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/lit/ - Literature

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14191703 No.14191703 [Reply] [Original]

What's the angriest you've ever gotten over literature?

>> No.14191736

Every time I bring up Celine irl some asshole always goes like "wasn't he a Nazi?" and I try my best to explain the concept of critical thinking but on the inside I'm fucking screaming. This happens at least once a month and I fucking hate it.

>> No.14191739

Went to my favorite writers historic home (Herman Melville) and the tour guide (a woman) didn’t even like him, most of the other visitors admitted to not having read him, or if they did they said they didn’t really care for his work, and she kept inserting little criticisms about how she didn’t think he was a good husband or father.

He should be treasured as the greatest author in American history but he has fucking brainlets fostering his legacy.

>> No.14191742

What social circles do you run in that most people you know actually knows who Celine is?

>> No.14191744

I had to read 'Memoirs of Emma Courtney' for English class some time ago. Bih wouldn't stop crying: By the twentieth time she 'wept', I wanted to take the MC and shove her through a wall.

>> No.14191775

Grad school lol

>> No.14191861

Not that it would change their opinion of him, but how do you explain/defend his political stance/writing during that era?

>> No.14192116

I basically just say you can enjoy something and think critically about it at the same time. Good politics =/= good art; bad politics =/= bad art. I firmly believe Celine is the greatest writer of the 20th century and the extent to which he's been blatantly plagiarized is proof enough of.

Besides, you're never gonna "cancel" Celine. The French government already did and he's been dead for like a billion years. You're only cheating yourself by just totally condemning him like that.

>> No.14192605

I was reading a book earlier this year where I really identified with the main character. Timid but erudite, more interested in just carving out a comfortable home for himself than pursuing any notion of greatness. He had a breakdown and wound up in a sort of psychiatric halfway house, where he met a cute girl, things were going well in that will-they-won't-they way.

Then he snuck into the psychiatrist's office and read every patient's file going back years, with absolutely no hesitation or remorse. Twice.

I got so fucking pissed I dropped the book. Don't plan on ever going back to it.

>> No.14192619

>I firmly believe Celine is the greatest writer of the 20th century and the extent to which he's been blatantly plagiarized is proof enough of.

There's no way in hell he is better than Joyce or Proust. That is just silly. He's like the best of a low-brow style of writing and only has like 2 good books and his politics aren't even that egregious for the time period. He explains himself fine and I'm Jewish too.

>> No.14192655

When normies tell me they skipped parts of a novel or read the sparknotes, or they say the don't have to read it because they understand the message and ideas already from reading the wiki and reddit arguments. Or people that write, but never read. Then there's the people who need a backstory to everything.

>> No.14192693

I got kicked out of a party once for yelling about John Milton

>> No.14192743

Art's goal is to mostly influencing the world in a better way. I don't see how supporting an evil dictatorship that got power through populism and tribalism, and then proceeded to throw Europe into chaos that got millions murdered, is good art.

>> No.14192768

You can’t just say this without naming the book. Now I’m interested.

>> No.14192772

You wouldnt get it.

>> No.14192788

We got a brainlet over here!

>> No.14192793

People saying Baudelaire is better than Rimbaud

>> No.14192808

Reading Yann Martel's driveling introduction to The Life of Pi, I actually threw the book out the window.

>> No.14192832

>Art's goal is...
No, no, no
>My interpretation of what art's goal should be...
There you go!

>> No.14192844

when i was in grad school nobody knew shit and all they did was drink until they passed out

>> No.14193208


Sorry I stepped away from the thread. It's "Buzz Aldrin, What Happened to You in All the Confusion?" by Johan Harstad.

>> No.14193219


I spent the better part of a basement party arguing with a dentist about New Sincerity.

>> No.14193231


The fact an individual is stating what they think precludes the need for them to state "I think that"...

>> No.14193438

It does when they follow the statement up with bafflement at how something may be considered good art, apparently oblivious it's their narrow definition which causes the disconnect. It's presumptuousness beyond measure to assert art's goal when it's unquestionable countless artists throughout history haven't had that specific goal in mind for their art. To define art as a specific goal and then say therefore this isn't good art is stupid. Obviously people are entitled to their own definitions, but the post smacked of a failure to integrate multiple perspectives.

>> No.14193462

Reading women authors.

>> No.14193494

>Foods goal is to mostly improve the world. I don’t understand how you could enjoy a meal prepared by a chef who promoted a political power responsible for...
This is how you sound. You, and everyone else like you, that turned art into anything more than a sensory experience inspire so much rage inside of me that I can’t even express it entirely. Food is the only real art form left anymore because of faggots like you.

>> No.14193597


>> No.14193622

what's wrong with it?

based, except you're too angry. some faggot on the Internet shouldn't be able to stop you from enjoying Celine on your own terms.

>> No.14193630

Not literature.

>> No.14193670

>Art's goal is to mostly influencing the world in a better way.
Art's goal is for individuals to express their interpretation of the Sublime in a unique way that may, in turn, uniquely affect each potential auditor of said artwork. It's an exploration of divine, natural beauty as filtered through the creator and observers' psyches. Nigger.

>> No.14193689

>Or people that write, but never read.
Fucking shit. I absolutely fucking hate this the most. You cunt. Thanks for reminding me there are people who do this.

>tfw a former friend of mine wrote a contrived, sappy eulogy for some dumb fuck who killed himself in 12th grade because he was about to go to jail for statutory
Shit was dreadful. My friend barely knew the guy. Then he went on to do "Creative Writing" in fucking state college when all he did in his spare time was play WoW (in 2013!) and I don't think he ever read any books at all, but oh! he doesn't have to READ because he is always so fucking filled with creative fucking juices that he has no time for books!

>> No.14193734


>> No.14193748

lord of the rings isnt literature and 'muh worldbuilding' doesnt make it good

>> No.14193941

he was a nazi tho

>> No.14193943

war is the highest form of art

>> No.14193963

It´s not like it has lyrical parts like poems in it. No interesting themes, no struggels, no wishes bravery, comeradery or nostalgy. Not like the manner in which charakters and their sorrounndings are described in of itself one of it´s kind. No way that someone who reads predominantly, and likes (almost) exclusively non-fiction could have it among his most loved books.

>> No.14193984

Fantasy world building masturbation is so lame and overrated. Tons of hackish writers have done the same thing, fucking fanfiction writers do it. Tolkien did it best admittedley but it really doesn't matter.

>> No.14194091

all I wonder is whether we're spoiling ourselves by setting the bar as high as Tolkien. we're not going to have anything so thoroughly wrought any soon, so why deprive ourselves of fun over a lost cause

>> No.14194122

Just read the legend of the ten elemental masters and disabuse yourself

>> No.14194126

literally ANYONE in the entire FUCKING WORLD can make a language

>> No.14194128


Oh give me a break unless you live in france no one in america knows who Celine is.

The guy especially cause of his checkered past isn't going to get a lot of love among zoomers or millenials.

>> No.14194136

but do they do it?

>> No.14194144

>wow, someone did something anyone in the entire world can do
>what a genius

>> No.14194151

anyone can do anything, that doesn't make a piece of art less impressive

>> No.14194190

yes, a lot of fantasy writers do.

>> No.14194211

>Art's goal
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.14194382

I just answer "Yes, precisely".

>> No.14194399

>but how do you explain/defend his political stance/writing during that era?
1. He did WWI and didn't want to live through that shit again.
2. He wanted Hitler to unify Europe and end degeneracy.

How hard is it to understand?

>and then proceeded to throw Europe into chaos
Hitler had legitimate demands and it's France and the UK that declared war first on false pretexts. If they really cared about Poland's independance, they wouldn't have abandoned it to Stalin after the war lol.

>still spewing americano-russian propaganda about the war

>> No.14194408

I recently suggested the gender binary was a social construct and got verbally interrogated for four hours until it escalated into me yelling at people for lapping up Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson hogwash like it was divinity itself

Postmodernism has me trippin

>> No.14194470

what do you consider his two best books?

>> No.14194471

>>tfw a former friend of mine wrote a contrived, sappy eulogy for some dumb fuck who killed himself in 12th grade because he was about to go to jail for statutory

WTF, how how was he and how old was she??

> Shit was dreadful. My friend barely knew the guy. Then he went on to do "Creative Writing" in fucking state college when all he did in his spare time was play WoW (in 2013!) and I don't think he ever read any books at all, but oh! he doesn't have to READ because he is always so fucking filled with creative fucking juices that he has no time for books!

My normie friend did the exact same thing. He always spots me reading too, and he texts me to tell me he's read a book I briefly mentioned and that he didn't like it, and he thinks books are overrated, so now he's trying to write a screenplay now. Ironically, I was a film minor in college and made several short films as I wanted to be a director for awhile and know much more about film than literature, but I still think he's a fucktard for even comparing Citizen Kane to an average Kerouac novel.

>> No.14194489


>> No.14194498

The first two, which are the only two I've read. I was being an asshole, I'm sure his other books are great, but nobody touches them because of fascism. That being said, I still doubt they are better than Proust or Joyce.

>> No.14194584

Stoner made me set it down for 8 months in the middle because I couldn't read a single word more about that absolute cunt Edith.

Once threw a Phillipa Gregory novel across the room. I had gotten it from the library and returned it in disgust the very next day. It's essentially Twilight in frilly dresses being paraded as serious literature.

Picked a fight with my teachers in grade school because I thought Harry Potter was lousy. I refused to read it and took a 0 grade for the participation part of my grade (something like 30% of the final score). Later passed the class with a C because I got a perfect score on all the tests. Teacher was mad as balls and couldn't do shit, the crummy bitch. I pulled the same stunt the next grade level because I refused to do summer homework out of protest.
rageposter did nothing wrong and was correct
based raging autist-nerd

>> No.14194606

>Picked a fight with my teachers in grade school because I thought Harry Potter was lousy. I refused to read it and took a 0 grade for the participation part of my grade (something like 30% of the final score). Later passed the class with a C because I got a perfect score on all the tests. Teacher was mad as balls and couldn't do shit, the crummy bitch.
Ah, the futility of protest. Shouldn't have been so overt anon

> I pulled the same stunt the next grade level because I refused to do summer homework out of protest.
Now this is based, fuck that shit

>> No.14194682

to be honest I did this through college too. I didn't think it was ethically justifiable to force students to buy online homework passes, so I never bought them, and coasted through on my test scores alone. Graduated with a 3.2. Professors who do that can eat shit.

>> No.14194710

I got a 2.6 or 2.7, so you did better than me. However, I usually skipped class and didn't study in order to read and work on my writing, so at least I did something. It's not like I was partying constantly lol. All professors are pieces of shit by virtue of the system, but at least some don't completely lose their humanity, so if you're a nice guy in a genuine manner than that's fine by me. I got a c- in a religion teachers class, but thought he was a genuine guy and respected him. Then I got an A in this philosophy class, but I thought the guy was a coward and a prick, who spent half the class saying how black people were so unique in their suffering and how white's were so evil. Fuck him.

>> No.14194861

t. seething nazi

>> No.14194880
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finishing The Awakening and The Story of an Hour absolutely made me livid
it's fucking stupid and I can't believe I wasted my time continuing to read about the childish and immature women that are the subject of those stories

>> No.14194924

stop trying to fit in.

>> No.14194938

The fact that this infuriates you annoys me.

>> No.14194943

Wow he made a language so fricking epic reddit

>> No.14194971

We had a 5000 word research paper that accounted for, I think, a third of the semester grade for the final semester of high school. Only real restriction was that it had to centrally relate to one of the books we'd read for class that year, and I picked Heart of Darkness.

Now, my fool ass of course waited until the night before to start on the paper. I got home, goofed off until 10 pm, brewed a pot of coffee, put that in the fridge, then drank it all in about 15 minutes when it got to lukewarm. I spent the next eight hours in a caffeine rage, shit-talking Chinua Achebe out loud while only a bit more politely shit-talking him in the paper. For a writing aid, I printed out Joseph Conrad and Achebe's faces, taped them to pillows, and sat them in chairs near my desk so I could ask Conrad questions about the book and ask Achebe why he was such a bitch. I turned the paper in online, and my power went out ten minutes later. I took it as a sign from God but I don't remember what for. Honestly not sure why I went to school instead of just skipping to sleep, but apparently I spent my whole statistics class out cold with my eyes open.

The paper came back graded at a 97 despite being 500 words and a few citations short. That teacher had a lot of hate in him and I think we connected on some level, because a lot of people in that class apparently didn't get that kind of leeway.

>> No.14195399
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>> No.14195406

Based as fuck

>> No.14195407
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>> No.14195452

>For a writing aid, I printed out Joseph Conrad and Achebe's faces, taped them to pillows, and sat them in chairs near my desk so I could ask Conrad questions about the book and ask Achebe why he was such a bitch.

>> No.14195480

Yeah, what about it?

>> No.14195487

Grand Strategy of the Byzantine empire. It's remarkably well written in thesis and points, but the author is a smarmy little shit who throws in these pointless smug asides. One mocking the Brits for something and another for this passive aggressive "The byzantines dealt with despotic fanatical oriental regimes I GUESS SOME THINGS DON'T EVER CHANGE HUH? :^)".

I found the irresponsibility of editorializing and snidely quipping infuriating for what was otherwise stellar academic work. Perhaps I am biased, Douglas Porch offers a single quip in his otherwise impeccable French Foreign Legion History (the jist being "only in academia is there the mental gymnastics to justify FLN excesses and simultaneously vilify French excesses), and James Barr in A Line In The Sand makes a similar quip or editorializing comment in concluding remarks about Max von Oppenheim and how "My people are not my own" lawrence of arabia complexes are endemic to modern day limousine liberals of Von Oppenheim's tradition. Both temporary drops of impartiality and sterility were towards the end and singular, while I recall with the aforementioned book it was consistent and also just smug and smarmy - the sort you'd see on social media today with "Owning the [blank]."

>> No.14195494

I think I'm pretty open minded, but I can't deal with Ben Shapiro zealots. I imagine talking to ISIS recruits would be similar.

Peterson is pretty based though.

>> No.14195503

Same thing with based Knut Hamsun. Oh, he basically invented stream-of-consciousness as a style? Influenced almost every modernist in Europe? Who gives a fuck, he was a FUCKING NAYZEE

>> No.14195510

I'm surprised you didn't get kicked the fuck out for choosing the "wrong" author lol

That is, if you're just exaggerating, and not writing a completely fictional pasta.

>> No.14195511

What those authors do is randomly throw together bullshit words with little thought to how it fits within a wider rubric. And despite being someone reared on Europa Barbarorum autism of nomenclature changes I fucking detest it. Demon Cycle was a pulp fantasy romp that started off great but ended up poorly for among other reasons the author's fixation with ficitional terms for everything under the sun for the spartan-jihadists. I get it, it can be more fun to call something a Scutarii than a Spearman, Bushido instead of "way of warriors".

It's not more fun to have to know a new word for blood brothers, a new word for heads up, a new word for dictator, a new word for son, a new word for honored, a new word for father and daughter and mother and son, a new word for training camps a new word for civilians a new word for brave outsider a new word for bones and heart and war.

It's a spice, it should be used sparingly when:
1) There is no comparable equivalent in English (or whatever). Shogun conveys far more than just "lord" does. Hoplite is more than just a 'man-at-arms' (lit translation).
2) The English term is far too evocative and distinct to be used in a generalized sense. Prince and Lord are generic. Knight is not generic, it conjures up a very particular image. "Man-At-Arms" is too generic for a hoplite.
3) The term is felt important enough and flavorful enough to be used. Which means few others should be.

Along with use of apostrophes it's such plebian shit to require your audience have a fantasy lexicon side by side. Tolkien invented an Elven language but he didn't have 10% of a page being it.

>> No.14195632

Some arthoe tried to tell me that nietzsche was a stupid nihilist that didnt see any values in life.

I didnt knew that i could get this angry over fucking literature.

>> No.14195673

Same here but with Heidegger.

>> No.14195678

>Art's goal is to mostly influencing the world in a better way
No, that's a moral you made up and applied to a shared practice that anyone from any society can engage in for any reason they want. Art is beyond language or description.

>> No.14195722

based arthoe dabbing on nietzsche

>> No.14195973


>Once threw a Phillipa Gregory novel across the room. I had gotten it from the library and returned it in disgust the very next day. It's essentially Twilight in frilly dresses being paraded as serious literature.

>Picked a fight with my teachers in grade school because I thought Harry Potter was lousy. I refused to read it and took a 0 grade for the participation part of my grade (something like 30% of the final score). Later passed the class with a C because I got a perfect score on all the tests. Teacher was mad as balls and couldn't do shit, the crummy bitch. I pulled the same stunt the next grade level because I refused to do summer homework out of protest.

Ignatius, the police have called at your house, your mother is very concerned about you

>> No.14196030
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I had a friend, first half-playfully, suggest that poetry is the lowest form of art, and I feigned outrage in response. Later on he returned to the subject and asked me, seriously, if I didn't think poetry was the lowest form of art and why, as if it's lack of value was obvious to him and everyone else. Had to put on a lid on it to not ruin the entire fucking evening.

The follow is less specific, but I also become unnecessarily mad when I see or hear people try to elevate Harry Potter and other YA, suggesting they're somehow JUST as good as any european classic, perhaps better. And every time some anti-intellectual low-brow faggot thinks he's being cool by sticking it to some old dead man by proudly admitting to never having finished Moby-Dick.

>> No.14196045


Got into an argument with most of my sixth form classmates over the book I chose for a 4000 word essay - Candide. They all said it was too small, and even the teacher began to agree (they - mostly girls - had all picked trash like kite runner and handmaid's tale). They didn't understand why I just sat there smiling and nodding at their 'criticism'. Needless to say I smashed the essay, and my father (who gave me the book) got me a bottle of single malt for completing my A levels. I decided to bring it to a friend's house party and share it around with everyone, including those who had mocked me. They were all very nice to me now. I said, out loud, 'this surely must be the best of all worlds', to which they just stood there with odd looks on their faces.
I'd poisoned the whisky with cyanide. None of them saw their 18th birthdays.

>> No.14196053

Poetry might have the highest ratio of irredeemable garbage to things actually worth reading of any form of published writing.

>> No.14196095

>18th century lit class
>reading huck Finn
>get to the final part where Twain btfos the liberal anti-racists with their hope that huck learns a lesson bus instead goofs off with Tom
>no one can grasp the ending
>he literally says "PERSONS attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot"
>everyone starting to agree we should ignore the final act so we can imagine buck learning about racism and class and sheeeeit

Liberals truly don't want to consider another argument at this point.

>> No.14196116

Mostly because I haven't seen it before.

>> No.14196144

why were you reading Huck Finn in an 18th century lit class??

>> No.14196395
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>Letting yourself be taken by the madness of lunacy to write poems

>> No.14196493

I usually just tell people he called hitler a jew and laugh.

>> No.14196635

Poetry is probably the one most saturated with shit
Depends what you classify as art I guess but its definitley beneath music, sculpture, paint, and architecture

>> No.14196856

I've never met someone who knew who he was.
I went to Barnes & Noble and asked an employee if they had Journey to the End of the Night, she said let me check, goes to the computer, then takes me to the "F" section because apparently the slut thought his last name was Ferdinand after looking it up.

>> No.14196979

I knocked a dude out in a fight about the Great Filter, The Drake equation, Keyes, Smith, Whitehead, and Kierkegaard. He punched me first, but it was his house. We'd been doing coke for about 6 hours before we came to blows. I never learned his name. It was his coke too.

>> No.14197000
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I honestly thought poetry was either for children or pompous assholes until I found my dad's old book (pic related) and got to read some good stuff.

If I ever get the chance, I'm going to strangle Rupi Kaur.

>> No.14197020

The fact that I have to go on /lit/ and associated discords to talk about books enrages me. I dont know one other man who reads, but plenty of women who read middlebrow trash and know I read, and so recommend me the latest NYT bestseller

>> No.14197060
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>Had to take two literature classes senior year
>Picked Southern Lit. and Sci-fi/Fantasy
>also took philosophy
Really opened my eyes.

Southern Lit
>Based teacher from Georgia
>reading books about slavery and racism
>a handful of people are able to put aside today's morality and understand that times were different
>one guy vocally argued that Atticus Finch should have done more to help Robinson
>Professor shares story about how his father was asked to be in a business council, basically dedicated to keeping blacks from business ownership
>guy declined, not because of morals, but because he had his own work to get to
>supposed to drive home the point that a lot of people plain didn't care one way or the other, just wanted to get on with their lives
>a few actually suggest his father should have formed a council supporting blacks

>worst required reading
>Pic related
>it's steampunk romance, complete with a mary sue, vampires and werewolves

>have to comment on whatever work we just read
>Every paper I looked at could be summed up as 'they were kind of right, maybe, but also maybe kind of wrong'
>no one else would outright agree or disagree with any paper

>> No.14197061

I wasn't about to defend Rupi Kaur, anons. Some of the greatest works of poetry I've read, such as the Iliad, have definitely done more for me as a person than any painting or sculpture.

>> No.14197080

Are you me?
I only know one other guy at work that reads. One guy told me he hasn't read a book since high school (eight years or so for him).
The women who read at work are either on 'bestsellers' or whatever movie adaptation is coming out. Some of them tried 'Murder on the Orient Express' the other year, and admitted they couldn't get through it. One even reads Deepak Chopra.

>> No.14197286


>> No.14197375
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>Art's goal is to mostly influencing the world in a better way.
This might just be the dumbest post I've seen all year and I've been frequenting /v/.

>> No.14197389

now imagine if Melville was black

>> No.14197400
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>Art's goal is to mostly influencing the world in a better way. I don't see how supporting an evil dictatorship that got power through populism and tribalism, and then proceeded to throw Europe into chaos that got millions murdered, is good art.

>> No.14198181
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>Art's goal is to mostly influencing the world in a better way.

>> No.14198560

Extremely based

>> No.14198933

>people that write, but never read.
I can't get angry; I just laugh at them because they can never understand why their writing is shit. They'll come back with revision upon revision that continues to suck because they don't have even a basic grasp sentence construction or punctuation or point of view, never mind the rest.
That sort seems to comprise 90% of the participants on r/writing and 75% of participants on absolutewrite.
Meanwhile I've critiqued work by people taking their first stab at writing but it's often not bad because they've read 500 novels so they intuitively have the basics figured out.

>> No.14198949

>there is no such thing as a moral book. Books are either well-written or badly written.
>Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.
>All art is quite useless

>> No.14199068


>> No.14199357

That teacher was a hell of a guy, and everything in my story is true.

>> No.14199420

The Hobbit wasn't originally a prequel. It had to be edited to work as a prequel to LoTR which was basically commisioned due to the success of The Hobbit

>> No.14199447

I've not had a hearty kek in a good while. Thank you, truly.

I was in a creative writing course in my Senior year of high school. The teacher was a a total uptight AP literature teacher. I had to write and present a slam poem. I was and still am absolutely ass at writing poems, and I had no clue of what to write about. So I used it as an opportunity to vent my pure unfiltered hatred for Slaughterhouse-Five. It was around a 2 minute rant on the pointlessness of the novel, how he benefited from the fire bombing, and the fact that he contributed absolutely nothing to the world.

I was surprised to find out that he agreed with my positions and that he disliked the book as well. I can't help but think that he was surprised about the fact in a creative writing class someone made a slam poem criticizing a novel.

>> No.14199508

When I read The Fault in Our Stars.

That kiss in Anne Frank's house.

>"Augustus Waters," I said, looking up at him, thinking that you cannot kiss anyone in the Anne Frank House, and then thinking that Anne Frank, after all, kissed someone in the Anne Frank House, and that she would probably like nothing more than for her home to have become a place where the young and irreparably broken sink into love.

>"I must say," Otto Frank said on the video in his accented English, "I was very much surprised by the deep thoughts Anne had."

>And then we were kissing. My hand let go of the oxygen cart and I reached up for his neck, and he pulled me up by my waist onto my tiptoes. As his parted lips met mine, I started to feel breathless in a new and fascinating way. The space around us evaporated, and for a weird moment I really liked my body; this cancer-ruined thing I'd spent years dragging around suddenly seemed worth the struggle, worth the chest tubes and the PICC lines and the ceaseless bodily betrayal of the tumors.

>"It was quite a different Anne I had known as my daughter. She never really showed this kind of inner feeling," Otto Frank continued.

>The kiss lasted forever as Otto Frank kept talking from behind me. "And my conclusion is," he said, "since I had been in very good terms with Anne, that most parents don't know really their children."

>I realized that my eyes were closed and opened them. Augustus was staring at me, his blue eyes closer to me than they'd ever been, and behind him, a crowd of people three deep had sort of circled around us. They were angry, I thought. Horrified. These teenagers, with their hormones, making out beneath a video broadcasting the shattered voice of a former father.

>I pulled away from Augustus, and he snuck a peck onto my forehead as I stared down at my Chuck Taylors. And then they started clapping. All the people, all these adults, just started clapping, and one shouted "Bravo!" in a European accent. Augustus, smiling, bowed.

>Laughing, I curtsied ever so slightly, which was met with another round of applause.

>> No.14199593

So you're telling us that you can't even look up a book yourself, even though they are classified by authors' last name? Whew, lad.

>> No.14199601

i threw a book across the room and broke my window because it ended with the "he imagined it all" trope

>> No.14199609

retard. study linguistics

>> No.14199645

I want to be your friend

In my senior year of uni, I lost it with a professor who was making us read feminist critique of textile workers in Sri-lanka. The professor claimed that men greeting the female workers was an act of subjugation and demeaned them. No, I’m not joking.
I got into an argument with her about her interpretation and called her a Jew. It just kind of slipped out. Turns out, she is a Jew. Don’t call your kike professors out, kids. Lost the department scholarship and almost didn’t graduate. She refused to look at me at graduation.

>> No.14199700

>I got into an argument with her about her interpretation and called her a Jew. It just kind of slipped out. Turns out, she is a Jew.
Oh god damn it, anon.

>> No.14199715

ya it's shite

>> No.14199919

This is the stereotype of Left Wing thought, and it is, incidentally, 100% accurate. Left Wing people actually do think this way, which is why they don't create beautiful things.

>> No.14199953

>I got into an argument with her about her interpretation and called her a Jew. It just kind of slipped out. Turns out, she is a Jew. Don’t call your kike professors out, kids. Lost the department scholarship and almost didn’t graduate. She refused to look at me at graduation.

I did the same to another kid called him an implicit zionist kike and I'm Jewish too lol. He reported me and I still got in trouble, but got off with a slap on the wrist.

>> No.14199983

>The paper came back graded at a 97 despite being 500 words and a few citations short.
I'm jealous. In one class I got automatically F'd for a paper because it was a page short, even though it met the word requirement.

>> No.14200121
File: 133 KB, 809x585, judea declares war on Germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello newfriend. Welcome to 4 chan

>> No.14200204

modern art maybe a close second

>> No.14200219

Wasn't that anti semitic of him anon? How does that work between two Jews? I've always wondered...

>> No.14200220

>supporting an evil dictatorship that got power through populism and tribalism, and then proceeded to throw Europe into chaos that got millions murdered, is good art

no one here is supporting the jews, what are you talking about?

>> No.14201386

Sometimes it's all about circumstances. I did about a third of an online criminal justice degree for a lady I've never met in person, and the leeway I got for not being retarded like most of the rest of the people in the classes was incredible.

One class was essay-focused, I think it was pop culture/film critique, some bullshit to provide a writing credit. I did not turn in a single essay on time or meet the word limit for any of them. No grades below a 90. The professor (or at least their TA, most of the time) went against their own rubric on multiple occasions to give the papers higher grades than they should have technically received. I don't think any of my essays were good, so I can only imagine what garbage was offered up by the rest of the class.

>> No.14201393

>and called her a Jew. It just kind of slipped out.
wow you're actually a piece of shit
also you can't argue if that's what you have to resort to

>> No.14201396
File: 128 KB, 1000x940, +_e417aab4e8dbb5e9de12acd3f6e9a1a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mandatory slam poem
Christ, fuck, just thinking about being forced to do that is painful. I'm sorry you had to do that, and also listen to an entire class worth of high school slam poems. I like writing poetry but that makes my skin crawl.

>> No.14201398


>> No.14201411

It was a pretty surreal night. My wingman and I had struck out, so we were just cruising in my big old 5 seat convertible at bar close, people watching and shit, when a pair of cute girls asked us for a ride to a different part of the city (because my buddy was completely blasted and trying to talk to pedestrians). I say sure, and fucking 8 people (6 women) get in my car. We get up to the dude's condo and all the chicks immediately pass out, but he whips out like half a key of the purest nose candy I've ever had, so the four of us start doing a little bit of blow, which then escalates to some decent lines, while we talk about cars and guns and airplanes and shit, but then our host starts talking about space, and you can tell his buddy is losing interest, and after an hour, his friend passes out. Then the talk about space gets more and more heavy, extinction level threats in the cosmos and what we could theoretically do about them, and he gets pretty nilistic about that shit. My buddy stops keeping up with us because he's a rocket nerd, not interested in "science fiction", and passes out. So it's this guy who name I never asked pushing these heroic rails at me while being super pessimistic, and I'm very optimistic and start pushing him on reasons why the Drake Equation is flawed (star metalicity vs age, etc) such that the Great Filter explanation for the silence in the heavens isn't actually a big deal, and then he starts getting pissed I'm not sharing his down mood and the topic gets even deeper into philosophy and he starts acting like a middle school nilist and discussion recurses basically for an hour or two because I'm drinking a shit load because it's either that or lift weights or pace or do coke because I'm so coked out I need to do something until my heart explodes.
And we segue into economics and he's stuck in this zero sum game idea that is complete nonsense and after he tried a couple times to simplify my arguments down to the broken window fallacy in order to refute it, I start making fun of his deteriorating debate tactics, and change the subject back to space, which revs up his nilism and he starts calling random philosophers he must think I'm drawing my arguments from hacks, so I'm looking to find my buddy so I can bail, and he somehow focuses on Whitehead and Kierkegaard, maybe I reacted more to those and starts spraying New Atheist garbage all over the argument, and I get mad and address the elephant in the room, that he's a daddy's money fuckup with a monster bank account and an education he never completed and while I'm looking around the room to try and find where my buddy has passed out, the fucker pops me in the eyesocket.

So I gave him two hard shots to the liver and damn near broke my hand on his temple when his guard collapsed. He goes down like a rotted stump, I find my buddy, and fucking bail. We get outside and it's like 9 AM.

This was 8 years ago. One of the best nights of my life.

>> No.14201415

I think every other Jew I've ever met has called me anti-semitic and not a true Jew.

>> No.14201416

You made this up, right? Please tell me that. Nobody actually put this in a book and sold millions of copies and got a movie deal from this trash fire, right?

>> No.14201420
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>slap on the wrist.
>I'm Jewish

>> No.14201425

That does sound fantastic, you did the world a service

>> No.14201433

good story anon, i like your prose

reminds me of some outrageous story of some guy at a wedding or a party or something who got into a fight with the host. the entire congregation gasped and roughly showed him the door.

>"he. hit. the. host...???"
they were italians or serbians or something anyway don't do drugs

>> No.14201697
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I fantasize about/dread accidentally doing this every day. I'm in a field surrounded by them (as I was in college), and I just imagine my entire future career being thrown away for one slip up. Sometimes I get a little too comfortable talking to people, I really need to reign it in. It's just that no normal person knows how they are unless they are in any position of power, so they have no way of understanding and think I'm crazy.

>> No.14201780

you sound like a closed-minded weirdo in a self-imposed me vs. them mentality

>> No.14201783
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 1567496901725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art's goal

>> No.14201784

When I threw The Road out of my cabin door because it was such trash

>> No.14201825
File: 195 KB, 1000x806, Aleksey Savrasov - Spring, 1874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you sound like a closed-minded weirdo in a self-imposed me vs. them mentality
yeah, thats why I fit in perfectly in academia

>> No.14201834
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> The professor claimed that men greeting the female workers was an act of subjugation and demeaned them
>Turns out, she is a Jew.
truly an amazing coincidence

>> No.14201942

For 20 years I frequented a large metropolitan library 1/2 mile from where I lived, and every time I wasn't there for fresh STEM reading, my jimmies were set quietly but hotly rustling by how fragmentary and tattered and paperbacky the collection of canonical/classical books were, compared to the freshly gleaming huge assortment of recent first edition hardcovers prominently racked facing the big ground floor reading room where the reference desk is. When I finally got disgusted enough to ask an administrator about this, I received a lame excuse about about its original charter as as a research library, despite the fact that it's presently the main branch of a county system with a population of 2/3rds of a million, and built to an almost lavish standard to accommodate its high traffic, as well as recently expanded to roughly double its square footage. Doubtless the same ill-proportioned neglect continues there.

>> No.14201979

This could be Holden Caulfield's brother.

Good job anon.

>> No.14201986

> har har har, I’m so fun and rational and he’s so stupid and infantile. Plus I beat him up
You may impress a bunch of lonely people on an anonymous board with your ‘quirky’ stories of good times, but you aren’t special and need to stop living for this imaginary audience in your head. It’s tiresome and draining to deal with in personal relationships.

>> No.14202076
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>literally ANYONE in the entire FUCKING WORLD can make a language
no. no they can't. it's an art form in which beauty can be found. yes, there are many created languages. but only a few may be considered worthwhile.

>> No.14202083

He is special, and you are impressed.

>> No.14202118
File: 136 KB, 1024x1024, 1571231118498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art's goal
>people actually think like this
Makes me sick.

>> No.14202152

hahaha this niggas actually jewish

>> No.14202246

Art is far more than a simple sensory experience

>> No.14202387

>Good politics
>Bad politics
I really fucking despise people who talk like this.

>> No.14202400
File: 168 KB, 362x359, 17392901_390443281334399_205590121_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upon reading the late sean f kays book

so thankful for Today when I was asked for my SmartRider by a transperth grunt as proof I am entitled to concession travel, I asked "Why would I buy a ticket if I had my SmartRider?" Maybe I would be more inclined to give a fuck about your reminder I could be fined, if the eftpos payment at my station wasn't broken for the past ~2months and counting, or if the only tag on/off machine at my station hadn't broken twice in the past few weeks, or if later that same day the ticket machine responded when I attempted to buy a ticket.

>> No.14202410

Wrong wrong WRONG! FUCK OFF you imbecile

>> No.14202450
File: 19 KB, 313x499, 41IrZJ+yqAL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wave of sexual misconduct allegations about powerful men have exploded recently in the media (e.g., the news, Twitter #MeToo, etc.). A bold social movement has begun with brave women coming forward and being applauded for speaking out and sharing their stories of abuse, discrimination, and harassment. As a result, accused men like Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, and dozens more have been removed from power and are suffering the consequences.

In How to Destroy A Man Now (DAMN), Dr. Angela Confidential (a business psychologist, consultant, and human resource professional) empowers women with a step-by-step guide for destroying a man’s reputation and removing him from power.

In easy to understand terms, the handbook reveals and explains the fundamental dynamics between allegations, the media, and authority as they relate to male misconduct in today’s society. It also unveils and details practical real-world methods for leveraging allegations, media, and authorities to dethrone a man from power.

>> No.14202468

Based as fuck

>> No.14202583
File: 54 KB, 354x532, Musth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Lenin got so bad reading Dostoyevsky's 'Demons' that he threw it against the wall.
Hit a bit too close to home, i guess.

>> No.14202592

Isn't the whole point of critical thinking to call things you don't like "nazi", say that people who engage with them are promoting fascism and thus can't be tolerated, and move on?

>> No.14202597


>> No.14202602

>wow you're actually a piece of shit
Wow you're actually a cuck.
Imagine having sympathy for a people who hate you.
Unless you're a Jew, in which case fuck you.

>> No.14202608

Gay kill yourself

>> No.14202611

got so mad* I mean

>> No.14202619

Sounds like you're a genuinely upstanding person.

>> No.14202622

One of the greatest Jewish privileges is the ability to be Jew-critical.

>> No.14202625


>> No.14202856

I'd already looked through the bookstore and wanted to check in case I'd missed it.

>> No.14202883

The first halfway decent OC story I've seen on 4chan in years and you have to go fuck it up

>> No.14203084

Proud of you anon

>> No.14203090

100% sums up my undergradute experience in the humanities

>> No.14203193

>18th century = 1700s
>19th century = 1800s
Every day until you get it.

>> No.14203957

you could have communicated this without responding to everyone in the thread

>> No.14204754



>> No.14204832

I don't think I'm more rational than the average person who has more than a passing interest in philosophy, perhaps less, there's a lot I accept on faith. I am decently skilled at debate and try to keep /fit/. Your body is where your brain lives after all. If you let yourself be weak, weak things will appeal to you.

Everyone has an audience in their head, their sainted ancestors, their future progeny, the idealized forms of the respected living authorities in their lives, the choirs of angels, God, and the bedlam of demons who you let influence your life. You can act in such a way that acknowledges these connections and your external connections, and try to do yourself proud, or you can center yourself on yourself and act as though isolated or even deny your own agency.

Either way they are watching.

>> No.14204854

This is a typical thing to happen when you take an entry level philosophy class because you straight up don't know enough to have a strong opinion or even articulate your argument if you did.

>> No.14206048

Most of the "jews" I've met who're most concerned with antisemitism are a quarter Jewish at most. Usually a grandparent from somewhere in Eastern Europe, not always even on the mom's side.
The Book of Revelation warns Christians about the fake Jews - is there a Jewish equivalent?

>> No.14206104

Well the hasidic Jews I met don't get offended as easily as the secular Jews. American Jews born in like the 60s-80s freak the fuck out about the Holocaust and Hitler, while their grandparents who lived through it aren't as obnoxious about it aside from Elie Wiesel.

>> No.14206115

You know I'm right anon, stop deflecting and grow up. Denying your narcissism won't help you.

>> No.14206126

Saying you're not pro-zionist in America and that we should objectively look at WW2 and the Jews were not the only victims of the war doesn't even warrant a response let alone an accusation of anti-semitism. There are hard truths that people don't like. My job is not to cater to you and your feelings anon.

>> No.14206151

That is objectively terrible art; I can't think of any Nazi-endorsed work that isn't.

Semi related, the most interesting wiki article I've seen all week:

>> No.14206178


>> No.14206209

I find that the fake Jewish people who most easily 'pass' as white are the ones who cling most to it. The friends of mine who look so Jewish I've witnessed actual antisemites hassling them at random are not at all caught up in identity politics. It's as if people who are actually white self-hating mutts, need some identity or ancestry to cling to, so they've hijacked Judaism (even though as you point out, they are not religious) and obsess over this bugaboo of white supremacy. So few of the sorts that get three brackets on /pol/ have what I would call typically Jewish features. And if they have 'Jewish' surnames they're nearly always German-sounding with Anglo first names. Same for the banking class.

>> No.14206240

No wonders teenage girls buy this shit.

>> No.14206271

Really, you like Semmelweis?

>> No.14206359

Bar room argument with a friend. His argument was that there are no objective measurements for literature, and therefore there's no real reason to rate classics higher than pop fantasy other than personal preference and pretension.

>> No.14206460

>gommie retard mad at an accurate portrayal of gommies
Is that why he doubled down on gulag?
His brother is dead you insensitive prick.
It actually blows my mind how borderline illiterate the average person is. They can barely string two sentences together after 10 minutes of revision and spellchecking. Peer review in uni english courses was an eye-opener.

>> No.14206805

Back in high school we had to read "speak" by Lauri Halls Andersen. Granted its a young adult/teen book by my god is it one of the biggest piles of shit ive ever read. It is riddled with high school cliche's, has shitty character development, and just so many other things. if anyone wants to shoot them self go find a pdf and set aside a day or two and knock it out. Biggest steaming pile of trash ive ever witnessed.

>> No.14206823

I read it. I find it depressing that something so worthless could be written.

>> No.14206862
File: 61 KB, 1065x799, shutterstock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14207098

read wuthering heights. its very cathartic seeing roasties marrying for money and refusing to believe what society tells them about a man and paying the price for it.

>> No.14207256

the issue arises that education majors in uni are always the dimmest of the lot and they all want to be high school english teachers because there's literally no work to accomplish for the job. you don't even have to know math. just sit around and read trash novels with the kiddos and collect a paycheck. so every dyed hair potheaded thot who shouldn't be more than a town bicycle before dying of syphilis ends up being the one to introduce literature to young minds. you clearly see the results of that.

if you want change, abolish education as a self contained major. go ahead and abolish modern "humanities" on the whole while we're at it, nothing but dog-vomit shit-for-brains ever come out of those programs and they make the world a worse place for everyone, but especially for people who actually want to read books.

>> No.14207441

No, you're thinking of critical THEORY.

>> No.14207573

>>tfw a former friend of mine wrote a contrived, sappy eulogy for some dumb fuck who killed himself in 12th grade because he was about to go to jail for statutory
This is based though

>> No.14207600

Metamorphoses by Ovid

Actually mad/10

>> No.14207609

Yeah, one of the biggest eye openers for me growing up was seeing how many of the absolute dumbest thots of my peers were going into education when they went to university. Really made me see my past teachers in a different light.

>> No.14207655

>or a writing aid, I printed out Joseph Conrad and Achebe's faces, taped them to pillows, and sat them in chairs near my desk so I could ask Conrad questions about the book and ask Achebe why he was such a bitch.

Lost it.

>> No.14207661

Any mention of Rupi Kaur makes my blood boil

>> No.14207683

>A kike acts like a kike
>Gets called a Jew
>Seething this hard

You know how kikes are always talking about how white people are fragile because they're losing their "power" in society?

a Jew getting named is what that actually looks like. You spout some subversive bullshit and then someone says "wait, are you a Jew?" and then, immediately, your little shoyldas begin to shake, and it's anudda shoah, because being recognized as the fucking subversive yid rat that you are maykes yoah ulcah inflayme.

Fuck you faggot.

>> No.14207695

I got so upset that Anna Karenina cheated on her husband that I couldn't finish reading the novel.

>> No.14207911


>the virgin John Green
>retarded teenagers have a kissing session in Anne Frank’s attic and aren’t immediately thrown out for being disgusting disrespectful cunts (which I'm 100% certain would happen if you pulled that shit IRL)
>the CHAD >>>/his/
>Confederate States Army soldiers descend like the Angry Night upon the Nazis with the righteous defiance that had propelled them to stand up to their own despotic government with a century prior, vanquishing their tyranny forever, and saving a nine month pregnant Anne Frank from certain death

>> No.14208026

>No interesting theme
You're being sarcastic but this is absolutely a fair criticism of the Lord of the Ring novels.

>> No.14208130 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.06 MB, 3500x2400, 1574330044892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lmao you think that’s bad? Watch this.

>ywn live in a timeline where the South won the Civil War
>the Confederate States Army will never field a modernized version of the famed Columbus Depot Jacket (five/six rows of buttons, gray/jean wool, blue service cuffs and collar)
>the South will never declare war on Nazi Germany after Ribbentrop's repeated insults and lies
>ywn be a Confederate paratrooper fighting in Holland 1945-errr I mean '44 as part of Operation Market Garden
>ywn ambush a German transport truck one morning on a dusty Dutch road
>ywn laugh as you easily slaughter the SS with your BAR, forged by legendary Mormon gunsmiths in Utah, who flee in terror at the sight of Southern valor
>ywn hear banging on the truck door and cautiously open it with weapon at the ready
>ywn be immediately greeted by a nine month pregnant and very horny Anne Frank, who was locked up inside
>Anne will never instantly become enamored with with your Columbus Depot jacket, gray like her eyes, beautiful, yet simple, lacking any of the haughty and frivolous decorations of German uniforms
>Anne will never claim to know a good sniper's spot and offer to lead you to it
>ywn accept, oblivious to what she actually has planned
>Anne will never lead you inside an abandoned windmill and lock the door, saying she's not going to let you out until she's had her way with you
>Anne will never tear open her comically small dress
>ywn become instantly hard at the sight of her massive tits, naked swollen belly, popped navel, and gnarly muff, unshaved for nine whole months
>Anne will never push you down before you have a chance to unbutton your jacket, saying she wants to fuck you with it on
>Anne will never mount you like a pony
>ywn fuck like crazy for what seems hours
>ywn feel the exhiliation of popping your load inside Anne's tight pussy
>Anne will never squeal with joy as you fill her with your hot goo
>Anne will never get get off you, only to climb her way up to your mouth and proceed to face fuck you and until you suck her dry
>ywn get driplets of cum and breastmilk all over your Columbus Depot jacket

>> No.14208657

What the fuck are you guys talking about did I miss out on this meme

>> No.14208672

Reading in down syndrome in the sound and the fury

>> No.14208859

honestly got more pissed off at the small town faggots thinking he was abducting the italian girl, and then obligatory hatred towards the thot daughter being a roastie

part 1: the tardening was just sloggy

>> No.14208961

what do i read to stop holding this viewpoint without going overboard and becoming one of those people in that weird right-wing twitter social circle

>> No.14208976

I got most pissed when I read from other sources that the retard has psychic abilities because at no point during reading was that ever apparent to me

>> No.14209020

>retard has psychic abilities
bruh wut? Like is that official or just phd bait from mfa trannies

first I'm hearing about this but I'm a pretty ardent autodidact so I do get surprised by random shit from stuff I've read in the past and never picked up on

>> No.14209040

the fucking disobedient nigger maid will always be my most hated character across all of known literature, fuck that thot-enabling cunt and everything she represents

>> No.14209144

Yes he immediately knows that Caddy got benis'd and also knows the moment Quentin killed himself (Quentin was in Massachusetts so hundreds of miles away). The problem is that neither of these scenes are actually depicted in the book, they're just talked about. And it's muddled because I think the niggers are the ones who talk about it, and they are also extremely superstitious, but it seems the scholarly consensus is that Benjy has a sort of prescience re. the compsons. Like he can sense bad things when they happen. I think he stops saying 'Caddy smells like trees' after her cherry gets popped, but I don't remember all of it now.

>> No.14209205

Spend some time in /his/.

Pregnant Anne Frank rescued by Confederates is one of the tools they use to drive off most of the /pol/sters.

>> No.14209218

You. I like you.

War, and sex.

>> No.14209226

>You. I like you.
get the FUCK back to redit

>> No.14209235

You. I don't like you.

>> No.14209236

woah, never would've expected faulkner to have put ESP or nigger voodoo in any of his books, but that actually does check out now that I've looked into it more.


>> No.14209260


>> No.14209274

I don't post or lurk there at all and I don't plan on doing so in the future

>> No.14209404

You'd think it wouldn't happen in this age of egalitarianism and total cultural relativism, but it do.

>> No.14209632

Why did you "feign" outrage. You make it sound like you thought you had to act like it wasn't the lowest even though you have no real opinion.

>> No.14209640

Reading Ken Follet's 'Pillars of the Earth' made me fucking angry, disgusted at the writer and myself for finishing it. A terrible, terrible book. A complete waste of time. Badly written, badly plotted, badly everything. My fucking God, does it suck. It completely sucks. I read it because I had loved 'The Name of the Rose' and wanted more monastery-tier literature, but by God! What a terrible mistake.

>> No.14209924

I support you anon.

>> No.14210081

Who the fuck told you that’s what art’s goal is. Who told you that there was one specific goal when creating art?

>> No.14210170

Why is it so bad to write without reading?

>> No.14210193
File: 24 KB, 385x450, Ranma Disguise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got a 2.6 or 2.7, so you did better than me. However, I usually skipped class and didn't study in order to read and work on my writing, so at least I did something. It's not like I was partying constantly lol.

Holy fucking based. I did something similar but got a 3.0 while majoring in polysci

Spent all my time in college in the coffee shop just writing like a fag. Skipped class to write and napped during the day. Don't know if I leveraged my best years or made the most of them.

>> No.14210228

>Then he snuck into the psychiatrist's office and read every patient's file going back years, with absolutely no hesitation or remorse. Twice.

Panoptican, baby!

>> No.14210257

The end result is a poor book. Reading expands your knowledge about various subjects you either knew already or not.
The wisdom one receives from reading is beneficial, for one has more tools (ideas) to work with.

>> No.14210354

I suppose my only real beef with the sentiment that one needs to read to write is the implied view of all writing as a mere derivative of that which was ingested. And just as people get offended when someone brags about NOT reading, it grinds my gear to see someone brag about how many books per year they read, as if the whole affair is simply a matter of parsing as many sixty to one hundred thousand word chunks as frequently as one is able.

>> No.14210408

you fucked up big time

>> No.14210578

So you're a spergie like that faggot in silver lining fagbook?

>> No.14210930
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, 0f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art's goal
I want off this ride.

>> No.14211062

>>No interesting theme
Decline of civilizations, diaspora of people, tower of Babel divergence in language, corruption (Saruman, Frodo, Bilbo), control and freedom, memory and history.

>> No.14211101

>I recently suggested the gender binary was a social construct
Gender is a social construct, sure. Sex binary isn't. You can post here because, at some point in the past, two people quite unfortunately had unprotected sex. One was male, and the other was female.

>> No.14211415

Literally retarded

>> No.14211511

The Nazis were 100% right about aesthetics.

>> No.14211519

there was an attempt

>> No.14211521

Do you admit that white supremacists are on the raise and that its a negative thing

>> No.14211538
File: 37 KB, 651x457, 435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14211548

And? Biological truth doesn't have normative implications.

>> No.14211819

Yep, just a book he wrote for his kids that drew on the mythos he'd developed earlier. I think C.S. Lewis was the one who suggested he publish it.

>if you want change, abolish education as a self contained major
I think STEM education majors are fine, since there are objective criteria for success. A good math teacher is a valuable educator.

>Biological truth doesn't have normative implications.
It most certainly does, which is why women and men compete separately in sports. What we don't have in the west anymore are normative prescriptions outside of physical competition and public restrooms. You can be a shaven-headed bull dyke or wear a skirt and heals as an obvious male (as Eddie Izzard often did) all you want. There are, however, biological consequences to a sexual reproducing species, such as the plumbing. This idiotic notion that there aren't is why trannies with penises are demanding access to women's rooms where there are no urinals. The ideology of "gender is a social construct" only serves to poison the minds of idiots who confuse cultural norms with biological fact. Instead of this morass of postmodern narcissism, the only stance you need to take to live your life the way you want is this: if you don't like a cultural sex norm, don't abide by it. No one is forcing you to.

>> No.14212695

Well it's shitty now because I finish this semester and have to get a job. My parents want me to live at home and re-do my bachelors to get a good GPA, but fuck that.

>> No.14213042

Came here to say this. It’s almost like some profound metaphysical ironical farce being written by a tragicomic genius, the fact that modern socially conditioned emotional sensitivity to and condemnation of “wrongthink” leads them to repudiate one of the most significant philosophers of the West at the same time that this philosopher preemptively dismisses them as being incapable of serious inquiry due to their letting Das Man think for them.

>> No.14213084

Have you even read As I Lay Dying? Darl’s clairvoyance is a big part of the book. It’s pretty in your face.

I think there’s even an instance of Quentin displaying some type of ESP knowledge near the end of his monologue which in some super interesting interview I once read online but can’t find now Faulkner said was him piercing the veil since he was close to death.

>> No.14213107
