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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 41 KB, 580x388, goodreads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14192728 No.14192728 [Reply] [Original]

How many books do you have on ''to-read'' list?
I just hit 621, and I think I'll stop now. It's already possibly more than I will ever read.

>> No.14192762
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>> No.14192763

i don't have a to read list, i have a to read shelf

>> No.14192780


21 right now. Realistically I am going to read maybe 13-14 of them.

>> No.14192804

I had a terrible habit of buying books I would never read as some sort of intellectual security when I was like 17, but at this point I only buy books that I'm certain I will read.

>> No.14193002
File: 31 KB, 495x326, Tai Lopez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can knock that out in under 2 years

>> No.14193020


>> No.14193030

Nearly 2k. My "read" list is under 100.

>> No.14193032

I have 979 on my list. It doesn’t really matter whether you think you’ll read them all. It’s just very convenient to have some semblance of organization for books you’d like to read.

>> No.14193033

I have 357. Just keep reading OP, don’t mind the numbers.

>> No.14193034

why aren't you stopping

>> No.14193045

this. consider your to-read list like a bookshop.

>> No.14193049

I have around 160

>> No.14193055


>> No.14193072

I only have like 3-4 at any time, I only add books I think I'm gonna read soon to have a list of a few titles to choose from when I finish the current book

>> No.14193086

Why would I?

>> No.14193089


The top ~300 are legit. The rest I just view as a "curation tool" to browse through.

>> No.14193335

I don't add any. The people that do kind of annoy me, I had to unfriend some asshole with over 16,000 books because he kept spamming my feed. He would just sit there all day long adding books.

>> No.14194656

Keep at least a 1:5 to-read:read ratio.

>> No.14194705
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How does one get over this? Asking for a friend.

>> No.14194722

28 on an amazon wishlist but I could probably knock that down to 15, and roughly 20 on my bookshelf rn. This semester has been rough so I've barely had time to read and so I finely decided I'm not going to try until my Christmas break. Excited to get back into though.

>> No.14194796
File: 919 KB, 1280x5301, wzcZQpC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My to-read is 50% of my have-read list.
Don't be ridiculous, trim it.

>He would just sit there all day long adding books.
it makes it intelligent and well read probably

>> No.14194953

>Have 4 books lined up to read
>check out library in ghetto town because it’s near my gym
>2 of them way overdue
>other 2 were there according to the catalog, of course they’re not on the shelves
Also, not kidding, there were only white people sitting and reading.
The computers, on the other hand, almost all used by non-whites
Fuck that place fuck that town fuck spics and fuck niggers and jannies

>> No.14194973

I collect books just for the joy of collecting them. I am not ashamed to say I like having classic works and no intention to read them

>> No.14195176


>> No.14195179

>just created an account
>Moby-Dick has a rating of 3.49
>YA garbage and pony fanfiction are rated higher
I now understand why people hate this site.

>> No.14195190

About 150, but I keep track in Excel because I don't like to use social media tracking apps like Goodreads. However, I do have a letterboxd, but will delete it once my data is recorded on an excel.

>> No.14195239

About a hundred.

>> No.14195277


>> No.14195283

Try to keep it under 100, think it's at around 80 rn

>> No.14195318
File: 49 KB, 532x556, Screenshot_2019-11-19-05-05-59~(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough

>> No.14195344

>it makes it intelligent

>> No.14195485

it as in him or her
please be mindful?

>> No.14195556

98, and I expect to read every single one of them. I try to keep the list short (it was closer to 150 last year) so that I will actually be able to read all books I intend to.

>> No.14195573

I don't use Goodreads, to be honest I don't understand Goodreads.

>> No.14195578
File: 23 KB, 100x130, Fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I rated Moby Dick 3/5
Use it for your personal needs, and possibly to interact with your friends. Never mix with the general population.

>> No.14195630

i don't use goodreads. I always have 5 books on my shelf. I read one and 4 are waiting to be read. When i'm done with them, i get a new 5. I do that for over a decade.

>> No.14195635
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>> No.14195642
File: 2.29 MB, 2732x2240, faulkner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got about 30 books, some of which I am 100% I will never read, and about a dozen of these to-read charts that /lit/ loved so much about a year and a half ago, (pic rel).

>> No.14195717

this is the kind of forced meme I feel sad for. who even saves gay pictures and spam them, types shitty jokes on a board that won't even care about it.

the underage stats of /lit/ are likely true

>> No.14195750

God you're retarded.

>> No.14195764

it deserves worse. blah blah blah whales blah blah blah the end.

>> No.14195773

About 24. I generally only put books that I already own but haven’t read or books that I could conceivably buy in the near future. There are three books on there that I own and have attempted to read but did not enjoy at all from what I ready that I’m saving for a fresh look at some other time.

>> No.14195944


>> No.14196078
File: 4 KB, 152x63, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read book
>references 3 other books
>flip through bibliography
>2-3 interesting books there
add em to the list
>listen to podcast on lit
>mentions 2-3 books
add em to the list

>> No.14196450

>podcast on lit

>> No.14196468

2334 to-read. Only 438 read. But there's no problem there. Goodreads is how to keep track of obscure books worth checking out in the future.

>> No.14196476

36, I only just opened an account.

>> No.14196486

I just add stuff to my to read list I'm probably not going to read but I should, anything I'm actually going to read I acquire a physical copy and don't need a reminder

>> No.14196507
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>> No.14196512
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>But there's no problem there

>> No.14196562

This, I just use it to keep track of stuff I might read down the road. Doesn't have to be owned at all either.