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/lit/ - Literature

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14220885 No.14220885 [Reply] [Original]

what's a good list of books to get back into serious literature step by step? I've been reading very little and mostly worthless stuff for years since I struggled with acute depression and whatnot, now I'm getting my shit together and I want to reestablish a healthy relationship with literature, so while I'm not a complete novice myself I figured I'd ask you guys here for advice

>> No.14220903

whats the deal with these retarded lists

if you are serious man with a job, you dont have time for reading 100 books per year

read 1 book at time and be satisfied with yourself, you will still read more than 90% of your peers

>> No.14220933

Don't even bother, you'll probably relapse with the depression, but you'll get out of it even dumber. go ride a bike or watch a movie.

>> No.14220955

reading books won't solve your problems, but philosophy might help help guide you

Cut toxic people out of your life, don't tolerate them, good luck

>> No.14220957

that picture is my life.
I've been a disgusting wretch up to the age of 18.
I hit rock bottom then started making an effort to become a better man

>> No.14220964
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>> No.14220973

>if you are serious man with a job, you dont have time for reading 100 books per year
Just how slow do you read or how much do you work? 100 books is entirely possible.

>> No.14220988

read the short stories of the major russian authors, quality stuff that won't be tl;dr for someone trying to regain the habit of reading

>> No.14220997

If you're reading two books a week, you're either reading drivel, are speed-reading or have absolutely zero responsibilities outside of work (assuming working 40 hours a week).

>> No.14221003

he's right and you're a pleb incapable of serious focus

>> No.14221041

What is /sig/?

>> No.14221042

But they never show signs of any of these.

>> No.14221054
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its short-form for Sieg Heil

>> No.14221099

>undercover right-wing propaganda

>> No.14221105

They do.

>> No.14221169

self improvement general over on fit

>> No.14221195

most /sig/gers aren't curious, they learn because successful people learn. I'm glad I got out before reading much philosophy so I could actually explore.

>> No.14221207

>I'm glad I got out before reading much philosophy so I could actually explore.
got out of what?

>> No.14221211

/sig/ is cringe, just kill yourself
>inb4 "just give up goy, there's no point to it anyway"
For you there really isn't.

>> No.14221212

youre supposed to say
>lurk moar, fag
back to the manlet pit you scum

>> No.14221304

out of /sig/, out of Peterson/bap/Aurelius self help, out of the bateman-tier morning routines and the scheduling circlejerk, out of the constant barrage of advice to let go of your interests and hobbies, develop a new persona so you can make friends and get a qt3.14 white cardiobunny gf because that's the ultimate goal in life and trumps any other goals or aspirations you might have.

>> No.14221318

If actually read good literature, you'll grow out of the /pol/tard tribalism mindset 3 books in.

>> No.14221321

>tfw want to make the body a temple for the soul, rather than a fat sweaty brothel

>> No.14221326

it was just some threads dude you sound like you came out of a cult lol

>> No.14221351

What literature is good?

>> No.14221361

yeah bro just read Kant and Hegel in the same week

>> No.14221381


>> No.14221382

But you keep fertilizer on your bookshelf?

>> No.14221490

In my shack

>> No.14221520

/sig/ isn't about lifting, it's about becoming a more masculine, disciplined npc
you get out what you put in, I completely restructured my life and created an entirely new social circle, I was a slightly fitter office drone who could quote Aurelius and I constantly felt like an imposter.

>> No.14221524

culture of critique, mein kampf and siege aren't great literature

>> No.14221637
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Why is this image trying to pretend that the MGTOW and kekistan dipshits are pro Israel when they they squarely fell into the alt-right realm of the internet constantly blaming everything on the jews?

>aversion to pornography
You mean like the far rights obsession with anime loli porn? At least on this site.

Also the right wing only ever uses classic literature, history and culture as a thing to gain status. Its amazing the number of texts and works of art that rightwingers only ever mention appreciating when they are trying to signal white superiority or diminish the accomplishments of non-white groups. For instance, the only time I ever see them give a solitary shit about Wagner is when they want to describe rap or other modern music as degenerate. They never listen to him or mention him otherwise except maybe when they can use one of his anti-women quotes in an attempt to appeal to authority. The primary concern of the far-right is how they can use aesthetics as a weapon and not any real appreciation for culture.

>If actually read good literature, you'll grow out of the /pol/tard tribalism mindset 3 books in.
I'm convinced /pol/tards don't actually read anything they claim to.

>> No.14221650

Who doesn't? :3

>> No.14221669

>Mosley and Degrelle on the same shelf as Spinoza and Orwell
wew laddie