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14221930 No.14221930 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14221936

More like virgin

>> No.14222103

Written by an incel for fascist Romans

>> No.14222138

Stick to the Dryden translation

>> No.14222147


>> No.14222594

Dropped after part II. Felt like a hollow imitation of Homer’s Iliad. Maybe I’ll pick it up again in a while but for now it doesn’t seem worth my time

>> No.14222704


>> No.14222709

This. Chad Dryden salvaging the work of virgin Virgil

>> No.14222715

Basically a fan fiction of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey

>> No.14222914
File: 25 KB, 331x500, 41OImvccMfL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the nicest edition with a decent translation I can buy?

>> No.14222945

Fitzgerald or nothing

Read it twice more than a decade ago. Only image I really remember is some super saiyan wonder woman character flying over wheat fields to go merc a dude. As propaganda, it's an interesting peek at how the great were honored as something more than human or larger than life, and how those honors worked as a kind of currency. We're still talking about them now so maybe they are immortal.

>> No.14222951
File: 16 KB, 202x346, fitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic. not mine but same edition. picked it out of a library sale for a dollar.

>> No.14223059
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You can read the John Dryden translation for free on Project Gutenberg:

But if you want a physical copy then probably Everyman's Library for a nice hardcover:

If you do want to read Robert Fagles's translation don't buy the Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition with the stupid deckle edges, buy this one instead:

>> No.14223086

The Euro shopper version of the Odyssey

>> No.14223334

Read The Iliad and The Odyssey first even though its not a trilogy.

>> No.14223343

What if I like deckled edges?

>> No.14223537

Dryden is the best English version. Reading it in the original Latin is amazing, but most people don't know Latin so stick with Dryden.

As to the work itself, it's alright. Homer is better, but Virgil is still amazing stylistically. I would encourage people to read it, if only to understand more about Rome and their culture in general.

>> No.14223604

Homer: Roman edition.

Honestly that doesn't mean it isn't a bad read in itself, but having read his Ode's recently I definitely prefer Horace.

>> No.14223917


>> No.14223930

dead man

>> No.14224633

Then you’re part of the problem

>> No.14224677

But there is no problem to speak of

>> No.14225087

It's obvious Carthage is the problem.