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14198037 No.14198037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

any literature on dogfuckers ?

>> No.14198042

anything about white women ever

>> No.14198047
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>> No.14198101

The Canadian Constitution

>> No.14198102

There's literally nothing wrong with zoophilia if you accept the post-sexual revolution culture.

>> No.14198105

I wish ;(

>> No.14198113
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>> No.14198738

sometimes a dog dick is just a dog dick

>> No.14199054

Animals can't consent though. Unless of course you are the one being fucked by the animal, then consent is implied of course.

>> No.14199067

Consent is a liberal American concept.

>> No.14199070

god bestiality is probably one of the most disgusting things out there
the people that enjoy it unironically are as degenerate as pedophiles

>> No.14199097
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Do you think these notions come from depravity of affection in their day to day lives? Something that stems from childhood?
I have always wondered what makes a zoophile tick, though I'm sure it isnt't something similar to paedos.
Is this legit about zoophilia? I am also interested in the next modern sexual zeitgeist that surely will bound forward in 30 years time.

>> No.14199100

Human begins are animals though, and you don't have any problems fucking them (presumably).

>> No.14199170

As a zoophile myself, the way I got it was due to me never really getting along with other kids, I didn;t really have many friends and usually sat in the corner of the schoolyard. I never got bullied or anything, I just never felt comfortable opening up to people and nobody gave a shit about me. Now, I went to a farm as a kid and got along with the animals there very well (especially the dogs, obviously) and when they're your only real friends and you don't really have anyone else that cares about you outside your family, you eventually start developing feelings for those animals which (atleast I think) leads into you eventually getting sexually attracted to them.

Also, no I never fucked a dog or anything like that. I did once secretly jack off a horse when I was 11 but that's it

>> No.14199197

If they don’t like it they attack you, bite you, or run away. If they like it they stick around. Consent is pretty unambiguous with an animal. They’re all about “no means no..”

>> No.14199214

Do you believe you only think about it on a one-sided level; as in, do you concern yourself with the animals and their thought process, or do you downplay if they have any sexual notion as to your advances on them? I am assuming you have fucked around with some animals, since you mentioned messing with a horse. If you look into the "Dolphin lover" case it seems like a manipulation of the creature in which it somehow killed itself over being deprived of the mate being a man.

>> No.14199487
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If you never thought about watching your high school crush degraded to pure lust by animal dicks, you can't live the lit lifestyle.

>> No.14199589

>I have always wondered what makes a zoophile tick
I don't think I'd necessarily label myself as one, especially since I have no plans on ever doing anything in real life, but I cannot turn away from watching women engaging in acts like that.

It comes precisely because not only is it taboo, I always personally saw it as "disgusting". But then watching someone doing it in what seems like a pretty clean environment/manner, clearly enjoying the hell out of it and knowing they will probably do it many times again in their private time while probably leading a normal life outside of it, I just can't resist. It's like peeking into someone's secret life where they unlocked some sort of secret most people don't even consider and are all the better for it.

>> No.14199602


>> No.14199650
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>Is this legit about zoophilia?
no, it's about eric gill. his personal diaries revealed that he fucked his dog, his sisters and his daughters and had several affairs. he was also a devout catholic.
he was also a brilliant artist and his work is still on display in many places today, including the BBC headquarters. he also designed Gill Sans, the font still widely used today.

>> No.14200122

Giles Goat-Boy - John Barth

>> No.14200519

i've imagine a lot of things with my highschool crush but never that

>> No.14200741

How boring

>> No.14200781

isn't there a part in confederacy of dunces where he beats off to the memory of his dog

>> No.14200975

I don’t think there is anything technically wrong with dog ploinking, but I think it’s also important for people to understand the socio-cultural reasons why it has been not ok in the past or you fall into the common role of base indignation. You seem pretty respectful about it, but a good proportion of people feel they are “oppressed”. I actually did a whole study on European relations with animals and it’s actually pretty fascinating if you take yourself out of the modern humanist perspective and see the different developments. Yah, a lot of the fresco-Roman-Abrahamics original disliked it as a function of pure debasing sodom, which makes sense in a world where procreation is a central fact and strong inter human bonds flourished. Later in the platonic and early modern view, rights and connection were dominated by the idea of higher reason. Animals not being moral agents as they lack this.

>> No.14200990

>though I'm sure it isnt't something similar to paedos.

>> No.14201572

I personally prefer thinking about me being degraded to pure lust by animal dicks

>> No.14201596

Well, as a kid (and even now a little bit). I always had a belief in the back of my mind that the animals had human-like intelligence. Like as a kid I used to just talk to the goats and actually felt they could understand me. Maybe that also has something to do with it

>> No.14202330

Post feet

>> No.14202340

Being alone+getting along with animals≠ zoophilia
No, you were born broken. Those are just excuses

>> No.14202343


So sometimes they just literally rape them when they feel like it

>> No.14202349
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>> No.14202369


>> No.14202443

Well, they also fuck niggers so dogs aren't that bad.

>> No.14202446


>> No.14202448


>> No.14202477


>> No.14203022

How does someone defend “ethically” purchasing and having legal ownership of a living being, all the while having express intent to use it as a kind of living sex toy? There is no meaningful romantic understand between humans and animals, and there is no desire for them to breed with a human being. Everything about this situation seems one dimensionally exploitative and massively stacked in favour of the humans “needs”

>> No.14203040

Making about 50 assumptions that you don’t actually know here and projecting human experience onto an animal. You are also willingly ignoring that most animals are bred to be submissive, you can beat a dog and it will stick by your side and take it. I guess facts like that are inconvenient for you.
Yeah yeah whatever. It’s always the same. You have sexual urges that you are trying to justify as something platonic and innocently motivated. No, at the end of the day it’s always the same. You have a sexual fixation driven by pleasure and animals are the object whether they want to be or not.

>> No.14203048

Animals don't consent to being butchered and eaten for food either. The fact that we have things like animal cruelty laws is laughable.

>> No.14203058

Yeah the classic straw man. How do you know I eat meat? Regardless, why does one bad thing happening justify two bad things happening? Should we fuck kids because they get beaten in sweatshops in China? It’s hilarious you fags pretending to give a fuck about morality while always resorting to legal equivocation

>> No.14203072

>Yeah the classic straw man.
It's a valid point. I don't see how you can cry about animal consent when we genocide them on a daily basis.
>How do you know I eat meat?
I don't care if you eat meat. I'm speaking about society generally.
>Regardless, why does one bad thing happening justify two bad things happening?
It doesn't. I'm not defending bestiality either. I'm just stating that applying things like "consent" to the issue is ridiculous given the current legal status of animals. There's much more than bestiality that would need to outlawed in order to enshrine such a concept in law, which would be impossible to begin with as they cannot clearly communicate with us.

>> No.14203095

>I don’t see how you can cry about consent when we slaughter them on a daily basis
Literally exactly as I said. This is the most retarded form of whataboutism brainlets love to use. So one other bad thing happens, which means we can’t criticise another bad thing happening? You can’t logically defend stupid diversion tactics like these, it’s literally a deceptive cope.
>I’m speaking about society generally
Most of society just views the sexual abuse of animals as gross, rather than unethical and cruel.
>your last point
Again, let’s ignore one abuse of animal rights because there’s another abuse going on somewhere else. You are arguing to diminish their already pathetic legal status because, their legal status it pathetic? What logic is this? If you care about the rights of animals, you’ll take every victory you can get, which means being happy there are at least some (barely enforced) laws stating that exploiting and abusing your pets is illegal

>> No.14203100

Animals don't have rights, anon.

>> No.14203107

Again, just a cop out response. You can’t justify ignoring one violation over another bigger one. They have at least some legal status, which is a good start, but you argue to ignore this because of violations elsewhere. It’s the kind of semantics that only benefit a dogfucker who uses morality as an argument rather than a way of life

>> No.14203132

Where did I say to ignore it? I'm just saying that if you want to make something illegal based on the fact that it exploits animals without their consent, then bestiality is only the tip of the iceberg. Again, I am not defending bestiality. I do not support bestiality.

>> No.14203145

It just comes back to the first point I made. Both are bad. One is a much bigger issue (right now), doesn’t mean you should ignore everything else