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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 236 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 18-11-2019 at 01.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14187949 No.14187949 [Reply] [Original]

(on the rosin! I'm really cool and edgy. I'm so troubled lol!!!1 tragic hero)
Currently reading Atonement and Aristophanes' the Clouds
then I'm going to read Hunger, and R'D Laing's the divided self
isn rd Laing the name of some lesbian singer songwriter. in know someone like that has a similar name. anyway I'm not reading her
or I'm not going to read her; I'm reading neither currently

>> No.14187967

I don't know, but based af if real.

>> No.14187969

I'll make a yt page and post me smoking
if you want
I'll do a shelf video as well I'll combine them into one

>> No.14187975

yeah, why the fuck not.

>> No.14188016
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aye it's a bit of craic sure (hahahahaha do you get it)
I've just made a youtube and signed away my private life

if was serious about recs btw anons
there must be something and not some afro American singers memoir or something

>> No.14188047
File: 79 KB, 306x475, 898377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Chopper

>> No.14188085

I have a vague recollection of that til, I like Eric bana
are the books good though? I love depictions of lower class Aussies, but books written by actual criminal tend to be poor. was it dictated?
ALSO the best depiction of Aussie bleakness I know is
not into wordy music usually but this album is good

any would I be better off just watching the film because I can't handle some illiterate hardman telling me how hard he he is. read enough RA men memoirs for that . though Ronan Bennet's book set in the Congo and Derry is worth a read

>> No.14188107

The first 1-2 volumes were pretty good, after that it gets kinda old.

>> No.14188126

heyyyyyy guise just a quick blog update:

the c___k is quite alright, doesn't so nice as it usually does, but at least it's not like the last time where it was coated ammonia and felt like smoking bleach
disappointingly easy to score tonight. being (obviously) a sheltered and middle class wee faggot that thankfully can come across outwardly as mildly intimidating enough not to get mugged, I usually have to get homeless fellas to get me sorted. I do like this though, I meet a lot of really rough characters. The time I had to suck off a 50 year old crack head with irrectile disfunction, because there were two sleeping Nigerian (or whatever) drug dealers in the room was a rush, even if it was so horrifyingly disgusting that I managed to forget about it for several months after it went down.

and I should just say to the mods that while this here is not relevant, I could've just as easily wrote "bump" as I do want recs really nd truly and honestly

>> No.14188134

how much of his life does the first volume cover? THere's a fucking dozen of them but I hope at least up until adulthood

>> No.14188135
File: 1.54 MB, 1700x1136, alf-revista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14188141

yeah, the most relevant shenanigans are covered. the other books are just a money grab lmao.

>> No.14188159

apparently this guys nephew owed these guys £100 so they were camping out at his house until his dole came in
I stopped going there after I told him not to smoke a fag butt from the gutter that had dogs hit on it, to which he replied "I've been treated like shit all my life mate" and started acting scarily and we eventually got booted out of Morrisons

>> No.14188167

I can imagine aye
well ill check it out at some point
I want to read more things set in Australia anyway, and South Africa too

>> No.14188346
File: 205 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 18-11-2019 at 02.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoking the other big nasty now
bad idea to mix them but I'm not shooting up so it seems fine

>> No.14188371

queer - burroughs
great shark hunt - hst

>> No.14188372

Are you an undergrad? I hope a wandering mod deletes this thread

>> No.14188400

prudes are almost worse than degenerates

>> No.14188404

You seem like a cool guy, I hope the crack isn't a problem for you

>> No.14188435
File: 20 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 18-11-2019 at 03.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's late and I'm not spamming so hopefully not. and I did actually want a rec
>Are you an undergrad?
yes. I'm pulling a Will Self and becoming an addict because I'm desperate for attention and resent my stable, middle class upbringing so I want to have a troubled youth that I can maybe write about in an overwriting, grating memoir than will be forgotten within a year of release. I want to write a column in the Observer

>> No.14188485

This is probably the most based man on the board right now

>> No.14188560

fuck it, the art of war?
Start playing tribal drum music and freak out

>> No.14188571

I've run out now

thank you for the encouragement. I think I've decided I'll get a tripcode and start posting in every thread making sure whatever I say is just barely tangentially related, but is really just all about my and my interesting life
thanks anon

>> No.14189094

i have an undergrad friend who also smokes crack and loves to read

what a coincidence

>> No.14189170

oh cool
Am I him?

>> No.14189192

I... uh... does that work?

>> No.14189199

It worked for Self, he has a healthy career as a talking head. His books are always published even if I don't know anyone who would ever read them

>> No.14189617

Fuckin based

>> No.14190371


>> No.14190398

have sex

>> No.14190421
File: 121 KB, 893x1360, 61TrtN+tHmL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some flash fiction ought to do the trick

>> No.14190424

I'd rather go without than plumb those depths.

>> No.14190427

I hope you get raped by a crackhead too anon

>> No.14190435

OP is a degenerate who will never be part of any solution and should exit this life asap.