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14205725 No.14205725 [Reply] [Original]

De-Hegelianized Marx

>> No.14205733
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>> No.14205748

>pseuds throwing around philosophical terms to make themselves look smart when actually it proves how big of posers they are
Both of these individuals would be better off having a severe TBI so they no longer can be midwits.

>> No.14205751

outsideness is nick land

>> No.14205761

Dehegelianized marxisn is essentially just naming capitalism for what it is.

>> No.14205866

Marx without Hegel is just pure autism

>> No.14205892

Isn't it literally impossible to take the Hegelianism out of Marx? Marx was using a variation of Hegel's dialectic.

>> No.14205903

Yes, a well-known pseud.

>> No.14205909

Capital is devoid of dialectics, its scientific and historical. A lot of his critiques and analyses he makes do not need any hegelian lens to make any sense.

>> No.14205927

Is Nick Land what happens when the Puritan deprives himself of irony?

>> No.14205943

You are correct, but not in the sense that Nick means.

>> No.14205952
File: 881 KB, 1700x2151, Hegel_by_Schlesinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is devoid of dialectics, Anon. Those who believe themselves free have merely become willfully blind to their chains.

>> No.14205955

No one gives a fuck about what Nick means besides a few trannies on twitter.

>> No.14205986

Ok boomer

>> No.14206008

brainlet here who read the wikipedia article on dialectic, it sounds like a fallacy to assume that synthesizing two contrasting views will always give a truthful or useful result

>> No.14206019

self declared accelerationists are universally autists who got horribly bullied throughout their school years.

>> No.14206043

Try reading

>> No.14206057

The synthesis may be a rejection of both of them.

>> No.14206056

What results from the dialectic is nihilism. A nothing. The labour of the negative continues downwards until nothing is left because there are no transcendental values.

>> No.14206071

That doesn't sound like synthesis, that just sounds like judgement of individual ideas.

That sounds like complete nonsense.

>> No.14206108

if you use twitter you have to leave this website and never return

>> No.14206134

We got rid of them for two months of the last 5 or so. Now they are spamming and creating cryptothreads again.
Be vigilant, we can finish this meme war.

>> No.14206150


>> No.14206168

Yeah and next maybe we can de-Aristotilize Aquinas.
Christ Land is a moron.

>> No.14206172
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>dialectic is thesis - antithesis - synthesis

>> No.14206175


>> No.14206181

Also, I'm doing a Fanged Noumena reading before the previews at my local theatre. Anyone wanna meet up?

>> No.14206275
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>> No.14206333


>> No.14207340

Hegel never speaks of a synthesis.

>> No.14207451
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>de-Aristotilize Aquinas

>> No.14207554

>that phd who was a tenured philosophy professor obviously doesn't understand those philosophical terms!

>> No.14207617
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>> No.14207619
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Imagine believing this

>> No.14207627

>Capital is devoid of dialectics, its scientific and historical.

>Capital is scientific

Yeah, a whole lot of empirical testing went into the idea that being paid a wage is the same as being stolen from.