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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 570 KB, 720x405, contrapoints.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14200252 No.14200252 [Reply] [Original]

What books does she read? I know she has a degree in philosophy, but does she have a chart for recommendations or something similar? I'm interested in how she got to where she is.

>> No.14200260


>> No.14200268

Just all the canonical philosophy books and some critical thinking

>> No.14200269

shes more feminine than the manly handjobs you give yourself thrice a day incel

>> No.14200272


>> No.14200278

you're not talking to an incel. /pol/fags can get pussy because they sort of have a little of the dark triad shit in them. I'M an incel. not him.


>> No.14200287

He definitely didn’t read enough. Most of his arguments presuppose specific larger abstracted causality instead of recognizing partially self-reinforcing correlatives.

>> No.14200294


>> No.14200299
File: 154 KB, 1024x1024, 22499875_211740642698469_4098762246342049792_n-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do they all end up looking like monsters on purpose

>> No.14200308

You can see Nick's bookshelf in his early videos.

>> No.14200310

>its okay to be proud of yourself
It actually isn't. I wouldn't want to teach my kid that.

>> No.14200309

that's not a trans chick, though. that's a gay guy. in fact, there's a good chance he's not even gay, just a drag queen.

>> No.14200315

Who are you talking about?

>> No.14200316

contrapoints has an MA from an unfinished PhD in philosophy at a second or more likely third-rate university. you can tell from listening to him talk that he didn't finish the coursework component of the degree, so he wasn't even ABD. he was taking survey classes at a barely-above-undergraduate level about things like foucault, got sick of it (read: didn't like grad school in general, a common thing) and dropped out (also common).

so, an easy answer might be to say, read whatever a philosophy major reads in the course of a four-year degree. but if you've never sampled the curriculum of a four-year BA in philosophy you might think this means that he would have studied some subject called "Philosophy" in a roughly chronological way, which is wrong. more likely he was in a north american department, which means that it was heavily analytic, and they don't do much history of philosophy, and they certainly don't study "continental" philosophers (the kinds you will mainly hear about on /lit/ when "philosophy" is being talked about). because he never talks about analytic philosophy in his videos, preferring surface level references to continental material, he likely didn't take to analytic things very much.

also, even if he had studied in depth, four year degrees don't really emphasize broad training. they allow you to skim around, dipping into thematic courses at the upper levels like "Dividualism in Western Civ" that don't really require a deep understanding of any one thinker. it's perfectly possible to get through a philosophy BA (contrapoints knowledge level) without knowing much about anything that the general public would consider to be "Philosophy." probably about 50% of students will end up narrowly focused on some analytic walled garden horseshit nobody cares about, like modal logic, while the other 50% will just never find their footing in anything and wonder in hindsight what they actually did for four years between gen ed courses and getting into transvestitism.

so the short answer to the question "how do i get the philosophy knowledge of contrapoints" is roughly "hang out with vaguely left aligned college socialists and post on a philosophy subreddit or two for a while, but less and less over time as your real life post-college identity supersedes your never-quite-strong-to-begin-with college identity of 'i'm a philosophy student, i guess?', until even your dim undergraduate surface-level knowledge of the big names like kant and descartes fades away entirely, and all you can do is vaguely gesture at platitudes in a video aimed at people with no philosophical literacy, usually women and homos on reddit"

the same process works well for replicating the knowledge of PhilosophyTube, another dilettante retard.

>> No.14200320

That makes it even worse. At least the HRT would render transsexuals impotent. This guy is free to act out his perversions. He should be publically sentenced and executed.

>> No.14200326

honestly, it really mystifies me why everyone isn't beating down my door for advice on information warfare. like this- all you have to do is post >he and it totally tosses a spanner into the meme.

you people, both sides, are so incredibly awful at this. i could literally shit better operations. idk man.

>> No.14200331

you're really into snuff huh
probably best to keep that in your pants. no golden youths being shot full of arrows, please.

>> No.14200332

my knowledge is apparently lacking, i looked it up and drag queens are usually gay not trans. Isn't basically a spectrum anyway, like if you become gay enough you end up trans

>> No.14200338

Nicholas Parrott / Natalie Wynn.

>> No.14200340

that looks like a man

>> No.14200344

Yes, what this place needs is a good tranny chart.

She is so freaking based.

>> No.14200345

no, but ignorance is alpha so you can go ahead and say that if you want to tardmaxx

(however, understanding why ignorance is alpha is itself a kind of trans risk factor- be careful)

>> No.14200352

i like how they got us all to laugh about "oh this person wants to change their names" so we'd accept the DNA-locked permanent ID system

also genocide so there will be a sufficient population of groomed brainlets to go "based" as humanity is transformed into AI polymer slop

>> No.14200363

I’m sorry she. Not an ideologue, so I don’t care either way.

>> No.14200366

don't worry
after a certain curve passes a certain other one, we're all going to be "he" for the purposes of being turned into mulch

>> No.14200369

Good post

>> No.14200376

She? Looks like a guy pretending to be a girl to me.

>> No.14200379


Rough curriculum of an average 4 year philosophy degree:
>Some intro textbook with a bunch of samples/chapters/articles from various authors.
>Several introductory books on different subsets of philosophy (metaphysics, philosophy of x, ethics)
>A relatively complete library of one philosopher's works (usually 5-10 books) used for capstone class
>1-3 books on Greek Presocratics
>Either a comprehensive textbook on two subjects (i.e. vagueness in epistemology, Kantian ethics, etc) or several smaller books on those subjects.
>Republic by Plato
>5 Dialogues on the Trial and Death of Socrates by Plato
>Nichomachean Ethics by Aristotle
>Metaphysics by Aristotle
>Meditations by Descartes
>Around 6-8 books on Locke, Hume, Berkeley, Spinoza, etc. for modern philosophy class
>1-3 logic textbooks

And if you go to a school with an analytic focus, you might read more logic stuff.

>> No.14200380

He prob read the basics

>> No.14200384
File: 71 KB, 752x1024, 1573326701429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fucking based

>> No.14200395

Oh, and individual articles. I'm not sure how closely /lit/ philosophers follow journals, but going through a philosophy program you'll probably end up reading anywhere between 20-100 philosophy articles, depending on what kind of professors/classes you have.

>> No.14200397

You have an optimistic view of the average undergraduate

>> No.14200399

it's never based. whenever two people come in to pump some shit with like "based" it's never really based because it's feel good ingroup candy shit

>> No.14200407

fucking phfouruh posters beating off into each others fat faces, forever

>> No.14200409


The average undergraduate probably doesn't read everything they're assigned. Doesn't mean that isn't the curriculum.

>> No.14200410
File: 83 KB, 800x533, 1574206433034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fucking cringe

>> No.14200416

Kill yourself, drag queen apologist.

>> No.14200434
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>> No.14200440

yep that's what we're doing and you're a brainlet for not agreeing with us
t. lizard people

>> No.14200444

prove it

>> No.14200451

She addresses this in one of her videos actually.
It's on purpose.
She can pass more successfully when she want's too.

>> No.14200459
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>> No.14200465

He's actually really mentally ill. It's kinda sad https://youtu.be/lXkCxsZG7zo

>> No.14200471


>> No.14200473


unsurprising that post-tranny/LF SA fags are a big constituent of the discord tranny phenomenon. i should have guessed. so it's not just trannies, it's FAT GOON trannies who don't know how to bathe or socialize, making up those discord channels.

>> No.14200476


She btfo incels though. Incels have NEVER recovered from this.

>> No.14200479
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>> No.14200482

nah, the trannies all grew up on 4chan

>> No.14200488

you smug fuck. go rot in your hole

>> No.14200490 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 318x159, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


good. unamerican values are fucking garbage. love it or get off the planet

>> No.14200496

Trannies are the ultimate incels

>> No.14200499

we live in a society where this mentally ill man has almost 800k subscribers on YouTube due to his mentally illness

honk honk

>> No.14200504
File: 29 KB, 400x400, N3hlKWGv_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


good. unamerican values are fucking garbage. love it or get off the planet

>> No.14200505


>> No.14200528

BASED pro Iraq war trannies!

>> No.14200542

Is there a meaningful difference between empire and colonialism? Or is the later just a more seemingly nefarious one for some reason. The American colonies I get because they were largely colonies. But most other places don’t seem to have a noticeable distinction.

>> No.14200544

>islam is bad
>now it's good
>now it's bad

you got slop for brains dude

>> No.14200559

you have axe wound between legs

>> No.14200566

>islam good, imperialism neautral, globohomo bad
It's not that to understand.
You've got porn for brains sweety (male)

>> No.14200573


>> No.14200576

lol @ all the ben shapiro wannabees in here making the upmost efforts to call her "he" as many times as possible. you incels have to force yourself to misgender her, completely contradicting your natural inclination to say her. I'm sure natalie and all her patreon money are completely destroyed by your facts and logic (tm).

She's making a living off reading and expressing her own ideas, what do you for a living?

*le white knight drops the mic*

"nothin personal kiddos"

>> No.14200586
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>> No.14200589
File: 3.15 MB, 498x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"redpilled" "4channer" talking about incels like a Buzzfeed contributor

>> No.14200591


>> No.14200600

>autistic german who lost the war and ruined his country
>literal sand nigger religion with real child brides, mass murder, 80IQ

these are some based allies

>> No.14200601

I don't chop off my dick and nuts.

>> No.14200607
File: 44 KB, 599x573, e4b79c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You started it, incel

>> No.14200610

all his arguments are contingent on emancipatory sexual morality and incontinence much like his hellish life

>> No.14200611

the catholic church castrated hundreds of boys for use as choir singers

>> No.14200613

based and insightful

>> No.14200615

look it up

literally 4000 boys per year

>> No.14200620

Bro, you can't talk. Your allies are literally capitalist demons from the future

>> No.14200623

cope and seethepilled

>> No.14200625

its her freedom to what she likes to her body. As a libertarian, I don't give a shit what people to do make themselves happy as long as it doesn't violate the NAP.

>> No.14200628


>> No.14200632


>> No.14200633
File: 410 KB, 548x318, screenshot_2019-11-19_22.48.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddhism, beer, and /lit/core from what i spy. She's also known to have been a prominent wizchan moderator, so check out wizchan's reading threads on /hob/.

>> No.14200636

Why do trannies and incels need to be enemies anyway?

>> No.14200637
File: 237 KB, 1242x676, 5a4bd96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are trannies so perverted, bros?

>> No.14200638

excellent bait

>> No.14200640

they're not and they're gonna retake 4chan

>> No.14200644


>> No.14200645

I don't dislike her (look I used the right pronoun are you happy?), but becoming an e-celeb is not something to aspire to.

>> No.14200647

i can see being and time, the cambridge kant and maybe the kemp smith beside it for some reason?, the miller phenomenology, the new and better philosophy of right, and possibly a couple smaller writings there between hegel and kant. that's a lot of money to drop on hegel for no understanding of him.

also sartre but whatever maybe that was for a 101 existentialism class, nobody's perfect.

>> No.14200650

dont worry about the castration or rape of boys by the catholic church. we got a tranny making memes on the youtubes!!!!

>> No.14200652

and the catholic church allowed the testicles to be surgically removed from several hundred boys in a year so they could provide singing entertainment

>> No.14200657

They're the same people

>> No.14200659


>> No.14200663

call them incels some more, maybe it'll work now

>> No.14200669

the catholic church, for the purposes of having better singers in their choirs, castrated several hundred young boys

>> No.14200672
File: 62 KB, 1080x950, fecb793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies are incels. This is well documented

>> No.14200673

So the Lib version of GenZedong minus the actual wordplay?

>> No.14200676

and? I don't understand why you randomly brought the catholic church into this

>> No.14200677

no one cares, incels are based

>> No.14200679

its only ok to chop your dick and balls off when its for muh jesus. trannies doin it is bad!

>> No.14200681

incels are based
trannies are not

>> No.14200684

What's this "9" crap?

>> No.14200693
File: 455 KB, 1080x3632, 8a61967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies (trancels) are a species of incel

>> No.14200694

cry more dumb norman
the end is coming and the site WILL be retaken

>> No.14200696

I'm not religious so I don't understand why you brought that up in the first place when I said I don't cut off my dick and balls. Are you ok? Were you forced to be a Catholic when you were a youth?

>> No.14200698

4chan is rightful incel clay
death to the norman usurpers

>> No.14200702

islam 9

>> No.14200710

As an autodidact, that sounds a lot like me, but without the textbooks. For oevres I own in near completion, they are Guenon and Evola and the omnibuses of Plato and Aristotle if I want to be technical. The rest are a handful of classics, epics, and poetry collections, and a shitload of religious scriptures and mystical works.

>> No.14200714

>tranny reads guenon and evola

>> No.14200720

What does that mean?

>> No.14200723

Probably a reference to the age of one of Muhammed's wives.

>> No.14200727

what? no it's a reference to Islam 9, the ship that took yakub to earth so he could ruin it with YT and his evil perversions

>> No.14200731


>> No.14200732

TERFs aren't white

>> No.14200747
File: 61 KB, 1118x858, a61f233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I see. It's not as if trannies aren't guilty of it either

>> No.14200764


>> No.14200774

>everyone calling each other pedos normalizes it
born in the right decade

>> No.14200775


>> No.14200787

Eunuch don’t parade as the opposite gender though. And it’s not self delusion. Also, it developed from the common near eastern practice of castrating slaves. And it was for a real world purpose not a “social movement”

>> No.14200788
File: 79 KB, 412x371, ( o_o).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oneliners were too much work so now we're using literal single numbers

>> No.14200790

Not who you were responding to nor am I a mentally I'll faggot though I do like dick and feel deeply conflicted about it, so badly want to leave it all behind and live the life of an ascetic. Though I fear my soul is too corrupted and modernized for that to happen. That and all the student (((loan debt))) I have that prevents me from joining a monastery.

>> No.14200795

>castrating boys is okay if it's to get more attendance

>> No.14200804
File: 29 KB, 554x554, 1574214827279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you dyslexic by chance? This font is hard on my eyes and I do not have dyslexia. Thank you for your post though.

>> No.14200810

Anyone have the screencap of some anon who knew Contrapoints on some leftypol type board before he got big? I remember some shit about him actually being an emotionally manipulaive pedo and generally being a bad guy

>> No.14200811

trannies btfo the thread

>> No.14200813

>though I do like dick
watching too much porn there coomer?

>> No.14200814

cry more foid

>> No.14200816

>mentally ill
>emotionally manipulative
no way

>> No.14200820

talking to yourself?

>> No.14200821

Correct. It was a job/institutional role. Is tranny a job? Made to fill a specific role. Same as haram eunuchs or Chinese beurocratic eunuchs.

>> No.14200827

That too. Please, someone tell me how to get off this fucking self destructive ride.

>> No.14200828
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1574014217435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this one tranny desperately trying to convince /lit/cels that they belong with trannies

>> No.14200832

>that one fed with his stale frog trying to get people to join the fake "incel" movement

>> No.14200837

Stop watching porn. I started thinking about dick after years of intense cooming. Lay off the porn for a few months and see if it helps. It worked for me. You can still fap, but do it to regular pics or thoughts of girls. Don't watch anything with dicks in it.

>> No.14200840

the catholic church castrated boys for money

>> No.14200843

>trannies are so mentally ill they actually think feds would be against people becoming trannies when the globohomo government supports trannies and pushes their ideology around the globe

>> No.14200853

every country in the world belongs to america, faggot
eat a cheeseburger and get back to me

>> No.14200860

i only eat mcchickens

>> No.14200865

get yourself checked for communism

>> No.14200873

Mcchicken is the first step on the road to far left statism

>> No.14200875

"X rights are human rights" should have set off alarm bells. Especially for the so-called "anarchists", who above all others have swallowed the bait. But no; transgenderism is a completely natural, bottom-up phenomena. Pay no attention to the powerful patrons behind the curtain.

>> No.14200876
File: 72 KB, 800x800, okaydude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh great someone poked the traditionalist bee's nest again
time for hours of nonstop noise

>> No.14200877

>the same process works well for replicating the knowledge of PhilosophyTube, another dilettante retard.

>> No.14200887

>Stop watching porn.
Easier said than done. Going cold Turkey just makes that lustful desire fester.

>> No.14200896

based jews

>> No.14200898
File: 105 KB, 397x567, gayniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about transpoints
>raided by tranny discord
Every time.

>> No.14200904

the nest is all over the fucking site

>> No.14200907

>becoming an independent creator who makes content about topics and ideas they care about

yeah sounds like a shit life to me, back to the prole farm for me.

>> No.14200908

go back there

>> No.14200915

>This thing is bad
>But this other thing is bad
>So the the first thing isn't bad

>> No.14200924


>> No.14200928

No matter what he does, he will always be a degenerate faggot that LARPs as a woman. A humble Walmart worker with Down's Syndrome is better than CuckPoints.

>> No.14200929


Stop using the Jew's rhetoric you useful idiot.

>> No.14200930

I'm not Catholic

>> No.14200932

vintage seethe

>> No.14200938
File: 89 KB, 701x1024, F4E4C99A-46BA-45D5-B065-0BEF79EB1AE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What books does who read? Who has a degree in philosophy? Does whom have a chart for recommendations or something similar? You’re interested in how who got to where she is?

>> No.14200939

mmmmmmm I do love those tranny tears come here so I can lick them off your face

>> No.14200942

90% of the anti-tranny shit comes off foid drama sites. Ugly women are upset that men are able to turn themselves into ugly women, because it means competition. So they flip shit about it.

>> No.14200945
File: 91 KB, 960x960, 7E692469-3225-4596-A967-C3463D710058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I cut my dick off because I realized sex was just a trick of the demiurge to promote the ongoing suffering of humanity and therefore evil in all its forms.

>> No.14200947

that's gay

>> No.14200955

Women support gays and trannies more than men. Trannies don't compete with shit, they just hunt for average or ugly men that looked like them pre-op because they are incels that just want to fuck their male looksmatch.

Okay that's based.

>> No.14200960

if this is true that is actually hilarious

>> No.14200961

cry harder foid

>> No.14200964
File: 278 KB, 980x1177, 27082135-CD31-447D-A54C-00CC2E678BD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexual liberation was a mistake

>> No.14200972
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>> No.14200976

it very much is. there are "discords" but they're where dramafoids groom robots/other psychologically damaged types into shitposters and use them as shock troops

that's why they all use the same sets of images and write the same way

>> No.14200982


>> No.14200987

>this tranny still at it trying to convince incels to become trans
careful folks

>> No.14200989

>As a libertarian,
Most brainlet self-defeating right wing ideology, probably only neolibs are more subhuman.

>> No.14200998
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41% cope

>> No.14201004

100% most definitely she isn't reading history books

>> No.14201010
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>> No.14201011

>Implying the 41% isn't because of retard npc families mentally imploding cause their kid doesn't want to larp as a phony alpha male

>> No.14201020

>"...frogs, groypers, other mentally deficient buffs"

>> No.14201026
File: 443 KB, 1000x1000, 1570716168191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the matter faggots? The knoose u tied up on ur wall starting to feel friendly? Its understandble consider how delusional and drugged up on hormones u are.

>> No.14201030
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>> No.14201035
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>> No.14201041
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Keep trying to gym max and new
I'm sure you'll reach your masculine potential any time now

>> No.14201050

How to attain this physique?

>> No.14201057

More specifically poor families with excess sons castrated their extra sons to provide them with a lucrative singing career that would also leave them without other heirs, allowing their income to help support their nieces and nephews that were sired by their older brothers.

The Catholic Church patronized these artists among many.

Historically the other solution for the issued of excess sons not able to make their way in the economy has been wars of aggression.

I'm not going to advocate for the practice of making castrati choirs, but shit didn't just happen in a vacuum, and we don't need to eliminate our extra sons in the west or choose between poverty and war, because there aren't any in the west

>> No.14201060
File: 15 KB, 293x281, 1448467608249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking pics from google and insta
Very impressive faggot, now for ur next trick u will setup a livestream.

>> No.14201067

We have different pressures now, and people are reacting to them, but I'm not seeing the same level of understanding.

>> No.14201068

>freedom is great
>wait not like that


>> No.14201071

>castration is okay
>wait no


>> No.14201075

oh nononono

>> No.14201082

For those of you that don't know Contrapoints is actually man. Just setting the facts straight.

>> No.14201083

anyone doubts what i said about the discords, this is... not quite proof, but you will notice that "oh nonono" is a thing they say a lot , if you look out for it

>> No.14201090
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>> No.14201096

This tranny fool has about 50 posts in here.

>> No.14201100

The child soldier they're using to defend the honor(?) of biological women has more, and they're all over the board.

>> No.14201104

Reminder that all your begging at that alter of masculinity won't get her to stop thinking you are disgusting and unfuckable
It's over and always will be

>> No.14201106

Contrapoints is truscum. She not only marginalizes NB voices but uses her platform to delegitimize their lived experiences. She's a horrible woman.

>> No.14201111

Delusional faggot are like that, they crave attention, otherwise they will kill themselves.

>> No.14201113

nobody here even knows what an NB is

>> No.14201114

>Twitter talking points

>> No.14201116

Attention whore isn't a gender, sweaty. At least trannies are still either men or women.

>> No.14201122

Is this 4d satire? Do you think someone posting "oh nonono" is sign of a phsyop?

>> No.14201125

Incel edgelords. NBs are well attested by modern science

>> No.14201134

if you notice a catchphrase in one context and one context only, and you do not associate it with that context, you are a fucking moron

>> No.14201135

Contrapoints = man

>> No.14201137

No they aren't, retard. And if they were, their existence would disprove trannies.

>> No.14201140

Mostly Kant

>> No.14201143

There are basically two types of mtf trannies: extreme alpha males, the Bruce Jenner, ex-marine, CEO types and the the feminine, girly boy, I can't get a gf so I'll become the gf types.

>> No.14201146

and both are extremely based

>> No.14201156

You know incels hate both women and trannies, right? The latter only slightly less than the former. You should lurk incel forums more before trying to run your little discord op.

>> No.14201159

Quads confirm.

>> No.14201160

If by based you mean cringe, then yes.

>> No.14201164

cry more

>> No.14201167

I don’t know how anyone can doubt it. Just look at the speed of all the other threads. Discord is unquestionably here.

>> No.14201168

"incel forums" are mass shooter psyop farms

>> No.14201172

I believe in the legitimacy of non binary
I still think you are a cringy Twitter npc

>> No.14201173

Dilate more, faggot. You will never pass.

>> No.14201176

I'll be honest, I don't get what you're trying to say. English, doc

>> No.14201178

What discord are you 2 (3?) from? Not being snarky, I genuinely want an invite.

>> No.14201179

yeah 80 instances of the same tux pepe and the same memes and the same catchphrases. but trannies are the ones doing the shilling. sure. fucking bullshit

>> No.14201180

>/pol/fags can get pussy
That's what they all keep telling each other in their circlejerk wankbubble

>> No.14201182

I’m reading original works of Augustine and Gregory of Nyssa right now brother. and probably over 1000 pages for a phil. of science class for the semester. What the detractors are talking about apply to maybe half of your undergrad study
>junior undergrad atm

>> No.14201188

Why yes, old /r9k/, former r/braincels, and various other incel sites are completely illegitimate. We should trust discord trannies to give us unbiased thoughts on how incels see women and trannies.

>> No.14201189

>Unfalsifiable shill accusations

>> No.14201191

You're one of them lmao

>> No.14201192

>literally the very fucking instant someone posts a contrapoints video
>tux frog(1)(1) (copy of 2).png
>the same person who talks in the same fucking way with his typos and stumbling

totally legit

>> No.14201194

It's 2 and one is a lot more active than the other. You can easily identify his posts if you go through the thread.

>> No.14201195

I never said trannies were the ones per se. just that discord was here . Your the one projecting.

>> No.14201202

it is tranny discord though just read the thread and you will see

>> No.14201203

i never said you said that, i'm just butthurt from the hypocrisy

>> No.14201208

Yeah thought so. I posted bait further up. Instantaneous replies from two anons, same time code, same talking point.

>> No.14201209

Back on /int/, a lot of the fag hate posts came from UAE flags. I wonder if we're just having a migrant crisis.

>> No.14201217

>Back on /int/, a lot of the fag hate posts came from UAE flags. I wonder if we're just having a migrant crisis.
Lies, everyone on /int/ hates faggots. ur simply still delusional.

>> No.14201221

>tranny butthurt he is exposed

>> No.14201222

Is there any condition that you would ever recognize to prove that someone isn't a shill?

>> No.14201232

Sure thing, Abdullah. You enjoy that oil money.

>> No.14201235

You're not a shill, you're just from discord. Can I please get an invite? I'm genuinely curious as to what goes on in these servers

>> No.14201238

Yeah. You can start by getting off discord.

>> No.14201242
File: 37 KB, 604x340, 1463652020831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact every board hates trannies even /lgbt/ board which is the most ironic.

>> No.14201255

You gonna shit on an Instagram model after you're done here? Ah, I'm just joshin'. Enjoy yourself, ya crazy faggot.

>> No.14201258

These are the two discord trannies guys. The latter is the more unhinged one that's been going on about eunuchs throughout the thread.

>> No.14201262

But you definitely implied it
>but trannies are the ones doing the shilling. sure. fucking bullshit
Don’t care too much either way. I was having a good time talking to a dogfucker and Kant poster, and this keeps appearing on the top of the board.

The questionable physical and mental stability and divergence of the discord posters is besides the point. Simply the fact that Discordfags are here is all I’m saying.

>> No.14201267

>Mr.41% is in denial
Whatever u say Mike. Chopping ur dick of and taking pills will never make u a woman

>> No.14201268

>can't even understand the extremely simple political positions of Steve Bannon

>> No.14201269

i don't use but i'm enjoying the idea of someone going absolutely nuts trying to find a discord that doesn't exist

>> No.14201276

So I'm taking that as a no
There is no condition under which the person talking to you isn't a shill
You are the shill with an agenda not me

>> No.14201278
File: 39 KB, 343x481, 1574042547370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14201280

Right, cause its not like someone constantly reviewing footage of themselves failing to pass would like to say that’s just then off their tranny A-game, or anything...

>> No.14201281

They literally just tow the party line.

>> No.14201282
File: 394 KB, 600x800, 1493692690720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*pop* *pop*
2 down

>> No.14201285
File: 12 KB, 336x510, p4c8rnx1zes21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14201290

this is another discord meme
the frog cries out in pain as he stabs you

>> No.14201297
File: 1.06 MB, 3444x2913, RfULe7J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14201299
File: 142 KB, 600x842, 1552728549468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The faggot cries out in pain as he ties his own knoose.

>> No.14201300

Too much effort for this thread
Philosophy tube is a legit retard

>> No.14201301

Nice autism bro

>> No.14201302
File: 10 KB, 401x367, 1489712213212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe faggy boy

>> No.14201306

>being male sucks shit
>being female sucks less
>punish everyone who tries to leave
>"why isn't it working"

>> No.14201310

Delusional retard.

>> No.14201311


Would you kindly list your philosophy textbooks from this and previous semesters?

>> No.14201329

Just be honest. People don't like being deceived. If you'd let everyone know that you're from discord conversation would be a lot more productive.

>> No.14201330

Good post. I think the best course for someone interested in philo but don’t want to actually get necked into the stuff you talk about is to go history. Yah, they only touch the very basics in the gen eds, but then once you get to 300’s level courses you can go moderately in depth on Kant or Descartes or whathaveyou without having to dedicate your life to a excruciatingly narrow focus group. Not to mention you can fall back on a museum job pretty much anywhere.

>> No.14201456

I honestly pity these people and see them as victims of liberal ideology and social atomisation

>> No.14201470

>Reddit tier canned retort
You must be fun at parties, amirite faggot?

>> No.14201477

Fuck off. Jobless arts students on Furaffinity drawing monsters for degenerates are more deserving of the title.

>> No.14201481

These left wing trannies and other faggots can't understand simple positions and it's hilarious.

>> No.14201483

he is a brainlet that no one would take seriously if he wasn't a tranny

>> No.14201502

very based

>> No.14201542

That sounds awfully difficult. I went to community college my first two years though, got mostly introductory dabbling into varieties. Now it’s focusing in on chronology hard. Phil. of science and theology use five (and a vast swath of articles) and four books/textbooks, legal ethics uses Rhode and Luban + two others, forensic psych is pretty novice with just one (Wrightsmans psychology and the legal system) plus articles, then German III just uses online components doubling with a physical textbook/workbook

>> No.14201549

I also took a philosophy of religion with the same prof as the phil of science, ballpark of 700-1000 pages for sure

>> No.14201567

You're a fucking idiot, lady. Like, seriously. I'm going to assume you're Discord. I'm right, aren't I?

What's your end goal here? Is it to get the frogs to stop posting? You're never going to do that. Never. They will not stop. They physically can't. They cannot not reply. They will always get the last word. They will sell their own blood to buy phone minutes to shit in your threads. Is it to change their minds? That's even fucking dumber. You don't change peoples' minds by arguing with them. An on-line argument has never, once, in the forty years the internet's existed, EVER changed anyone's mind on ANYTHING. Game consoles. Fucking cereal brands. Not once. The only thing arguing does is make people more determined to hold whatever position they originally had, and this is the same for every single human being on earth, male, female, or whatever. These people would see their own bowels cut out and burned before they'd concede an inch to you.

But, let me drop a little redpill on you: you don't want them to concede. Your... sexuality, gender, "tendency", whatever-the-fuck you want to call it, PLEASE DO NOT ARGUE WITH ME, I DEFER TO YOU, is in my humble estimation delineated mainly by its enemies. This isn't a fucking value judgment, it is a simple observation. I sure don't think you've ever read Berne or Hadler, so the osmotic analysis will be lost on you, so I'm going to give you an example. Christians. Christians are still around because they were persecuted. Roman persecution forced them to develop dense, obdurate interpersonal networks, and more importantly, prevented them from leaving those and going back to being pagans. For any new "thing" or movement, a good enemy is essential.

That's what you have in the frogspammers. They're dumb as shit, mean, incapable of competitively providing any of the benefits your people want, incapable of doing anything other than shouting slogans, incapable of eroding your group. Their bullshit makes yours look sparkling by comparison. Not only this, but they're tireless and they work in shifts. It's like they were grown in a fucking laboratory to provide you with the perfect opposition. They're your Washington Generals, you feel me? They are, literally, the best friends your movement has at the moment.

So, please. Don't fight to win. Please, don't keep bumping 250-post threads where you try and out-retard them. Stir them up? Fine. Sure. Get them to post some murder frogs, say some dumb shit, admit to being jawas. Make sure everyone knows they're the assholes and you're the good guys. But once you've got that, please, I fucking beg of you, LET IT GO. That is the most valuable thing you can possibly get out of them. There is nothing else. I can't fucking stand seeing pages and fucking pages of people spouting the dumbest memes imaginable at each other. It hurts me. Do it for me. Please.

>> No.14201579

Did you seriously write all of that over a frog what the fuck kill yourself

>> No.14201585


>> No.14201593

He’s a dummy

>> No.14201606

And you, you're worse. No one can look at you and see anything but garbage. Your asinine horseshit makes "tradition", "values", whatever- into fucking memes. You're like these hippie dipshits whose idea of "protesting" is blocking the fucking road and pouring paint on old ladies. This was yours to lose and you fucked it up.