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File: 436 KB, 729x1280, Dante_Alighieri01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14220034 No.14220034 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14220046



>> No.14220049

Polishposter here, mine is "Pan Tadeusz", it's shit tier literature definitely don't read

>> No.14220076

10/10, I still have to write it though.

>> No.14220083

I can only recall the lewd version of Waltzing Matilda but it is probably better that way

>> No.14220118
File: 31 KB, 250x321, reynaerde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Apparently it's "Van den vos Raeynaerde" (Middle Dutch translation: "Of Reynaert the Fox". Had to read the Middle Dutch version in high school which was kind of interesting. It doesn't seem exclusive to The Netherlands, though, and versions of it have circulated in France and Germany as well.

Description from Wikipedia:

"Satire about a fox who kills and bullies, and gets away with his deeds. The rest of society isn't much better. The nobility is being portrayed as lazy and often stupid. Clergymen are sexually active. The common population is often violent and cruel. Many women are sexually promiscuous and include prostitutes."

7/10 bretty gud


>> No.14220127

Faust or Nibelungen
Only have read Faust part one back in school.
7/10 I think I would like it more now

>> No.14220250

Nibelungenlied is a solid 9/10

>> No.14220276

Poetic Edda is 10

>> No.14220325

>two short patterson poems
They couldn’t put Robbery Under Arms or something there? Fucking hell.

>> No.14220328

>Moby Dick

>> No.14220332

Robbery Under Arms is prose but my point still stands.

>> No.14220345

how the fuck is werther germany’s national epic lol

>> No.14220384

There are no great German novels

>> No.14220388

>The Tale of Igor's Campaign
it's alright

>> No.14220400

Are you retarded? Pan Tadeusz is Polish at it's highest point. I don't understand how can anyone who is at least a little into Polish lit consider it "shittier". Go back to to wherever you came from, fucking pseud.

>> No.14220461

Haven't read it yet but heard about pound alot
What's it actually about?

>> No.14220473

The Cantos is unironically a national epic of Italy.

Nibelungenlied for old Germany
Faust for modern Germany

>> No.14220486

Pretty bad
T. Dutch

>> No.14221215

He cute

>> No.14221251

Martín Fierro

>> No.14221273

Romanian here. The closest thing we have to a national epic is unironically called the Gypsiad, and it's a shitty attempt at satire written in the 19th century.

>> No.14221288

Faust, duh

>> No.14221300

Didn't even know there was one. Will read when I get the chance

>> No.14221306


>> No.14221333

We now know that butterfly has not read faust

>> No.14221348

She has literally only read three books

>> No.14221726


>> No.14222333


actually worth reading

>> No.14222358


It's k.

>> No.14222376

>"Satire about a fox who kills and bullies, and gets away with his deeds. The rest of society isn't much better. The nobility is being portrayed as lazy and often stupid. Clergymen are sexually active. The common population is often violent and cruel. Many women are sexually promiscuous and include prostitutes."
What a privilege to have a satire as national epic, instead of some try-hard hero story.

>> No.14222894

>His country’s national identity isn’t built around the national epic.
>He didn’t have to recite his national epic at school.
>His national epic wasn’t ripped off by Tolkien and Shakespeare (the stories in it are much older than the collection).

>> No.14222986


>> No.14223078

utter brainlet
Pound was the most american man to ever write, the Cantos are america's essence

>> No.14223100

>Evangeline (arguably)
Think it might be too late for Canada lmao

>> No.14223109

>Based Tadeusz
faggot p*Sitivist detected

>> No.14223136

>literal chad having bunch of fun for a day while the world changes

it's pure kino I say, but plebs are still bitter after high school

>> No.14223145
File: 47 KB, 540x392, 1thzoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>canada has been raped so bad that their only cultural landmark is arguably american in origin
Speaking of which, how the FUCK is gatsby a national epic

>> No.14223158

cause it's the most american as it is not in public domain and therefore you must pay for it

>> No.14223382

>Speaking of which, how the FUCK is gatsby a national epic

Catch-22 is a much better national classic.

>> No.14223428

Absolutely wrong. You must be fucked up in the head to think that.

2/3 of The Cantos talk about Italy. The most beautiful and famous part is called the 'Pisan Cantos'. Two cantos are literally written in Italian. Pound himself became Italian. You're stupid if you think you can define 'america's essence' an oeuvre that talks so extensively about Italy just because the author had some typically american traits. Do you want to hear that Pound was a great american poet, you brainlet nationalist? Okay: Pound was a great american poet. But he doesn't speak about your country.

>> No.14223497

>columbiad by joel barlow
it's brilliant

>> No.14223577

I'm not american
Defining a "national epic" is always a very tricky sort of thing, and it usually comes about through decades upon decades of consensus or near-consensus. National epics aren't always strictly patriotic; consider that Beowulf doesn't mention England or the English, and probably predates that nation. The Cantos don't really have that cultural status for America, I wouldn't say it's America's national epic, but to try to claim that it's a more Italian work than an American one is plain absurd. Pound was absolutely ardent that he remained an American all his life, he would never try to claim any other nation. The cantos talk about Italy a lot because Pound lived there for a good 30 years or so. Pound sees America in everything: in the ancient Greeks, in medieval troubadours, in Chinese and Japanese poetry, and yes, in Italy, where he lived and worked. Those "typically american traits" give the work it's unique voice, Pound's Americanism gives the work it's spine, stylistically, (such as all the vernacular he uses) thematically (a vast amount of it is allegorical and directly applicable to America.
I'm not really going to defend the idea that the Cantos are America's national epic, but to say that Ezra Pound "doesn't speak about your country" is to miss the whole entire point of the work, and to focus on superficialities. Pound isn't Occitan, Greek, Japanese or Italian. He is American, because only an American could synthesize all these.

>> No.14223619

Wilhelm Tell
Pretty good, it emphasises nation, individual skill and a rebellious spirit while dabbing on some uppity Austroshits in the process.

>> No.14223891

The 4700 line version is good, but his revised version that's over 8000 lines is trash.
Leaves of Grass is fantastic. 9.5/10 at least.

>> No.14224145

It's not that I disagree with your point, it's just that you're missing something. Pound did not remain an American all his life. Putting it in those words is extremely inaccurate. Pound *remained attached* to America, which is different. America represented his origins, his roots, his memory. It's a substratum of meaning that he never forgot. But his horizon, his destination was Europe – or a certain idea of it. Italy became that terra franca where he hoped to find the core of it all. It's not just the place where he randomly lived and worked; it's the Jerusalem he seeked for his entire life. In this sense, The Cantos is one of the most beautiful celebrations of Italy ever written, and as an Italian I will always be infinitely grateful for what Pound has done. Such a hymn could never have come from the pen of an Italian, because Italians are extremely critical of their land and history, and still divided into a lot of groups. The only thing that comes close to the idea of a national epic – despite not being patriotic in the slightest – is Horcynus Orca by Stefano D'Arrigo.

You say that Pound sees America in everything, but the other way around is also true, and you can't deny this. He came to Europe because Europe was already contained – in the form of an abstract image, as an essence – in his original America. He came to Italy because he saw Italy as the seed of everything – yes, of America too. His infinite passion towards Europe and especially Italy is what led him to die Italian. So yeah, from your point of view it may be dumb to define The Cantos an epic of Italy – and I'll give you that, since the claim was obviously exaggerated – but from my point of view it's also dumb to define The Cantos a national epic of America.

>> No.14225022
File: 74 KB, 385x306, alwayrembercunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waltzing matilda WALTZING MATILDA
and he sang as he watched AND WAITED TI HIS BILLY BOILED

>> No.14225035

Miorita you absolute mong. 8/10

>> No.14225047

You were mogged by Tom Waits

>> No.14225052

It's good. I don't think it's on par with later entries in brazilian literature, but it's good

>> No.14225058

Fucking cool, has no one adapted it yet? It looks like Verhoeven was born to do this

>> No.14225579


Only seen the animated movie, 9/10 liked it

>> No.14226250

That's a far cry from what a national epic ought to be anon.

>> No.14226256

Meant for >>14225035

>> No.14226314
File: 72 KB, 800x450, Ned Kelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have an epic so I will give two poets for Australia(there is a third but we don't talk about him, and other than the third there are a few very good poets but none such as these):
>Henry Lawson
>Banjo Paterson

The only two literary masters we have. Very central to Australian identity as well and I think in the abstract light a path to the greater, patriotic, Australia of time to come. I feel sickness to think what it is now, and how any dammed hope of a future were dashed against the rocks by the approach of modernity and rich men and foolish peasants.

There were a friendly competition between these two men, Paterson Romanticised the bush and Lawson a more realistic but none the less -- or more so because of his realism -- idealistic portrayal. Australia never birthed the idea of her cultural identity(though some may think she did), and so the primeval drive of land and soil placed its seed in the "bush", the forest which was everywhere once, and a value of distance was set up before it could find the qualitative "whole" of the nation, leching onto this Australia now holds itself in contrast to the globalised(which is a particularly modern phenomenon) cities. Not that there's any much patriotic blood of this self understanding value in the country(bush) anyway. And because of all this I don't see much hope for Australia, it has no legs in which it may rest upon, no shared history of its peoples that is not charred by the image of modernity.

Other Australian figures(not poets) are Ned Kelly, Francis de Groot and Peter Lalor. Likely the three greatest Australian story's, that I know of anyhow. There are of course again, other story's such as Eric Campbell(The Australian Fascist paramilitary leader whom Groot belonged to, it's final effect was nearly leading to a revolt in the 30's causing the prime minister at the time to step down) or Henry Ross. But these three "heroes" of Australia have by far the greatest tales, with Groots being an albeit short but extraordinarily satisfactory one. Of all the men's names in this post, they are the greatest of Australia and it would be hard work to find few more.

>> No.14226324

Or really I suppose for Australia, it's greatest hope it shall find in its common races of the Anglo-Cletic gene. That characterisque. From there only a culture of the German would be left desired.

>> No.14226332


>> No.14226374

In 2050 I'll write an autobiography and it'll work out as our epic

>> No.14226425

What foot and meter?

>> No.14226445

I tell you what, you can pick

>> No.14226454

You have to use a colour oriented metophur in every sentence, so like "the orange orange" etc.

>> No.14226484

"And with that anon's text reaching out from the blue void, he gained the very method through which the experiences of his life would be filtered into words"

>> No.14226530

I like it, this could be big anon. I think there's definitely some aesthetic potential in me being anonymous. Like a poetic consciousness.

>> No.14226687

> marko kraljevic poems
its pretty good
i would suggest it to be the song buna protiv dahija

>> No.14227373
File: 71 KB, 659x659, 1451187900809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art of the Deal


>> No.14227383

>Leaves of Grass
Pretty good.

>> No.14227536

>Baptism at the Savica
Nobody here has heard of it, but christfags here would love it. It would make pagan LARPerd seethe hard though

>> No.14227563

Some parts are 7+/10, but most of it is a dry 4/10.

>> No.14227858

Our is this


>Mary New-burger has described the novel as...
Literally who? Why is this even added to the page?

Honestly, I'm thinking of deleting it.

>> No.14227874


>> No.14228079

Whoa they let Ezra stay on the list. 10/10

>> No.14228688

Iliad and odyssey, I guess 10/10? Just because it's considered a classic. I personally have not read it, how retarded should I be considered anons?

>> No.14230072

who wrote that fucking list lmao

budenbrooks is in no fucking way a "national epic" and just a ripoff of tolstoy anyway

Till Eulenspiegel should be in there instead

>> No.14230136
File: 25 KB, 300x446, zarathustra.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is unironically the best novel and the best written piece ever you plebian

>> No.14231083
File: 13 KB, 454x520, 79354BB0-8058-40A3-8F3F-689D9BAA57CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14231105

t. seething pseud/christcuck

>> No.14232160


>> No.14232249

but that's not nibelungenlied

>> No.14232272
File: 19 KB, 747x517, 1547839221826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Man from Snowy River by Banjo Patterson
>Waltzing Matilda by Banjo Patterson

I'm ashamed

>> No.14232296

Very retarded because you posted this.

>> No.14232297

Yeah you're fucking retarded. The only thing that comes close to the Iliad in power is Paradise Lost and that wouldn't even exist without "Homer"

>> No.14232303


There's also Faust.

Wagner forever btfo'd Neetchuh.

>> No.14232315

They're two great pieces but I agree they aren't worthy of being epics.

I'd recommend you look into William Blocksidge, he isn't too well known.

>> No.14232319

Faust part 2 is a mess.
I'll take Siegfried and his magic cloak any day

>> No.14232328

You also forgot about Wolfram's Parzival, one of the three or four medieval masterpieces.

And Faust II, a mess? It's literally the greatest piece of literature ever created. I understand it's complex but how could one mistake it for being a mess? Yeesh.

And have you read the Icelandic Volsungs Saga also?

>> No.14232368

>William Blocksidge
lol I'm the anon that's currently writing my thesis on him, among other things, and I can tell you from having read much of his works (reading Anzac Muster right now) that he was a genuine talent who ruined his own writing by being so painfully didactic. The only thing of his that I would defend as good literature is Life's Testament. Everything else is mediocre, if not appallingly bad. His eugenic poetry in Vital Flesh (Political Verse--Sex and Its Issues) is some of the most disgusting writing I've ever encountered. What of his have you read and what convinces you of his worth?

>> No.14232377

yeah I too was "devo gutted"

>> No.14232405


>> No.14232411

Life's Testament and the New Life. I'd say he's a good poet, just perhaps not the best.

And what's the thesis about?

>> No.14232420

I've fixed the Australian section

I'd tell you but I don't want to doxx myself just in case.

>> No.14232431

But as an aside, can I ask how you discovered him?

>> No.14232435

thanks wiki bro

>> No.14232447

>I've fixed the Australian section
Captain Quiros? Never heard of it. Qrd?

>I'd tell you but I don't want to doxx myself just in case.
Fair enough, but could you give me just the slightest insight?

>But as an aside, can I ask how you discovered him?
Was trying to find an old post I made looking through the /lit/ archives and searched for pics named "Ned Kelly.jpg" and found an old pic calling him(Ned) the Australian Ubermensch, clicked on the thread and it was about this guy. The thread was something along the lines of "He hasn't read the Australian Nietzsche".

What about you?

>> No.14232451
File: 293 KB, 1200x630, logo_og.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Słowacki ssał wacki

>> No.14232459

Dumb thing I thought as a kid:
The jolly swagman was a cannibal who was found by police while boiling a boy named Billy.

>> No.14232476

Waltzing matilda who fuckin killed her? Lying in the grass with a dagger in her arse. The birds or the bees or the naked aborigines? Who'll come a waltzing matilda with me?

>> No.14232480

>Faust part 2 is a mess
Way to oust yourself as not having read enough Greeks

>> No.14232511

Well fuck me, now I have to read it

>> No.14232542

>the slightest insight
basically I'm trying to explain how an author largely isolated from the fascist milieu in europe was able to arrive at such similar conclusions in his creative and philosophical works

>He hasn't read the Australian Nietzsche
that was my shitpost lol

>> No.14232545

Oh and Captain Quiros. It's about a Spanish explorer in I don't remember what country, and it's basically about the weight and burden of living in the modern era, broken off from a wonderful past that at the same time we can't help but be disgusted at

>> No.14232550

Get fucked anyone else (except my Italian bros)

>> No.14232552

>basically I'm trying to explain how an author largely isolated from the fascist milieu in europe was able to arrive at such similar conclusions in his creative and philosophical works
But didn't he actually show sympathies for them? I can't remember where I read it but I remember that he apparently was quite favourable to Mussolini.

>that was my shitpost lol
Kek, so we're pretty much the only ones that know about him on this board ey. It feels exclusive.

>> No.14232555

Why be disgusted at the past?

But still, sounds interesting. Is it really good enough to be considered our epic though. Will buy it along with a few other Australian books ne

>> No.14232562

He did definitely, and was definitely aware of the fascistic authors (he loved D'Annunzio, for example). But he was socially isolated from that milieu and was basically self-taught in fascist ideas, and worked to figure out an Australian way forward on fascist lines.

>Kek, so we're pretty much the only ones that know about him on this board ey.

>Why be disgusted at the past?
because it is nothing but an endless play of might is right, i'm disgusted by it, I wonder why you aren't?

>> No.14232594

>He did definitely, and was definitely aware of the fascistic authors (he loved D'Annunzio, for example). But he was socially isolated from that milieu and was basically self-taught in fascist ideas, and worked to figure out an Australian way forward on fascist lines.
Did he happen to have any relation to the New Guard? Francis de Groot is a great story which I'm sure you're aware of.

I am now a niche bigbrain.

>because it is nothing but an endless play of might is right, i'm disgusted by it, I wonder why you aren't?

It seems tulthat you are seeing things through a tinted glass. History has not o been immoral, there has always been the struggle betwee
n evi a good. Co*mpassio
n a
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nd cr

uelty. Egois*m a
nd self sacrifice.

How *ma
ny *me
n have died for their fa*mily's fro*m tho
nds of years, si
nce the very origi
n of *ma
nd eve
n so*meti*mes o
ne has to accept the cr

uelty of
necessity, for a cr

For so*me reason *my keyboard is ceasing to work and typig in the wrong areas even tho i click other areas. I have *managed best I can.

>> No.14232615
File: 103 KB, 800x514, sampo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14232635

Why is it your national epic when the writer wasn't Dutch?

>> No.14232651

>Did he happen to have any relation to the New Guard? Francis de Groot is a great story which I'm sure you're aware of.
No connection, but he was associated with the P.R. Stephensen's Australia-First Movement. Really the New Guard was more radical conservative than fascist proper (so more like Franco than Hitler).

>> No.14232658

>reading Greeks
why would i care about the tales of ancient paedophiles

>> No.14232727

True, but The New Gaurd is theg cosaesat sausatrsasa ever csame to sa fsasacisat movement.

>> No.14232732

>he hinksa the rteeksa were psaedophiesa

>> No.14233065
File: 229 KB, 1024x1280, 1573667340035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have to do something about those fucking anglos!

>> No.14233302

Facundo is better, fag

>> No.14233324

From what I understand ancient greek and modern greek are still very similar, you could read it in it's original after maybe a few months of lessons
Fuck you for not taking advantage of that 2bh

>> No.14233336

>the product of british minds is actually Swedish because the guy in the story goes to Sweden for a bit
Yeah, this post itself explains that "none" pretty well
Keep jacking off to cute photos of dudes in LARP gear though Sven, you fucking cuck

>> No.14233601
File: 35 KB, 249x249, 1336144427075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw your national epic is indian in origin and is also claimed by several other SEA shitholes

>> No.14233641

faraway so close!

>> No.14234403

Nah it's Swedish because it was created IN Sweden and is about Swedes. Britbongs just happened to write it down.

>> No.14234415

most based post written this year

>> No.14234431

Probably the greatest piece of literature ever made. 8/10

>> No.14234489

I like the contrast between Genji, which is written by a woman about women drama for women, and Musashi which is written by a man about the exploits of a man for men

>> No.14234773

>Faust and Nibelungenlied
unironically the two things I had thought of first too
Both are amazing.

>> No.14235030
File: 59 KB, 658x662, Retardo Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know anon, please don't hit me with it again

>> No.14236042

based vajiravudh poster

>> No.14236759
File: 30 KB, 300x448, 778124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14238616

Which country? I'm guessing European

>> No.14238665

You can't be serious.

>> No.14239450

I like it. It's got soul