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File: 124 KB, 525x690, thinking-fast-and-slow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14190154 No.14190154 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't read fiction in a while. Finish informative non-fiction books feels much more satisfying and feels like I've spent my time fruitfully. I usually feel guilty about wasting time on fiction no matter how good they're . Are there any modern books like pic related that gives you a better understanding of individuals, geopolitics, economics, etc.. that is also accessible to the layman?
I am reading Lant Pritchett's The Rebirth of Education right now.(and several other books on my country's history).

>> No.14190157
File: 720 KB, 2439x1084, fiction virgin chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiction is for children and women

>> No.14190247
File: 670 KB, 720x2277, Learning To Learn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14190282

What's your opinion on Barbara oakley's learning how to learn and the related coursera course?

>> No.14190293
File: 277 KB, 1650x2534, 81hOJPopfXL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my unqualified amateur opinion tells me that this book is kinda similar to Thinking Fast and Slow
but i dont read, so what would i know

>> No.14190302

Never heard of them. Sorry anon, I just had a chart handy and I thought OP would appreciate me posting it.

>> No.14190306

I have pic related. Is it worth reading?

>> No.14190314

As with every how to guide, I always find out that there's a better alternative than the ones given in them.

So what are the better alternatives for
>Creative and critical thinkng- Edgar Moore
>A primer in positive psychology
>Pre-calculus-Stitz and Zeager

Epictetus is already on my to read list and I plan on reading it after Meditations. Reading thinking fast and slow right now.

>> No.14190321

Nobody genuinely believes this right?

>> No.14190324

That's okay anon. I appreciate the chart myself.

>> No.14190329
File: 37 KB, 523x523, 2016-04-25-1461600743-7301466-AlgorithmstoLiveByCover-thumb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i enjoyed it and came away with a good impression of it. but if you asked me more details about it, i could only reply: "honestly, i forget"

i would also recommend pic-related for another book with a similar "feel" to Thinking Fast and Slow

>> No.14190335
File: 30 KB, 800x419, l_fld59_book-review-picture-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit slaps

>> No.14190360

What's it about?

>> No.14190381

the importance of sleep
not sleeping for eight hours every night fucks up your body and mind severely, basically.

>> No.14190390

Oh shit. I am basically ruined. Is it too late to change at the age of 28?

>> No.14190392

missed sleep can never be recovered, but you can still fix your shit and stop further degradation i guess

>> No.14190395

I was partially joking but does it say there are long term effects of improper sleeping for years?

>> No.14190416

yes, he goes through a lot of stuff and it's kinda scary to be honest. Alzheimer's, depression, weaker immune system, worse problem solving skills, these are just off the top of my head, there's so much more.
just finished it and i'm trying to fix my sleep myself, but it's hard

>> No.14190417

Autodidactism is a massive cope for having never achieved anything of note in life
>b-but at least I learn

>> No.14190448

same school of thought (behavioral economics, think psychology attacking neoclassical economics' weak points), but nudge is a worse book because thaler is a shit writer
80% of thinking fast and slow is fluff, personal anecdotes, all the pertinent stuff is in the actual articles at the very end of the book that you can find online, however, nudge is 100% fluff

>> No.14190692

I will read it, but I'm dying to find out right now - is it ok if I go to sleep very late and irregularly, but still get a daily dose of 8 uninterrupted hours?

>> No.14190773

i think so
t. expert after reading one book

>> No.14190790

Based and Dunning-Krugerpilled

>> No.14190830

I sleep more than 8 hours but I am under constant stress for the past three years with depression and anxiety at a high. My sleep is poor sleep and I wake up feeling groggy and eyes hurting.

I can see the physical effects already. Bloated face, hairfall, sweating a lot more. Will try to fix it but my life is hell. A decent job would go a long way for me.

>> No.14190872


Regularity is independently associated with health irrespective of hours. E.g. getting 7 hours of regular sleep is better or equal to 8 hours of irregular sleep.

You MUST get regular sleep.

>> No.14190880

Just so we're clear - 'irregular' would be falling asleep at, say, 4 AM when your 'normal' schedule is about 11 PM, right?

>> No.14191005

Can anyone redpill me the trivium books. I've seen a lot of conspiracy fags refer to it.

There seems to be a newer one by wooden books. Is it better?

>> No.14191034

How do you achieve anything if you aren’t constantly learning retard?

>> No.14191068

By being born into money or privilege, by being lucky, through genetic disposition and hard work, usually

Learning new skills is not necessary in order to achieve.

>> No.14191081

Precalculus can be replaced with Axler's book of the same name. Don't know about the others.

>> No.14191116

>Learning new skills is not necessary in order to achieve.
Doesn't mean they aren't an option retard.

>> No.14191151

It makes no difference to me. I enjoy reading non-fiction, but it is no more useful than fiction.

Reading anything is just a way to pass the time. Learning is fun, but not very useful.

>> No.14191176

What is your hard work put to use for if not acquiring skills? Whether it be socially in making connections or literally learning a new programming language - stupid NEET

>> No.14191214

Thinking, Fast and Slow is an alright book, but I can't stand Kahneman since I learned that in one of the chapters he wrote:
>When I describe priming studies to audiences, the reaction is often disbelief . . . The idea you should focus on, however, is that disbelief is not an option. The results are not made up, nor are they statistical flukes. You have no choice but to accept that the major conclusions of these studies are true.
And then it turned out that almost all of the findings this chapter was based on were actually false (i.e. repeatedly failed to get replicated) and the people who reacted to them in disbelief were in fact justified.
I would recommend you to read Gerd Gigerenzer instead (Gut Feelings is a good start) whose work isn't just listing supposed biases and fallacies but instead explaining why most of the heuristics humans rely on are in fact useful and often even superior to careful analysis, and why this is so. It might serve as an incentive to some people on here that he's approved by Taleb, who prominently hates most psychologists.

>> No.14191218

>all the pertinent stuff is in the actual articles at the very end of the book
Thanks for that. I got through 75% of Thinking Fast and Slow and felt like it was a total waste.

>> No.14191273

Is there a site which has these articles in one place?

>> No.14191294

>Learning is fun, but not very useful.
Nah. Non-fiction can be very useful. There lots of non-fiction books that teach you valuable skills. History, math, etc..Can change how you run your life.

>> No.14191303

Meant for this>>14191151

>> No.14191351

scroll down to the appendix

>> No.14191394

You don't apply even 20% of what you read in non-fiction books. It being more useful and fruitful than fiction is merely an illusion, an idea that makes sense in theory but is far from truth in reality.

>> No.14191434


>> No.14191672


I am fucked. All throughout highschool I had 4 hours of sleep on average because I was suicidal and depressed. I did not want the next day to start.

>> No.14191766

I know the feeling. Iam going through it right now at my late twenties.

>> No.14192045

Felt the same way, book turns into a real horror when he starts telling you how sleep deprivation fucks you up.

>> No.14192090

The hard subjects are definitely learnt through the non-fiction.
It is sad that it has become somewhat of a fashion to think that you can learn soft subjects (psychology, human behaviour, sociology etc.) only from non-fiction. This creates a false idea that you're actually learning while you could get the same (or arguably more) insight from reading fiction since it contains stories that feature the 'soft' part that you're looking to learn. It take a horrid kind of idiocy to think that you need books like 'How to Win Friends' to actually learn about human interaction. If you haven't learnt that from stories you read when you were young or from other fiction, then you've got different kind of problems on your hands.

>> No.14192120

Anything in there about blue light and screens interrupting/disrupting sleep? I ask because my roommate has such a hard time falling asleep, and the only way he can is if he has Netflix constantly playing

>> No.14192155

>This creates a false idea that you're actually learning while you could get the same (or arguably more) insight from reading fiction
Or from going outside

>> No.14192169

Eh, only if you know the right people. We're talking lawyer, doctor, banker tier here.

>> No.14192174

yes, blue light from screens/devices messes with melatonin, which is a sleep hormone that makes you tired. having stuff like f.lux can help a bit, but the best thing is to not use phones or computers at all a couple of hours before bed, and having the bedroom completely dark

he was a guest on rogan for anyone interested

>> No.14192187

>Part of the book has been swept up in the replication crisis facing psychology and the social sciences. An analysis[41] of the studies cited in chapter 4, "The Associative Machine", found that their R-Index[42] is 14, indicating essentially no reliability. Kahneman himself responded to the study in blog comments and acknowledged the chapter's shortcomings: "I placed too much faith in underpowered studies."[43] Others have noted the irony in the fact that Kahneman made a mistake in judgment similar to the ones he studied.[44]
Gonna be a yikes from mw

>> No.14192211

Dumb cunts do

>> No.14192229

Recommend some. Or some valuable skills I should acquire.

I’m bored and depressed with no direction, and books have been no help.

>> No.14192232
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How do you even get into nonfiction? I like fiction books because I like to get into the stories and characters, and the only nonfiction I like are memoirs because they're like fiction books. Everything else I get bored with. Even if it's something I'm interesting in learning at the beginning I just get bored part way in and stop reading. I thought I was into philosophy so I started reading Plato and Aristotle, but they both bore me. I thought I wanted to learn history, so I try to read World War 2 history books, but then I get bored and stop reading them and watch youtube videos instead.

>> No.14192271

That's beside the point. It's about getting insight into human behavior and psychology. Why should you get this only from conversing with lawyers etc?

>> No.14192278

Because there's too many opportunities to waste time.
I wasted time with people who weren't worth it and I'm not doing it again.

>> No.14192646

I prefer fiction but I have a much harder time getting into novels than into non-fiction

>> No.14193177

It was when I was an 18yo stemlord retard.

>> No.14193192

>Learning new skills is not necessary in order to achieve.
only on 4chan

>> No.14193202

imagine that the author is talking to you when reading nonfiction

>> No.14193299

for non-fiction fren a great author really helps, Michael Lewis can make Wall Street financial bullshit feel like a thrill rollercoaster.

>> No.14193309

Danny Kahneman is great, you want to know why you make decisions the way you do, read this bro.

>> No.14193340

Poisonous viper get out of my head.