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14221030 No.14221030 [Reply] [Original]

books on coming to terms with your mediocrity? essentially the redemption of the ego

>> No.14221052

What's your mediocrity? How did it dawn upon you?

>> No.14221073


>> No.14221822

Fight Club

>> No.14221824

Crime and punishment

>> No.14221835

i coom to terms with my superiority

>> No.14221871
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Also, Iddo Landeau's Finding Meaning in an Imperfect World (minor blue pills but great overall)

>> No.14221900

Then, RAW's Prometheus Rising will really put you into your place. Information is human-centric, so preservation of the brain and knowledge without a body is actually useless. Information will always develop. But only if there are living beings to notice and record it.

>> No.14221995

Coming on terms with your mediocrity? Seriously, anon, is this how you're going to let things be? A dose of heroism is what you need, you must aspire to greatness again. Read the Iliad

>> No.14221996


>> No.14222034

how does it redeem the ego?

>> No.14222048

quicly reminder that reading The myth of sisyphus withouth reading the rebel is a crime

>> No.14222051

To the Lighthouse.

>> No.14222059

>coming to terms with your mediocrity?


>> No.14222061

>Anyone can be a hero!!!
Methinks you need to read the Iliad too.

>> No.14222087

you can only be mediocre in reference to systems
these systems are fabrications
if you reject these fabricated systems, your mediocrity within them becomes trivial, as the systems are arbitrary
don't mistake this as a recommendation to reject all systems, but just see them for what they are: constructs
they can be reconstructed, changed, accepted, and rejected
whatever you will is, and wherever your power lies, I would suggest accepting a system in which you have the power to flourish, rather than be oppressed by shame and self loathing

>> No.14222137

Sounds like bollocks anon.

>> No.14222166

Agree with you. Not everybody can be a hero but we can definiyely break oir own bounderies and limits to transcend whar we once were.

>> No.14222229
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what is a man but a bundle of illusions and constructions
even time is a mere series of visions that his mind he links together and tells a story to himself that he pretends is meaningful outside his consciousness
strip them away and he would be nothing but a pile of mush and bone with no will to even move or mumble
therefor if you want to build a man, understand the material that he is made of
if you want to destroy a man, attack that which he is made of
as the players wrestle and vie for dominance, trying to gain whatever edge and glory they can on one another, the man who wrote the game smirks to himself at their folly
they play to win by his standard, and don't even see the boundaries of the arena
their glory is his recognition
their very spirits crest and wane on his whim

keep trying to win his game though, you that weren't made for it; your entry fee still goes to his pocket and your envy bolsters the glory of his finest players

>> No.14222363

>anyone can be a hero
I never said that. But you should aspire to improve towards heroic traits

>> No.14222794
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It's true though.

>> No.14223993

You cannot break your boundaries. Transcendence a lie.

>> No.14224201

And once you break through that boundary, all you see is the backs of kids ten years your junior, moving away from you at a pace you will never match.

>> No.14224474

The beginning of part 4 of the Idiot touches on mediocrity. Dostoevsky describes Ganya as a man who is smart enough to know he is above the average person, but also plagued by the burden of his unrealized potential. He goes on to state that the condition of yearning to be exceptional is the common condition and that contentment with one's mediocrity is quite the exceptional trait.

Not sure if that is helpful at all, but it is interesting to view mediocrity as something universally opposed by the great majority rather than only by the potentially exceptional. It is an all too common ailment shared and understood by many you would never have expected would harbor such discontent.

>> No.14224495

how can coming to terms with my mediocrity be a virtue? honest question because i feel the same way and knowing i'm mediocre is just flat out depressing.

>> No.14224513
File: 144 KB, 500x281, vlcsnap-2018-09-22-17h07m54s162[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the anon you replied to, but i dunno, maybe humbleness? virtue in knowing your place in the world?
maybe theres virtue in some content?

but what do i know, im just a mediocre pleb
>"I speak for all mediocrities in the world. I am their champion. I am their patron saint."
>"I absolve you!"

>> No.14224526

I genuinely don't think I'm mediocre though, and I think those who just accept themselves as mediocre need to be fixed or killed. For reference I'm 25.

>> No.14224531

>I'm 25

Are you sure you're not 16? Maybe double check your birth certificate just to be sure

>> No.14224544

Nice. What is this?

>> No.14224546

>I would suggest accepting a system in which you have the power to flourish, rather than be oppressed by shame and self loathing

>> No.14224563

It's not a virtue. The level of acceptance of mediocrity that he describes as exceptional is the person who doesn't believe they are or have the potential to be exceptional. Not defeatist just not plagued by the burden of mediocrity at all. Their mind is occupied elsewhere. He's pointing out that the fact they are don't participate in the struggle against mediocrity makes them ironically exceptional individuals. I guess you could say their relative stability is a virtue.

The reason I brought any of this up was actually in support of your pain. A pain shared by many is indicative of some usefulness or else it would be bred out of the system over generations. the struggle against mediocrity is as universal as hunger or cold stimulus response. It's not something you are going to "solve" one way or the other unless you are one of those exceptional few ignorant of the burden. It's yet another inherent shitty part of being human like grief or anxiety.

>> No.14224571

Anxiety over mediocrity is bourgeois narcissism

>> No.14224580


>> No.14224834

See I noticed that almost everyone who thinks they're not mediocre or average is considered immature like a 16 year old. I think that's a mistake and people who are mediocre convince themselves that everybody else is mediocre too.

>> No.14224857


>> No.14224865

I'm >>14224526
I achieved enough money, a wife and a family, to the point that I was satisfied and did not feel mediocre at all, for about a year. Then the firm I was working at down-sized my department and I was fired and I have felt useless ever since. But acceptance of mediocrity is a terrible thing. You should try to be well above average, possibly the best, always. And you should put all your effort into being the best in some meaningful way.

>> No.14224964
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my own take on Kant, Nietzsche, pomo

>> No.14225073

I wish I were mediocre. It's lonely at the top, brehs.

>> No.14225085

good post

>> No.14225088

Get off my board Quentin

>> No.14225196

read kant again faggot

>> No.14225335

Fuck em
If I read a text and it inspires me I'll go back when I need it again
I'm no scholar

>> No.14226949


>> No.14227591


>> No.14227607
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No person is mediocre, just the fact that you exist and that you alone are you is exceptional and worthy of celebration :)

>> No.14227638

There's probably a popular book on this subject being sold in coffee shops and airports.

Titled something vulgar like "How to stop giving a f*ck about being normal" or "You're mediocre- and here's why that's f*cking awesome".

No doubt written by someone desperately trying to escape mediocrity.

>> No.14227663

You misunderstand just about everything this thread is about and what mediocrity is in relation to the redemption of ones ego. Your post resumes a childish view of culture resumed in a disgust for the mainstream, upon wich you overlap the same view for your archetypical author.

>> No.14227687

>If I write lots of words people will consider me profound!

Not today you chimp.

>> No.14227903

Ad hom? Maybe adress an actual point? If what i wrote is considered big words you should read a book nigga