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14207570 No.14207570 [Reply] [Original]

Did Kierkegaard have it right regarding Christianity? That it has no place in public sphere? Seems like a lot of Christians are trying to make it like Islam

>> No.14207580

>God uses massive miracles to assure the public of his existence

>lol do public Christian?

>> No.14207607

how is being independent an authoritarian dream

>> No.14207612

Because they have children

This is Abortionist Culture here

>> No.14207621

Left wing people are such unbelievable trash. Thank God for the abortion clinics rendering them extinct.

>> No.14207622

Why do twitter leftists fixate on the most inane shit ever?

>> No.14207626

It's amazing how Americans manage to part from solid premises and make up ridiculous conclusions

>> No.14207629

It can't be like Islam because it doesn't have a legal code like sharia, law of Manu, Confucianism, Judaism, etc.
>Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's
It relies on synergy with the secular authority.

>> No.14207639

that verse is misenterpreted boomer

>> No.14207645
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>> No.14207649

I'm a Muslim and... isn't everything God's (may He be Glorified and Exalted)?

>> No.14207663

>living with your family on your own land is an authoritarian's wet dream
I guess the liberal wet dream is renting an apartment and shooting heroin together with your pets

>> No.14209038

>That it has no place in public sphere?
Kierkegaard never claimed this. Being a Quaker is the most ascendant form of Christianity thus far.

>> No.14209042

Jesus was saying because money has caesars face on it you should pay your taxes

>> No.14209057


>> No.14209096

you unironically pray to a murderous pedophile and advocate rape, slavery and violence.
muslims are the most despicable "human" vermin on this planet, even more so than christians or other pedophiles
i hope the chinese send your wole family to reeducation camps to reverse the brainwashing once they take over

>> No.14209115

Fuck Twitter posters

>> No.14209128

>absolutely seething and ignorant

>> No.14209139

>you unironically pray to a murderous pedophile
seriously though how do Muslels get around this point?

>> No.14209171

easy: dont think about it and dont EVER question it in public or we will kill you
they are incredibly indoctrinated
just look at this fag resorting to buzzwords instead of addressing anything

>> No.14209188

>People are STILL spooked by pesticides and GMOS

>> No.14209189

I'm not white and that makes me cringe/sad. Sorry whites.

>> No.14209195

But surely in Muslim countries and scholarship they have to talk about this 'our prophet fucked a 9 year old lol' issue. What do they say, that it was an exceptional circumstance, or that sometimes it's ok to do that, or was it just ok because it was Mohammed and nobody else can.

>> No.14209196

address what exactly? your false attributions?

>> No.14209198

Enjoy your intestinal cancer and soitits.

>> No.14209201

What went so wrong with leftist ideology? When I was growing up it was the conservatives that were the crazies and the liberals were the voice of reason, now it's the opposite

>> No.14209212


>> No.14209378
File: 256 KB, 700x1003, prohet dick collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know they are still literally marrying and fucking their underage cousins
muhammad lived the perfect live and was free of error
every muslim should aspire to be like him
everything i stated is from the quran, you are delusional and indoctrinated - i'm sad i can't help you.
have this rare muhammad made out of dick pics uwu

>> No.14209383
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>> No.14209391

>i stated is from the quran
> you are delusional and indoctrinated
I'm no longer muslim but nothing you said is from the Quran, you lying retard, UwU

>> No.14209397

there is no way that is a real quote

pls let it be real

>> No.14209408

Conservatives were never the crazy ones. Your perception of the past has been tarnished by leftists and neocons who have had and still have control over the media and public schooling.

>> No.14209411

Its not from the potato girl but it is a real quote from some writer, i've seen it before. If you think pigs and cows and so forth are similar to humans in terms of ability to suffer then it's a reasonable thing to say, the food industry would be in fact much worse than the Holocaust.

>> No.14209422


>> No.14209425

Food production (although not efficiently distributed as possible) great enough to feed the whole world is now a bad thing. Less food! Bring back starvation.

I would have SO much more respect for them if they would just come out and say that they want to destroy the global economy and reduce human population back down to several million or so. At least they would appear more coherent with this non sense.

>> No.14209450

I'm usually fine with many of the left's talking points, but most of the time they're the harbingers of neoliberalism and globalization. It fucking sucks.

>> No.14209452
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>> No.14209457

You grew up.

>> No.14209466


this man speaks the truth

>> No.14209470

>was it just ok because it was Mohammed and nobody else can.

but every single muslim must aspire to be like Muhammed?

>> No.14209472
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Aren't people aware even small farmers hire people, often immigrants? they're also in daily contact with processors and supplies.

>> No.14209475
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>leftist twitter npcs

>> No.14209483

I can't believe all these white suburbanites are trying to discuss Islam in earnest.

>> No.14209490

>Yeah, how dare you have a perspective on things that want approved by a designated thought leader

>> No.14209491

They dont have an actual picture of their endgoal. They can't because the psychological structure of their beliefs is immanentized Christianity. They believe that if we can only get rid of the oppressive aspects of humanity then some kind of utopia is possible on earth. I don't think this is a conscious explicit belief, it's just the underlying religious bent to their psyches. So they don't really explain what they want they just attack what they see as oppressive/archaic strictures holding them back, and the whole thing fades into some fervent impulse to harmonious rebellion. Because it's unexamined they can just add whatever bits and pieces in they like, and they never come together to form a whole, they each just appear when needed to address some particular part of the gigantic schizophrenic tapestry of oppression and utopic becoming that is the unholy frankenstein of the political, religious, philosophical, and social aspects of their lives.

You can set off the blaze of the fanatic in these people's eyes at the mere mention of any of these things, they are perpetually on the verge of some kind of hysterical crisis of faith that erases any ability to think empirically or rationally or even to introspect into what is happening in their own heads.

>> No.14209543
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We can't even properly research alternative to pesticides because of health and ethical concerns from theses types of people.

>> No.14209565

*furbabies* in between rounds of overwatch

>> No.14209574

Trust me I know. I'm married to one. The sex and the ass are fantastic. But she is just against any and all things that exist as they are, even though they are objectively better than anything that ever existed, because someone somewhere got hurt by it at some point in the past. I used to think it's just myopic nievity and lack of education but it seems even the most educated types now want to destroy 10k years if progress so they can all have the perfect cottage in the forest and two dogs and not need cars because they can bicycle everywhere and grow the perfect amount of food on a balcony and never kill an animal and have no more airplanes and on and on and on.

At this point I am ok with a global collapse so they can see just how bad life was before all the things they claim to hate. I just want to see thier faces when they discover they have destroyed both the motivation, the means and even the possibility of large scale medicine, energy, travel and food production.

At that point my wife will revert to becoming my property and I will sell her to the first warlord who takes over our crumbled ruins and offer him my knowledge of cunning schemes and devious divinations that will be just shitty rememberings of the art of war and the prince. With that he will hopefully be successful enough to carve out a large enough expanse of land that I can tutor his son the future king, with what I remember of Plato and just try and restart civilization from there.

>> No.14209585

This and based

>> No.14210405


>> No.14210524

I honestly feel kind of bad for your wife, anon. Why would you marry her if you’re so philosophically opposed?

>> No.14210555

You can just tell shes Jewish.

>> No.14210807

>ill cuck myself so badly that ill end up tutoring my wife's son so he can rule on the throne of my wife's boyfriend
god damn

>> No.14210945

Hey, it's an honest living.

>> No.14210959

The ass was too good to pass up.

>> No.14212434

Heidegger quote

>> No.14212584

Because Twitter is the most inane platform ever and the dynamics of Twitter social groups only encourage this behavior.
The key insight I've gleaned from Twitter is that on a social level I resent well-off bay area furry communists more than I resent billionaires, because the former has the gall to believe they're anything like me and the community of normal income-constrained people that I live with. This is true even when the communist is making an analysis I agree with: Actually, this might make them even more contemptible.
It's not a "you live in capitalism yet use an iPhone!" sort of thing, it's more like the social signals being sent ("i am rich, but in a new non-standard way!") clash horribly with the political message ("the rich are bad, i am one of you poors").

>> No.14212592

(((Taber))) wanting to disenfranchise the productive base. Hmm.

>> No.14212604

You sound like one of those faggot atheists whose entire aruument is

>> No.14212630

Based lit fundamentals.

>> No.14212728

People don't fantasize about hiring mexicans to work on their family farm or facing down their megacorp suppliers while having no leverage. That's part of ugly boring reality.
Much more comfy to just imagine you hack away at the soil, wave your hands, then retire to your rocking chair in the doorway to relax as the sun sets.