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14199842 No.14199842 [Reply] [Original]

>The supposedly immaterial soul, we now know, can be bisected with a knife, altered by chemicals, started or stopped by electricity, and extinguished by a sharp blow or by insufficient oxygen.

>> No.14199852

>you can kill someone or give them brain damage


>> No.14199872

>The supposedly immaterial radio signal, we now know, can be struck with a hammer, doused in acid, dropped from a great height, and extinguished by turning the radio off.


>> No.14199882

Why does this guy make incels seethe?

>> No.14199886

He's a manwhore midwit.

>> No.14199887

>After more than thirty years in neurosurgery, I feel confidant saying that we have no idea how consciousness arises or proceeds.
-Dr. Henry Marsch, Do No Harm

>> No.14199890

>this kills the mystic new ager
thank g*d we have people like this now

>> No.14199893

he's describing the heart and not what is meant by the soul

>> No.14199896

>we now know
>Implying the Greeks didn't know hitting someone in the head could kill them

>> No.14199900

Then why is he more successful academically than you will ever be?

>> No.14199906

That has nothing to do with what I said. He's Jewish.

>> No.14199915

>brain damage never happened before current year

>> No.14199922

wow what an absolute brainlet is this the power of academics?

>> No.14199943

Being successful in a trash heap shithole world is an indictment. A bunch of tasteless, decadent and worthless socialites. The only thing possibly more pathetic is someone who is a member of the lower classes and looks up to this kind of person.

>> No.14199954
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>> No.14199960
File: 428 KB, 680x797, chad gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nihilism, materialism, and scientific empiricism will only lead to a road with a dead end.

>> No.14199964


>> No.14199971

Brilliant in his field, an idiot when he decides that he is a philosopher and that words mean what we wants them to.

>> No.14199972

Getting shot by chad?

>> No.14199973

contradicts materialism actually

>> No.14199981

>i-it's not my fault im a failure!

>> No.14199997
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Damn! Why did you need to be so hard on >>14199882, >>14199900?

>> No.14200001

Dr Pinker! A man was mean to me on 4chan! You're so cool and smart I wish I was just like you.. I might be a loser too, but at least I can parasitically attach to your social status in hopes of winning arguments.

>> No.14200025


>> No.14200038

Very Jewy...

>> No.14200054


ayo dis nigga doesn't even know the difference between a soul and a brain?

>> No.14200084

It's a hylic.

>> No.14200093

Haven't we always been able to do these things with the brain though?

>> No.14200097

Pinker's an idiot

>> No.14200143

The problem with this analogy is that radio signals have been shown to exist outside of the radio, and their sources can be discerned. No better analogy exists because the very thing you're arguing for, the immaterial, doesn't exist.

>> No.14200160

It exists. It has to.

>> No.14200166

wait so isn't accepting the soul also denying IQ

>> No.14200179

Wow ok, you convinced me.

>> No.14200184

science btfo

>> No.14200186

>wait so accepting the signal is also denying the transmitter used.

>> No.14200418
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>I am not a number I am a free man!

>> No.14200439

>the problem with this analogy is that it isn't an argument for the position it is trying to refute

I'll defer to Wheeler on this one: saying there is no soul (properly understood) is like stepping outside of your house and concluding that no one lives there

>> No.14200464
File: 172 KB, 564x600, picturemessage_jlh2wqqz.22m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get it

>> No.14200470

Bullshit. There is a scientific pathway of understanding, upon which progress is being made.

>> No.14200520

the "soul" is basically Internality, the seer that sees, etc. once understood, it's nonsense to deny it.

>> No.14200550

ok that's fine but the problem is that when you die it is destroyed and all of the world is replaced with the back of your head forever.

>> No.14200577

No, that is the 'self', which we can posit is explained by physical phenomena. 'Soul' assumes some kind of ephemeral nature which is not specifically described nor indicated to exist in any way. You're begging the question.

>> No.14200729

the soul as motive principle maybe, but generally what people mean by soul is the self and I promise it's what Pinker thinks he's refuting.


a billion years of oblivion is nothing to nothing. "I" am either here or I am not here to know I'm not here. subjective death is impossible.

>> No.14200745

oh nonono

>> No.14201312

Imagine unironically not believing in a soul

>> No.14201347

Yeah, they're little more than neoliberal agitprop these days, but there was a time when you got some apolitical scientific talks like this one. It's a relatively brief talk that demonstrates some of the progress we're making towards understanding consciousness as a physical phenomenon.

>> No.14201373


>> No.14201383

The supposedly moral Steven Pinker, we now know, can be seen in a photo alongside Lawrence Krauss and none other than Jeffrey Epstein.

>> No.14201394

Completely the opposite, this guy is the incel prophet

>> No.14201402
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If there is anything more gross than a materialist kike is a physic-chemical reductionist materialist kike who assists pedophiles.

>> No.14201452

>a rock in the head can kill you

How is this guy popular in academic circles, I don't get it.

>> No.14201557

The immaterial cannot be proven to exist or not exist, you fucking retard

>> No.14201583
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>No better analogy exists because the very thing you're arguing for, the immaterial, doesn't exist
how silly!
>The immaterial cannot be proven to exist or not exist, you fucking retard
but that's where you're wrong, anon!

>The Syllogistic Arguments:
>1. AEE, Figure 2
>A All physical things are particulars
>E No universals are particulars
>E No universals are physical things
>2. Conversion of Conclusion: No physical things are universals
>3. EIO, Figure 2
>E No physical things are universals
>I Some concepts are universals
>O Some concepts are not physical things
>4. OAO, Figure 3
>O Some concepts are not physical things
>A All concepts are in the mind
>O Some (things) “in the mind” are not physical things
>5. Translated Conclusion: Some things in the mind are not physical
>6. OAO, Figure 3
>O Some things in the mind are not physical things
>A All things in the mind are part of the mind
>O Some part of the mind is not physical
>7. Translated Conclusion (Obversion): Some part of the mind is immaterial (where immaterial means the negation of what is material/physical)
>8. Materialism/Physicalism Thesis: E No part of the mind is immaterial
>9. Modern Square of Opposition: the contradiction of E (No S are P) propositions is an I proposition (Some S are P)
>10. Therefore, the I proposition (Some part of the mind is immaterial) refutes materialism/physicalism by way of counter-example.

>> No.14201584

Katha upanishad answers this btw

>> No.14201676

We're talking about the "you" made up of your personality and memories, that's what dies, and is forgotten. That some other kids are born somewhere and calls themselves "I" is irrelevant to that you. Nothing is carried over through some immaterial means, and that's what most people would like to believe when they're talking about soul.

>> No.14201710

>b-but muh radio signals
Kek i would like to watch you trying to tune others "souls" with your brain

>> No.14201716

>We now know
Literally a current year argument to try and frame retardation as the latest cool thing brought to you by SCIENCE. As other anons have said, grug the caveman knew he could kill someone by hitting hard enough.
On the other hand, jew prime doesn't seem to understand what any philosopher meant.

>> No.14201785
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All concepts themselves (thoughts) are physical things. Futhermore, what we imagine in those thoughts is always constrained by our observation of the physical. For example, we observe that we are mortal and non-omniscient, so we conceptualize anthropomorphic projections that are immortal (soul) and omniscient/omnipotent (god). We observe the physical, so we imagine that something could be non-physical. However, these notions simply don't describe anything concrete (they are negative claims), and are only defined by way of naive contrast to what we do observe. You can't even form a speculative theory about what 'immateriality' could be, since you literally can't say anything specific about it. It's a figment.

>> No.14201811

>All concepts themselves (thoughts) are physical things.
It's time to accept that psychologism was btfo for all eternity.

>> No.14201819

this does nothing to dualism

>> No.14201852

If abstraction is psychological (i.e. brain function), then psychologism is obviously correct. Specifically, the theory that all things are physical (including thoughts) is physicalism.

Also, not an argument.

>> No.14201880

> No better analogy exists because the very thing you're arguing for, the immaterial, doesn't exist.
That's wrong. Did radio signals come into being the moment we identified them, or were they always present?
So let me ask you; can you zoom in on hunger, to find its material components? Can you zoom in on colors, to find theirs?
I'm not referring to light particles, here. I'm referring to the color - which does not exist outside of being seen.

>> No.14201883


>> No.14201895

>a billion years of oblivion is nothing to nothing
im gonna kill myself, then

>> No.14201907


>> No.14201911

Specially if you're using a turtle as your projectile of choice.

>> No.14201938


>> No.14201948

based and logic pilled materialists seethe at this

>> No.14201949

Qualia don't exist. Refer to trope theory.

'Immaterial' is not a specific theory that is potentially testable and observable (like radio waves), it is a negative claim. The analogy is incoherent.

>> No.14201960

Radio waves are testable and observable now. I would not be surprised if we could test various phenomena (such as experiences) with more advanced technology. However, before we can do that, limiting ourselves to this shitty stone-age tech and what it can do will only backfire in terms of studying consciousness or experiences.

The body is not its experiences, but the two are linked. Hunger is eternal (because it is shared by all hungry things across timespace), but the body is only temporarily hungry. This leads me to believe that the body has to align in a certain way to connect to hunger.

>> No.14201981

poster boy for presupposed status quo enforced conclusions.

>> No.14202145

no that would be houllebecq