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File: 38 KB, 640x479, havan-640x479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14209405 No.14209405 [Reply] [Original]

We have seen the effects of burgerpunk in burgerland itself. Wrestling matches inside Walmart, kids praying to crosses made out of Dr. Pepper boxes, late night fights outside fast food joints and parking lots, a literal reality show host becoming president, etc, etc. But what about the burgerification of the world? Europe may complain about immigrants, but the real silent immigrant, the one who's been destroying languages, traditions, architecture, business and the daily lives of people all around the world is Burger Media and its domination of the cultural millieu.

What does burgerpunk outside burgerland look like? Pic very related: it's a walmart-like store that started popping in the Brazilian south. Every store has this shitty faux-classical architecture façade and a kitschy statue of liberty. Brazilian right wingers, clad in green and yellow, have started gathering around such stores to show how "patriotic" they are.

>> No.14209477

>kids praying to crosses made out of Dr. Pepper boxes
It's in front of coke

>> No.14209479

America conquered most of the countries of the world without dropping any bombs on them. And you still shit all over "us dumb Americans blah blah" would you have preferred we did it the old fashioned way? Enjoy your refreshing Coca Cola you jungle monkey.

>> No.14209482

I'm a Canadian and our country's been thoroughly burgerified. Some of our right wingers unironically wear MAGA and MAGA-style hats.

>> No.14209501

People are innately quasi-religious consumers and collectors of kitsch. Welcome to human history.

>> No.14209502

You had no other choice, fren. You were too damn close to the border and spoke the same language, it was over before it even started.

>> No.14209516
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>implying piety is a symptom of national regression, or bad in any way
pls go back to your containment continent

>> No.14209517

the vast majority of the country yeah. Quebec, the maritimes, and the northern parts of the country are still somewhat different

>> No.14209540


The guy who owns the stores in the pic is a disgusting clown. The kind of people that are actually helpfull to you in being an example of what not to become.

>> No.14209548
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Yeah, this is piety. Just as God intended: worship Jesus and Capital at the same time, mistake one for the other, confound them until there is no difference. Great take.

Even Québec is shit. Everyone needs to speak English, Canada is a bilingual country on paper only.

>> No.14209562

america's main export is 'culture'. You'd have to journey to the most desolate siberian towns or to the most savage native tribes to find yourself free from it, or from its influence. their sphere encompasses the entire globe, and partly why they have become so dominant. 4chan is part of it too.

>> No.14209569
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>he thinks a child that age has even the slightest idea what capital is

>> No.14209582

The kid doesn't, of course. But that's how it always happens. Innocent kids start seeing whatever proddies feed them and then they become retarded neolib evangelicals praising globalization, free market and Jesus as the same.

>> No.14209641

>americans actually think that multinational globalist rootless companies are "american"
I drink Coca Cola that was bottled in my country by my countrymen. The company that runs the operation is headquartered in the capital city of my country, not the US. The "licensing fees" that they pay are paid to a Coca Cola subsidiary located in a tax haven, and America never sees a dollar of that money. Coca Cola's profits are divided amongst international shareholders.

>> No.14209664

This. You can only be an American company if you're a small business. If you're a multinational you're your own thing.

>> No.14209680

Of course I know all of that. That's why I'm interested in exploring the burgerification of the world. The strategies used by burgers to anglicize the world, to deprive it of character, to destroy personality in the name of profit, to demolish religions, languages, literature, painting, sculpture, child's play, tools in the name of the Big Burger.

>> No.14209693

As a Cola Cola shareholder I thank you for your devotion.

Besides the fact that you missed the point. We changed your country. You are drinking an American drink. It doesn't matter if the money doesn't come here. What matters is that we changed you and made you compliant with the regulatory requirements of our global empire. Just changing you was enough to make sure we could control your destiny.

>> No.14209707

Very true and burgerpunkpilled. Coca-cola dominating the world and pushing for globalization IS one of the effects of burgerpunk around the world. They single-handedly created a market for "soft drinks", pushing sugar into people's blood streams to levels never thought of before. A drink of Coke is like gulping down centuries of burgerism.

>> No.14209743

>Just changing you was enough to make sure we could control your destiny.

It depends on how you see things. If you think of countries as entities or if you think of each individual as something separate. You can say that businessmen, entrepreneurs, inventors, etc. are changing you right now and sticking their hands in your decisions just as they are doing with people on the other side of the world. Just like a Chilean peasant or a Hong Kong office worker you are being shaped by the will of people who are not you, who sleep in their beds, eat their food, earn their money, think their thoughts, and so on. . It's the same kind of submission, the only difference is that you live closer to these people.

>> No.14209748

>A drink of Coke is like gulping down centuries of burgerism.

I honeslty can't say how people get addicted to these crap.

>> No.14209754

I'm trying to cut out America and Americans from my life actively.
Honestly, it's not that hard unless you are addicted to films or going to the cinema.

>> No.14209798
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America is the original version of modernity. We are the dubbed or subtitled version. America ducks the question of origins; it cultivates no origin or mythical authenticity; it has no past and no founding truth. Having known no true identifying heritage, it lives in a perpetual present. In a deeper sense then, I think burgerism is visible in more than fast-food chains and microwaveable dinners. America has given us life in simulation. America started without origin as a simulation of Europe and as we try to simulate it back, all distinction between reality and its hyper-simulation is lost.
To me, Umberto Eco's definition of hyperreality seems to be a perfect description of America: "The authentic fake".

>> No.14209867



Arthur Jensen : You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won't have it! Is that clear? You think you've merely stopped a business deal. That is not the case! The Arabs have taken billions of dollars out of this country, and now they must put it back! It is ebb and flow, tidal gravity! It is ecological balance! You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And YOU have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU... WILL... ATONE! Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale? You get up on your little twenty-one inch screen and howl about America and democracy. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM, and ITT, and AT&T, and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today. What do you think the Russians talk about in their councils of state, Karl Marx? They get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, minimax solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments, just like we do. We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Beale. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business, Mr. Beale. It has been since man crawled out of the slime. And our children will live, Mr. Beale, to see that... perfect world... in which there's no war or famine, oppression or brutality. One vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock. All necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused. And I have chosen you, Mr. Beale, to preach this evangel.

Howard Beale : Why me?

Arthur Jensen : Because you're on television, dummy. Sixty million people watch you every night of the week, Monday through Friday.

Howard Beale : I have seen the face of God.

Arthur Jensen : You just might be right, Mr. Beale.

>> No.14209879

But how has operating internationally changed Coca Cola?

McDonalds has a different menu in different countries. The world is receding further into nationalism, so clearly the grand internationalist American dream hasn't worked. Multinations are bowing to domestic regulation, not fighting it - just look at how the NBA and ActiBlizz fellate China.

Companies are loyal to their customers, and will respond to the demands of their customers. You might have had a point if you'd talked about consuming American media, but consuming American brands is meaningless because those brands adopt the features demanded by the countries that they sell in, not the other way around.

>> No.14209882

Despite my familiarity with their ilk, americans manage to surprise me with how disgusting they are every single time they open their putrid bigmac ladden mouths.

>> No.14209885

Embarrassing post. Not even Americans like American things. It's just the triumph of capitalist trash over everything that's nice and meaningful. I'm so sorry that people all around the world let this horror happen.

>> No.14209940

Umberto Eco is right, YOU are right, but no one should read that as an encomium. That's the definition of a shipwreck (not in the Leopardian sense) into a sea of shit.

>> No.14210003

If the superfluous man was a country; it would be America.

>> No.14210028

If the people of Somalia decides to burn down the local Coca-Cola HQ and confiscate their assets, you can be sure the American army will be at Somali soil tomorrow.

And you consider that a victory for your country or something good?

>> No.14210031
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>> No.14210068


>> No.14210084

>kids praying to crosses made out of Dr. Pepper boxes
It's fucking Mr Pibb you idiots. I hope neither of you are American.

>> No.14210106

there is literally nothing wrong with praying to the baby Jesus.

>> No.14210109

No doubt it's quite tragic. We are drowning into our inability to recognise the sea of shit that's killing us

>> No.14210113

I know, I just think the scene is pretty burgerpunk and related to the image of the kid praying to a Mr. Pibb cross.

>> No.14210122
File: 1.08 MB, 245x200, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking "burgerpunk" seriously...taking any 4chin meemee seriously
you dorks

>> No.14210127

This is why ex Warsaw Pact member states are so based. I live in Germany, where Eastern and Western Germans mix up and I know some people very aware of the burgerification

>> No.14210130


>> No.14210136
File: 1.13 MB, 260x195, 1543264168584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting a reaction gif
back to twatter

>> No.14210156

It's not embarrassing at all. People didn't "let it happen". Once the burger was unleashed, the mouths were opened.

>> No.14210157
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you disgusting fucking newfag

>> No.14210158
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Seethe, Amerishart

>> No.14210179

When I went to tokyo the other week I got some major burgerpunk vibes.

>> No.14210215

Tokyo has been burgerified beyond recognition. Japan got cucked after WWII.

>> No.14210258

Tokyo is pure hell. I hate those faggots on /trv/ who depict the city like it was the most beautiful place on earth.

>> No.14210313

>Everyone needs to speak English
Not sure what you mean there.
Everybody speaks English in Québec. The only people who might not are like 60 and older folks living far off in the country, but most of them do anyway.

>> No.14210320

>Everybody speaks English in Québec
That's what I meant. This fucks the québecois over

>> No.14210336

French is useless anyway.

>> No.14210602

Based schizo

>> No.14210633

There's nothing wrong with this. What matters is the reality behind the symbol for the one perceiving.

>> No.14210955

I swear to God you people are absolutely retarded.

>> No.14211005

Just about all media, not just the media you dislike, comes from America. This site was made by an American, youtube, etc.

As China rises, I think the rest of the world + progressive Americans will come to appreciate the states

>> No.14211063

Pax Americana, enjoy it while you can. Because your world was so peaceful and great before 1945 right? RIGHT? You ungrateful provincials can go back to your fuedalism and chopping each other's heads off as soon as it ends.

>> No.14211090

feudalism was based

>> No.14211350

I'd unironically take a feudal lord over a bourgoisie one. At least aristocrats sometimes actually did take their position seriously and had a spirit of noblesse oblige. Modern capitalists are just selfish pigs who don't even pretend to be superior to us.

>> No.14211389

This! Time and time again my nativity was disappointed dealing with burgers. They are, if not obnoxious, soul-dead bugmen at least.

>> No.14211475

This. Americans are so retarded that they'll go on telling you "all the media" (wrong use of the word medium, btw) come from America. Kek, only movies and TV series are the media exported from America. And they're not even the best ones. European film makers are infinitely superior, but that's a whole different story.
>b-but the internet's murrican!
No you dumb retard, the internet was created by teams of people from all over the world that happened to meet in California just because that's where the huge money was. And if I use social media (I don't, but whatever) I talk with people from my country, not certainly with delusional amerimutts.

>> No.14211701

>And if I use social media (I don't, but whatever) I talk with people from my country, not certainly with delusional amerimutts.
You are posting on a largely American social media site.

>> No.14211746

0 iq post. The media IS American. There are fringe auteurs here and there, but that's it.

>> No.14211857

Christianity is a mental illness

>> No.14212032 [DELETED] 

Based christard bringing the asylum into the grocery store.

>> No.14212591

That lil girl is pure and innocent. She sees the symbol of God and reacts accordingly.

>> No.14212616

It's standard capitalism and you should at least appreciate it for improving the economy. The alternative would be expensive and scare goods

>> No.14212627

It's Pibb Xtra. This is in the UK

>> No.14212640

not an argument

>> No.14212654

Dont British people spell "Yogurt" as "Yoghurt"?

>> No.14212665


>> No.14212729

It's the idea of it. McDonalds has a different menu, but it offers the same path to power and profit to the "small business owners" of every nation. Sure, your McDonalds may have spaghetti on the menu, or sausage, or some other oddity, but that doesn't change that wherever a McDonalds is, a local restaurant isn't.

>> No.14212823
File: 399 KB, 1600x1066, DSC_0718.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WW2 might truly have marked the end of traditional humanity and the rise of burgerism as the next step of evolution that cannot be undone.

>> No.14212828

Please please please tell me that's an old Nazi building that is now a Burger King restaurant.

>> No.14212833

We're gonna have a war eh.
Right on.
I'm just gonna SEND IT on them muslimosers!

>> No.14212852

Canada is merely a convention.

>> No.14213207

You don't even know what you're talking about. Learn Latin, piece of shit.

>> No.14213331

Shut up Pepsi

>> No.14213625

That's sure as hell what it looks like, and it gave me a good chuckle. Hoping the same as you are.

It's so weird being at the center of the end of culture. I can totally imagine why Nabokov retired to Switzerland: to be somewhere both as insular and connected as possible.

>> No.14213627

Oh no, not capital.

>> No.14213662

>to be somewhere both as insular and connected as possible
That's what everyone with higher life prospects should aspire to.

>> No.14213829

There is a pizza hut in Pompeii

>> No.14214723

There is genuinely nothing burgers could do that wouldn't be an improvement of Brazil.

>> No.14214730

t. delusional burger

>> No.14214740 [DELETED] 

America ruined the japs more than any other people so far.

>> No.14214759

incorrect, nigger

>> No.14214776

spending any time on this site seems like a violation of that diet

>> No.14214800

Hating America is so cringey sweaty

>> No.14214821

Bigger truth has never been said. I wish we could replace Americans out of their own website.

>> No.14214833

there are non-american chans you can go to

>> No.14214836

It's not like you don't have other options. Be honest, large sections of American culture delight you. The next step is really just to take a stance on which part by state. Get into some flyover v coastie threads and make wild accusations.

>> No.14214872

You can not stop it.

>> No.14214911
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>> No.14214939
File: 151 KB, 900x1200, america stronk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For starters, we would have nuclear weapons if "our greatest ally" hadn't sabotaged our program. We also wouldn't have a ton of cancerous batshit evangelicals plaguing our country right now if not for you.
And for all its flaws, if you stay away from niggers Brazil can be much better than large swaths of America. America is a fucking joke but you have no idea because you're perpetually stuck with a mind formed by propaganda. The first world is Europe and Canada(which is unfortunately getting worse), even the rich and civilized parts of america are full of soulless bugmen who take kitschification to a whole other level.
t. have been to America countless times growing up, have friends and family(invited for a management position) over there but don't plan in going back anytime soon, unless I go to somewhere like the Rockies and have as little contact with americans as possible

>> No.14215488

That's why I usually spend my time on smaller national chans.
This is just my heroin addiction I'm trying to overcome.

>> No.14215533

Have you read name of the rose? Did you enjoy it?

>> No.14215546

Any anti-American sentiment should be directed to New York and California, obviously, as other states are just going along for the ride.

>> No.14215553

>America is a fucking joke but you have no idea because you're perpetually stuck with a mind formed by propaganda

Thus the point of this thread is about burgerpunk affecting non-Burgerland countries. It's not necessarily an indictment of the USA, just an observation of the American way of burger manifesting itself around the globe.

>> No.14215598


Is this thing about Israel real?

>> No.14215622

literally this
trash language that's only useful if you want to join the french foreign legion and enforce french colonialism by shooting at african child soldiers

>> No.14215625

Yes, politicians have complained about it recently, and it's been in the news a couple times. But currently in the US a number of government positions are essentially required (very sternly asked) to pledge allegiance to Israel. People get dragged as anti semites if they don't, because Israel is a very important military Outpost/money laundering partner for the US government

>> No.14215666


Funny that they still call themselves the land of the free.

>> No.14215673

Liberty doesn't necessarily mean the right to conflict. It means the right to rebellion. We have the right to abolish unjust laws, not the right to insurrect, that makes sense.

>> No.14216990

It would be because the American army and government serves multinational corporations, not the other way around. Their creation has taken a life of it's own and the creators have become the slaves.

>> No.14217959

>not taking every 4chin meemee seriously

>> No.14217984

That’s not schizo

>> No.14218354

>be Palestinian
>American backed Jewish colony forced grandparents to walk to Jordan
>grandparents sent to America as part of a deal with the Jordanian monarchy
>Born in America
>Heritage is inherently controversial in a country that prides itself with having no heritage
>Can absolutely never get into politics or anything that has to do with the government
>can absolutely never get into anything involving art and media because of the political positions of the distributors and tastemakers
>Literally every ethnic group is championed by American sjws and liberals except mine
>Palestinians back home don't accept me because I'm not a Muslim
My life is a fucking joke. I'm like a hostage championed by my conquerers. My existence should be the literal definition of the aimless modern man with no past, present, or future. Even if you're an American mutt appreciate that you at least have euro countries to LARP as being your homeland.

>> No.14218405

You have a great heritage preceding you. Please take heart, Anon, that you need none of what America may dangle before you. And you have more power than you might think. People are quite sick, quite bored, quite 'over' the Israeli centric view of things. There's a glacial revision in progress even if the denial hasn't begun.

>> No.14218782
File: 171 KB, 637x477, 69DD377D-EA38-4102-A11F-3CA288D935F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really only hate themselves.

>> No.14218852

what about Tim Maia

>> No.14218931

Take the /n/-pill. Cages were a mistake.

>> No.14218975

based beyond basing
We didn't invent burgerpunk, we merely gave it a name.
There's a lot of people who sided with palestine over pissrael, including classical liberals AND anti-semites. you represent a wonderful bridging of the schism.

>> No.14218990

You didn't do shit, it was a /tv/ meme originally, meant to describe peculiarities like Guy Fieri TV shows. /lit/ took it to heart because it was a succinct way to capture what /lit/ hates about America and its people.

>> No.14219005

I've never been to /tv/ in my life and crossboarders deserve to by lynched by their own innards.

kill yourself

>> No.14219014

>taking this much pride in being wrong

>> No.14219034

I've already taken it. Subhuman poors like you deserve to be packed like sardines in jerky under-maintained shitty light rail, while only those who can appreciate them may experience the privilege of owning and operating cages.

>> No.14219069

>another vapid America hate thread by citizens of literal-who nations.
Sure is easy to critique the most powerful nation when you can hide behind the irrelevancy of your own. This sort of "le evil American boogeyman" is unironically laughable and shows nothing but your desire to scapegoat your problems on to easy targets. I do not think America is perfect by any means, but this sort of bizarre caricature by 4chan Europeans shows nothing but prejudices and insecurities.

>> No.14219098
File: 40 KB, 600x584, T_alberto_barbosa__737cd367a5474ddfa3ca272b30c0d3b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's criticizing it? We're merely talk about burgerpunk. Surely you admit that no other nation on Earth has been capable of submitting the majority of the global urban population to its cultural talking points, media outlets and products of the culture industry. There has never been such a great deterritorialization as made by Americans, in American universities, put into place by American corporations, speaking American English, imposing American cultural norms all along the world. Any minimally well educated middle class citizen from Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania and South America is practically incapable of averting his eyes from the shine of American media. I mean, languages start getting bastardized by American English: look at what's happening in Germany, Sweden, Brazil, Colombia, India and, perhaps the most depressing example, Holland. For fuck's sake, the Dutch don't even speak Dutch in their universities anymore: it's all English. The US converted the news into barely-non-fiction entertainment by providing attention grabbing TV show models. Capeshit movies take cinema screen by storms around the world. Stupid fucking Chinese take etiquette lessons to behave like Americans. Tourists visit a certain "square" with the sole purpose of looking at ads and at other people looking at ads. If this isn't cyberpunk-tier, you're just another dumb burger.

>> No.14219101

>not spending money on a petrol kikemobile makes me poor
wow. wooow that hurts. oh. this $500 a month extra money that would otherwise go to cage expenses reallllly hurts to have in my bank account. oh. oh noooo.

you must be nigger rich and spend every cent you get your hands on. wouldn't want to seem "poor", best go buy another knockoff rolex. better buy a new cage this year, since you couldn't afford to last year or the year before. oh god what if the neighbors see?

>> No.14219110

We'll come for you cages, zoo animal. Just you wait.

>> No.14219234

>you maintain cages so you must also buy new cages and flashy garbage with no utility
enjoy your commutes being at least 1.5x as long (in major urban centers with good transit infrastructure), not being able to go anywhere at night, waiting during off peak times, piss-soaked, uncomfortable seating, the constant aroma of recreational substances, and being surrounded by riff-raff. As soon as I could afford a cage I bought one and never looked back. If that makes me nigger rich so be it but when 120 minutes of buses and trains a day became 70 minutes of cage time, my mental state noticeably improved.

>> No.14219261

So, what you're saying then, is that burgerpunk doesn't even exist and this shit world we live in of vapid consumerism being the final culture is nothing more but the human condition run to it's logical and unfortunate conclusion?

>> No.14219263

That's appalling.

>> No.14219273

Literally everything you said can be applied to any global empire. I could easily say literally everything you have said about Hellenization or any other empire.

>Greek is changing muh pure language
>Greek culture is destroying muh folk beliefs

If you don't like it, get off this website, stop speaking English, and live in your rural larp village. Maybe in your country they do not have the self control to have moderation.

>> No.14219287

I can tell you've never read a single piece of sociology, philosophy or good literature in your entire life. This is what I'd expect form /r/books.

>> No.14221055

That's exactly what he's saying because he's American. He doesn't know any other way. He has no history nor future.

>> No.14221302

underrated post

>> No.14221497

>Brazilian right wingers, clad in green and yellow, have started gathering around such stores to show how "patriotic" they are.
They are Evangelishits.

>> No.14221508

I tought /tv/ was weeboophobic.

>> No.14221528

>has over an hour commute WITH a car
try living closer to your workplace retard.

>> No.14221547


>> No.14221598

any tips on how to do that?

>> No.14221865

>70 minutes a day
>what is a round trip

>> No.14221897

/trv/ is probably most normie tier english teaching low iq faggots