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File: 4 KB, 220x220, COPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14211922 No.14211922 [Reply] [Original]

is this the greatest downfall of an english word in recent times? when it first appeared, it was sufficient to win any argument. in 4 (four) simple letters you not only proved that the oponnent was ilogical, but you revealed something about his character. that a single word could cause so much damage is beyond my understanding, but nonetheless it eventually fell. nowadays 'cope' is white noise. it tastes like vanilla ice cream.
another word is going down the same path: cringe. it does not have the same power as before, and quite ironic, it's cringe to say cringe

>> No.14211942

Interesting analysis

>> No.14211954

'incel' or 'dilae' are funnier

>> No.14211969


>> No.14211972

cringey post desu

>> No.14211973

have sex

>> No.14211979


>> No.14211991


>> No.14211993
File: 77 KB, 1234x659, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14212388

>tastes like vanilla ice cream
So that which allows you to distinguish the truly great ice cream.

>> No.14212393

I'm actually a really big fan of that album.
OP is a retarded faggot though.

>> No.14212411

only on 4chan. nobody in the real world gives a shit.
also it's nowhere near "problematic"

>> No.14212487

Sounds like someone said 'cope' in response to some autistic essay you did on /sp/ or something. These are people that wouldn't have seriously engaged you otherwise anyways.

>> No.14212490

Naw. It’s cringe/based

>> No.14212501


>> No.14212511


>> No.14213414

'cuck' is going that road as well, it used to have a punch to it, now it's just another way to say faggot

>> No.14213419

what post of yours was dismissed, anon? who hurt you?

>> No.14213420

Have Sex and Cope Incel

>> No.14213428

Normies say cuck. I've heard girls use it on beta guys they're not gonna fuck

>> No.14213580

cope is still pretty brutal in the right context

>> No.14213590
File: 33 KB, 500x355, 1560133908294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14213593

Cope is still solid when used properly because it has actual meaning, the same applies to cringe.
Other words that are only useful as swears and nothing else were dead on arrival though

>> No.14213643
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1485703267875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just have sex, sweetie

>> No.14213652
File: 475 KB, 1789x2690, Osho_HD_048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man is not one, man is many: man is a multitude, a crowd. The feeling of being a personality is a mirage. It arises because you never go in, and you never face the crowd. Perhaps to avoid the crowd, you never go in.

You are living outside your own home and the home is being occupied by your neighbors, many of whom are dead. And when I say many, I mean many! - centuries, queues of old and dead people are living within you; hence, when for the first time one enters on the path of meditation, the first encounter shakes one to the very roots. One sees many faces and many people - except one face, except the one individual that he is.

Most people, out of fear, simply run out again and get engaged in things so that they can forget what is happening within themselves. To find oneself alone needs such courage because the moment you find yourself alone you have to face a multitude, a crowd. Each in the crowd pretends to be your real self, and there is no way for you to find out who is your real individual. Millions of people live their lives without meditation for the simple reason that they cannot cope with this encounter.

>they cannot cope with this encounter.

>> No.14213669

English, the meme-language of memes. What a shitty fate for a language.

>> No.14213696
File: 54 KB, 358x358, IMG_20191122_121521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit in the street dear sir

>> No.14213713

osho has talked about street shitting, public pissing problem long before you were born dear sir

>> No.14213716

This is the truth. If Shakespeare ever knew that his language would be spoken by a half-Mexican mongrel race of obese Walmart crawlers he would roll in his grave.

>> No.14213730

Nice. Please post excerpt and bob

>> No.14214041

using it doesn't necessarily prove anything. you are only making a claim that allows (you) on your side of the 'argument' to assume that another anon is illogical or of dubious character.
Instead it's use points to the inability for a poster to make a good counter point in an argument. So using 'cope' is more or less a coping mechanism for the unintelligent anon

>> No.14214046


>> No.14214051

excellent example of the premise