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/lit/ - Literature

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14211233 No.14211233 [Reply] [Original]

Books that instill melancholia?

>> No.14211266
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>> No.14211300
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>> No.14211523
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>> No.14211537

Literally Papyrus>>14211523

>> No.14211551

Anything by Kraznahorkai.
Suttree is amazing.
Have not read it, but In Search of Lost Times is pretty melancholy, apparently.

>> No.14211605
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>> No.14211616

This post disgusts me. How can someone be so ignorant?

The fact that you've listed the Iliad and the Odyssey indicates that you know something about literature. You have attempted to understand something about the history of literary expression. You have put in the time (I am giving you the benefit of the doubt) to subject yourself to a culture that is far-removed from your own, and you have appreciated the greatness of those beautiful and influential poems.

And then you go on to rank "Suttree" alongside them. Fucking "Suttree". I am prepared to allow that you have included mediocre books like Infinite Jest and The Recognitions, which are admired only because they are "difficult" (long and convoluted). These books, while hugely overrated, still contain some undeniable merit. Even Blood Meridian, the edgelord's bible, could be viewed as some kind of accomplishment within its own extremely limited aesthetic purposes.

But Suttree. Are you fucking serious? The most blatantly overwritten shitty Joyce impersonation of all time? You really want to rank that shit alongside the works of Homer?

You fucking unbelievable moron. You fucking retarded adolescent subhuman pile of shit. What was going through your mind when you posted this generic fucking catalog of mediocrity? When you cast aside the works of Virgil and Shakespeare and Tolstoy and Dante and Joyce and Proust and inserted two shitty grimederp novels by a Joyce tribute-artist with no sense of irony? What in the hell were you thinking?

What the fuck do you look for in a book? Do you just sit there and imagine what you look like reading it? You obviously have no understanding of what literature actually has to offer. Your bland, generic list is proof of that.

Fucking Suttree. "There is a moon shaped rictus in the streetlamp's globe where a stone has gone and from this aperture there drifts down through the constant helix of aspiring insects a faint and steady rain of the same forms burnt and lifeless." Do you actually think this shit is good? Does that get you going, you fucking turd? That ostentatious bullshit? That utter lack of subtlety?

Read Homer again. Experience again the precision and power of his images. The utter lack of pretentious ornamentation. If you still don't get it, stop pretending to know anything about literature.

>> No.14211724

How so?

>> No.14212178


>> No.14212239

Joyce was an overwrought faggot though