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/lit/ - Literature

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14208733 No.14208733 [Reply] [Original]

>how you’re holding up
>current book

>> No.14208755

>Faust part II

>> No.14208759

>notes from underground

>> No.14208762

>Really good compared to before

>> No.14208772

>ran 3k in 13:10 yesterday, so pretty damn good
>The Book of Five Rings

>> No.14208775
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>Shit, considering dropping out and start a hustle instead
>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.14208778

Same, except I'm 24 and only slightly less excited by the thought of killing myself than I would normally be.

>> No.14208784

>really bad, a fucked up period my life
>On the Heights of Despair

>> No.14208800

>Currently unsure about my working future, I feel a bit lost desu.
>Bible and that piece of garbage called Principles by Dalio, I thought it was a finance book or something but it's a bland self help book.

>> No.14208803

All you sadcunts need to start working out. Did you learn nothing from /fitlit/?

>> No.14208806

>but it's a bland self help book.

Some self help books aren't all bad. See Works and Days by Hesoid.

>> No.14208807

>Never been better
>Alexander Hamilton bio

>> No.14208819

>Was having a shit week, but I'm inviting an old friend over tonight for some food & movies so I'm looking forward to that
>A Scanner Darkly

>> No.14208821

>I don't know. Things aren't necessarily bad but they're not good either. It's been a really weird year for me, especially the last couple of months
>Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.14208828

>early 20s
>I've sold out an applied to law school
>Mason & Dixon, Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Recommend good writings by the Founding Fathers

>> No.14208842

> 28
> I have a cold that I'm trying to get rid of. But great otherwise.
> Lolita

>> No.14208845

>hanging on by a thread
>Dead Souls

>> No.14208846

> 20
> cant cope with girlfriend past sexual experiences, books for this feel bros
> heart of darkness

>> No.14208849

>last day of exam, feeling alright
>The Collected Stories of Pushkin + Letters of Seneca

>> No.14208848

>Have been better. Am about to quit a high-paying job because I'm being asked to do something unethical

>> No.14208851

>Just married and a baby boy on the way
>Remains of the Day
Anyone ever read it? It's not something I would normally pick up but I'm really enjoying it.

>> No.14208857

It's one of my favorite books, anon: perfectly written, funny, and devastating. It legit influenced me to change my life after I saw way too much of myself in Stevens.

>> No.14208860
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>Worst year of my life, I cannot express how much I want to end my life
>A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.14208862

>breaking free from the shut-in NEET phase and trying to find religion
> Ligotti's The Conspiracy Against the Human Race

>> No.14208870

>trying to formulate a plan to quit my desk job soon. tired of waking up, sitting in the car, sitting in a chair for 8 hours, sitting in the car, sitting at home, or lying in bed comatose to wake up and sit in the car to sit in a chair again. Only time I use my body is at the gym three days a week. I want out bros.
>Pagan Imperialism

>> No.14208887

>18, "/lit/"
>I'm posting with people who are younger than my students
I'm out boys

>> No.14208906

What if I told you that you shitpost with 13yo's all the time?

>> No.14208908

>about to kill myself
>Artemis Fowl

>> No.14208919

>want to be a jackdaw, tired of this human bullshit
>songs of a dead dreamer and grimscribe

>> No.14208923

Who actually gives a shit?

>> No.14208930

>Good, getting better after a shitty October
>Thinking, fast and slow, and a heavily abridged version of Thomas Aquinas' summa theologica

>> No.14208935

>want to be a jackdaw
fucking yikes

>> No.14208949

Are you enjoying it? I'm about half way through

>> No.14208955

>books for this feel
just be an adult, I'm sure you have past sexual experiences as well, and if you don't, you will after you split up with this girl and enter your next relationship. quit being so insecure and realize that your girlfriend is her own human being with her own past experiences that you can't control

>> No.14208960

>got a qt Christian gf
>Concluding Unscientific Postscript
hope I don’t go full Kierkegaard and feel a divine compulsion to break up with her

>> No.14208967

>not well

>> No.14208971

>Pretty good but ready for this semester to end
>The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.14208977

>Almost finished Blood Meridian, will probably read Fathers And Sons after that

>> No.14209153
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>Shut in NEET phase
>18 years old
You have so much time to improve. Never stop striving anon

>> No.14209175

>financially okay, about to buy a house. I work a useless government job I hate and I’m lonely

>> No.14209177

Cmon anon please, just give something to ease the reality

>> No.14209207

The reality of the situation is that you can't change the past. Clearly your girlfriend's past experiences are bothering you, but you are worrying about a problem with no solution within the bounds you've set. You are only 20 years old. Contrary to what many modern day hedonists think, if our past does not define us, then what does? It's completely fair for you to cut ties with your girlfriend if you can't come to term with her past sexual experiences. I'm sure the sex is great, but there is a woman out there who's past will make you smile rather than cringe

>> No.14209230

>Very good
>Just finished The Lady of the Camellias

>> No.14209233

>okay, not a lot of free time
>culture of critique

>> No.14209307
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>it's all so tiresome
The Train Was on Time by Enrich Boll

>> No.14209314

Well, I got it today and I've only read a couple of chapters. I like the atmosphere, but as a Romanian it feels a bit strange desu

>> No.14209347

>I'm doing alright
>On The Road

>> No.14209400

>feel that I am maybe losing a grip on reality but in a good way
>Brothers Karamazov

>> No.14209427
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>only like 2-3 people that are older than me
>/lit is composed of a shitload of youngsters
>"ahh, that explains it"
>i proceed to frog post

>> No.14209445

>traded my soul for the opportunity to make millions. I felt guilty at first but I’m over it now. My working career is solidified
>when the sun burst

>> No.14209464


>Recently lost a cousin I was close with to a car accident, I'm still mourning his passing pretty hard.

>I'm rereading Whitehead right now, and am in Science and the modern world. I'm also reading some science fiction for fun, most recently the Family Law series by Mackay Chandler, because it's hunting season and I read to help me keep still while sitting in the deer stand.

>> No.14209465

i'm fucking dying man
on the incarnation

>> No.14209467
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>How you're holding up
It's exam season. I'm in my last year of undergrad and the semester flew by before I noticed. I have to look for jerbs and I just got a part time job that stresses me out (dispatcher at a locksmith service) and I don't remember the last time I felt at ease
>Current book
I've been reading a lot for school. What I've been trying to read on my own is a collection of Tolstoy's short stories but I didn't get very far.

>> No.14209485

>alright I guess
>Spengler's Decline of the West

>> No.14209489

>not bad, health pretty good, glad now I quit smoking 35 years ago
>Churchill's War by David Irving

>> No.14209511

I'm sorry to hear about your cousin anon. There's no better place to read than in a deer stand secluded in nature. Good luck out there

>> No.14209526

Start with the Greeks even with self help books right? All right I'll check it out, yeah some self help books are kino, like how to win friends or rich dad poor dad.

>> No.14209541

>pretty well, just trying to walk with the Lord

>> No.14209570

>traded my soul
care to elaborate anon?

>> No.14209588

>discovering new bottoms, will go to psychologist next saturday
>Death by Julian Barnes

>> No.14209591

the federalist maybe?

>> No.14209593

>well enough, I suppose
>Fellowship of the Ring

>> No.14209597

I think you are either too old or too young for 4chan.

>> No.14209607

>things are getting worse but it's not bothering me for some reason
>the idiot (rereading)

>> No.14209609

Nope. Perhaps one day in therapy I’ll talk about it.

Pacta Sunt Servanda

>> No.14209621

>good, third divorce finally through
>Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge

>> No.14209622
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>Broken inside yet I'm graduating from community college and plan to take a deferral year to work and help myself since my family is also broken
>Nothing read yet before I graduate since my life is hanging on a thread, but I do plan to read up on Emerson, Kawabata, Broch, Heidegger, Kierkegaard, Blaga, Blanchot, phenomenology in general, etc.

>> No.14209625

>fluctuating, average about 7/10
>consider the lobster

pretty fuckin fast, my 3k is like 16:00

>> No.14209638

>ready for my semester to be over, but overall pretty well, making lots of steady improvement in my art
>anna karenina and a book called lords of the left hand path, plus a bunch of medieval literature for one of my english classes

>> No.14209642

Fine I guess but also deep down very dissatisfied
Letting Go by Philip Roth

>> No.14209645

>my 3k is like 16:00
But you're still running it, which is what matters.

>> No.14209647
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I'm a nigger so pretty bad
The Triflers by Mumkey Jones

>> No.14209668

good cause I read the Bible daily

>> No.14209672


Help me out guys. I'm dying.

>> No.14209683

What do you need help with anon

>> No.14209691

>I hate everyone and everything right now
>Think and Grow Rich, The Bible, Letters from a Stoic, and The Book of the Law

>> No.14209701

>I want to close my eyes and open them on Monday morning
>Resurrection by Tolstoy

>> No.14209702




>> No.14209723

I read your post but I mean what specifically do you want help with, like, recs on getting started with those authors, general life advice, meet me halfway my dude

>> No.14209745


General life advice, I guess.

It's not that I need recs. I know what to read. The issue is having to graduate first before I get ready to read. I feel like I'm holding myself back, but I am in actuality, but not because I want to. It's because everywhere I go, everything's broken and my family is dysfunctional and I have no friends.

I'm not desperate for a gf or anything like that shit because I know a better life is waiting for me. But I don't even know if I'm on the right path or not. A lot of people screwed me over and nobody wants to be with me.

>> No.14209752

>coming out of clinical depression for the first time in 10 years after cutting contact with my abusive family, never going to be a happy decision but it's for the best
>Advanced data structures / algorithms in C++ / Moral and Political Essays - Seneca

>> No.14209756

>Still no gf still few friends but at least I am fit and healthy and pay my bills on time and show up at work on time r-right?
>The Girl with the dragon tattoo and Beyond good and evil

>> No.14209760
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>slightly better, recovering after a hard breakdown and health problems
>Being and Time

>> No.14209763

I know this feel too, how2escape?

>> No.14209769

Do you guys live in the city by any chance? And further, an apartment? It's easy to feel trapped within the city limits. If you're able, I'd recommend leaving the apartment and buying a home outside the city with some land. Everything else will fall into place

>> No.14209774

Everyone keeps telling me I need therapy but I feel great.
Moby dick

>> No.14209776

What are your medium term goals? What would you like to study once you go back to school?

>> No.14209786

You might have to accept that your family are gone too far gone to be repaired. You need to realise that they could be having a massive impact on your mental health. I would recommend trying to establish some distance between you and them (get a job, if you have no friends then get one where you have to socialise) be busy, move out if you can afford it), hit the gym or start running, either go a therapist or if you're smart start reading some of the foundational work in psychology yourself, you need a therapist that is smarter than you and if you're smarter than them they probably can't help you much.

Start to build up your mind so that you are proud of you. You can't control what other people think of you. However you can control how you feel about yourself through self discipline and by not doing things that make you lose self respect.

>> No.14209823


Well, the deferral year is meant to help me earn money, experience, and maturity before I transfer so I could have a clearer mind on what I want to do. The way I see it now, college is an investment and although I'm about to graduate from CC with $13K in debt, I don't know where that would lead me besides paying for it. All I know is that I could compensate by double majoring in Computer Science and MIS/Business analytics or something that focuses on operations research


Unfortunately, I've accepted that for a long time. I am actually diagnosed with Asperger's and schizoaffective from when I was 5 and 19 respesctively. My main goal for getting away from them is to go to the library and Starbucks and stay there as long as possible.

Two years ago, my family was hit with a lot of income strife, so we had to move to an apartment. Unfortunately, that cost me having my own room, leaving me to question my sense of "self", if I ever had once (hence the focus on Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Blanchot).

I have continually been exercising by mainly jogging. I figure I have more of a jogger build anyways. I have been cutting out red meat and dairy from my diet (red meat when I was 16/17 and dairy recently because of lactose intolerance).

I visited the psychologist at my school today. But nobody helps much and since this is my last semester, I figured it would end where I begin: alone.

I used to have a psychiatrist who was a mother figure to me, but the drugs (risperidone, Haldol, escitalopram, and Latuda) fucked me up and my consciousness pretty badly so I wasn't able to think straight. High school didn't help with it either. The DSM would be one of my go-tos when I'm on my pathway to reading and self-educating. But the problem isn't so much of that, but rather what was before when I started CC. I deluded myself thinking that life was going to open up, but instead, I became embittered. Very embittered. But then I realize I was suppressing myself because of the shit situation I was in.

Unfortunately, the psychiatrist I had was an older Spanish (Castilian) woman who graduated from Harvard and Cornell and suggested me to go to the hospital up in White Plains. But my Dad has the impression that every mental hospital is the equivalent to Arkham Asylum or One flew over the cuckoos nest. Then I realized that he can't love a woman who doesn't whore themselves up (he also loves Italian porn).

I know I can't. I don't do stupid shit. But I want to feel loved. I live in New York, but I'm hoping to go to Boston after recently discovering a link about phenomenology there:


>> No.14209837

I’m>>14209763 and>>14209756, I live in an apartment, commute 70 miles a day and spend all working hours on a computer.

I’d like to live in a more rural area but I don’t know how I’d meet women or make more friends, I’m pretty lonely desu. It would also be difficult as I work at a corporate center and thus would have to be based near a major city

>> No.14209922

I would have no idea how to deal with something like Asperger's syndrome, that combined with a dysfunctional family is a rough hand for anyone to deal with. So keep that in mind when you consider your position in life and try to be kinder to yourself.

You write quite well, I don't know you but if I was to guess you are probably pretty smart.

My advice is to try to get a job, anything. Look up how to put together a decent CV and then spam it everywhere. You likely won't get anything more than a minimum wage job without a college degree but you're still a student so that's ok. This will give you something that gets you out of bed in the morning, gives you an excuse to socialise with people, and will give you some kind of income. This should all help with not feeling useless and dependent (maybe you don't feel this way about yourself but I did and it helped).

I'm 23 and started therapy by myself at 14. I was lucky that I found a therapist that was decently intelligent and he was able to explain just how neurotic and dysfunctional my family is. The first step is to formulate and understand the problem, I'd recommend reading as much as you can about dysfunctional families and how that may have contributed to your various neuroses. A lot of therapists are shit and as much as I'd like to think they want to help and mean well, most of them are incapable of it and haven't been through enough shit in life to relate to their patients and to actually help them. I found I could predict almost every line out of their mouths. Like I said I had a decent one who I went to for about 6 years but I've since moved city and haven't found a decent one since.

I think drugs have their place but I am very wary of them. You're in the US where they seem to hand them out like candy. I'm drug free for the first time since I was 15 and it turns out most of my issues where from having to interact with neurotic family members who would knock my confidence and instill self-beliefs about myself that were actually more to do with them than me (why am I never enough for this prick, why is everything I do wrong, why is he always angry at me, why doesn't my mother love me). Of course these will lead to low self esteem and self confidence which leads to shitty social interactions which turns into a negative feedback loop.

>> No.14209928

>very poorly
>the bible, literary purposes not christcucking

>> No.14209932


Escitalopram helped me greatly with anxiety when I started college but I have since moved away from it. I have also been on Venlafaxine and Mirtazapine and I really don't think any of them will help on a long term basis. They are useful to get you to a certain level and that's it. I'd take one at a medium dose, taking 4 at the same time is insanity and a ridiculous thing to do. I'm not much of a fan of the DSM as I think humans are so unbelievably complicated and nuanced that they are beyond the scope of just labelling them with a "disorder". Some of the "disorders" listed are just ridiculous.

You seem to have a reasonably good head on your shoulders and you are only 21. This is a very difficult period in a young man's life and i think you need to suffer to some extent as you go from childhood to adulthood. I certainly suffered through those years. I would say that psychiatric hospital could be a good option if you approach it with a mature mindset. Even if it's just meeting with and interacting with people who know how it feels to be in pain. You might get more perspective on the inherent suffering of the human condition.

>> No.14209935 [DELETED] 

Extreme cuck response

>> No.14209961

what are you being asked to do?

>> No.14209978


There's no true way to define intelligence. I'm damaged goods at best. I don't understand IQ tests. Could be the autism.

I have gained work experience in the past. I have worked at my parents office, my school library, a bookstore (summer), and as a tutor.

Unfortunately, I was laid off by my parents, then I got fired after being treated too much like crap at the library, and I was eventually laid off as a tutor this semester since I didn't have any contact hours for a whole semester.

Unfortunately, the place I'm at is pretty barren. It's not rural, but it's in a pretty shitty spot.

The truth is is that I've read up a lot about my family, but I've finally come to terms that they're all just winging it and dramatize everything. Now I realize more than ever that whenever my Dad says that I don't care, it's not that I don't care about him, it's that I don't care about the way he acts. But he usually always mistakes my apathy for a lack of empathy so this also shows that he wasn't well prepared enough to raise a child like myself. Even going so far to say that others would've abandoned me in the process. Something about missing a flight and some oreo cookies really got to him or some B.S.


Well the DSMs are an overall generalization. They're not meant to help me other than help me gain the "volvo" of knowledge that is psychology. There would probably be some images pertaining to psychology (although I'm more interested in neurology), but as far as I can tell when being in college, the social and actual sciences assume themselves way too much. That's why we have esotericism and neo/platonism for a reason.

"Only 21" isn't really the case. There could be dozens of anons like me that act like they have everything assorted together. Yet I learned recently that men, be it young or old, have a habit of having an ideology being broken and failing to pick up the pieces together from scratch. I suspect women are the same, too. As I do not want to make this a case about being "redpilled (as it is not)" but what makes us all human.

I suffered a lot, true. But I don't suspect that lfie would be about suffering (or dukkha). Rather, it's about the discontentment and disappointments that follow through. I could basically list all of the things that I've been through following my last semester of Community College here and before that. But I will have to save that for another post.

The problem with the psychiatric hospital is that it's no longer an option. My family would know and my insurance got choked up when I had to make that ambulance trip to the hospital when I got my schizoaffective diagnosis.

That's exactly what part of it is about. But I'm more keen and focused on learning about phenomenology and perception (i.e. how do we view the things that make us human and relatively conscious).

Ningen no Judai

>> No.14209990

>Ok, but tired of my job, College and just social interaction in general
>Basic Economics, by Thomas Sowell

>> No.14210008

>doing ok
>'Freedom', by Jonathan Franzen

>> No.14210010

It’s great but it’s sad as fuck
>the scene with the dad

>> No.14210017


Ok, here goes everything

First Semester:

1. Move in with 3 roommates, all of whom were black, in the ghetto-ier spot of the college campus dorms (yes, my CC had dorms). 2 roommates and a few others started smoking weed in the bathroom.

2. Struggled to muster up courage until I spoke with my Math professor and later the housing coordinator and guidance counselor on how to confront the situation. Family was unemployed at the time so I barely scrummaged by.

3. Managed to get a place down in another residential area, but not at the price of my mental health. Had a mental breakdown at the end of the month of the first semester. Started crying even outside until I learn I had to stop because I knew that everyone was going to make fun of me.

4. Move in with roommate, but by myself with the coordinator's van on my own back. Situation eventually got worse, especially since I was busy trying to participate in clubs, take care of financial aid, my clothes thrown out, etc.

5. Situation escalates to the point where I receive a death threat in my dorm over "snitching" when police investigated my roommates (even though I didn't say anything to prompt the situation), with one of them having weed in their taser (go figure). Semester ends with me alone

2nd Semester:

1. Struggle more to get by as I enroll in tougher classes and fail to adapt to the mindset of things

2. Started working, but realized how little my bosses and everyone even cared. Roommate situation got worse.

3. Had to wound up working during spring break in a blizzard just to help me pay for the housing deposit and earn me money for a backpack

4. Semester ends, but not until I cough up $50 for a misplaced razor and get stuck in a train for 12 hours straight.

>> No.14210032

How can you be a NEET at 18? Wasn’t there someone in your life who at least forced you to go to school?

>> No.14210038



5. Prior to the semester, Dad had an affair with his mistress, eventually throwing my sister and I under the bus. Had to pull a Ferris Bueller on one of his Rodin statues.

6. First time I discovered a new discord server, as well as fireden and warosu.

Third Semester:

1. Turning point of learning subjects like Chemistry, Math, Philosophy, and Macroeconomics, which helped me gain perspective on my career and major options. Made me prioritize my education more in the process

2. Started working more despite being under a budget cut. Would wound up getting fired after having enough at the library.

3. Eventually become stressed to the point that I felt miserable, but managed to pull through.

4th Semester:

1. A lot of the crap that I had been through is now long gone. Now all that's left is focusing me on getting myself on the right track.

2. Gained mentorship from philosophy and writing workshop professors, as well as from a Roman Catholic tutor in terms of surrealism and existentialism. But eventually it got cut short due to their schedule constraints

Final Semester:

1. Get laid off as a tutor. Tried applying to the cafeteria but didn't work since I couldn't make it to the clinic on time for a urinal screening (and that they were only open on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month)

2. Dropped Calculus after realizing that my Pre-Calc professor skipped Rational and Trig functions (also due to having to prioritize first on graduating from CC and not worrying about passing Calc) (due to Pre-Calc professor running Tuesday and Thursday class only and that he gave me (or us) the wrong review sheet to study the final for).

3. A flood occurs in the local area of the CC, damaging a lot of homes the roads near the Adirondacks and killing a priest in the process.

4. Contact between me and almost everyone I knew has been reduced to nothing. I sent an email (examples below) to tutor and philosophy professor (the former of whom had to finish her mother's burial so had to take a year off and the latter teaching in the local penitentiary).

5. Demand for paramedics, ambulances, and police cars have ever been increasing since this month after the flood has occurred:

>> No.14210047

>College is lonely
>Pagan Temptation, Thomas Molnar

>> No.14210051
















There's more merit to the Moon Knight link than you might think. Despite the Disney+ promotion, the Moench/Sienkiwicz run where the character earned his stripes borders on the near-psychological/existential aspects and makes him feel like a darker Daredevil, speaking of which:


>> No.14210055
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>Not good. Graduated with a degree in Computer Science but have found that I do not enjoy coding and my interest in the field, data science, typically requires a master's or doctorate for employment so I feel like I may have wasted a lot of time. No girlfriend and I feel like I am not worthy, because outside looking in, I wouldn't date me. I've been feeling like everyday lately I get up just to waste more time until I end up in an early grave. Pic related, I long for this cozy life.
>A Tale of Two Cities

>> No.14210075
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Not a good period

I'm reading it for the second time but I think to give up and pass to Lincoln in the bardo

>> No.14210082

I was in the same boat. I switched partway through my CS degree to PoliSci (purely out of passion) and now I'm graduating this year. On one hand, I probably would've offed myself before graduating had I stayed, but on the other hand the jerb prospects are making me think I just delayed the inevitable.

>> No.14210089

Not good
Harry Potter

>> No.14210096

greentext ain't that hard, nigger.

>> No.14210101

>I'm going to kill myself if I get rejected by the girl I think is cute tomorrow night. Ha, just kidding. I like her a lot though. She is on my mind a lot.
>Virginia Woolf

>> No.14210104

>Just married and a baby boy on the way
Sounds good anon. This is my dream i hope you are grateful.

>> No.14210117

>some days are fucking terrible, some are filled with joy
>The Idiot

>> No.14210118

What will happen on Monday morning?

>> No.14210120

ayyy, I hope the little man grows up strong!

>> No.14210125

>things were pretty great some months ago (period of St. Michael's Lent), now struggling to fight sin

>> No.14210182

>Drowning in stress desu but fine generally
>Gulliver's Travels. Pretty depressing book if you read deep enough desu

>> No.14210189

Get it over with and do it now

>> No.14210202

Thanks, buddy.

Blessings upon you and have a great day.

>> No.14210206

>trying to cope with trauma after a huge ptsd episode (or whatever u call them)
>the haunting of hill house

>> No.14210323

>pretty good. Recently fixed some issues with a friend of mine and I feel great because of it. Communication works.
>Homage to Catalonia

>> No.14210472

>could be worse, I gave up my old life and moved away with the girl I pretty much hate. Makes it all the worse that I happen to be reading

>> No.14210507

>we're holding up
>Child of God

>> No.14210530

Got any tips for quiting?

>> No.14210566

You're unironically a babby

>> No.14210572

>Doing all right, I suppose. Can't really complain. Just reading as much as I can... Have recently been spending way too much money on clothes, though. With no savings left now, I ought to stop. But appearance is everything in this city. Faugh. Such is life for an urbanite.
>The Love Poems by Ovid

>> No.14210580

>I kind of wanted to smash everything at work with a hammer today, went for a drive and feel better now
>Bleeding Edge

>> No.14210598
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>and trying to find religion

>> No.14210618

> 26
> I feel like I’m in stasis
> Faust

>> No.14210634

>There is not enough fucking time in the 24 hour day to accomplish my tasks
>Illuminatus Trilogy

>> No.14210675

What do you need help with, anon?

>> No.14210684
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>About to graduate, possible job lined up, and potential gf if I don’t fuck up, so breddy gud I guess
>My Antonia

>> No.14210723

I left one of the biggest cities in the US for a small town and to be honest I question if I made the right decision. It is more difficult to meet people which actually isn’t much of a problem for me since I don’t really mind not having friends or a gf. I’ve had both and used to be social. I just prefer to be alone now. I work less, but I make less so I’m still basically broke and work is a bit more relaxed, but pretty much the same. Most of the people I interact with are exactly the same as people were in the city and my life is no different at all. I just have more personal time which I spend in isolation or in the woods basically.

>> No.14210730

Thank you anons. Marriage requires patience, hard work, and compromise, but is absolutely worth it. And now meeting my boy grows nearer each and every day

>> No.14210753


>> No.14210767

>Worst arc

>> No.14210780

>pretty good desu
>on certainty

>> No.14210781

>Borderline insane
>Testo Junkie

>> No.14210787

>I don't know. Things aren't necessarily bad but they're not good either. It's been a really weird year for me, especially the last couple of months
love to you

>> No.14210829

>love to you
thanks sweaty

>> No.14210862

>Getting worse everyday because of my shit college and a recent breakup
>Why evolution is true

>> No.14210883

That's a good book to have a bad turn of the wheel

rousseau or augustine?

>Im through the threshold of depression so im feeling great, tragic optimism, vitalism, passively trying to get laid
>Finished for whom the bells toll today im reading the complete essays of michel de montaigne and a biography of simon bolivar

>> No.14210975

>Idk really unsure about my future and decisions in life, a little frustrated but ok
>capitalist realism

>> No.14210993

>Just met a girl, will ask her to do meth with me when I am done with my exams.

>> No.14211026

>Better than I’ve ever been

>> No.14211029
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>doing well ty anon
>Orthodox Study Bible

>> No.14211031

>the well wrought urn

>> No.14211037
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>retard pepe (apu?)
>wants to recreate an artificial 50's advertising-fantasy, that has never actually existed, and was only synthesised for soulless commercial purposes
Surprisingly fitting, actually.

>> No.14211102

That's the right wing in a nutshell. Destroy the world to save """western civilization""" as seen in ads and shitty old movies.

>> No.14211114

You can be pedantic about the origin of images in an increasingly visual culture or you can acknowledge the very real and obvious positions those people hold and argue with them substantively. You just seem like a prissy university fop when you make bad faith statements like this.

>> No.14211119

>lost, neet, basically that apu
>justin, philosopher and martyr: apologies

>> No.14211141

>justin, philosopher and martyr: apologies

>> No.14211151

>not that well
>thus spoke zarathustra

>> No.14211172
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>Getting life back on track, Going slow with a girl whose going through the same relationship shit i've been through after getting /fitlit/
>Just finished The Hastur Cycle, Trying to Decide on Either Heimskringla, Anabasis, or the Kalevala. Maybe some Conan? Idk.

Do me a favor, lad. Years from now when life's improved for you, remember this moment and remember my post and have a chuckle. You got this shit.
This fucker has it right. Life didn't click till I started dropping the weight AND getting booksmart. Wish I started earlier in my 20s, but no use kicking myself over the past.
Don't worry about the girl thing. Life's fucking weird sometimes and everything happens for a reason. You also have some friends; Most don't. Count your blessings and keep on keepin'.

We're all gonna make it lads. Road may be rough but that's the thing: Best stuff in life never comes easy. Give the shit life throws at you hell. Make it rue the day it thought to fucking get in your way.

>> No.14211186


>Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.14211211

>The loneliness is setting in, I repeat the loneliness is setting in, this is not a drill, it's setting in for real!
>Anna Karenina, The importance of being eanest

>> No.14211214

>thinks he has problems
oh sweaty

>> No.14211222

Gravitys rainbow

>> No.14211223

>hurr durr muh argument
We're not having one. We're mocking you. We're mocking you for the shallowness of your beliefs. We're mocking you for having political beliefs that revolve around a feverish, homicidal, desire to create a world in the image of a fake past based on ads and fantasies. There is no erasing decades of history. Your policy positions involve either soulless Neoliberalism - and I should mention that your inability to see the connection between neoliberalism and why the 50s are no more is another reason to mock you - or just mindless cruelty. You're worthless human beings who are willing to let millions die in your efforts to preserve either what is already broken beyond any hope of repair or has never existed in the first place.

>> No.14211227

>everyone is a simpleton for whom lifting and reading will solve everything
Stellar projections

>> No.14211238

Based schizo attacking the phantoms of his mind
I'm criticizing you because I hate how people like you commandeer things I believe in to argue in bad faith about stupid irrelevant things and to fight proxy wars

>> No.14211246
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Good to see the average age on 4chan is increasing. I guess there's fewer new people coming so it's mostly just the same people. The gatekeeping and edgy attitude paid off bros. We fended off normies

>> No.14211250
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>despite it being shit i thank god everyday
>City of God

>> No.14211281

>Records of the Grand Historian: Qin Dynasty

>> No.14211309
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>> No.14211326

>guy I like now dates somebody else, I just want love and affection

>> No.14211361

>Okay, was offered a good job the other day, so my professional life is back on track. Personal life still as hopeless as ever though
>Moby Dick/Cantos

>> No.14211531
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>not the best I've been but pretty good
>Fear and Trembling

Based Dostoevsky

Based Bible bro
What's up with the work situation? Is your current situation unstable or are you not sure if you want to stay in your current field?

I have to get to reading that one of Kierkegaard. He's my favorite philosopher I've read or heard of thus far.
Kierkegaard was not against marriage though? Are there some conflicting passions you would have to abandon to stay with your Christian girlfriend? Being in a Christian relationship is something I hope for actually.

>> No.14211542

>Pretty shitty at work but also signing up for college in the spring so maybe it's gonna get better
>Recursion by Blake Crouch

>> No.14211580

>I'm alright
>Uncle Vanya by Tchekhov

>> No.14211714
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>being depressed about nothing makes you deep and complex

>> No.14211732

>doing good, went back to school and doing well this semester, broke but happy for the first time in a long time
>Roadside Picnic

>> No.14211775


>> No.14211782 [DELETED] 

>eh.. how bad can it get
>The Desert Fathers

>> No.14211870

>being depressed about something
Brainlets need to leave

>> No.14211934
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>good. my girlfriend is visiting this weekend. finding philosophical clarity after a stretch of confusion
>C&P (taking forever) and Modern Man in Search of a Soul (always wanted to read Jung) might start the Eight Upanishads

>> No.14212028

>lonely but doing kinda ok
>The Metamorphosis

>> No.14212091

>good as it gets
>the idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky

>> No.14212097
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>Life is good
>The End Is Always Near by Dan Carlin

Only a month ago I realized how much books have been missing from my life and now I'm reading a lot. I really like nonfiction, particularly history so far. Storm Before The Storm by Mike Duncan is next for me.

Any favorite books on specific wars or biographies you can recommend this pleb?

>> No.14212147

dosto short story collection
currently on the double

>> No.14212184

>Kierkegaard was not against marriage though? Are there some conflicting passions you would have to abandon to stay with your Christian girlfriend? Being in a Christian relationship is something I hope for actually.

no but in his personal life he felt compelled to break up with fiance to become a "Knight of the Faith" or something. It was obviously deeper than that though, i.e. he had other problems and prob used Christianity to defend it.

>> No.14212201

>Mostly bored and horny
>A Farewell to Arms

>> No.14212238
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>already accepted that im likely going to have to kill myself eventually, possibly as soon as in a year or so, have a plan and everything, though there's a chance I might be able to pull through
>been bouncing back between lord of the rings and a complete works of shakespeare book I got recently

>> No.14212244

>miserable but doing fine generally
>Violence by Slavoj Zizek

>> No.14212252

La Regenta/Prosas Profanas

>> No.14212258

>on one of his Rodin statues.
A replica I assume?

>> No.14212259

I live with indifferent distant relatives. They didn't do anything other than stand on the sidelines and pass comments. They still don't.

>> No.14212264

>ave to kill myself eventually, p
Do not hurt yourself.

>> No.14212265

I can't but help but believe having faith in something would be beneficial for me.

>> No.14212266

holy shit another gypsy on here
ce faci frate

>> No.14212267

That's true. I won't deny that.

>> No.14212277

Quitting social media and browsing /lit/ helped me a lot. It felt like I found the company I was seeking all along. I improved a lot in these few months than I did in the year before that. I am grateful to myself for coming here. Now I know I still have a lot to go.

>> No.14212286

>dan Carlin
Check out Martyrmade by Daryl Cooper.

>> No.14212311

>not good
>in the flow

>> No.14212313

lets hope that I wont have to

>> No.14212317

>having some money problems but still better off than almost everyone else in the world (t. Amerifag)
>Infinite Jest (almost finished!)

Clicked on this post expecting a data mine, but seeing shit like this warms my heart. Anons being kind and uplifting to other Anons! And congrats on your future son, Anon!

>A Confederacy of Dunces
The funniest book I ever read and a brilliant satire. Ignatius J. Reilly is a great character--his pedantry and NEETism are so hate-able but he's right about just about everything--and Jones is also fantastically well-written. Enjoy!


I'm thinking of re-reading Moby-Dick next, it has been far too long. I also hear that it's a must-read in order to truly experience Blood Meridian?

On the Road has been sitting on my shelf for a while. How are you enjoying it, Anon?

That sucks. However, what is the point is good literature if it can't get you through the hardest of times? You'll get through this. :)

Tolkien is based.

Time to go for a run but I'll come back and read the rest of this thread later.

>> No.14212348

>Been worse
>The Tale of the Body Thief

>> No.14212360
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>Currently NEETING back home since volunteering in Ukraine and not having a withstanding, long term plan to escape the rut of sitting in bed and watching media all day. Looking forward to an outing with new people
>American Psycho

>> No.14212451


Greentext can't express it.


Does it matter? Unless you're one of those people who only tell the person how valuable said item was once it was broken (which is exactly how my family is).

>> No.14212652

>not too well
>A Girl In Winter

>> No.14212660
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>> No.14212711

>Decent. Finished grad school in August and am still NEET. Really hoping to get a job soon so I can move out. Living at home is depressing me more than anything else.
>Just finished Once Again for Thucydides and am going to start Flights by Tokarczuk next (reading up on the Nobel winners because meme)

>> No.14212768

>I can't kill myself yet because I haven't finished the meme trilogy
>Infinite Jest

>> No.14212807

even reading all these brief snippets I feel a sense of brotherhood with you all.

I wish we could go out and get beers sometime, or play super nintendo or something, or smoke in an alley, whatever's your cup of tea.

>> No.14212922

anon 80% of people on this board are 18-21 and don't even know /fitlit/

>> No.14213187

>Grapes of Wrath

>inb4 you're 27 and never read Grapes of Wrath

>> No.14213195

>Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.14213268

>Personally? Good; the world? Not so much.
>Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morality

>> No.14213411

This book is dipped into pure nihilism. I could not finish the book, it was so devastating

>> No.14213425
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I’m under a lot of pressure but it’s the kind of pressure that’s transforming me into a real, strong expression of how I define masculinity. I’m in the process of “becoming”. It’s not pleasant most days but I take a kind of soul satisfaction from it.
> “The Iceman Cometh”

>> No.14213433

3rd? Wow anon, you're fast. Read the rational male

>> No.14213437

>been doing great but I fear my luck is running out

>> No.14213438
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>> No.14213441
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Hey, >>14213425 here... my main professor/mentor gives me shit for not yet having read Moby Dick, it’s okay.

>> No.14213443

>tfw old professors have ignored my rec letter requests for the past two weeks (one just said no)
>Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow

Just let me in into fucking grad school for the love of god

>> No.14213447

Not bad
True Believer + Bronze Age Mindset

Not them, but I work at an auction house doing administrative monkey work. I've recently started developing software to automate everything I do. It's going surprisingly quickly. I started this week and will probably have almost all of it finished by 2020.

I want to get into software. Particularly blockchain.

>> No.14213450
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, 850C7949-D5A6-4C2A-BDD7-2100C1C5CB8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga that’s a book?

>> No.14213455

>much better than expected
>beetle in the anthill

>> No.14213460

Faggot self-absorbed boomer detected
> “The ideas of the youth must by definition have no quality!!!1!”

This boomer hasn’t even into Thoreau’s “Walden”...

>> No.14213468

>Anna Karenina
how are you keeping up with it. After reading like a fifth of the book, I had to stop with it for a while to focus on the other book I was reading. When I finished it, on Monday, and started where I had left it, I was so lost I had to give it up. Guess the key is not reading two books at the same time, specially if one of them is a long masterpiece by a Russian.

>The loneliness is setting in, I repeat the loneliness is setting in, this is not a drill, it's setting in for real!
Care to elaborate?


>Greentext can't express it.
just write these long-ass lists with a greentext format. Or at least avoid this R*ddit spacing, dawg.

>> No.14213499

I'm fine
Babbitt and Ghost Stories by Charles Dickens

>> No.14213519
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always anxious
sartre's age of reason

>> No.14213704

>bandaid over leaking faucet
>thus spoke zarathustra

>> No.14213800

>my life is basically just lifting and reading all the time,however it kind of feels nice,could be better
>jean baudrillard selected writings, a dante biography and tin drum

>> No.14213864

Well I think it's good and I hope you enjoy it

>> No.14213872

>bad, was doing good last summer but now I'm out of work and broke, and all my emotional problems and failures are catching up to me.
>Being and Time, Escape From Freedom, The History of Sexuality Vol. 1

>> No.14213877

>every day is worse than the last
>learn python the hard way (zed shaw)

>> No.14213878
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Dubs and boogie dies tonight

>> No.14213883

bro what is your job

>> No.14213888
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Don't do it m8
Get /fit/

>> No.14213916

>Nothing to look forward to, just waiting to die
>Dead Souls

>> No.14213919

It is indeed a very tough read. It's also a fascinating journey into a time in mankind where the world was diving into immorality and the dangers of ideology. In that aspect it's like nothing I've ever read before.

>> No.14213978

Electrical engineering student probably graduating this year. I only study during exam periods because the prospect of my future job doesnt excite me at all. I feel like the only benefits I had from my studies is my disdain for technology for how it affects human behaviour and the ability to understand Pynchon's scientific remarks (control theory etc) .

>> No.14214132

>havent been this sad in a long time
>parable of the talents

>> No.14214136

> buying a home outside the city with some land
Great idea I’ll go do that now

>> No.14214150

>really fucking good desu
>the color out of space

>> No.14214154

This thread is so fucking funny.

>> No.14214169

Why do you hate her?

>> No.14214176

>not great, my heart is usually pounding out of my chest from anxiety
>The Nicomachean Ethics

>> No.14214184

Fuck off

>> No.14214206


I hope not, as I’ve never read Moby-Dick before but I love Blood Meridian.

>> No.14214208

By far my favorite of Lovecraft

>> No.14214210

What did you do in Ukraine?

>> No.14214212

What kind of pressure?

>> No.14214351

>thinks he can be in a bubble
>thinks his current stance is not related to the rest of existence

>> No.14214370

Pretty good
The Martian Chronicles

>> No.14214482

>so-so, stressing over school shit
>Historia de la filosofía II

>> No.14214560

>I'm healing and relapsing, but definitely healing (15 years of crippling depression, social anxiety)
>writing one, it doesn't have a name yet

>> No.14214579

>Fantastic. Crushing law school.

>> No.14214582
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>Confessions of a Mask

>> No.14214610

>20, soon 21
>tired every day, no motivation or discipline to stick to anything
>clockwork orange

>> No.14214877
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All the aimless people here, start meditating. I can't stress this enough.
Heck, I should do it more myself. However, whenever I do it helps. It can be terrifying and unpleasant, even unbearable to go through and let go of things, but it can be done. The sooner you do it, the sooner you'll be free.

Getting /fit/ is also an excellent idea. Do the excellent things, be the excellence you can't perceive - yet.

>> No.14214894
File: 77 KB, 459x430, 3BE9A5F3-BBDF-49B8-BAA3-BE4D3484B3B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chronic pain has ruined my life
>Anvil of Stars

>> No.14215099

Meditation is just boneless prayer

>> No.14215123

You gotta stand somewhere to take the leap of faith.

>> No.14215129

In my experience, mediation is just boring and pointless. It has done nothing to give me direction or clarity.

>> No.14215152

Whenever I meditate I go through many problems I have in my life, and they solve themselves. Can't speak for others, but the trance-like, sleepy state really does something important.

>> No.14215173

>not too good
>FM 21-76
I'm just waiting for all computers to crash at the new year

>> No.14215178

How many sexual experiences are we talking, and what kind? If she just had a couple of boyfriends, you should stop worrying.

>> No.14215192

>29 yo half-NEET
>I sleep well
>still in the Greeks

>> No.14215345

>I'm okay, finish up my degree this semester, feel like a failure because it took 9 semesters
>The Denial of Death

>> No.14215352

Hey I'm the bible guy, thanks for asking anon! Actually I'm a farmer with a doctor degree, next year I'll open a farm/hotel (it's called "agriturismo" in italian, dunno how to translate it better than that). This year as a farmer I earned 0 euros, it was tough. Probably I'll keep going as a farmer because next year we'll open this fucking agriturismo.
Anyway I've read Fear and Trembling a month ago, it was cool but really difficult.

>> No.14215376

I have a wife and three kids who I wish to be the best to and for. I work a full time job as a grocery store manager to pay the bills, am in my senior year of college currently in my capstone class (full time course-load), and I got plugged to do 20 hours a week tutoring on campus (paid). The thanksgiving season brings extreme business at work, whereas the way it also signifies finals week on campus means I’ve been tutoring much more as well. On top of that double rush, my capstone class just reached the halfway mark and it’s time to start drafting.

I have a 4.0 and I intend to keep it.

>> No.14215387

>Heroes, Kinder und Hausmärchen, Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache, HP Lovecraft collected works
>pretty good anons! I’m enjoying my first semester of uni and I met my bf! I’m trying to get him to read more though, because he doesn’t really read much at all.

>> No.14215410

Good. Have wife, baby and financial security
Oliver Sacks "seeing voices" and Houellebecq "submission"

>> No.14215426

It's more that I hate myself probably. I left the perfect woman because I found out she wasn't a virgin when we met, I was young and stupid. Now I'm where I'm at.

>> No.14215590

>Senior in college
>Three kids
Fucking how

>> No.14215615

Are you an older student?

>> No.14215818
File: 128 KB, 1000x750, 1568938167048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the girl i love broke up with me and won't speak to me
>the conquest of new spain

>> No.14216201

>>chronic pain has ruined my life
thats gay

sorry to hear man

>> No.14216362

>In a job that I hate but trying to starta business where I can be more creative
>finished White Noise and going to start The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.14216381

>anime image
it all checks out

>> No.14216384

>>Advanced data structures
That's a big book, good luck in algos, it wasa tough course

>> No.14216418

>pretty good
>Andersen's tales

>> No.14216471


>how many
id say bout three fitty
>what kind
prolly just one scat orgy with cousins, anon is worrying too much

>> No.14216569

>Fucking terrible, I didn't get the job and my Grandmother is about to die
>Finishing the Iliad, about to start Of human bondage

>> No.14216665

>Culture of Narcissism

>> No.14216694

>2 Cor
>Struggling to figure out what to do with my life. Want to help stop this globohomo revolution and resist the destruction of my nation, but practically I'm not really sure what I should be doing.

>> No.14216890


> Marry wife
> Imbregnate
> Oh shit I’m a wagie
> Go to college

Went to college at 22, boutta get bachelors at 27

>> No.14216931

>Don Quixote
>I'm fine but I need to write this fucking article for Uni until Tuesday and I can't be bothered to start

>> No.14216960

IMO, You should still be reading while you’re writing anon. It helps me out a lot. Good luck!

>> No.14216971

> Pretty Good
> Blood Meridian

>> No.14217088

You sind like a total faggot. The pressure is probably someones dick up your ass.

>> No.14217141

>Surviving with good prospects on the horizon

>> No.14217160

>I'm ok, aimless in life, do not know what to do (whether to work or continue studying, is the latter even worth it?)
>Teheran, een zwangezang

>> No.14217233

Ok, much better than before, hopeful about the future.
The Scapegoat by Rene Girard

might as well finish
it gets better

>> No.14217284

>Going through a divorce, gonna sell the house, can no longer work due to a severe injury on the job, not sure what the hell is going to happen within the next few months
>In Deadly Combat

>> No.14217304
File: 33 KB, 320x204, brohug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sucks man. Hang in there.

>> No.14217308
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>Walden: life in the woods

>> No.14217312

>Been severely clinically depressed since age 13 and have had batman-tier worldview shattering traumatic events happen to me during ages 14-15. Was very precocious as a child, read Schopenhauer and listened to extreme/experimental music to cope. Been loveless my entire life and do not remember the last time I had a joyous moment that lasted more than 3 seconds. Currently saving up money to buy a gun and off myself.
>Mainlander's The Philosophy of Redemption

>> No.14217325

>I had a joyous moment that lasted more than 3 seconds
show off

>> No.14217469
File: 346 KB, 1511x2335, bookofdisquie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty feral - shut in NEET/depressed and unfocused and living in squalor
>book of disquiet

>> No.14217479

> severe injury
what happened?

>> No.14217482
File: 94 KB, 195x189, A5A41FF8-A9F3-45F9-BCF1-E7FF0AA58A76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> sind


>> No.14217490

Had a couple hundred pounds of metal fall on my head to make a long story short. Had a severe concussion for 2 months, and lots of pack and neck pain to the point where I have difficulties lifting and bending.

>> No.14217542
File: 71 KB, 425x647, China-Girl-Cultural-Revolution-Communism-Clothing-Beauty-Vintage-Retro-Canvas-Painting-Wall-Stickers-Posters-Bar-Home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty good, lost my virginity to a qt Indonesian coworker who was actually impressed by my vast knowledge of history and political theory, i told her about the Chinese civil war after we fucked on her bedroom floor
>Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung

>> No.14217554


>Recently unemployed, live at my parents house in the basement, uneducated. Just finished eating the dinner my mother made me. Now nothing else to do to on a Friday night but stay up late watching Japanese rape porn. How does it sound like I'm doing?
>Descent into Chaos - a 10 year out of date book on the war on terror.

>> No.14217596

Is it really hunting if you are in a deer stand? is that not just shooting?

>> No.14217602

Do you ever feel like having one?

>> No.14217639

>he also loves Italian porn

Me too, he is a patrician

>> No.14217662
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Temple of The Golden Pavillion

>> No.14217664


No offence, but I hope I don't somehow end up in a relationship with the female version of you. thats my greatest fear.

>> No.14218262

Being asked to include misleading numbers on financial projections, or to hide projections altogether (work is for a public agency, where the overall importance of openness/transparency is heightened as well).

>> No.14218276

losing it
>currently reading
yet another history book

>> No.14218283
File: 192 KB, 1856x2048, 55B5B37C-AC04-47BF-800F-9C0690B0DE44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually that is disgusting. Imagine being so lacking in self-fullfillment you need to predate on other people’s entire existences just to feel like you have some semblance of momentum in your life,

>> No.14218286

>Life isn't bad but this book is getting to me
>The Cruel Sea by Monsarrat

>> No.14218319

>pretty good. Been kinda exhausted lately, but still better than I was last school year.
>The First Philosophers, The Metamorphoses, lots of Greek tragedies

>> No.14218633


>> No.14218660

>i'm the saddest i've ever been, drunk and crying while writing this
>the remains of the day

>> No.14218827
File: 245 KB, 358x448, Bergstross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just write these long-ass lists with a greentext format. Or at least avoid this R*ddit spacing, dawg.

It's not that I'm avoiding it on purpose. This shit is literally hard to remotely express.


The female version of me. What the fuck are you talking about? Would you say that you'll be afraid of me if I were a woman?



>> No.14218836
File: 925 KB, 806x991, Abeloth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No offence, but I hope I don't somehow end up in a relationship with the female version of you. thats my greatest fear.

And what is it that you're afraid of if I were a woman, anon?

>> No.14218868


>> No.14218905 [DELETED] 

>got divorced and had my planned child aborted against my wishes
>was framed and had to blow my life savings on a lawyer
>trying to restart my life by going to trade school
>A Confederacy Of Dunces

>> No.14218937
File: 56 KB, 410x499, b21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got divorced and had my planned child aborted against my wishes
>ex wife tried to murder me
>was framed and had to blow my life savings on a lawyer
>trying to restart my life by going to trade school
>A Confederacy Of Dunces

>> No.14218942

/fitlit/ was only 3 years ago, all the newfriends from the 2016 election remember it

>> No.14219019

>Age 24
> Finally starting to do better
>Collection of essays on the topic of universal basic income and social welfare in general

>> No.14219204

So why is anon scary again?

>> No.14219453

>Maman died today and I'm sorry I could not have traveled both.

>> No.14219757


Bumpity bump.

Another anon here. I'd really like to know what gives fear to other anons.

>> No.14219845
