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14201327 No.14201327[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I become this woke?

>> No.14201358

This bitch thinks she’s the tumblr Fidel Castro

>> No.14201366

I agree with this but we should feed boys with rage too. Today's youth's 'rage' is pathetically docile and stagnant. It fucking stinks.

>> No.14201379

>young man you're not getting any rage until you have your virtue! now eat up!

>> No.14201429

Post 60s leftism is really just middle class narcissism. These people dont read, they might complain about the evil hegemony of western christian culture, but what they really mean is anything that stands in the way of their americanised consumer worldview

>> No.14201435


>> No.14201442

Kinda this. After reading Chinese history I could really see how self indulgently self bemoaning these types are. Most of the things they more about are a function of societal development. The Chinese were 100x more self aggrandizing then the west for most of its period, but because they lost a bit of an edge in the 1800’s and 1900’s no one cares. It’s the pure definition of Holyfield than thou.

>> No.14201443

Calling our society a patriarchy is as cringe as white people claiming that they’re oppressed

>> No.14201552

This literally just means the family and social standards
Crazy how women and foreigners in positions of insitutional power can not only openly subvert the fundamnetals of our society and culture itself, but they are rewarded for it
It embarassing, no healthy culture would tolerate this

>> No.14201608

Never seen an incel?

>> No.14201640

>Chinese history

>> No.14201652

they're all just gunning for personal concessions from the establishment or roleplaying as radicals

>> No.14201670

militant feminists have no idea about the kind of shitstorm that is waiting for them in SHTF and would not be so deluded if they experienced the violence they promote

>> No.14202368
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>> No.14202370

Roasties mang

>> No.14202374

what exactly do these rage filled women want? more money?

>> No.14202380

no you can't do that!
it's toxic masculinity!

>> No.14202392

viva Fidel, carajo

>> No.14202395

>muh patriarchy
I wonder how many can actually coherently explain that term

>> No.14202435

No one takes angry women seriously, its like when your small yappy pup gets angry. Feminists could pribably really stir shit up if they stopped fucking but lmao good luck with that

>> No.14202449

Yeah but I'd rather have these morons shitting up twitter then chinese collectivism. At least with western individualism some of the society are useful, rather than none.

>> No.14202456

They want to live a story they can be heroes in so they create it out if their heads: the righteous cause, the black-hearted villain, and of course the self-sacrificing protagonist who exemplifies virtue.

>> No.14202471

that makes me sad. somewhere in their spirit they crave the heroes journey except unlike men they can never actualize it. it makes their rebellion against god.

dont they know most men dont get to live it either though

>> No.14202600

To some extent everyone needs a story they can tell themselves about their lives, but the internet seems to be fueling people's narcissistic need for a story they can cram the world into (and make the rest if the world go along with them).

They'd be pitiable if they weren't so damn annoying

>> No.14202660
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why the fuck these subhuman liberal feminists always ignore the exploitation through capital
it's not like only women are facing the consequences.

>> No.14202704

Because they won't be able to feel special just for having a vag.

>> No.14202751

Need more rage! Not enough rage.

>> No.14202758

You have to learn to enjoy being miserable.

>> No.14202764

This. Teach men to unload their rage on women in the form of rape.
I will now reply to my own post calling it based.

>> No.14202768

I will help and say this is based as well...


>> No.14202770


>> No.14202780

>Post 60s leftism is really just middle class narcissism. These people dont read, they might complain about the evil hegemony of western christian culture, but what they really mean is anything that stands in the way of their americanised consumer worldview

Pretty much. The woke people have a very superficial view of the world.

>> No.14202791

Women are weak and will remain so even as consumerism debases men and lowers them to the level of women

>> No.14202804

This is by far one of the foremost and most eminent posts on this board that are categorized with the terms BASED and REDPILLED

>> No.14202862

Narcissists are very sick people. They always play the victim, they have neither accountability nor empathy. If you ever meet a woman like this, run. They are incredibly jealous, vindictive people, and they only wish to destroy those that they envy. It's hard to imagine people like this really exist until you actually meet one. Some people really do not possess any good qualities.

>> No.14202869
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most hardcore feminist i've met especially in school
are the geeky privileged nerds nobody fucked with. so either due to a shitty relationship, they turn mad.
they get into poly relationships and what not and spout dribble online but do nothing iRL
i do support that women do need to get mad. but the women who need to hear that are the poor class/white trash ones who are stuck in abuse relationships due to a lack of education and upbringing in a lower-class family.
hopefully one day society can turn this into a class issue instead of male/female race issue

>> No.14202884

1. Be a dumb hoe who men don't like except for smelly mongos who would fuck a sofa
2. Fuck smelly mongos on eharmony ad nauseam
3. Praise the zog

>> No.14202900

Seconding this

>> No.14202907

Girls can't into rage. It's always been a testosterone-powered emotion . Feminism has always been a confused ideology because it is, in many ways, anti-feminine, always pushing women to behave more like men, because men are more powerful. Pushing them to be fighters, pushing them to be assertive and aggressive, to embrace "bitchiness" , the poor feminine substitute for male domineeringness. Girls are not comfortable with rage, the emotion scares them, overwhelms them, feels contrary to their nature.

>> No.14202924

>always pushing women to behave more like men
While, I should add, simultaneously disparaging and demonizing men. It's a classical double bind scenario, similar to the damned if you do, damned if you don't relational dynamics of schizophrenia.

>> No.14202939

>tfw im a guy and i wanna be more feminine

>> No.14202960

Just admit you're a faggot and stop trying to be a woman. You never can be no matter how much you mutilate yourself. Come to terms with it before it destroys your life.

>> No.14202965

Murder your soul, only then can you attain such lows.

>> No.14202968

no im straight. but i like being more submissive in bed
girls choking me and calling me a good boy. makes me melt

>> No.14202971
File: 856 KB, 900x856, 9D31CE55-DC08-4A84-AFA2-573114245B23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If one where to imagine a spectrum of posts, each possessing the essence of based or the essence of cringe, one most posts being between these diametric essential opposites, equal parts based and equal parts cringe. However one can THEORISE that a post exists which is so intrinsically based that it ceases to possess the property of based-ness and instead becomes the manifestation of what based is, a standard against which all other posts can be measured. I believe that is what we have here ladies and gentleman (and yes I am being deliberately cisnormative when I say that)

>> No.14202978

That's not completely bizarre by any stretch. Masculinity is difficult and painful, even deadly. It has as many irrational values as femininity, but they have more danger, are far more unforgiving. And while women have an entire ideology serving them, masculinism is not a thing. The masculine principle is implicit, underived, lacking in formulated articulation. No wonder so many boys are struggling to find their identity and envying the support and security and babysitting that we afford girls.

>> No.14202980

come back to me when you make a wienstien beheading video or shootup the NBC morning show

>> No.14202985

based and peripateticpilled
(platonists don't reply)

>> No.14202990

Masculinity finds it fulfillment from its rewards: marrying a woman, having children, knowing you are needed as the provider and protector of your family, the confidence that comes from learning skills and self-sufficiency, being respected by your community. Most of these are no longer existent for many men. You're expected to make similar sacrifices but you get nothing in return.

>> No.14203011

Also while men can still attain some of them, they are generally distorted in some way. You can marry a woman, sure, but you no longer have in power and are no longer the head of the household in any meaningful sense. At any moment the woman can cheat on you, divorce you, destroy you financially, and take your children away, with no consequence at all.

>> No.14203019

That's true, and explains why we see so many pathologies in masculinity today. The heavy drinking, sodomical hazing and immaturity of frat houses, the mass shooters (playing out a godlike action movie fantasy of domination), the turning toward radical, violent ideologies such as fascism which assert masculinity in a more militant form.

Socioeconomic and cultural changes have stifled masculinity, have turned it into a problem rather than a leading principle. Which is all the more reason why we need a masculinism, to more definitely articulate what masculinity is and why it deserves a place in the world.

Masculine nobility, self-assertion, chivalry and honor and strength, are their own rewards. There ought to be more stress on the intrinsic value of masculinity if its extrinsic rewards are less forthcoming.

>> No.14203034

You're right, as men are no longer able to experience the rewards of natural masculinity, they seek to emulate it in distorted, negative fashions. I think a similar thing exists for women. Since they are no longer under the natural dominion of men, they too feel an innate anxiety at not being able to fulfill their biological role, and thus try to replace that with unnatural things like violent sex, BDSM, rape fantasies, etc.

>> No.14203064

The question is what is causing this distortion. I suspect it is the very attempt to overturn these natural categories. The leftist project of abolishing gender is poisoning both sexes.

>> No.14203111
File: 70 KB, 380x349, vxcv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls can't into rage

you should hear my wife sometimes haha

>> No.14203113

Based trips

>> No.14203173

Yes, I think so.
What I never understood is why liberals want to abolish gender.

>> No.14203177

based boomer

>> No.14203179

Based boomer

>> No.14203187

>What I never understood is why liberals want to abolish gender.
It's one part of a multilateral effort to deracinate, demoralize, displace, and ultimately destroy white people.

>> No.14203212

Hearty laugh from me.

>> No.14203223

>They want their lives to be like that wacky movie or cool tv show they binge watch, their relationships especially
Why do women in my age group still think like this and even after they get what they want they still want to bring it back to how their relationship isn't a 1 hour and 30 minute rom com where I spend half my paycheck just to kiss her feet.

>> No.14203274

>I will now reply to my own post calling it based.