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14221693 No.14221693 [Reply] [Original]

Hermeneutics of gay suspicion.
Im looking for essays etc on how traditional male bonding and platonic love has been destroyed by gay culture. Pic related, the result for an image search for men hugging, notice how almost all of them are gay.

>> No.14221700

Me and my mates tonguekiss before we go out to beat up fags. Nothing gay about it.

>> No.14221878

very interesting hypothesis. reminds me of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

>> No.14221890

There was an essay published with the threads title but it's not available anymore and it was not that in depth to begin with.

>> No.14221891


>> No.14221907

Thanks, i see blog.jim mentioned occasionally in some of my circles. But never positively, Ill check it out.

>> No.14221921

He's a ridiculous person but I find him the only one of the far right online guys that is actually consistent with his positions for the most part, even though it leads him into extremely taboo territory. Im rather glad we don't live in a society like the one he imagines but I understand from a kind objective engineering standpoint the rationale behind far right ideas.

>> No.14221924

>We need to terrorize gays, not into not existing, which would require far too much terror, and give them far too much attention, which attention they would enjoy far too much, but we need to terrorize them into allowing us to pretend that they do not exist, as successful societies routinely pretended.
Lol good shit

>> No.14221972

>It’s just no longer possible for men to hang out with each other, especially in intimacy, without the lingering suspicion that something of the “poop-dick” variety must be going on. Gay destroyed men’s friendships. It used to be possible for men to walk together down the street and even invite each other for sleepover without anyone having the faintest suspicion that anal sex is involved. To have successful cooperation, we have to be able to meaningfully bond with each other, but meaningful bonding is absolutely impossible when signalling “I love you bro” translates to “I want to fuck your ass.” Without gays in society, we would be able to express legit affection and signal brotherly loyalty to each other, and without the nagging need to perpetually explain that we are “no homo.”
This really gets to the crux of the issue I was describing

>> No.14222008

Your circles must be gay.

>> No.14222035
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>notice how almost all of them are gay.
> men huging automatically makes them gay
How can you take yourself seriously?

>> No.14222054

It is personalized to your search history.

>> No.14222060

1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 13 are not gay. 14 is only "gay" because they both take estrogen supplements but it's not because of their embrace, they're hardly embracing any more than the picture directly above them.

>> No.14222066

Nice try I don't use Google.

>> No.14222078

Nah they just don't like his obsession with arranged marriage to 13 year olds.

>> No.14222097

That's a good example of him actually following through on the principles that the rest of the far right pretend to hold. Arranged marriages to 13 year olds are perfectly in line with the Bible and traditional patriarchy

>> No.14222128

In the piece linked, which is ostensibly wbout homosexuality, he spends multiple paragraphs talking about it, and it is quite a large focus of the comments section. It's just a weird asocial obsession that reads more like larping about his future monarchy than offering proscriptions to contemporary society.

>> No.14222160

Sex relations are maybe the most important social technologies that exist so it's not surprising he talks about it a lot. And none of the reactionary guys think contemporary society can be fixed, they have very extreme views on how to create a new healthy society that mostly involve things like military coups, public beheadings, and martial law.

>> No.14222177
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You should study pro sports leagues and locker room culture. One of the last bastions of male bonding that hasn't been corrupted by degeneracy

>> No.14222195

>locker room culture
Lol most of the search results for this phrase describe it as toxic masculinity and explore ways to dismantle it.

>> No.14222200

I really despise the use of the word 'explore' to mean a bunch of fat women sitting around thinking of new ways to nag people

>> No.14222208

>describe it as toxic masculinity and explore ways to dismantle it.

Funny how that works, eh?

Real masculinity = toxicity in the eyes of emasculated modernity

>> No.14222211
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>> No.14222215

you just posted leaders from two societies where gay culture is suppressed. next time, think before you BTFO yourself, brainlet.

>> No.14222224

Masculinity is toxic because it is simply to based on the PH scale for onions consumers

>> No.14222230

>Effete men want to be allowed to do whatever women traditionally do, and masculine women likewise want to be allowed to do everything men traditionally do, thus gays and lesbians are deeply embedded in Feminism.

>> No.14222243

locker room culture is just how gay americans in denial express their love for cock.

>> No.14222250

>almost all of them are gay
Only two of those images are definitely gay, the top right ear-blowing one and the high centre one with the ear stud
You’re right about damage done by gay culture to male friendships but you’re still projecting with these images

>> No.14222255

The fact that people express sentiments like this, assuming you aren't gay yourself, is the entire point of the thread.

>> No.14222259

>thus gays and lesbians are deeply embedded in Feminism

I agree with that part

>> No.14222264

cope, fag

>> No.14222274

Of those fourteen I images

are gay
are straight, of which
are comedic, and
is with a female

so most of them aren't gay. you're just a fag that reads into shit.
Traditional male bonding has not been destroyed by gay culture,and no one other than the occasional stupid young woman on the internet sees two close male friends and think "gay."

>> No.14222281

Have you guys ever tried just having male friends that you're close with and not caring about what others think? Isn't this anxiety about being thought of as gay entirely in your own head? I have long term male friends who I've told I love like we are brothers.

>> No.14222302

ngl these are the gayest pictures i've seen this week and i'm gay myself

>> No.14222311


>> No.14222327
File: 45 KB, 300x425, 34372876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Traditional male bonding has not been destroyed by gay culture,and no one other than the occasional stupid young woman on the internet sees two close male friends and think "gay."
I disagree, the effect of gay culture and media, things like Brokeback Mountain, have really damaged male bonding. Two men who went camping together every weekend would be doubted by their wives. You are constantly bombarded with stories about how kids going away to cap was really just an opportunity for gays to fool around. Images of two middle eastern men holding hands is met with a deluge of gay jokes. It's pervasive in Western culture.

>> No.14222331

*Going away to camp

>> No.14222340

The culture products re-inscribe the dominant order, so gay cultural products are suspicious of male bonding for the same reason straight cultural products are (and they fucking are): American hegemony does not allow for straight male bonding and never has.

>> No.14222341

>Two men who went camping together every weekend
Yeah I'm sorry, dude but that's gay af, especially if you throw some hugging action by the campfire into the mix. It's not the same as being at the pub and hugging drunkenly for a moment after Norf F.C. equalized at 85 minutes.

>> No.14222343

>I disagree, the effect of gay culture and media, things like Brokeback Mountain, have really damaged male bonding. Two men who went camping together every weekend would be doubted by their wives. You are constantly bombarded with stories about how kids going away to cap was really just an opportunity for gays to fool around
Maybe where you're from. I feel like you're seriously exaggerating
>Images of two middle eastern men holding hands is met with a deluge of gay jokes. It's pervasive in Western culture.
holding hands is kind of gay though

>> No.14222353

Look at the suppressed cock craving pouring out of Putin. He can't even hug properly, he's so worried about getting an erection.

>> No.14222359

>Yeah I'm sorry, dude but that's gay af,
you're just proving the thread's point, there is literally nothing gay about it

>> No.14222367

The thread is very obviously bait (the images in OP are gayer than 2 guys blowing 4 guys) and you're so deep in the closet that you didn't even sense that.

>> No.14222370

Except all the fucking.

>> No.14222378

Sorry that you'll always only ever have shallow relationships with your friends and even worse, will be dependent on women for emotional support your whole life, reducing you to a little cuck.

>> No.14222380

you're further proving the point again, thinking faggotry is lurking everywhere

>> No.14222385

Your anxiety over being gay is so pathetic. How you can YOU not see that? Are you afraid you're going to turn gay? Are you afraid you're going to accidentally start having sex with your male friends against your own will or something?

>> No.14222394
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, 1565464073085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying it's lurking everywhere, I'm saying it's lurking inside of you specifically, Mr. I wanna make out with my friend by the campfire.
>will be dependent on women for emotional support your whole life, reducing you to a little cuck.
hahahaha, yeah, how cucked of me to rest my head on a woman's lap instead of falling asleep in the big, strong arms of a hunk like you do, tough guy.

>> No.14222405

If you associate camping with gay sex for absolutely no reason then you're the one who has faggotry on the mind It's kind of weird that you don't understand how perfectly you're demonstrating the behavior the thread is talking about

>> No.14222415

Anyway I wasn't trying to turn this thread into a debate, I'm genuinely curious if others have written on the topic.

>> No.14222421

I apologize for mistakenly confusing your very obvious desire for physical intimacy with other men for anything that could be related to repressed homosexuality.

>> No.14222426

So do you think that Iranians are simply 80% gay because they hold hands and stuff?

>> No.14222427

Only cranks have taken up the premise because the premise is wrong. Gay culture hasn't torpedoed homosocial bonding; straight culture did it forever go. Now, I could see someone taking up the argument that gay culture just does the same thing as straight culture (and that there is potentially no real gay culture, just straight culture packaged to gays), so you might find some actual purchase there.

>> No.14222430

The assumption that every instance of male-bonding must be a homosexual act is the result of insecure men being terrified of being labeled as homosexuals, not because of some societal leniency towards being gay.

>> No.14222436

>hahahaha, yeah, how cucked of me to rest my head on a woman's lap instead of falling asleep in the big, strong arms of a hunk like you do, tough guy.

I pity your future girlfriend if you ever do have one. You think she wants a man who manages all of his emotions through her and her alone? You think she would respect that? That is what the archetypical söyboy does. It's pathetic, it is opposite to the appearance of strength. You think she'll even understand what it's like to be a man?

I don't get it. Are you afraid you're going to accidentally and against your own will "fall asleep in the arms of a big strong man?" You have your own will, how could you end up doing something like that? If something goes over the line just refuse and say no. What is wrong with you people?

>> No.14222458

And why are the terrified of being labeled as gay if not for the prevalence of homosexuality in culture?

>> No.14222460

Being gay is akin to being a woman and being a woman is a terrible thing.

>> No.14222467
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>all this screeching due to repressed homosexuality itt
wew lads, it's 2019 just let go already

>> No.14222469

I don't know, ask the people who don't like gays, or are the ones who label every instance of such male-on-male contact as being gay. I guarantee, most of the people doing that aren't gay (or if they are, they're probably of the self-hating variety).

>> No.14222471

I'm not really interested in gay men's opinions on the subject.

>> No.14222475

>or are the ones who label every instance of such male-on-male contact as being gay.
So I should ask gay people?

>> No.14222479

do you genuinely think all male affection is repressed homosexuality? Do you think this about women too

>> No.14222487

No, ask the non-homosexuals who keep making the association.

>> No.14222488

>I want to rely on the uneducated instead of people who'd know
But plenty of people have written about gayness and homosocial bonding who aren't gay men.

>> No.14222491

it's ok man, nobody's gonna be mad at you for cuddling up under a blanket for some ben & jerry's and netflix with your, uhm, totally straight and not in any way whatsoever gay bros. i fully support you.

>> No.14222500

I meant you specifically since your commentary on gay culture
>Now, I could see someone taking up the argument that gay culture just does the same thing as straight culture (and that there is potentially no real gay culture, just straight culture packaged to gays),
Is obviously from the perspective of a homosexual.

>> No.14222501

Cuddling your friends isn't gay. It's comfy.

>> No.14222505
File: 14 KB, 330x330, 0D597CA4-D5C6-48E3-B6BB-4E6E50E0407A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame women more than faggots. They are the ones who call men gay anytime they show affection for each other. Male bonding threatens them because then they wouldn’t be the centre of attention. Then they have the gall to say “toxic masculinity represses men’s emotions, it’s OK for guys to cry” yet they are repulsed and disgusted whenever a man shows vulnerability around them. Most women unironically think Sam and Frodo were faggots.

>> No.14222509

All you're doing by making up these fantasies is revealing your own personal anxieties. You do not have to engage in this behavior. You are in control of your own self. You can go spend time with your brothers in a masculine and heterosexual way that is still intimate. Go shoot some deer, ride motorcycles or lift weights. Its okay.

>> No.14222511

Also, to add, they are jealous of us because two women can never experience that kind of friendship.

>> No.14222514

>phoneposter having the gall to call anybody else a faggot.

>> No.14222515

That's some fun projection. Well, have fun spinning your wheels with this half baked idea that it's actually the gays that are ruining homosocial bonding despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary.

>> No.14222516

We agree that men are making the these assumptions. I'm suggesting that they would not be if it were not for the huge exposure to homosexuality that they receive from Western culture. You are claiming it's because they are weak men. Do you think that is sufficient cause?

>> No.14222518
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I can attest to this. Women have an immense contribution to this problem with their own jealousy. I have had two separate occasions in my life where the female friend, or girlfriend of two different close male friends asked me if I was gay with them. One of those male friends is a childhood friend who I have known since I was 11. It's like they can't even understand male bonding. Do they not have close female friends of their own?

>> No.14222527

>I'm suggesting that they would not be if it were not for the huge exposure to homosexuality that they receive from Western culture
It predates the mainstream acceptance and exposure of homosexuality.
>You are claiming it's because they are weak men.
Very weak in their insecurities, yes.

>> No.14222528

The women who use the phrase "toxic masculinity" unironically aren't the same ones who police men's behavior, but you're right that women have played a roll in the dissolution of male bonding.

>> No.14222539
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>> No.14222540

Serious question, have you ever played a team sport? Your understanding of male affection is utterly bizarre and you keep projecting little gay scenes You're so obsessed with signalling that you're not gay, even anonymously, that you're a caricature of the subject of the thread

>> No.14222543

They're literally just jealous you're not spending time with them and trying to end your relationship with your bros. They don't actually believe you're gay, it's just the means they discovered to drive the wedge.

>> No.14222545

I agree, I would never think of you as gay for these fantasies about big, hairy and musky bear fun.

>> No.14222546

He is baiting for (you)s and doing it quite successfully.

>> No.14222562

>wahhhhh society wont let me cuddle my friends and grab their butts in a hetero way wahhhhh
Fucking cocksmokers in denial

>> No.14222564

I'm not sure whether this thread is very consistent shitposting or just an avalanche of pent up anger caused by denial.

>> No.14222570
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ITT; men afraid or unable to have a close bond with another man blaming it on the homosexuals. Or perhaps your nations exists in the twilight of gay repression and acceptance. Officially accepted, but privately feared. I imagine it's worse in countries that have, or have recently had, a notable homosexual subculture (USA).

I'm from a major city in a liberal non-anglo country and physical closeness between two males is not at all seen as a sign of homosexuality. I hug many of my male friends when we meet or when we part, and I've almost never witnessed or heard of any mockery of intimate male friendships. And as some anons of have said; if anything, it is women's desire to find homosexuality in men that cause it, not other men.

>> No.14222587


>> No.14222592

>Or perhaps your nations exists in the twilight of gay repression and acceptance. Officially accepted, but privately feared.
Ah yes, once culture becomes even more accepting of homosexuality, then people will no longer be suspected of being gay.

>> No.14222607

Indifference to the phenomenon, anon.

>> No.14222609
File: 1.07 MB, 1500x2284, sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op seems to be a literal retard
can we not let this thread die

>> No.14222617

It checks out

>> No.14222620

>can we not let this thread die
only if you nude-wrestle me in a way only straight men can appreciate.

>> No.14222621

So people won't suspect closeted gayness, they will just casually assume it instead.

>> No.14222622

Not french, nor am I a fag.

>> No.14222625

how many times are you going to repeat the same lame joke

>> No.14222627

They don't suspect or assume anything, because close male friendships exist as a norm, not as an outlier suggesting homosexuality. Because we're past the fear of looking like fags.

>> No.14222633

Faggots that don't hate themselves always signal extremely hard that they are gay. You've met or at least seen these kinds of people before, and you knew 100% for certain they were gay. If every faggot was like that, there would be absolutely nothing to fear because then if a man seemed straight, you would be sure he was, in the same way that a very woman-like man who talks about how they like to suck cock is definitely gay. You would then feel 100% comfortable socializing in an intimate way with your male friends, because again, you would know that your desire for any kind of sexual relationship is zero.

>> No.14222634

>Ugh can we just not

>> No.14222641

it's my first post here, so idk. why so sensitive/insecure?

>> No.14222643

>Every gay is extremely flamboyant.
That's a pretty intolerant stereotype.

>> No.14222648
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when I say "can we not" I say it because I am from Ireland, and in Hiberno-english that has always been a turn of phrase. I don't say it as a member of some effeminate twitterati
anon I'll be honest with you. I am gay

>> No.14222656

passive aggressive retards all sound the same, it's hard to tell

>> No.14222660

What I mean to imply is that there should be no such thing as a gay man, or a straight man, who does not signal it, in at least some way. Gender and sexuality transparency and performance is an extremely important part of human sexuality. For 100% of people, outside of a literal rounding error amount, you can tell what gender they are with a two second glance. This signalling is extremely important, because we do not treat these different types of people the same. Are women and men "equal"? Sure buddy, but we still don't allow men to simply walk into a woman's bathroom, and that's fucking good.

In the same way, concealment of sexuality creates problems for bonding between people. Yes straight men and women can have friendships, but they both know for certain that they are both straight, and accommodate their friendship to this. The same is true for any combination of sexuality and gender.

>> No.14222668

>passive aggressive retards all sound the same
true, they ask questions like:
>how many times are you going to repeat the same lame joke

>> No.14222683

But I thought gays were going to start acting like normal people once they are accepted? Isn't that a huge crisis is gay discourse, that they are loosing their rebellious otherness?

>> No.14222754
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>> No.14222764

You have to go back.

>> No.14222793

>not teabagging a nigga heterosexually after he fell asleep from puffing on a blunt
It's just how we roll in the hood senpai

>> No.14222799
File: 231 KB, 940x940, pl0000003552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would direct you to my next post, explaining my use of the offending phrase >>14222648
I also occasionally refer to a group of people as "folks"
not being a fat, vile, yank mutt, I never realised this was against the style guidelines of 4chan until recently

>> No.14222815

You have to go back.

>> No.14222819

The gays have a problem with the idea of "difference." There is a school of a gay-acceptance thought that thinks that everyone should be the same. This is idiotic. People should be different, and difference should be good. This is my prescription for fixing this idiocy, that's all.

>> No.14222840
File: 82 KB, 800x800, Sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never owned a reddit account.
Anti-irish language policing on this board needs to be stopped. I will be filing a complaint

>> No.14222859

Lol fuck off ya nonce

>> No.14222889

You have to go back.

>> No.14223508
