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File: 17 KB, 220x304, 220px-Evola-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14194654 No.14194654 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else come close to him?

>> No.14194666
File: 124 KB, 1456x604, the great debate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who was in the right?

>> No.14194669

Bowden and Yockey are a more modern version of Evola. Maybe Dugin

>> No.14194671

also christcucks

>> No.14194673
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>> No.14194684


>> No.14194687
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>> No.14194689
File: 111 KB, 490x437, CCEE6D68-80B7-46B6-A138-AB28764166D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 March, TOLEDO (Spain)

>The Jewish inhabitants opened the gates for the Moslem invaders under Tarik ibn Zayid marking the end of Visigothic rule in Spain and the beginning of 150 years of peace. Thus began what was known as the Golden Age of Spain. The Iberian caliphate was independent of Baghdad and encouraged the flowering of Spanish-Jewish culture at the same time that it was being suppressed by the Baghdad caliphate.

>> No.14194692

Need to read/watch more of him so I can't offer a real opinion
Solid, but Imperium was written during the Cold War. Needs to be updated
Too hostile towards the anglosphere. Ultimately he wants an Orthodox-Slavic centric empire.

consider checking this out if you're interested in Dugin. It is a written debate between him and this brazilian philosopher named Olavo de Carvalho. Great read

>> No.14194716

Why did Evola love Kabbalah so much?

>> No.14194717
File: 3.85 MB, 3672x3024, 1565719296745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a /bowdenpill/ chart

>> No.14194756

because the dude loved tradition. what he hated was secular judaism

>> No.14194827

People on here seem to shit on Evola a lot but I think they have never actually read him before
He is completely unlike the person the internet paints him as

>> No.14194832

>the one intelligent traditional right wing writer and orator of the 21st century
>fucking dies young
what sin did we commit to deserve this fate

>> No.14195333

it's because the virgins of /lit/ don't want to be associated with /pol/

>> No.14195364

>Look mom, I posted it again

>> No.14195370

evola would hate /pol/

>> No.14195383

he would've fit right in with the rest of the spergs. he's that European who is always railing on Americans and posting burger memes

>> No.14196461

No, he would be impressed with /pol/'s anarchic right-wing energies but would ultimately be repulsed by their bourgeois fascist degeneracy.

>> No.14196497
File: 93 KB, 1080x1064, 43t534t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we all know what Evolas Political ideology really was

>> No.14196504

Evola was just an orientalist, nothing else.

>> No.14196534

>Too hostile towards the anglosphere.
No such thing.

>> No.14196641

He would absolutley despise it and the internet in general.

>> No.14196646

meant for >>14195383

>> No.14196647

Im sorry did you just imply Evola was an anarchist? He was the exact opposite

>> No.14196773

>a muslim, evolol, a madman, 2 internet grifters and some literally whos
>a bunch of jews

Can I sit this one out?

>> No.14197368

He isn't an anarchist, but going by my reading of Ride the Tiger, he favors a type of individualism that is similar to Ernst Junger's concept of the Anarch in his book Eumeswil.

>> No.14198193

and junger explicitly explains that the anarch is not an anarchist, the anarch favors authoritarian rule

>> No.14198253

I want to remake this image with better representatives because I cringe everytime I see it.

>> No.14198284

Dugin's multipolarity surpasses Evola's pagan-imperialism

>> No.14198319

>it was real in my mind

I don’t see how anyone can take him seriously.

>> No.14198369

Dugin is just an agent of the Kremlin. His critiques of the West are valid though.

>> No.14198424

What are you even referring to retard?

>> No.14198631

Dugin got BTFO by a whiny ultraliberal jew

>> No.14198671

Jordan Memerson does not belong to that group of masterminds.

>> No.14198680


>> No.14198681

Peterson & Guenon vs Shapiro & Evola
who ya got?

>> No.14198691

Definitely Shapiro & Evola

>> No.14198750

Nobody wins. The debate degenerates to infighting as Guenon calls Peterson a satanic psychoanalyst who is mystifying the metaphysical meaning behind symbols, and Evola calls Shapiro a perfidious tribalistic jew.

>> No.14198770

Shapiro would call them all anti-semites and win the debate

>> No.14198814

Not before Evola releases the occultic energy he's saved up through all the trantric semen retention sex rituals he's been practicing throughout his golden years and revolts against the modern world on Shapiro.

>> No.14198831

you're assuming Peterson doesn't slip everybody anti-depressants before the debate which blocks all occult powers

>> No.14198863

this thread is amazing

>> No.14199546

he would take them all himself before he could spike people and guenon would get fucked on opium, leaving shapiro and evola to fight amongst themselves.

>> No.14200275

> based Juden Peterstein digits

>> No.14201858

It's reddit-tier and so are you
in fact, I daresay it's worse than that. It's tumblr tier.

>> No.14201905

neither do evola, guenon, dugin, or shapiro

>> No.14201921

I only know spengler marx freddy foucault and the meme-tiers
no idea who anyone else is
am I a pseud?

>> No.14201929

you should know everyone on the left. on the right the ones worth knowing are spengler, epicurus, coomaraswamy, and schmitt

>> No.14201932

literally who

>> No.14201946

*parmenides, not epicurus. whoops

>> No.14201957

whoever wins, we lose

>> No.14201961

shapiro is a meme eceleb and dugin is a wacko political theorist and propagandist more than he is a philosopher but I don't think Evola and Guenon are that easily dismissed

>> No.14202074

There's a quote of his that's along the lines of "My ideal isn't Hitler or Mussolini, it's Metternich." Evola, from a political perspective, should always be considered a conservative. Pseuds on /lit/ would probably like him because of his snobbery, if only he weren't popular with /pol/acks.

But that doesn't mean his philosophy isn't valuable to Fascists and NatSocs. It's very applicable, especially in the modern era where a very liberal center-right tends to govern most countries, thus blocking out an actual far-right. The people arguing that you can't use someone's beliefs at all just because someone you drew information from might disagree with your overall philosophy are idiots. Hegel wouldn't agree with all of Marx. Nor would Nietzsche agree with all of Hitler. Trying to find points of disagreement, and declaring complete incompatibility is just a sign that the person in question is incapable of actual thought, and just repeats memes.

>> No.14202166

Evola was cringe, all he did was add magical thinking to Nietzsche and set out a nice definition of Tradition. Marinetti was better.

>> No.14202197

Yes, welcome to /lit/ - literature I'm definitely going to read soon I promise