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14201751 No.14201751 [Reply] [Original]

What did you learn from him?

>> No.14201761

Never read him.
Am I banned?

>> No.14201776

That he was great in Scarface but all of the rest of his movies were just fading echos of his first. He's like joe pesci or Robert Deniro with the way he is typecasted. He always either plays some kind of tough cop or an italian mobster. I'd give him a 6/10. Only thing I really learned is if he ever wants you to say Hello to his buddy dont do it.

>> No.14201792

The meaning of the word "shall"

t. have only read Works of Love

>> No.14201830

I've never read this handsome man.

Did he said something interesting about the duality of man?

>> No.14201835

he got me closer to understanding why some people are religious

>> No.14201969


Everything. Even to live a secular life requires a leap of faith and he provides the tools to perform that leap.

>> No.14202035

>What did you learn from him?

There is a line that a friend can cross to become an enemy, or vice versa. Where that line is, and how fuzzy it is, differs from person to person. And some people may not understand the concept because they live their whole lives without ever approaching the line.

I did not really understand his leap of faith stuff.
It seemed kind of arbitrary to me. But I blame my own low IQ because he is otherwise a much more coherent writer than the average German "philosopher".

Eyes not crazy enough. I think Kierkegaard would have loved Donnie Brasco, though.

>> No.14203176

Which tools are you talking about?

>> No.14203192

Preferential love is egotism

>> No.14203254

I don't have a professional understanding of him anymore but I learned to stop fearing the "Other"

>> No.14203275

Hunter S. Thompson
>"The only people that know where the line is, have gone over it."

>> No.14203291


>> No.14203384
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>> No.14203494


Read sickness unto death

>> No.14203564

That I will regret

>> No.14204382

>his empassioned anti-rationalism and fideism

What? First of all, Kierkegaard never really considered himself as a theologian of any kind by taking up definite doctrinal positions in his work, since his whole point was from one of those first journal entries before he wrote anything "What I really must figure out is what I am to DO, not what I am to know, insofar as knowledge must precede every act." His primary concern as a Christian writer is how does one become and live as a Christian in Christendom. In fact, he regarded most contemporary theologians, arguing about fine points in academic theology as having essentially lost the way - the apostles were not scholars, but fishermen, laborers, etc.

Secondly, I think your chart misunderstands everything. The two books you even engage with are part of the pseudonymous authorship (rhetorical exercises ~ especially Fear and Trembling since the story of Abraham is subjectively very difficult to understand for many Christians) not published under his own name until far later. You don't even understand the excerpt from philosophical fragments about the proof. He isn't saying there are no proofs, but that there is a divine understanding beyond the rational proof called Faith (just like Aquinas says). Surely it would be a Rationalist heresy to claim that proofs of God are NEEDED to understand God, and so God wasn't understood until Anselm.

If you're Catholic which I assume you are, stop trying to LARP as a heresy purging inquisitor and explore the copious amount of Kierkegaard scholarship within our own Church.

>> No.14204388

This. Summa of the summa is comprehensive for most.

>> No.14204565
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Faith is a passion. Subjectivity is truth, inwardness in the God-relation rather than abstracting from existence towards pure objective Being in the Hegelian dialectic. The esthete versus the ethicist. Teleological suspension of the ethical and the spiritual trial as the divine counterpart to infernal temptation. Suffering as simple misfortune in the esthetic sphere but existence itself in the religious. The erotic as mirror of the pistic.

>> No.14204787

my nigga, what Kierkegaard means by "ethical" has been explained to you before. The fact that you went and made a graphic based on this misinterpretation means you are a retard.
Also fuck that fat shit Aquinas.