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14185889 No.14185889 [Reply] [Original]

Just marathoned 'Decline of the West', what did I think of it?

>> No.14185896
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>dude the west is gonna end soon
>why? because if we let gays marry SOCIETY WILL COLLAPSE

>> No.14185902

You didn’t think anything of if. You realize books are worthless and will do your best to forget this tome.

>> No.14185932

Never post here again

>> No.14185962

What did you think of it?
I’ve only read Form and Actuality.

>> No.14185990
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>sex gifs

>> No.14186820

Im not sure if this is ironic because ive met people who seriously thought that this is what Spengler was about. I asked them if they read Decline and they said they didn't read works by fascists on principle.
This was also someone who read Heidegger during her undergrad, btw

>> No.14187061

Brainlet baitposter

>> No.14187078

That it put into words what youd intuited since birth. A profound work

>> No.14187128

>dude, let's just trash our human manufacturing institution with divorce legislation and commercialization
>dude, just open new marital markets for the gays - it's not like marriage serves anybody other than lawyers and cake firms
>what do you mean we can't outsource childbirth to third world countries? that's racist
The absolute state

>> No.14187136

Did Spengler advocate prohibition on divorce or is that just your christcuck injection?

>> No.14187149

The fact that some idiots even consider "gay marriage" anything other than an oxymoron is the death of the civilization.
Marriage is the formation of the societal unit and the replication function of not only society, but its culture and people. People born out of marriage fall off society rapidly, especially men. Any alteration to the institution has to be well researched and founded, but no - it became a trinket for women to buy, and a divorce farm through legislation.
Shortsighted people have long undermined this core institution, and are kvetching about Hungary reversing the course.

>> No.14187167

Would you have a problem with legal divorce if there was nothing to "win" for women during the process? It would discourage gold diggers from entering marriage under false pretenses to begin with. Why force dysfunctional couples to stay together?

>> No.14187183

>Would you have a problem with
It doesn't matter what I have a problem with. Society should see its problems if it seeks to sustain itself. However, ruling classes would rather legalize baby torture to get the jiddish money than be moral agents.
> legal divorce if there was nothing to "win" for women during the process?
Women and their high standards and quality selection should result in successful marriages, no?

>> No.14187209
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>we can't outsource childbirth to third world countries
That's what we're doing, though.

>> No.14187231

No, these guys are being brought here for their qualifications and diplomas.

>> No.14187237

That's the attempt, but it's not happening. Once population changes, society changes. Organic third world bricks, such as niggers, are just pieces of favelas and ghettoes, not civilizations or even cultures.

>> No.14187293

...and that remains the case until they start forming families and stable marriages.