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/lit/ - Literature

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14192773 No.14192773 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ hate the fact that people study philosophy and literature at universities?

>> No.14192818

Because we all know that the only true way of studying philosophy, as far as I'm concerned, is through crash course videos on YouTube and by skimming the synopsis of philosophical articles on Wikipedia. This are the only way to achieve total knowledge and the legitimate intellectual heirs of the Socratic method. This walks and quacks like b8, so it's probably bait. For real tho universities no matter how prestigious and such are never perfect and sometimes those imperfections stand out much more than anything else. If you have a nutjob professor who teaches you his dogshit version of things then you're better off going to your local library and reading what you're interested in by yourself

>> No.14192830

because actual philosophy and lit students are the most useless people you'll ever encounter, even more useless than 4chan neets.

>> No.14192849

Because universities are doing it very poorly.
Besides, the best way to study philosophy is in quiet contemplation with oneself. Also, by directly studying the texts of interest when ideas run dry.

>> No.14193063
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Studying is for automatons; learning is for persons.

>> No.14193079
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>Why does /lit/ hate the fact that people study philosophy and literature at universities?
They're called midwits.

>> No.14193091

>paying to study philosophy
>paying to think

>> No.14193127

>financing some pseud prof so he can act cool and work part time while writing his thesis on the philosophy of the Simpsons
No thanks, two years was enough for something you can do on your own
(Google the book no meme)

>> No.14193213

because they're insecure capitalist automatons who seethe at the thought that anyone else might live a good life.

>> No.14193224
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>imagine majoring in something useless for securing employment
>oh noes... thats me actually

>> No.14193238

>wanting to be a wagecuck

anyone this trope isn't even true, look at median career earnings. Philosophy outstrips biology and other supposedly 'practical degrees'

>> No.14193239
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Because society spends a lot to finance higher education, and if there isn't a financial return from certain fields then those fields aren't necessary for society.
>inb4 philosophy is needed
Yeah, people like Descartes. Not retards like you, on who we spend most of the wasted capital I mentioned. Even the lowliest chemist that will never advance human knowledge contributes to society. His equivalent philosopher is a glorified NEET.

>> No.14193251
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>Because society spends a lot to finance higher education, and if there isn't a financial return from certain fields then those fields aren't necessary for society

>> No.14193264

>muh economy.

philosophy majors make more money than chemistry majors if you look at mid-career median salaries. Most people who major in philosophy don't go to graduate school to be philosophers, they enter the workforce.

>> No.14193268
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how will /stem/ ever recover?

>> No.14193273
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>implying society, capitalism, and science don't all owe their existence to philosophy

>> No.14193282

and this is graduates without higher degrees. This probably disadvantages philosophy as philosophy majors do the best on graduate school entrance exams (LSAT, GRE, GMAT) and therefore probably place the into the best programs at the highest rates.

>> No.14193290

Zero philosophers were needed for you to post that. Now just try to grasp how many engineers, mathematicians, technicians, construction workers, miners, farmer, physicians, and security, were needed just for you to have access to the internet, electricity, and cheap electronics.
>inb4 philosophers were involved as well
Yeah, the mega famous ones. Not philo grads out of your community college.

>> No.14193305
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seems to me like a potent philosopher has more impact than an army of STEM majors

>> No.14193307

look at the chart posted retard. It doesn't include the 'mega famous ones'

>> No.14193360

Boole, Frege, Carnap, Turing, Church and so on were all philosophers and were essential figures to computers being invented dummy. Any ol retard can put fiber optic cables in a hole. Not anyone can invent computers lmao

>> No.14193371

You'd be surprised at who CEOs look at for non-technical/scientific positions.

>> No.14193387

I don't like a lot of the people who study philosophy because they're really not as smart as they think they are. These people will read a few chapters of a few books by somebody like Aristotle and they'll think they know something.

>> No.14193396
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explain pic related

>> No.14193407

or discern that philosophy in general is a shit discipline, they have studied and formed conclusions which makes them interesting, they have actually fucking done something which puts them ahead of most

>> No.14193414

What would I have to explain?

>> No.14193435

>philosophy majors aren't as smart as they think they are

here's evidence that they are smarter than everyone except maybe physics and math majors. Of course, this is only one metric, but it's hard to imagine a metric that wouldn't have similar results.

>> No.14193457

I'm not talking about intelligence. I gave the example of somebody reading a few chapters of Aristotle and then thinking they know something about him. That would be somebody who isn't as smart as they think they are. Really though, you can just fuck off. This is such a stupid thing to argue about.

>> No.14193468

You sound like a Dunning-Krug yourself.

>> No.14193470

leave /lit/ and don't come back

>> No.14193471

Yeah of course you would say something like that.

>> No.14193483

I just might.

>> No.14193652

Philosophy majors don't have jobs, so they have a lot more time to study.

>> No.14193892

are you retarded? Look at the first chart. >>14193268
Philosophy majors make more money than chemistry, biology, business and pysch. So explain again how it has to do with having no job?

>> No.14193913

I think you might be retarded in the head. Like... you know... a fucking piece of shit. Try browsing other boards, you might find your place in the world.

>> No.14194185


>> No.14194599

Seems like a bunch of bullshit charts made by philosophy majors to justify they money they shelled out for worthless degrees. I'm a mid-career business major from a big state school and I make $140k. I doubt most philosophy majors from my school are making more than that. And I think I am doing pretty average for my major.

>> No.14195238

>chart cites wsj study
>thinks anecdotal evidence that one business major is doing well economically is a counterexample

behold the power of the business major

>> No.14195270

fun fact: "person" derives from the word "persona," meaning "mask".

>> No.14195275

Because I'm not going to go into fucking debt over it.

>> No.14195281

The average person can benefit from philosophy through self-study without the need to pay for academic indoctrination.

>> No.14195304

Yeah, Peirce literally invented the CPU.

>> No.14195310

You're probably speaking to dilettantes, studying is the antidote.

>> No.14195398


>> No.14195525

what do you do?

>> No.14195553

You wont get anywhere with and undergrad in eng/math.

>> No.14195577
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>> No.14195779


You Americans. You do realize that you're part of a minority stupid enough to pay for degrees, right?

>> No.14195983

>have degree whatever don't care
>don't have degree forever insecure about it

>> No.14196356

>paying to study