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14205458 No.14205458 [Reply] [Original]

What philosophers best explain the Millenial/Zoomer mentality?

>> No.14205481
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>> No.14205488

Of course she has to be in prone position o_O

>> No.14205491

This is rich as fuck coming from Baby Boomers, the most entitled generation of all time.

>> No.14205498

no hope

>> No.14205529

Nietzsche's last man

>> No.14205531

Well, millenials are boomers children, so millenials had the most entitled upbringing, i guess that explains why millenials never want to grow up and still play Pokémon, watch superhero movies and never want to leave their parental Home to take care of themselfs

>> No.14205534

Julius Evola and Jonathan Bowden

>> No.14205564

>why millenials never want to grow up and still play Pokémon, watch superhero movies and never want to leave their parental Home to take care of themselfs
In other words, why they do not require elaborately expensive entertainment rituals, are capable of connecting with the happiness of their childhood, partake of an optimistic and beneficent spirit, and never want to abandon their beloved parents.

>> No.14205578

>by Joel Stein

>> No.14205604

>leave their parental Home to take care of themselfs
humans should not live alone, the notion that you should "leave your parental home" is a relatively new phenomenon to create alienated worker drones
why would you ever wanna live alone? it is boring, depressing and expensive

>> No.14205613

Millennial men have low T they are unable to do the most basic manly things

>> No.14205628


>> No.14205653


>abandon your family to work harder and consume more products
>by joel (((stein)))

rootless globalists are the class enemies of our generation. We must end them all.

>> No.14205727

ITT: People generalising entire generations in one or two sentences.

>> No.14205765

Read Gilles Lipovetsky

>> No.14205770

it's freedom

>> No.14205773

early industrial childhood was an abusive hell, living on your own was the aspiration of most, the manifest destiny of the west was fleeing worker class trying to escape sharecropping and early factory work to have an oppurtunity to own land, late 19th century and early 20th century emigration to cities were former farm children escaping their domestic hell, post war suburbia the children of roaring 20s city dwellers making a claim, today the upper middle class can afford to study abroad, bum around whats left of the hippy trail, and live off of selling chinese crap off amazon in thailand, the young people who cant afford such luxury flounder in mediocrity of overpriced apartments and living with their parents in a crumbling economy

>> No.14205818

>not a single person ITT knows that Joel writes satire
now you know and you can stop being outraged

>> No.14205870

indoctrinated/npc-tier answer, how is it freedom? free from what? have you ever considered having a healthy relationship with your family?

projecting much there my fren

>> No.14205875

No, in other words, millenials refuse to change, Even when changing is the most natural proccess, since it's the most universal law, it's the Will of god. Every other generation sees this and knows the future is doomed, since it's useless and stupid to go against god.

Justo grow up, it's that easy.

Well your mother didnt grew up with your father didnt they? First You move out, then You marry, then You have children. That way the human cicle goes on and on and youre not alone

>> No.14205950

>Well your mother didnt grew up with your father didnt they? First You move out, then You marry, then You have children. That way the human cicle goes on and on and youre not alone

honestly, are you like 12 years old or do you have permanent brain damage? no offense but i just laughed out loud while reading your post

>> No.14205976


>> No.14206041

what is the problem with memes?

>> No.14206087

Um?? Well English is not My first lenguage si maybe it's that. What did i wrote that was so laughable anon?

>> No.14206110

ok boomer

>> No.14206124
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Homes/communities need to be maintained across generations, otherwise you end up with pic related.

>> No.14206136

Actually me. My unpublished writings touch on the subject of gen z/millennials extensively. Particularly with respect to the technological influence on their development and perspective on the world.

>> No.14206142

And how is that in conflict with what i wrote anon?
I truly don't get your point

>> No.14206261

This book is about boomers as much as anyone else.

>> No.14206273

>lazy and entitled narcissists
Boomers are this as well but the world they grew up in was cheap as fuck

>> No.14206289

Not separating strongly from your parents is based, familial-pilled and a possible sign of a return to more traditional values that modern capitalism has disrupted

>> No.14206297

>muh boomers
disbelief in change. they're smart enough to know a few boomers may have done some bad things at some point in time but they're too lazy to contextualize it into their own day-to-day. so they turn the past into a metaphor for their continuing failure and struggle. didn't get the job? boomers did it. can't find a date? society is to blame. can't do a pushup? standards need to change. they insist that there is no truth but simultaneously demand all of reality conform to their present comforts. they live only metaphorically; they think only to delude.

and the first thing they'd say is "but boomers" upon reading it. they're more concerned with blaming the world for their pitiful, cowardly zeitgeist than do anything to fix it. they'd rather signal to a crowd they are moral than be moral. they'd rather attend a rally to prove they are authentic than be authentic. they require external praise to live - they have no concept of internal peace or fulfillment. "but boomers!" yes, dear. the boomers. but the boomers will be dead in a decade or so, and you'll still be miserable. zoom away, but know that trifling social mores and asinine deconstruction don't build a future worth anything.

>> No.14206317

well yeah

>> No.14206368

You naively assume that we zoomers possess the generative principles necessary for the profound social values we want but have capriciously refused to employ them when in fact such principles are excluded from our domain of action, for they are only the result of the transmission of Tradition, which has withered and been subverted due to the preponderance of demonic agents acting prior to our existence, and not a spontaneous manifestation of human nature, an automatic intergenerational recursion, a mechanical-cultural passing of the baton which only defectives would fail to grasp. In this way you overestimate the agency of a single cohort to overcome hurdles of unfathomable height and mock them for their desperate circumstances.

>> No.14206376
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Great quote.

>> No.14206395

>Forgetting about the lack of industry thanks to the boomers fucking up the economy and letting every goddamn corporation and conglomerate overgrow into too big to fail tumors and not understanding that people can't afford to live on their own just working at mcdonalds more so after they rack up immense amounts of student debt, and that we're working more of these shitty jobs than any other generation, but LOL you children are so entitled for wanting to actually be able to make a living just grow up the old fucker says, knowing that it won't be his problem when croaks in five years

Ok, boomer

>> No.14206610
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>NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! How dare you broadcast your life online so that interested persons are more likely to reach out to you, increasing your social network and improving the odds you find a partner or job!!!

>> No.14206659
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>> No.14206689

Damn, this is so positive

>> No.14206691

I like how the silent generation, millenials and gen z all hate boomers. They've had so much money thrown at them that they're frame of reference from reality genuinely seperates them from forming meaningful relationships with any other generation.

>> No.14206715

I have an issue with old faggots who constantly feel the need to rag on the younger men and generations. Millenials have a fair share of problems but they're making strides on actually becoming better individuals, working on mental health, expressing themselves, not as materialistic.. It isn't just the boomers either, guys in their 40s constantly give shit to younger men as well who are at the same level for no reason. Old people in general who are just condescending are the worst, god forbid you respect the younger people.

>> No.14206924

I mock them because they deserve to be. "hurdles of unfathomable height," listen to yourself. you exist in the single most privileged, educated, healthy generation of human beings who have ever walked on this planet and you blame 50-somethings for your lack of purpose in life.

you do not live in desperate circumstances you zoomer bitch.

>> No.14207342

t. boomer whose biggest life struggle was 'the red scare'

>> No.14207437

There's definitely some White Noise in us

>> No.14207456

If you are boomer and you are in this place, your opinion dont worth much by default

>> No.14207460

Homosexuals left poetry and avant-garde art and took over the education system.
That's essentially the problem of this generation. Too many radicals without any radical poetry or art to show for it.

>> No.14207690

>Literally sell your culture, race and nation out to foreigners because you need to sustain the unlimited growth necessary to continue your degenerate lifestyle

There is nothing that makes my heart tingle with joy like a Boomer seething in rage at the horrors of his own lifetime of serving Jewish power and helping mud people colonize his country.

They're going to die (and then slide face first into Hell for their support of abortion, miscegenation and Jewish power) seething and beating their little boomer hands on the floor, and all of their material wealth and possessions won't mean a goddamn thing, because it's going TO MILLENNIALS, who will spend it on pokemon cards and avocados, and then immediately erase every trace that the Boomer ever existed.

The winners write history. The Boomers will not be remembered as some heroic generation like their parents, but as failures who were conquered by their descendants.

And then Generation Zyklon will tear down the holocaust museums and erect statues of Hitler on top of the ruins.

>> No.14207731

>who will spend it on pokemon cards and avocados

>> No.14207741

Every generation shits on the one before it's just a thing, boomers left millennials a shit sandwich though no doubt.

>> No.14207757

I did ur mom

>> No.14207772

I dunno the preboomers got the greatest generation treatment

>> No.14207779

the greatest generation thing was an attempt to make amends, when boomers were young they shit all over their parents like no generation in history

>> No.14208229

>millenials are boomers children
GenX are the Boomers children, Millenials are GenX's children.

>> No.14208233

Judith Butler

>> No.14208235

Something about man dildoes, polyamory, HRT and social media.

>> No.14208244

>No one responds to the only rational voice in the thread

Never change guys

>> No.14208258


Love that shit, sadly the new games are unsatisfactory

>Superhero movies


>Living with parents

I love my parents, but had to move our at 20.

>> No.14208263

Like watching monster trucks and eating Wal Mart steaks you mean?

>> No.14208268

>not as materialistic
fucking lol
the internet has pushed materialism into overdrive.

>> No.14208288

Extortionate housing costs and the destruction of job security do far more harm than the benefits of our greater material prosperity.

>> No.14208300

Every generation for a while has been shit.
Boomers destroyed the cultural heritage of their parents
Gen X was overly materialistic and promiscuous
Millenials are weak minded and managed to have more degenerated values than the previous generations

>> No.14208301

Massive hypocrite detected. Bring back the guillotine

>> No.14208318

Marx, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Camus

>> No.14208352


>> No.14208358

>not wanting to be a transparent citizen in exchange for being bombarded with more customized advertisement
ok boomer

>> No.14208366

must.... consume.... PRODUCT!!

>> No.14208371

I just want good friends, a waifu, clean peaceful neighborhood and a nice paying comfortable job

>> No.14208375

how about wanting to be more modest you greedy little shit

>> No.14208377

Is that too much to ask now

>> No.14208382

The last psychiatrist
Hotel concierge

>> No.14208389

you deserve nothing
all you may have is that which you fight for

>> No.14208412

Why? I don't get why we still need to fight for basic shit like this
Working for it is something else, no one is talking about getting anything for free.ever.

>> No.14208430

millennials are just neo-boomers
zoomers can be placed at the extreme of either side in the culture war

>> No.14208535

Ok boomer

>> No.14208539

i can relate to this. back when we were kids we never had all the shit that kids nowadays have like playstations or flat screen LCD monitors. we were too busy working. i get the whole economic thing, but man Gen X complains a lot less

>> No.14209006

>economic recession imminent
>global warming threat looms over
>world is polluted with plastic and trash
>super bugs threaten to destroy us all
>technology and automation threaten to make everyone unemployed
>housing/wealth crisis

whats wrong Millenial/Zoomer?
why don't you want to inherit the world we left for you?
you're so ungrateful and lazy
now give me my social security and medicare, while you're at it give me this months rent
I don't know why you kids don't just buy yourself a 2 story house already, you need to work harder, maybe take on a 4th part time job?

>> No.14209021
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>economic recession imminent
We had those before cyclically
>global warming threat looms over
We had a nuclear/cold war scare in the 80's. Chemical weapons in the 90's. Deforestation and ozone layer in the 90's, there was also the theory of the sun burning out and roasting planet earth in the process.
>world is polluted with plastic and trash
Panic over ocean pollution and extinction of species has been a thing since the late 60's/early 70's.
>super bugs threaten to destroy us all
HIV panic in the 80's/90's
>technology and automation threaten to make everyone unemployed
That's not new.
>housing/wealth crisis
We've certainly had tons of those before. You're just a self-important faggot who didn't thing this post through.

>> No.14209025

My dad and mom were born in 1954 and 1957 and when my dad died he left us penniless and homeless.

>> No.14209028

>born in 93
>dropped out of trade school because the business is saturated with corrupt assholes
>got myself a full-time job as a hotel receptionist
>read and shitpost 75% of my workday away
>live in a cozy apartment together with my bro
>spend my free time working out, watching anime, and meeting new people
>need for nothing

I got it pretty good, all things considered. No matter your generation, you're entitled to nothing. Go create your own happiness.

>> No.14209030

Generations don't work like that. A generation coming after the previous one is not its offspring. Sociology 101.

>> No.14209088

i was raised by narcissist boomers, moving out was the best thing that ever happened to me

>> No.14209125

Yup, seconding this.

I wonder how many people from my age group have completely cut contact with their families, like I have.

>> No.14209131

>Boomers are dubbed the "me generation"
>They go "no u" on a generation they brought up
Fuck boomers
Fuck millennials
Fuck Americans

>> No.14209141

Boomers can be entitled over their pillows.

>> No.14209142

You just posted cringe.

>> No.14209143 [DELETED] 

The Culture of Critique and I'm not even joking. When I look at young people I see the same negative and destructive attitudes and philosophy that have historically caused to Jews to be considered subversive. Our country has been Jewified.

>> No.14209154

If everybody's a jew, no one is.

>> No.14209192

The real jew is within you

>> No.14209204

Oh, I can out-jew the jewiest jew. I just have no need to, as I'm tall, white, and strong.

>> No.14209291

like beating your grandpa in an arm wrestle

>> No.14209311

/thread, this is so accurate it’s scary.

>> No.14209353

this is your answer op. This is on boomers, but the boomer mentality is the father mentality of the zoomers.

>> No.14209365

the only way to defeat the jew is to become the jew

>> No.14209370

jajaj is true

>> No.14209396

St. John the Theologian in his Revelation.


>> No.14209791

>making strides
>not materialistic

>> No.14209796

Live with your family retard. It's the exact opposite of what you wrote.

>> No.14209816

It's a lot less pleasant when your parents are shit eating boomers whose idea of family bonding is sitting around the talmudivision to watch CNN or TLC reality shows (unless it's niggerball sunday).

That's on before any personal issues between you.

>> No.14209929

You're not "trad", you a NEET

>> No.14210133

>And then Generation Zyklon will tear down the holocaust museums and erect statues of Hitler on top of the ruins.

>> No.14210627

And then charge your parental with your kids expenses? Lol what a parasite generation are millenials.
You knows You can still visit them all You want, right? Just move out and stop leeching your parents, they already fullfilled their duty by raising You to the point You can work and handle yourself. Leeching them until their deads is truly elder abuse, more if You bring new generations to THEIR house.

>Implying i will have children

Well, You said homes nerds to be maintained across generations (:

Move out, make your own family and then visit your parents. Thats how easy it is

>> No.14210644

Then your parents we're bad boomers lol You suck millenial

>> No.14210727

That's a nice ass

>> No.14211042

The meme generation

>> No.14211201

An entire book's worth of myopic projecting, Yawn.

>> No.14211364 [DELETED] 

more like me meme

>> No.14211429

That Time article is pure cancer. I reread it recently because someone linked me to it.

The author starts off entertaining your standard talking points about millennials being lazy, narcissistic, entitled, etc. etc. But then he goes on to pretend like his article isn't bait to rile up boomers about the state of the new generation by pivoting to "Well, but also it kinda seems like millennials are doing some good shit, and it may be too soon to judge them. I would like to try and have some faith in young people."

What really pisses me off about it is like, okay dawg, if you actually were that pissed at millennials and thought they were entitled and narcissistic and all that and wanted to write a polemic about it, that would be one thing. You're an angry boomer, fine. But that's not what this article is. Instead it's a cynical bait-y piece that pretends like its entire point isn't to validate old people's feelings and stereotypes about millennials and capitalize off this phenomenon. The whole point is just so some boomer dipshit can look at the new Time cover and pick it up because he wants to get pissed at young people, and then spread it around by word of mouth, and multiply that by 10000, and soon Time has sold a shitload of copies. Meanwhile I'm sure whatever parasite wrote this piece of crap feels no sense of responsibility for stirring up generational tension with his boomer prop piece. It basically demonstrates all the worst things about journalism: Bait people for clicks and reads, stir up shit, and then have no sense of social responsibility about the consequences of your contributions to public discourse.

>> No.14211455

I'd quote your whole post in greentext and post a Basedjack but I'm at a school computer so I'll just tell you to go back to r/whateverthefuck, you fucking homo.

>> No.14211479

I'm not sure why you think I'm a redditor or what your problem is with the content of my post but I guess fuck you too, buddy.

>> No.14211509

i wish i could see her feet

>> No.14211546

this is an edited version of the actual cover, it has additional subtext that reads "Why they'll save us all".
kinda changes the meaning I think.

article is here:

>> No.14211555

i wish i could smell her ass

>> No.14212079

ok boomer

>> No.14212086

Opinion discarded. Also
No one but retarded boomers reads that shit

>> No.14212158
File: 191 KB, 1000x666, Cover_of_New_York_magazine,_23_August_1976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one's posted the original

>> No.14212202

Time's is just a shit magazine. Every edition tries to make the most asinine desperate attempt at an 'iconic' topical snapshot cover. This one stuck.

>> No.14212255

Your economic responsibilities to the younger generations should increase with your wealth. If an old person retires and downsizes younger people should move out, but if they hold onto their position and buy more land, more cars, more houses then they should expect the same responsibilities to look after the youth.

>> No.14212519

Doesn't get Zoomers as riled up though

>> No.14212523

Who is the model?

>> No.14212556

>wtf iphones exist so we live in a utopia why aren't you happy lmao

>> No.14212562

Wrong. This is about boomers.

>> No.14212597
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Tara Doyle

>> No.14212644

Did the author create the title/cover? I know with the Guardian it's a different team responsible for headlines and they almost always wind up making the author look like a fucking tool.

>> No.14212662
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>> No.14212666
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this. why can the human being no longer stand? is standing up going to upset greta thunberg next?

>> No.14212680

Greta did nothing wrong. She might be naive but she has the right idea

>> No.14213212

>unfathomable wealth, privilege, access to education, and instant gratification in most areas of life.

>50-somethings are why I hate myself
yeah, zoomers are pretty pitiful

>> No.14213292

the iPhone does not make up for the abolition of job security or the ability to afford a house
the ability to get a degree in basket weaving before going on to become a deliveroo slave does not make up for the abolition of the ability to get a stable career out of high school.
the abolition of full employment as the primary aim of economic policy and its consequences have been a disaster for the western world.

>> No.14213629

>all the (You)s this post got
>it's not even correct

boomers' children are fucking gen x, millenials and zoomers are later. yikes /lit/

>> No.14213637

There's an old saying that when the student fails you should discipline the master.

>> No.14213661

ok, boomah

>> No.14214440

Thats not how it works idiot like
>>14209030 Pointed out. Lets Say that boomers we're born in 1960, they have children aproximately at 30, so their offspring is born in 1990, ergo, the millenial is the boomer children.

>> No.14215222

you mean demographics 101 you dumb idiot

>> No.14215428

Demographics is literally a course you take within sociology degree.

>> No.14215441

Millennials are incredibly different from zoomers. Zoomers are more schizoid and less calm, millennials are more neoliberal and less passionate.

>> No.14215456

>Zoomers are more schizoid
and therefore far more able to think independently than millennials

>> No.14215464

Yeah I know. I’m a zoomer.

>> No.14215492

I don't know man, my friends dad got promoted from working the shop floor to running a huge department store in his late 40's.

I've worked a shop for a few years now, and it's literally impossible for me to find out who is the boss of my boss. They've never visited the store, the corporate office is 200 miles away. My "boss" doesn't actually run the store, she just interviews people who applied through the corporate website that gives you lots of those stupid fucking tests, and unless they lied on their resume she has to hire them.

JuSt WoRk YoUr WaY uP!!!

>> No.14215503

Does this explain enough of why they're so damn evil?

>> No.14215867

you whine about job security in the same paragraph you bring up nonsense degrees.

there are plenty of trade jobs which pay 70 to 80K yearly. zoomers choose degrees that teach them nothing and whine about job security when no one wants to hire them.

there are plenty of people who work in and out of high school. you chose to spend 300,000 dollars learning the mysteries of decolonized math. harold chose to learn how to repair diesel engines. you are a comparative manchild to harold, who, despite living and working with the internalized oppression of the white man's evil math, will outearn, outbreed, and out-happy you.

zoomers choose retardation and they deserve to eat what they make.

>> No.14215870

B.F. Skinner

>> No.14215882

>zoomers are more schizoid
oh yeah, the most over socialized group in all of human existence is also the most isolated and least inclined to engage in social interaction. retard.

>> No.14215934

It was the Bush years. The news was outed as a clownshow, and the government was no longer august but bureaucratic and innocent of greatness. It was having to move forward from that knowing that all the institutions are bullshit but they are too big to replace. So in the Obama years we moved into imaginary happiness, pretending everything is okay because of some weak milestones. And now we are in the Trump years of darkness where madness looms and happiness is mercurial and history is constantly under siege by new Young Turks speaking in tongues, where impoverished nations like Russia conquer little peasant countries to act like they still are on the map.

Millennials are the greatest generation since World War II. We saw it all fall apart and still have managed to preserve by and large the whole landscape of human happiness. We haven't gone berserk like they have in Chile, Brazil, or Lebanon - we're not drowning in sodomy like the Europeans. We're keeping the lights on, so sit down and enjoy your fucking Chipotle

>> No.14216075

Blaming individuals for their stupid choices is a waste of time when it comes to society as a whole because you're only altering the distribution of who gets screwed, not the inevitability that someone will.
An intentional part of economic management since the 1980s has been ensuring unemployment stays above ~4% to stop most people demanding higher wages and causing cost-push inflation. had people done meme degrees in the 1950s-70s system (with degrees as common as they are now), they'd still have obtained steady jobs because their employers would then train them to do something useful anyway since there was employer competition for labour, rather than labour competing for employees.

>> No.14216084

Sounds like what a schizoid person would say.

>> No.14216106

>And then Generation Zyklon will tear down the holocaust museums and erect statues of Hitler on top of the ruins.
Gen Z will perhaps do that, but the situation will most likely be symmetrical since there'll be a lot of them too who will force to build statues of devilish looking drag queens and shit, the indoctrination that made them become who they are are not one-sided.

>> No.14216124

There's nothing great about that. In fact it's quite the opposite.

>> No.14216135

>are capable of connecting with the happiness of their childhood
The problem is that's all they have, you moron.

>> No.14216182

>And now we are in the Trump years of darkness
Yep, a millennial definitely wrote this.
>Millennials are the greatest generation since World War II.

>> No.14216185

Maybe millenials should stop being the boomers's dependant doy and teach themselfs. Oh wait thats imposible because millenials never take responsability, they just blame the people that they so desperatly depend. Lol what a joke

>> No.14216594

early gen-x'ers can have late-millenial kids

>> No.14216617

>Last but not least, the major enemy, the strategic adversary is the Jew (whereas Anti-Oedipus' opposition to the others is more of a tactical engagement). And not only historical Jewry, the Jewry of Marx and Adorno -- which was able to mobilize and use the desire of the masses so effectively -- but also the Jew in us all, in our heads and in our everyday behavior, the Jew that causes us to love power, to desire the very thing that dominates and exploits us.
>Paying a modest tribute to Saint Francis de Sales, one might say that Anti-Oedipus is an Introduction to the Non-Jewish Life.

>> No.14216620
File: 5 KB, 250x214, coomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that a f-f-female? and that pose...

>> No.14216641

Because if human morphology, upright posture, and the possibility of language are the ramified accidents of natural history, then psychic ailments are ultimately afflictions of the spine, which itself is a scale model of biogenetic trauma, a portable map of the catastrophic events that shaped that atrocity exhibition of evolutionary traumata, the sick orthograde talking mammal.

>> No.14217043

>harold chose to learn how to repair diesel engines
harold will have arthritis and gnarled sausage fingers by age 40 that's the thing with trades did you know that retard?

>> No.14217074

based and chastepilled. attraction to women is a Satanic trick

>> No.14217093

This. No classical man would leave their family behind unless to die in battle.

>> No.14217470

by 40 harold will either own his own shop or be certified to instruct. he'll be able to afford medication or treatment, but he wont likely have arthritis because he's not a basement-dwelling, pink haired Russian feminist literature major with gender dysphoria.

not all of us are as weak and pitiful as you are, zoomer

>> No.14217694

as opposed to boomers, who put the television on a literal pedestal in every household and worshipped it night and day?


>> No.14217750

>boomer harold bitter from working as a grease monkey his whole life

>> No.14217755

Understanding wrong and still imbibing is worth than ignorance. Lack of action is nothing to be proud of.

>> No.14217930

>500,000 college debt zoomer blaming 50-somethings for the fact no one wants to read his shitty white papers on internalized misogyny in German Shepherds

>> No.14218502

Why are people without university degrees so insecure?

>> No.14218541

Dear Lord who is this Celtic goddess
Goddamn you anon

>> No.14218654

>300,000 dollars
>500,000 college debt
My boomer dad literally paid off his STEM degree by working during the summers and winters between semesters. Boomers without degrees have no excuse.

>> No.14218783

>The man of an age of dissolution which mixes the races with one another, who has the inheritance of a diversified descent in his body—that is to say, contrary, and often not only contrary, instincts and standards of value, which struggle with one another and are seldom at peace—such a man of late culture and broken lights, will, on an average, be a weak man. His fundamental desire is that the war which is IN HIM should come to an end; happiness appears to him in the character of a soothing medicine and mode of thought (for instance, Epicurean or Christian); it is above all things the happiness of repose, of undisturbedness, of repletion, of final unity—it is the ‘Sabbath of Sabbaths,’ to use the expression of the holy rhetorician, St. Augustine, who was himself such a man.—Should, however, the contrariety and conflict in such natures operate as an ADDITIONAL incentive and stimulus to life—and if, on the other hand, in addition to their powerful and irreconcilable instincts, they have also inherited and indoctrinated into them a proper mastery and subtlety for carrying on the conflict with themselves (that is to say, the faculty of self-control and self-deception), there then arise those marvelously incomprehensible and inexplicable beings, those enigmatical men, predestined for conquering and circumventing others, the finest examples of which are Alcibiades and Caesar (with whom I should like to associate the FIRST of Europeans according to my taste, the Hohenstaufen, Frederick the Second), and among artists, perhaps Leonardo da Vinci. They appear precisely in the same periods when that weaker type, with its longing for repose, comes to the front; the two types are complementary to each other, and spring from the same causes.

heres a little hitler fuel. this is Nietzche's take.

>> No.14218815

>zoomers choose degrees that teach them nothing and whine about job security when no one wants to hire them.
That's not the issue. The issue is that they are too stupid to put their degree to a good use.

t.sociologist who makes 7k a month

>> No.14218887

The entire generational boomer millennial dichotomy is a debating club playground of sorts, a first world pastime of upper middle class WASPs exclusively. Most people arguing about this stuff in some vain attempt at generational justice are wasting their time.

>> No.14218963

>there was also the theory of the sun burning out and roasting planet earth in the process.
Based science illiterate boomer

>> No.14219513

Me me me was the fucking babyboomers
Kids these days are fucked because fat worthless retards invested all their welfare bucks in real estate, simultaneously raping the economy, driving up living costs, and voting for closed borders, protectionism, and privilege protection
Meanwhile all kids can do is get raped by Zuckerberg as they try to make their lives look livable on Instagram

>> No.14220670


>> No.14221047

You must be 18 to post here

>> No.14221072

"Radical" has become synonymous with democrat. Dont like deportation? Radical.

>> No.14221415

>actual boomers in here trying to defend themselves

Imagine being proud of having less time left to live lmao

>> No.14221702

Lol enjoy what the world is getting zoomer (: i'm SO happy to have been born in america's Best Moment, the future seems dark ecologically, finanfially, socially and Even artisticly. At least i saved money from those Golden está so i can love pacefully until i die. glad i will be out before i suffer the worst of América, but good luck! I just hope that the rise of china doesnt end up hyper raping América because then YOU Will have to face the wrath of all the countries that hate us coming toguether.

>> No.14221722

>implying I'm an amerifag
> At least i saved money from those Golden está so i can love pacefully until i die

Being able to save 100$ over a lifetime isn't an achievement boomer

>> No.14221926

Oh You may not know this coming from a poor shithole but here in america we can save more than 100 lol thats like half day of work.
Anyway You are going to suffer, so live long in this wasted planet. Im retired, wealthy and satisfied with the time i got to live ( i would rather being a greek in the 500 b.c but what i got was fucking great). Now i can end My days pacefully knowing i won't pay the price of our deeds, it's up to millenials to clean our mess si chop chop