rate are hard to fudge that much. Also it's not like black people don't commit white collar crimes as well

>> No.14224088

And? There's no evidence that higher IQ = less likelihood to commit crimes, when it's mostly whites doing stuff like

>tax fraud
>sex tourism in illegal red light districts

every single day.

>> No.14224090

Why don't other races turn to crime?

>> No.14224103

first 3 are far more likely to be jews than whites
>illegal red light districts
who cares lol

>> No.14224104

you'd have to look at the per capita rates of that stuff among blacks and whites of the same income level/access to the institutions that help commit those crimes

Low IQ is related to impulsive behavior so some types of fraud might be correlated to it, but mostly that's referring to stuff like assault. It's only a proxy anyway because while there's a correlation there are surely genes responsible for antisocial behavior that are much more closely linked to crime than intelligence is

>> No.14224112

>first 3 are far more likely to be jews than whites
Jews are white, but this is bullshit regardless; most Jewish men don't have the balls to commit crimes like those.

>who cares lol
Not you since it hurts your shitty narrative, obviously.

And illegal weapons trading? Also a huge percentage white. Hell, there's more evidence that higher IQ = MORE likely to commit crimes than the opposite, really, because at the end of the day, if you can get away with obtaining more power for yourself and/or your family, what kind of retard wouldn't?

>> No.14224128

yfw Bernie Madoff

>> No.14224135

>one Jew who got caught somehow proves me wrong
Also, he's white.

>> No.14224140

We've got work in the morning

>> No.14224144

Ashkenazi jews are sort of half white, half middle eastern. Also you know that the majority of those banks running that shit were heavily Jewish

>> No.14224152

Are you jewish?

>> No.14224171

>Ashkenazi jews are sort of half white, half middle eastern.
So basically white. Anyway, what's your point?

No. Not any Middle Eastern either. Are you? Because you don't seem to have an argument and just want to point fingers.

>> No.14224174
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reminder that racist wh*tes intentionally set black populated homes back in the day to be lower than it actually is worth thus making the black areas poorer (it affects their schools and environment) than it should have been

>> No.14224184


Good book, although I disagreed with Herrnstein & Murray's policy recommendations.

>> No.14224185

That map kinda looks like a jew lol.

>> No.14224186

My point is that they are distinct enough a group to look at them as their own thing. Whites should be further subdivided as well, it's ludicrous to just average the stats from Irish, Anglos, Sicilians, and Ukrainians. Also the context matters, an ethnicity might behave differently as a minority than they do when living in a country made up solely of themselves

>> No.14224187

>Nassim Nicholas Taleb


>> No.14224191

looks like bbc IMO

>> No.14224194

You could make finer distinctions all you want, the idea that higher IQ individuals don't engage in crime is still false.

>> No.14224200

It's about averages, and the types of crime involved might be different. I already mentioned that there should be a separate axis for antisocial behavior, but there is nothing like IQ for that metric

>> No.14224215

There would be no way to know whether a higher IQ person is more likely to engage in crime or not on average, because that person would be more likely to get away with it and have it not even appear in the statistics, since they're higher IQ. So on this point I think the book is completely false and draws a false conclusion on IQ and morality.

>> No.14224225

That argument might hold some water, but if you look at entire populations the lower IQ ones will have higher rates of crime and murder in general. It's not like Norwegian people are secretly murdering each other in large numbers, and Norway is not a very corrupt place.

I get what you're saying, but you're also avoiding the pattern here, it could be nuanced but I dont think it's just a meme

>> No.14224262

>if you look at entire populations the lower IQ ones will have higher rates of crime and murder in general.
Because they get caught more often due to being lower IQ. Ergo, the data on this is bound to be useless and no conclusion can really be drawn on whether there is a meaningful correlation between IQ and crime at all.

>It's not like Norwegian people are secretly murdering each other in large numbers
Japan has an even higher average IQ and probably an even lower crime rate, but this doesn't justify your assertion any more than it justifies mine, because if higher IQ means better chance of getting away with crime, then of course the crime rate will appear lower in these countries.

Your point about antisocial behavior is probably closer to the truth. Crime rates probably correlate more meaningfully with the degree that a person is socialized, which relates to things like culture, education, and mental health.

>> No.14224298

You seriously think Japan has as many murders as Honduras, it just hides them better? I mean Japan has stores that operate on the fucking honor policy, you just leave the money.

Also I imagine that antisocial behavior has more to do with genes than upbringing but there isn't that much data on the subject. Both will affect it in any case

>> No.14224331
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Have you refuted this link yet? >>14223263
Not an argument

>> No.14224348

General crime rates cover more than just murder. If you want to talk about specific crimes, then yes, there is probably a correlation with IQ. Although, many murders that go on are, in some way, often indirectly tied to the actions of higher IQ people who dictate and govern the nations we live in, and if they're truly higher IQ, they'd be aware of this.

>Also I imagine that antisocial behavior has more to do with genes than upbringing
Yeah, probably. And there's also probably a correlation between higher IQ and being antisocial, but I doubt you'd want to consider that.

My problem with the book is that it wants you to put IQ on a pedestal for the wrong reason. You SHOULD consider IQ to be important, extremely important. In fact, you shouldn't even need to read the book to know that IQ is one of the most important factors when it comes to success at literally anything at all, because it's obvious. But IQ being a sufficient indicator of having a certain ethical disposition or a certain degree of socialization is unfounded. A high IQ is not synonymous with being "virtuous" — there are a ton of high IQ individuals who are extremely immoral, and I'm willing to bet that the percentage is significant enough for it to not be an exception to the rule, because the smarter you are, the more individualistic you are, which means the more important power is to you, which means the more important being able to mask yourself in the eyes of others is to you.

>> No.14224363

I find it funny that you asked this when The Bell Curve was written by a Jew and "intelligence quotient' was coined by a German Jew. In a roundabout way what Taleb is saying in that article linked at the top is that IQ is designed to promote only a certain type of (unsophisticated) intelligence as virtuous. Isn't it strange that Jews and Asians are ranked as some of the highest IQ people around when they are often extremely unsophisticated and uncultured?

>> No.14224367

>If you want to talk about specific crimes, then yes, there is probably a correlation with IQ
That's what I said at the beginning

>. And there's also probably a correlation between higher IQ and being antisocial, but I doubt you'd want to consider that.
Idk why you think i'd care one way or the other, I don't find it implausible but I dont know if there's any evidence for it. Maybe higher IQ people are more antisocial but still less prone to crime because of impulse control, there are many possibilities. I do know that low IQ is correlated with many crimes, that much is fairly well established unless we just question all the crime stats.

Also i wouldnt conflate virtue and lack of criminal behavior necessarily. There are complete assholes that don't commit crimes, and there are generally good people who are prone to physical violence

>> No.14224385

>Maybe higher IQ people are more antisocial but still less prone to crime because of impulse control
>there are generally good people who are prone to physical violence
For some reason you keep dialing back to crime = murder only and I don't know why. Crimes committed by higher IQ people would be long-term games that would REQUIRE a high degree of impulse control in order to commit successfully, like embezzling a shit ton of money over a stretch of decades.

>> No.14224398

Murder is just the most useful crime to look at imo, it's hard to fudge numbers and it highlights an extremely antisocial behavior pattern. But why do you think high IQ people are more antisocial in the first place, do you have any evidence for it?

>> No.14224415

>Murder is just the most useful crime to look at imo
Useful for what?

>it's hard to fudge numbers
Who has the blood on their hands though: the guy who stabbed the other guy for coke, or the guy who sold the coke, or the guy who made the coke, or the guy who allowed the coke to be delivered to / made in / sold in the country?

>why do you think high IQ people are more antisocial in the first place, do you have any evidence for it?
Who are the most individualistic groups? Are they higher IQ on average? Individualism is the basis for antisocial behavior, is it not?

>> No.14224417

to be fair to the Taleb worshippers, the main gist of his article seems to be pointing out things that seem pretty reasonable
>"IQ is not significantly associated with wealth"
many people acknowledge this. so most statements are usually given with something akin to an asterisk: "IQ is the 'best' measure of wealth"
but its still important to note what "best" actually means. taleb does a good job of dispelling the common person's incorrect view that IQ is the all-determining factor in one's success
its the best single factor predictor out there, but its not "good" as a predictive factor when compared to what we commonly regard as good predictors, like the weather report (which by and large, is usually correct)

>"it does not even measure capacity/mental powers"
here i think hes just crafting a purposefully provocative statement to get a point across. he follows it up with this idea that if you want to know if someone is good at tennis, its better to have them play tennis, than to measure how fast they can swing their arm
so yeah, this is one of those "well yes, but no"
IQ seems to just be some general cognitive ability to problem solve and shit. any test with random questions could measure IQ. give 9999 random questions about anything to a random group of people, and the results will largely correlate with that of a traditional IQ test
but how much is general ability worth versus acute understanding of what you specifically need to do (for a job/task/whatever)? an often told joke about new graduates kinda touches upon this point:
>nothing you learn in college will actually be useful for your first job

>"biases in research"
this is true, but the misleading subtitle is kinda indicative of taleb's prose: craft a provocative statement, and then follow up with something reasonable. it kinda reminds me of alex jones.
he says that academics, lawyers, etc tend to higher higher IQ because the tests required to get accepted into such institutions or field are similar to IQ tests. which is true-ish.

taleb also wrote a bunch more shit that i "skimmed" over a bit ago, of which ive now forgotten. so i only wrote about the stuff that stood out to me.

there was an iq thread a bit ago. being a useless shit poster all i contributed was:
>"IQcels coping by conveniently leaving out other important attributes to success, like conscientiousness"

>> No.14224426

oh i misread and thought you said "not an argument" to the person who merely put a link to taleb without expounding on it

in which case i revise my statement:
>lulz, look at this low IQ bitch trying to cope

>> No.14224429

The better question is why you have a Christmas tree up in November.

>> No.14224433

All those people are guilty of something, but only one of them committed murder. I get it's more complicated than just looking at one crime, but that doesn't mean the data about that one crime is meaningless

>Who are the most individualistic groups? Are they higher IQ on average? Individualism is the basis for antisocial behavior, is it not?
Im not sure it follows like that, antisocial behavior can be generalized or it can be towards an outgroup for one thing. For another peak individualsm leads to a callous outlook for sure, but it doesn't necessarily lead to aggression directed towards others, that's a separate axis

>> No.14224448


Tranny whore, your stupid " socialist anarchy" will never ever work as long as IQ exists. Get fucked.

>> No.14224452

Your post says that Taleb is right more than it says that he's wrong, you know.

>> No.14224456


>> No.14224460


>> No.14224464

because i kinda agree with him. hence the "well to be fair"
but you keep coping you low IQ cunt
>"b-but anon, IQ as a test seems to be something that filters out the retards, and less useful for organizing the 'above average' intelligence peeps"
yeah, case in point, you, the retard

>> No.14224467

IQ doesn’t exist, tranny

>> No.14224481

I don't know what's considered low IQ these days. I took a standardized IQ test in school about 20 years ago and I had 135. That said, "low IQ" isn't an insult to me, because high IQ people tend to be effeminate nerds, aka the people who invented it in the first place, which tells me that it's just a type of modern day virtue signalling.

>> No.14224494

>"rose by another name still smells as shitty"
theres def people that can solve a given problem/task easier/faster than other people.
over enough random tasks, you call that IQ.
theres merit to questioning whether people are placing too much importance or value on IQ, but you cant deny there isnt IQ
cope more, you low IQ bitch

>i-i still luv u buttercunt...

fine, youre a fag/virgin/autist/sperg/cunt/soiboi
>flips through the official four chins book of insults
>"did i miss any?"

>> No.14224508

So the answer is no.


>> No.14224519

Why am I any of those things when I don't consider IQ to be useless? I just don't consider it to be the most useful variable in terms of determining what's valuable either. High IQ people tend to be autistic, and autistic people are useful, but only sometimes.

>> No.14224529

>high school basketball prospect
>not nearly enough competition to demonstrate he would be good in the NBA
>"but he's got athleticism"
>so youre saying hes quick on his feet, explosive in his jump, and other vague-ish measures?
>okay, so hes athletic, but that doesnt mean he would fare well in the NBA
thats the closest analogy thing i could think of for this whole discussion about IQ

confirmed forrest gump level IQ
>"but forrest gump was a war hero, ping pong champ, and a successful entrepreneur"

you need to take shitposts less seriously son

>> No.14224559

Rangeban Americans.

>> No.14224589

>IQ doesn't exist
Women also have lower IQs, why do you think are the reasons why men create 90% of all inventions even today? IQ.

>> No.14224752

But muh patriarchy!!!!111

>> No.14224777

Americans should be sterilized. Maybe then they can think of something else to bitch about when they'll be unable to pass on their genes permanently.

>> No.14224784
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A valid argument

>> No.14224790

Put on your collar. Now. :3

>> No.14225021

>a racist conspiracy made my house price lower
Shouldn't you be happy whites made neighborhoods where it was more affordable for you to live?

Look at what you get now: jews buying up old black neighborhoods, reselling those homes at much higher prices to liberal whites (who pretend to love you), and pricing you out of the market.

In reality of course your very presence depresses house prices because you're violent criminals who don't maintain your properties.

When your people move in whites flee and the neighborhood goes to shit. Because you're there and you're shit.

>> No.14225030

you really love that picture ive noticed, but that chick's character arc is to become pretty and appeal to a male jock

>> No.14225050 [SPOILER] 
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That's what he wants his character arc to be. In reality however...

>> No.14225192
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They ruin her character at the end. She kisses Claire after the makeover and I turn the movie off is what happens

>> No.14225211 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14225221

>what is supply and demand
>what happens to demand when monkeys move into the neighborhood


>> No.14225402
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>> No.14225431
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-Antonio McDaniel

>> No.14225487


>> No.14225489
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>our patient regretted the surgery so much she took her own life a couple of weeks after the consultation
well that went well

>> No.14225525

let's assume blacks tend to be more criminal and less intelligent because of their genes, do you have any reasonable and realistic solution?

>> No.14226412

Dr. Wouter Basson has the perfect solution

>> No.14226420

The Goldeneye speedrunner?

>> No.14226859
File: 810 KB, 807x9865, Review Why Warriors Lie Down and Die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) cease trying to make the criminal justice system 'equitable'. Equal outcomes should not be expected under equal justice.
2) cease most affirmative action
3) stop making the problem worse with bad immigration
4) reassess welfare and how it destroys family formation and self-sufficiency
5) explore how to encourage intelligent university graduates to have more children and discourage the poor without force
6) explore embryo selection and genetic modification

none of this will solve the issues facing the west, but it will halt the decline and promise a better future.

>> No.14226910

The book says IQ is genetic from about 60 to 80% as known from adoptive twin studies. I've read it just a month ago. He doesn't outright say that IQ difference between races is genetic(as in there's no quote saying "The IQ gap between races is genetic..." or any variation of it), but it would be extremely... peculiar if he believed they differ in non-genetic component only(which would be borderline mathematically possible assuming the 60% number was correct). While it's up to the reader to connect these dots I don't think it's really logical

>> No.14226917

reminder that wh*tes ruin black neighbourhoods by moving into them, gentrifying and raising property values!

>> No.14226931
File: 61 KB, 850x400, quote-a-man-of-genius-can-hardly-be-sociable-for-what-dialogues-could-indeed-be-so-intelligent-arthur-schopenhauer-94-18-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It exists, but it's not an indicator of genius, only an indicator of general competencies in various areas. IQ is the virtue of the era and a revival of the "genius vs. talent vs. skill" debacle.

>> No.14226964

The problem with accusations of statistics lying is that typically blacks are more pathological* now than they were during Jim Crow. If you believe that there's a bias in the system, so to speak, then it would have to be more visible back then than it is now.

*for instance incarceration rate(yes, southern courts during jim crow were less "biased" than modern ones, where you can demand all black juries and judge if you believe the verdict against you will be unfair), home ownership rate(dropping faster than that of whites), unemployment etc.

>> No.14227522
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>> No.14227635

>tfw Coming Apart is a better book but since it doesn't discuss blacks no-one cares

Terrible shame, it's a fascinating look at what's going wrong.

>> No.14227741

As we have established they are less intelligent it is reasonable to assert that they are less logical than regular humans. Based on this, the inability to display a distinctly human trait qualifies them as sub-human and therefore morally are not afforded the same respect as humans.

Hence kill all niggers is morally justified.

>> No.14227799

Civilization acts as a selective breeder to its respective human populace. When people from historically uncivilized societies migrate to a country that has experienced civilization for numerous generations, this becomes evident. In uncivilized societies, ethical behaviors are subordinate to violence and brutality, traits that are generally associated with low IQ. When civilized societies form, morality conquers barbarous traits. Through imprisonment and/or execution of the violent portions of the population, civilization culls the herd in accordance with its moral code. We should not get upset that blacks are the primary residents in our prisons, but instead rejoice in the beneficial conditioning of these people.

>> No.14227820

Crack down on them more, I guess. Excusing their behavior is bad.

>> No.14227855


>> No.14227878

Ban Americans from this board, please.

>> No.14227921

I'm not agreeing with the white nationalists, but how do we know they just get caught more often. How do you know who gets away with things and at what rate?

>> No.14227932

Because if this wasn't the case, then their entire world-views would be challenged, and that is unacceptable.

>> No.14228015

Actual /thread

Watch brainlets flail around trying to challenge this inherent truth lmao

>> No.14228090

literally white mans burden but in more words. The issue is that its only provably beneficial to civilized countries if its fulfilling a moral obligation, which is arguably not there, as by the numbers its just throwing a lot of money at apes.

>> No.14228167
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>> No.14228178

You can kinda get self reported figures for eg, smoking weed, then compare that with prosecutions for smoking weed.

>> No.14228603

Wouldnt this also mean that the police are higher IQ and therefore better at solving crimes?

>> No.14228604


>> No.14228761
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>> No.14228890

Havent cops basically started giving up on black neighborhoods? Just seems lose lose at this point

>> No.14229700

Why would anyone waste resources on them?

>> No.14229819
File: 174 KB, 850x400, Sowell-Factual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find niggers intolerable, but I subsequently have no problem with black people. We are trying to condition them. Their population needs quite a bit of work still. Unfortunately, the left is destroying this process by attempting to reduce the imprisonment of violent criminals and by importing more savagery from third world countries.

>> No.14229953

They add nothing to any discussion (even ones they begin) and are an overall detriment to any sort of intellectual potential. Quoting Sowell, believing in IQ, disliking their own fellow citizens because of melanin, etc. Just despicable people.

>> No.14230031

No, because the average IQ of a nation doesn't mean all sectors of said nation are at or above the average.

>> No.14230048
File: 147 KB, 1845x489, talebmediumpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This embarassing "refutation" of IQ has been posted so many times I just have a post about it on file, but Sean Last >>14224187 has a more thorough response.

The book addresses that, actually. It's even part of their argument, where they demonstrate that differences in crime between the races become smaller when you control for IQ.

>> No.14230104

And here you are, adding nothing to the discussion besides ad hominem attacks. Where is this intellectual potential you speak of?

Here is a little exercise for you. I'll make it simple so you'll be able to handle it. Respond to
without resorting to any more logical fallacies or emotional appeals. Thanks and good luck, europoor.

>> No.14230441

leftist propaganda

>> No.14230471

I can never get enough of these, anyone have more?

>> No.14230534

this book annoys me because it's iconic for being racist but i like the pretty colors on the cover and would buy one just to have it sit there and be pretty

>> No.14230565

>IQ doesn’t exist
>Even though the scores derived from general intelligence tests correlate strongly with tangible manifestations of intelligence
Butterfly, you never cease to amaze me with your politically-motivated stupidity. I've met a lot of people like you in person, but not a single one of them was as much of a pseud as you are. None of them LARP quite so furiously as educated and informed, only to be exposed as wholly ignorant in regard to all subjects and subsequently mocked by everyone. Taleb denies what is obvious biological fact in the same way that Lewontin did, or any other scientist whose political views and feelings override their capacity for rational observation, who under apolitical circumstances would show great aptitude.

>> No.14230571


>> No.14230575

What's leftist about it?

>> No.14230611

Kek why do do yuros try and play the "were totally not racist card!" Is it because they are collectively opening their assholes or something atm?

>> No.14230630

But you would say that the average IQ of police in Haiti is lower than the average IQ in japan?

>> No.14230806
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Stop lying.

>> No.14230839

See >>14224262

>> No.14230849

Maybe. It doesn't matter, because when you're smart, you don't leave any incriminating evidence.

>> No.14230856

That's 15 points gained in a few centuries.

>> No.14230857

So if the stats are wrong and unreliable, then how can you claim that whites commit more crimes? What do you base this on?

>> No.14230877

Different activities, different crime. Not the same understanding of morality, and the laws becoming looser and looser near the abstract fields that high iqs roam.
A low iq pyramid scheme is illegal, but usury is not.

>> No.14230891
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Read the book, ya goof.

>> No.14230893

I never said "more" crimes. Also, there is no logical reason for believing that higher IQ means refraining from crime. Is there not the Italian mafia, Irish mafia, Russian mafia, etc.?

>> No.14230930

I thought you were the anon I replied to that said:

> when it's mostly whites doing stuff like

Are you not? Cause you're claiming to know this while claiming this cannot be known since racial data is completely unreliable by default.

I never said IQ is what determines criminality, I think it's more likely hormones and poor impulse control that have a bigger impact.

>> No.14230957

Yeah, that was me, and that doesn't mean whites commit more crimes than other groups, because I was talking about specific crimes there.

I'm not claiming to KNOW anything. I'm saying that YOUR claim of absolute knowledge is unfounded and giving you solid reasoning, which you aren't refuting, to see how.

>I never said IQ is what determines criminality, I think it's more likely hormones and poor impulse control that have a bigger impact.
Sounds pozzed. What's the rationale? Why is crime not desirable for a calm, highly intelligent disposition? Most highly intelligent men are severe critics of society, severely competitive, and are also racist, sexist, and anti-egalitarian. Organized crime actually makes a lot of sense for strong and expansive bloodlines when you think about it.

>> No.14230989

You are claiming to know that whites commit more "specific crimes", so how do you know that?

>Why is crime not desirable for a calm, highly intelligent disposition?
Why do men between the ages of 16-24 commit much more violent crime than men of any other age demographic?
Low intelligence leads to poor risk assessment and low impulse control correlates with devaluing of human life.

>> No.14231040

>You are claiming to know that whites commit more "specific crimes", so how do you know that?
How often do you hear of whites committing those crimes versus blacks, or even encounter such people in real life? Have you encountered them? I have, and they are always white.

>Why do men between the ages of 16-24 commit much more violent crime than men of any other age demographic?
What's violent crime and what isn't? I'm also going to guess that the crimes you're referring to don't make up all crime.

>low impulse control correlates with devaluing of human life.
What's this generalization you call human life? What if not all of us are worthy of being called human?

>> No.14231078

>How often do you hear of whites committing those crimes versus blacks, or even encounter such people in real life? Have you encountered them? I have, and they are always white.
You've gotta be trolling now. Literally swap white with black and make the same argument if anecdotal evidence is all you need.
>What's violent crime and what isn't?
You don't know what violence is?
>What's this generalization you call human life? What if not all of us are worthy of being called human?
They're called niggers.

>> No.14231145

>Literally swap white with black and make the same argument if anecdotal evidence is all you need.
If you're encountering blacks committing those kinds of crimes, doesn't that refute the stats showing that blacks have a lower IQ on average? And that's also not all you need, I did ask you who you hear about committing those crimes more often. That means news sources.

>You don't know what violence is?
Of course I do. The scope of it has to be established if you want to make a point though. Is violence here limited to direct, physical, inmediate attacks, or indirect, psychological, long-term attacks? Is someone who spends several years corrupting an area economically and politically in order to undermine it and take over, harming and possibly leading to the deaths of thousands, committing an act of violence? And what kind of person is more likely to pull that type of attack off successfully, someone with a low IQ or a high IQ? And historically, what races of people seem to launch those types of attacks more often?

>They're called niggers.
You refute yourself then, by asserting that having a high IQ means considering low IQ people inhuman. Why bring up consideration of human life as a mark of low IQ then? As someone with high IQ, you shouldn't see a reason to not commit crimes against such people.

>> No.14231147

How do you account for different levels of responsibility?
If you look at a gang, you'll probably find that the low IQ people do all the murders while the high IQ people run things, but in such circumstances the high IQ ones are the ones ordering that the crimes be committed, and there's a reasonable case they wouldn't be murdering people if a smarter boy didn't tell them to do it and then run away.

>> No.14231720
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>> No.14231972


>> No.14232833

nice circular argument retard

>> No.14232849

>If you're encountering blacks committing those kinds of crimes, doesn't that refute the stats showing that blacks have a lower IQ on average?
Why? Since when do you need a high IQ to commit embezzlement, gambling, tax fraud, etc.?
>Of course I do.
Then what's the point of the rest of your post?
>And historically, what races of people seem to launch those types of attacks more often?
If you're talking about subverting society and leading to more violence in the long run, then Jews.
>You refute yourself then, by asserting that having a high IQ means considering low IQ people inhuman. Why bring up consideration of human life as a mark of low IQ then? As someone with high IQ, you shouldn't see a reason to not commit crimes against such people.
Those aren't equivalent. Not caring about human life in general and being willing to almost randomly attack and victimize isn't the same as hating niggers because they randomly attack and victimize.

>> No.14232889

>In reality of course your very presence depresses house prices because you're violent criminals who don't maintain your properties.
So which came first, the chicken or the egg? Do you have stats that show African American crime rates being high before red lines were a thing? Also remind me who it was that traumatize these people with enslavement. Black slaves were forced to smile for public relations so that slavery in general wouldn't be criticized; disobedience would result in beating or mutilation. This deep wound doesn't just disappear, it becomes a part of you if you were born black. There is not a single race or ethnic group that would let go of a grudge that becomes a staple on your culture

>> No.14232896

this is the product of culture and 500 years of history

>> No.14232903

The fact that it is mostly followed by /pol/ incels is enough of a refutation.

>> No.14232934

That's fine if America was the exception to the rule, but there are countries where most blacks are immigrants from the 50-60's and weren't slaves and they behave the exact same way.
London has the same crime race demographics as the US, in fact every European country does.
Even China has the same problem with African criminals.

>> No.14232941

All arguments are circular.

>> No.14233111
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>people will never accept the heritability of general intelligence (among other things) and it's variance between population groups

>> No.14233194

Taleb's argument isn't even close to a refutation of IQ. At best he establishes that IQ doesn't fit into one particular definition of "measure" used within mathematics, though there are many other branches of mathematics which do not require measures to be monotonic, and in fact pretty much all of systems theory expects that measures will be randomly distributed but asymptotically stable (which IQ as a construction is).

>> No.14233219

Hey, do you want to know something funny about that cocaine analogy? It's pretty much guaranteed that just about all of those people involved are Latin American/Black except for maybe the white CIA guy ensuring the coke doesn't get intercepted. It's not like the producers and distributers of coke in Bolivia are any less brown and generally low IQ than the sellers of coke (and people who are likely to stab someone over cocaine) in America. You've set up this fake argument where you can compare literal murder to some generalized corruption (which plenty of low IQ people are capable of if most third world countries are any indication) just so you can shrug your shoulders and say "nobody knows for sure" and tactically deny any possibility of understanding the issue beyond your convenient "intersectional class" based one.

>> No.14233251

All arguments relying on certain apriori assumptions doesn't mean that all arguments are circular. Literally go think about something for once in your life before you pretend you have anything to contribute to a discussion.

>> No.14233287

More like a million years of history