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14223187 No.14223187 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good ol' leftists who hate degeneracy and faggotry? Please recommend me some enjoyable books or writings

>> No.14223190


>> No.14223192

Please fuck off back to pol

>> No.14223232

I am not interested in politics but more in the philosophical foundations

>> No.14223239


Pick one

>> No.14223866

Ok I picked one, what do I do now?

>> No.14223879

Marx (to an extent)

>> No.14223884
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Mao would have you put against a wall or in a camp anon, so he's pretty cool

>> No.14223890

George Orwell despised the "pansy left". Read his essays.

>> No.14223919

Accept that he is not based

>> No.14223933
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Franco Bifo Berardi

>> No.14223971


>> No.14223973

Rinaldo Bergoglio

>> No.14224927

Did he even knew how to write?

>> No.14226358

André Breton

>> No.14226372

Stalin read tons of books

>> No.14226713

Daniel de Leon

>> No.14227023
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>democratic faggotism
>despised the "pansy left"

>> No.14227050

Marx & Engels
>In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism

>The paederasts [homosexual paedophiles] are beginning to count themselves, and discover that they are a power in the state. Only organisation was lacking, but according to this source it apparently already exists in secret. And since they have such important men in all the old parties and even in the new ones, from Rosing to Schweitzer, they cannot fail to triumph. Guerre aux cons, paix aus trous-de-cul [war on the cunts, peace to the arse-holes] will now be the slogan. It is a bit of luck that we, personally, are too old to have to fear that, when this party wins, we shall have to pay physical tribute to the victors. But the younger generation! Incidentally it is only in Germany that a fellow like this can possibly come forward, convert this smut into a theory

>> No.14227231
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Based Stalin

>> No.14227248

All of them, being homosexual is inherently reactionary.

>> No.14227275

Basically all actual communists, brainlet post because you’d know this if you’d read even the most basic history book instead of basing your world view off of modern retards who are all variants of liberal larping as other ideologies

>> No.14227327
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Her Goebbels, and ofcourse Her Hitler

>> No.14227398


Please learn to do your own thinking, faggot.

>> No.14227618

Georges Sorel

>> No.14227634

Her? You mean Herr?

>> No.14227882

>The mere words “Socialism” and “Communism” draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, “Nature Cure” quack, pacifist, and feminist in England. . . . The food-crank is by definition a person willing to cut himself off from human society in hopes of adding five years on to the life of his carcase; that is, a person out of touch with common humanity.

>> No.14228004


>> No.14228364

I'm aware of the line, yes. Doesn't stop Orwell being a traitor faggot. Didn't stop POUM getting their ass kicked either

>> No.14229669

What about Diego Fusaro?

>> No.14229710
File: 215 KB, 1335x2000, bestgirlbossy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww that kitty on the left makes me miss my cat

and Christopher Hitchens was on the left and he's pretty based. definitely entertaining. he solves the problem of what's wrong with the left really, they're boring af. boring boring boring. screeching about grabbing by the pussy one minute, abusing children in public libraries the next. go read Hitch's collection of essays Arguably.