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File: 96 KB, 350x350, Theodore_Kaczynski_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14222015 No.14222015 [Reply] [Original]

>Journal Entry, April 6, 1971

>My motive for doing what I am going to do is simply personal revenge. I do not expect to accomplish anything by it. Of course, if my crime (and my reasons for committing it) gets any public attention, it may help to stimulate public interest in the technology question and thereby improve the chances of stopping technology before it is too late; but on the other hand most people will probably be repelled by my crime, and the opponents of freedom may use it as a weapon to support their arguments for control over human behavior. I have no way of knowing whether my action will do more good than harm. I certainly don't claim to be an altruist or to be acting for the 'good' (whatever that is) of the human race. I act merely from a desire for revenge.


You trust the New York Times, don't you? You're not some tinfoil wackjob, right?

>> No.14222019

If he's a wackjob then I belong in an asylum

>> No.14222023

No shit sherlock

>> No.14222025

I guess I grew up long before you did because I don't care about any author, I care about the content. Couldn't care less if TK was a bishop or a serial killer, he's right.

>> No.14222026

You probably do

>> No.14222028

>, April 6, 1971
Imagine how much fun he could have been having instead of living in a cabin and being angry about electricity

>> No.14222031

So do you

>> No.14222036

>muh separate the author from the work

If he's crazy and evil, his ideas probably aren't worth listening to??????

>> No.14222037

Wrong. This makes him more in the right. Grow up and realize that “ideals” are just stories you tell yourself. Fighting for them is futile. All that exists is violence and revenge.

>> No.14222043

Ted should've been doing drugs and banging chicks

>> No.14222044

excellent imitation of a reddit/twitter faggot

>> No.14222049

>t. 15 year old edgelord

>> No.14222052

>says the psycho

>> No.14222053

>Journal Entry, April 6, 1971
He didn't start the bombing campaigns until 1978, in this paragraph he talks about destruction of motorized vehicles used to deforestate his area and the killings of his neighbors dogs.

You've read all the necessary info to make a substantial post, didn't you? You're not some sensationalist anglo, right?

>> No.14222063

>muh separate the author from the work
Yes, like the entire world does, except for protestant anglos who can't help themselves but distort everything through the lenses of moralism.

>> No.14222067
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>mad at the master race

>> No.14222082
File: 415 KB, 588x558, Screen Shot 2019-11-23 at 1.56.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much resentment. Have some tea

>> No.14222088

>time to leave them all BEHIIIIIIIIIIINDDDDD

>> No.14222109
File: 899 KB, 2643x3305, uncle-ted-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Kaczynski was subjected to an unethical psychological experiment at Harvard designed to destroy a subject's ego with hostile interrogation methods.

This is what led him to his theories of industrial society leading to nightmarish systems of mental control. He realized what was being done to him was the development of a prototype.

>> No.14222114

Get fucked you kraut bastard

>> No.14222116

Run from it while you can.

>> No.14222118

>He didn't start the bombing campaigns until 1978, in this paragraph he talks about destruction of motorized vehicles used to deforestate his area and the killings of his neighbors dogs.
Thanks for the information, ted kaczynski was right and even if he had personal motives it makes sense coming from an anarchist

>> No.14222145

I'm french and the entire french/anglo dynamic is rooted in anglo jealousy. Who would've guessed that autistic moralists would envy their spontaneous, uninhibited neighbors? Well, pretty much everyone in fact. It is known that anglos covet the french, from Dunkerque to Teheran.

Reminder that this is a straight up lie debunked by everyone including ted himself. Imagine spreading disinfo unknowingly, you are indirectly suppressing your own agency. Good bot.

>industrial society leading to nightmarish systems of mental control.
But this dynamic is as old as civilization itself, it's just that industrial society allows for more efficient techniques. Have you even read TK? This is basic freudian psychology by the way, without the implication of libido. Over-socialization leads to neurosis (then freud expanded this to sexual behaviors but it's not relevant to TK, and it is rightful to doubt that every behavior is linked to sexuality) 'We live in a society' basically, but few are those courageous enough to tackle this question without layers upon layers of irony. Domesticated man is beyond pathetic.

>> No.14222171

not him, yeah but without industrialization civilization would't be as fucked up, before the industrial revolution you had a chance to escape to places far away from it and still live autonomously even with small groups

>> No.14222178

That journal entry reads like it glows in the dark.

>> No.14222185

>I'm french and the entire french/anglo dynamic is rooted in anglo jealousy
Are you a timetraveller from 1800 lmao
France has been thoroughly cucked by the English for 200 years now, you want to see 'resentment' go to fucking Quebec

>> No.14222188

You really think the government would have the newspapers publish something like this to discourage copycats and the idea of Ted as a folk hero? Crazy Man Alert

>> No.14222191

The only reason school shooters in-the-making incels here like him is because he was a terrorist and killed people. I've seen similar sentiments being expressed in regards to Timothy McVeigh and even Osama bin Laden on /his/

>> No.14222260

do you have a problem with governments killing people? destroying other people land and ruining the environments? or do you think they have the right to that without disturbance

>> No.14222263
File: 38 KB, 500x500, based joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down dude, I think uncle Ted is based too

>> No.14222268

>The only reason school shooters in-the-making incels here like him

You sound like an absolute philistine.

>> No.14222329

>t. pussy who's afraid of fistfights

>> No.14222372

>Reminder that this is a straight up lie
No, THAT'S a lie.

>This has always been happening it's to be expected you didn't read Freud?

You're a jew, aren't you.

>> No.14222492

What's wrong with that?

>> No.14222995
File: 2.41 MB, 3024x4032, Anti-Tech Revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that this letter doesn't diminish him morally in any way. In fact it elevates him: it shows his honesty.

If you attack evil servants of an evil system, and you admit you're doing it for personal revenge more so than a revolutionary program, I fail to see how it's somehow "bad."

Freedom fighters throughout history have taken revenge against oppressive and evil systems out of anger and personal retaliation. It doesn't automatically mean that the system they were attacking wasn't evil, or their actions weren't morally vindicated. One thinks of slaves in the antebellum south, or jews in nazi ghettos. And anyway, he soon adopted hope and revolution as a practical strategy after this note.

>> No.14223037

I don't care about what he did. He was an autistic man who wrote outside his depth because he thought his status in academia immediately gave him the privilege to do so competently, who became popular because resentment has been growing in the United States at an alarming rate since the 60s.

>> No.14223314
File: 8 KB, 249x249, 1544601440357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One thinks of slaves in the antebellum south, or jews in nazi ghettos
Those examples discredit your point tho

>> No.14223335


>> No.14223613

When I read Ellul and realized Ted copy and pasted + rants about """""leftists"""""

>> No.14223793

But the basis for revenge is an ideal, reminder that selfishness is still an ideal. A person without ideals would never seek revenge.

>> No.14223880

Ah 4chan

>> No.14224089

You're retarded for typing it in the first place lmao

>> No.14224099

??? you can have and do both.

>> No.14224444
File: 185 KB, 737x768, 1518893637293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One thinks of slaves in the antebellum south, or jews in nazi ghettos
Of course these are the two examples the redditor immediately thinks of kek

>> No.14225011
File: 11 KB, 236x353, 1567900014068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm usually not one for superstition, but it is amazing how dubs/trips/quads/etc are so often based.

>> No.14225025

How do we know that the CIA didn't alter his writings?

>> No.14225205

The 90s

>> No.14225437
File: 3.06 MB, 275x275, 1574261098389.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He still based.

>> No.14225452

ok boomer

>> No.14225551


Here is more nuanced view of the guy. Yeah, he initially began to bomb as systematic revenge for the system's encroachment of his land, but as time went on, he became more aware of what he was fighting for. He gained a sense of "mission".

>> No.14225577

His bombings brought those ideas to the mainstream. If anything I have to thank him for that.

Now that young people are held hostage by these new technologies so much that they're causing them to commit suicide at increasingly younger ages, I'm sure a new genertion of people are going to see this madman and say softly to themselves "he was right". From there, some of those will read Ellul. (Me)

>> No.14225578
File: 86 KB, 591x591, ted got mad seeing the machines ripping up the woods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but the MK Ultra shit is obviously blown out of proportion to make TK seem crazy and dissuade people of actually reading his writings.
So the real conspiracy is about exaggerating the MK Ultra conspiracy, at least in this case. That and that bullshit about him being a tranny.

>> No.14225588

There's a difference between the quality of a person's ideas and the quality of their character. He can be right and still be no hero. Morality does not interfere with the logical validity of factual propositions.

>> No.14225605

how about have a look at the ideas first and decide that after, you fucking moron

>> No.14225673

> You trust the New York Times, don't you? You're not some tinfoil wackjob, right?
No. I don't trust those Kikes at all.

>> No.14226486


>> No.14226815

unless we have a comfy picture of his own handwriting like the one he wrote btfo'ing mathematics

>> No.14227236

How will a post-singularity society be? Will we be like the rat experiment or will we left humanity behind and all its limitations to not end that way?

>> No.14227336

He relies entirely on circular logic and conjecture in order to defend his thesis, not worth your time in the first place.

>> No.14227357


>> No.14227854

heres the thing, I had to grapple with his actions, and came to this conclusion. As a christian I think that violence upon innocents is wrong (even if they were merely symbols in his view) - this does not mean I buy into common christcuckery, there is no tolerance in not killing normie fools who know not were the stumbling block lay, it is as darkness. But Ted acknowledges this, he does not believe his actions to be for the good, his philosophy is his good, his notions are the good; he was a man that we broke, and then - as broken machines are wont to do - it hurt those nearby it. But we must see, all of our forefathers in the old testament as examples, that man cannot possibly go without sin, it is an impossible feat. Read other anarchists, not the edgy ones no, and youll find that all the coherant ones have their doctrines based in christianity. Platos philosophy in the republic is anarchism, if every man was a philosopher king, and ruled himself, no one would rule over him, and all would be well. Anarchism is the only christian form of government, but there are few people that can uphold the social contract without a gun to their head, and thus the hell of modern politics is spawned. A constant compromise of man with himself, sickened at his lack of self control, and yet bathing in its light, rejoicing in the corruption of other man, as he corrupts them more. Anarchism is for the individual. Ted began to act as the individual, the particular, except he wasnt christian, so he didn't have any reference to look to as to how he should act, as christians do with the Universal. He isnt a hero, hes a case study, as to how a virtuous man can fail, when he is full of himself, and worldly virtues, and not full of God and Godly virtues; the world comes to crush man, comes to bring on hell to man, but God does not crush man, and brings only salvation and forgiveness. also /thread

>> No.14228388

>t. starts crying when he gets angry

>> No.14228421

you will pay for making fun of me.

>> No.14228450

>One time, as I was walking across the huge bridge that connected the two campuses, I passed by a girl I thought was pretty and said “Hi” as we neared each other. She kept on walking and didn’t even have the grace to respond to me. How dare she! That foul bitch. I felt so humiliated that I went to one of the school bathrooms, locked myself in a toilet stall, and cried for an hour.
damn :/

>> No.14228493

get a tissue lad

>> No.14228543

they weren't "innocent." your whole argument collapses.

>> No.14228570
File: 1.51 MB, 1000x1500, Anti-Tech Revolution_3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. sure bud. try to attack the logic of one of the world's preeminent mathematicians/logicians without giving a single example.

>> No.14228873
File: 232 KB, 500x553, opfaggot eec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being aware that you cannot save the world with pipebombs but can get 15 minutes of fame for your ideas means you are no hero
Retarded, and probably proud of it, too.

>> No.14229774

why arent you filtered, are you changing your trips or is my browser bugged?