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/lit/ - Literature

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14199505 No.14199505 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit /lit/ this book just gets more and more Kino as it goes. It's like reading a fucking screenplay HOLY. how are J R and Mr gibbs so fucking BASED. J R is a total badass and doesn't give a fuck about anyone and doesn't afraid of anything and Mr gibbs is like my one uncle when ever he comes over for the holidays. Pure unadulterated Kino. So this is the first serious book I have ever read, where do I go next

>> No.14199531

Goddamnit /tv/ stay in your containment board.

>> No.14199597

What's the problem fag, you guys don't like talking about books?

>> No.14199702

Wow this board sucks

>> No.14199733

read this with a buddy early this year. Great fucking ride. He is able to paint a scene in your head with dialogue alone. Most of the exposition when there was any was like strange poetry. It's as if when people aren't talking, time just speeds up, and the hands on the clock just spin around until JR calls. Hiss phone calls made me laugh so fucking much. Very excited to read The Recognitions sometime soon.

>> No.14199752

Yeah every time someone mentions talking to him they are like "wtttttffffffffff". I like the messy apartment that's just getting filled with shit.

>> No.14200855
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>> No.14201384

Gaddis owns
mods=fags for always killing his threads so quickly