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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 153 KB, 1180x842, dosto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14196761 No.14196761 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 18 and my favorite author is Dostoyevsky. I don't like YA or the other crap people my age like

>> No.14196774

wow you're such a SAGE :^)

>> No.14196799

Very deep, so unique. People your age must love talking with you. Quirky haha

>> No.14196801

ok boomer

>> No.14196816
File: 48 KB, 539x608, 1573280444120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*takes your book*
>*shoves you into locker*
>"Yeah take that, fucking nerd faggot."

>> No.14196822
File: 56 KB, 500x340, h23E842CB[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DAE listen to Johnny Cash? im only 14 btw

>> No.14196832


>> No.14196847

You think you are unique but Dostoevsky is sorta like Camus in that he seems to be liked a lot by young people in comparison to how much academic presence he has.

>> No.14196850

Now come here and spread your ass. Time for football team bonding

>> No.14196852

Whoa so unique anon. People your age are partying and fucking and not wasting time on books.

>> No.14196857

I'm 20 and enjoy all sorts of literature (including 19th century classics and some YA), is that bad?

>> No.14196866

Nooiice xD now go back to youtube ;)

>> No.14196876


>> No.14196883

Obv bait, everyone reads crime and punishment as a teenager and thinks they're a fucking God

>> No.14196933

this. read some fucking joyce you pleb

>> No.14196937

Eat shit

>> No.14197302

Partying and fucking are the real wastes of time. I'm nursing my intellect, whereas they are getting nothing but sensual pleasures of the moment

>> No.14197491

why not both?

>> No.14197598

this whole thing is quite obvious bait, but in case you are actually being serious, I would like you to know that your arrogance is pretty retarded and you should change before it's too late.
seeking intellect just to brag about it is about as bad as hedonism for hedonism's sake. you think you're "nursing your intellect" but the only thing you're nursing is your ego. I'm 18 as well and agree with you that a lot of the things people our age do are fundamentally meaningless, but thinking you're better than the rest is just a cope for not wanting to take action. sharing is much better than bragging to strangers, believe me

>> No.14197629

Reading as a teenager is unironically cringy and a waste od time.
You think you look mature and smart but you lack real world experience to fully enjoy books

>> No.14197688
File: 71 KB, 640x360, kotblini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was 18 my favourite book was ,,Napoleon Bonaparte'' by Albert Manfred.
W-w-was I edgy?

>> No.14197863


>> No.14197880

Based! I’m only wait I don’t believe in age.

>> No.14197919

Half of that is bad.

>> No.14197924
File: 56 KB, 706x521, _d7NMrSwmuhT7WehhAIR0W8TffnRbKXYsYXnWhDRIMU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
