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/lit/ - Literature

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14222240 No.14222240 [Reply] [Original]

do you have any verses/poems memorised?

>> No.14222244


>> No.14222252

Kublai Khan and Jabberwocky

Tried to memorize Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner bu didn't have the patience

>> No.14222325

"What would be the Best thing to man? No hace never been born. And the second Best? To die soon"

>> No.14222339

Have* sorry folks

>> No.14222342

To be or not to be

>> No.14222362

this one Pushkin poem, not on purpose ive just read it so many times

>> No.14222860

SOUL, wilt thou toss again?
by just such a hazard
hundreds have lost, indeed,
but tens have won an all

angels' breathless ballot,
lingers to record thee;
imps in eager caucus
raffle for my soul

>> No.14222877

I met a stranger from an antique land who said
two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert
near them, on the sand, half sunk

a shattered visage lies
whose frown and wrinkled lip
and snear of cold command tell that it's sculptor well those passions read which yet survive

stamped on these lifeless things
the hand that mocked them and the heart that fed

and the pedestal these words appear

"My name is Ozzymandias, King of Kings. Look on my works ye mighty and despair. "

nothing besides remains. Beyond the decay of that colossal wreck boundless and bare alone and level sands stretch far away

>> No.14222898

A few bits and pieces from various authors. Some stanzas from Colderidge, Kipling, Macauly, and Tolkien. A few bits of Shakespeare. I think I still remember some Schiller I had to memorize for German class many years ago.

Nothing really complete, though.

>> No.14222907

>here we go around the prickly pear
>prickly pear prickly pear
>here we go around the prickly pear
>at five o'clock in the morning

>> No.14222990

some A.E. Housman poems

>> No.14223006
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Yes; wrting it in this thread would be futile.

>> No.14223092

Several Psalms, most of the sermon on the mount and a couple of poems.

>> No.14223315

Opening to Romeo and Juliet will forever be burned into my memory from middle school

>> No.14223566
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I’ve been waiting for this thread.

> Multiple monologues from across Shakespeare’s shit.
> Tennyson’s poem “Kraken”.
> I’d guess just under a hundred Bible verses/scriptures.
> Working on Eliot’s “Marina”.

Sounded like more in my head but between the Bible and Shakespeare it’s a good bunch of content.

>> No.14223690

nice. which monologues do you have memorized?

>> No.14223760

Nancy Bates could lift those weights
as well as any feller
If you don't find that very ladylike then
I dare ya to tell her.

Or something like that. Shel Silverstein from one of those childhood books.

Also some Ginsberg and passages of TS Eliot