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14206328 No.14206328 [Reply] [Original]

>Why yes, I believe in free will; that's my story and I'm sticking to it, how did you know?

>> No.14206340
File: 524 KB, 3064x2000, tFSK7Jx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes, i am assembling a team to spread the word of free will; thats my mission and im sticking to it, how did you know?

>> No.14206342

this is not a good look for free will

>> No.14206347
File: 105 KB, 455x364, lain_bro_you_just_posted_cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe in free will

>> No.14206365

define 'free' and 'will'

>> No.14206371

define 'define'

>> No.14206415

>being a monergist

>> No.14206423
File: 103 KB, 326x314, 1487690031622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"free will is just an illusion man"
>starts punching you in the face repeatedly

oh I'm sorry. Do you not like that? I'm afraid I can't stop because I don't have the free will to do it lol

>> No.14206428

free as in 'your free to fuck off' and will as in 'I will fuck you (off)'

>> No.14206431

People who argue against things like free will and objective truth are evidence that secret knowledge exists and Gnosticism is real

>> No.14207015

how do you come to that conclusion

>> No.14207052

Self-improvement only works for normies.

There’s literally nothing I can think of that’s more cringe than some genetic dead end social outcast low status loser trying to “self improve” to fit into society. It’s like they’re so far off the mark I don’t even know where to begin with them.

The average person, and even the above average, just exist and the things that you consider “normal” just happen to them. No high schooler ever had to “self improve” to get a girlfriend, he just existed, thought it would be cool and fun to play sports, and a girl was attracted to him and they gravitated towards each other. There’s no thought out into any of this, these things just happened through the natural flow of life, no “self improvement” necessary. That’s what happens when you’re not a genetic dead end mentally ill freak, you don’t ever find yourself one night lying in bed alone wondering why you don’t have a single friend or you’ve never kissed a girl at 23 years old. You don’t devise a plan to stop touching your cock for six months in order to look a girl in the eye. You just exist, you go with the societal flow, and you end up with a couple girlfriends and FWBs in high school and college, then a wife, a nice job, a house, and some kids. If you missed out on this flow, it’s probably because you’re complete genetic shit.

>> No.14207164

i refuse

>> No.14207235

>he doesn't know that cybernetic recursively self-improving self-improvement is a thing.
Why even live?

>> No.14207297

Elegantly stated.

>> No.14207320


>> No.14207332

Close to based. See, you Self Improve only in ways you truly want. Never for normies.

>> No.14207348

Based failed normalfag having slave morality.

>> No.14207390

>Don't fuck with THIS senator! I played college ball ya know!

>> No.14207425

Armstrong’s philosophy was unironically correct.
>Fuck the 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit
>Fuck American Pride
>Fuck the media
>Fuck all of it.

>> No.14207560
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>> No.14207610

Free will isn't even an illusion. When was the last time you decided to be in love with someone or decided not to be in love with someone? You can't even control the most intimate emotions you feel.

>> No.14207724

This thread is /v/ tier garbage.

>> No.14207730

That's not the same. If I feel strong winds but I can choose to lower my sails.

>> No.14207737

Either free will exists, is ineffable and uncontainable, or the wormings of our minds and tongues cannot be ever truly wrung of the pointless question half a meme, half a koan

>> No.14207764
File: 13 KB, 274x373, jean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I am a postmodernist

>> No.14208075

Defining is a verbal or written act where you name the category that a thing belongs to and the attributes that distinguish said thing from other things in the same category.

>> No.14208116

>nanomachines, son.