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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 131 KB, 1024x1001, Honorarfrei-NUR-fuer-WamS-Vorabdruck-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14184471 No.14184471[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Or is it just a way for nations to get rid of incels by using them as cannon fodder?

>> No.14184564

In the US I think the nature of an all volunteer Army that exclusively fights on foreign land precludes a lot of traditional honorable notions. There's still love for ones comrades and heroic sacrifice, but the context is compromised. Maybe that's why no good literature has come out of American war in the last 30+ years

>> No.14184631

Did you even read the Illiad? There's no glory or honor for dead or mutiliated people.

>> No.14184642
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>Did you even read the Illiad? There's no glory or honor for dead or mutiliated people.

>> No.14184652

ok boomer

>> No.14184656
File: 63 KB, 630x630, 2524948_0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically a suitable image response for this post
>"There's no glory or honor for dead or mutilated people."
>doesnt mention the glory and honor for those that arent dead or mutilated. doesnt mention the glory and honor of those who fought bravely.

>> No.14184663

Honor at this time and age codified by the geneva convention. Glory became even more a matter of those who spin stories outside of battlefields rather than those who fight.

>> No.14184805

watch some footage of Kurdish and Christian groups fighting in Syria and Iraq and tell me that's not glorious and honorable

>> No.14184810

Even Isis is more honorable than Kurds or christians.

>> No.14184821

No, not at all. War hasn't been honourable since the Napoleonic wars.

>> No.14185071

>Can there be glory and honor in modern warfare?
Yes absolutely.

Bout to crack open Storm of Steel tomorrow. What should I read after?

>> No.14185244
File: 25 KB, 275x183, Unknown-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you are afraid of machine gun fire

>> No.14185279

>murdering strangers because da big man wit da shiny stars on his collar said so
burn in hell retard

>> No.14185352

Honor... Glory...

Are there moments of overcoming ones own weaknesses and fears? Moments of Männerbund and comradery? Moments of archaic, titan-like, total war and destruction?
Yes for sure, these opportunities arent as many as they might were before and yes, most militaries tell theyre soldiers they fight for modern, un-glorious even pacifistic reasons (liberty,constitution,economy etc.)
But if one understands the nature of conflict, the eternal soul that lies within every War; then I am convinced one can achieve Glory.
Not glory that gets celebrated on the streets, or superficial Medals and Ribbons given for service time or laughable achievements, but internal Glory that surpasses the material eyes of others.
After all the highest reason for fighting is so one can fight. The *Because* doesnt always matter so much.

>> No.14185681

>Or is it just a way for nations to get rid of incels by using them as cannon fodder?
Christ I wish. What I wouldn't give for a pointless war I could die in. At least it would save me the humiliation of living in a society that does not want me and has no use for me.

>> No.14185690

>attaches an image of Junger
He literally explains this in the Glass Bees

>> No.14185740

There was no glory or honor in old warfare. For fuck's sake.

You're on a literature board. Read All's Quiet on the Western Front or Dulce et Decorum Est or whatever. All the bullshit about glory and honor and patriotism is just a way to trick people into dying for the interests of the rich and powerful.

>> No.14186081

So what's the solution?

>> No.14186391


>> No.14186414

This. War is cringe and incel larpers need to get laid.

>> No.14186559

It's both. If some loser incel gets blown up, he gets more respect than he would from dying of prostate cancer at 60. If he lives, he gets status from being a combat veteran.

>Mr. Merchant Man has been saying that war is pointless and inglorious since Napoleon

fun fact casualty rates weren't really any worse for WWI battles and campaigns than for Napoleonic battles and campaigns.

Glass Bees is incredibly based.

>Read All's Quiet on the Western Front or Dulce et Decorum Est or whatever.
I too base my view of complex socio-historical phenomena on the memoirs of butthurt conscripts.

Will being a combat veteran make a "cringe and incel larper" more or less likely to get laid?

>> No.14186575

>implying incels are cannon fodder and not chad testosterone who got shystered into wanting to be a hero

>> No.14186606

The bugman struggles to grasp the brilliance of the Illiad

>> No.14186629

>Will being a combat veteran make a "cringe and incel larper" more or less likely to get laid?

less. now on top of being an awkward incel, you're also mentally ill, traumatized, and impulsively violent

>> No.14186640

This is the WORST take I've ever seen.

>> No.14186661

question for americans:
how often do you hear people say "thank you for your service"? i thought it was a rare phenomenon, until i was watching a youtube video and a guy was about to beat the shit out of another guy when he finds out that guy's a veteran, so the first guy begrudgingly says "thank you for your service" and walks off

>> No.14186680

i think even people in the military think it's a pretty lame thing to say, but there is still some common military worship that goes on.

>> No.14186781


But there was glory an honor in old warfare, they were lauded as heroes, there's a reason why so many great generals also became leaders of the state, superseding the previous government in favor of a 1 man rule.

Once upon a time war was seen as inevitable and fighting for a young man was also inevitable. There were many periods in history where unless you weer nobility and bought your way out you were very well expected to fight.

>> No.14186788
File: 55 KB, 600x525, mPp7YgPTDPKlIKzHOnlcAyTdfkGjJif4wHNE86lS_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stunning and brave

>> No.14186795


>> No.14186798


All hero myths are just means to get the common man more willing to die for someone else.

>> No.14186814

What about a defensive war, you fucking pussy?Have you even thought that the roman legionary, crusader or jaguar warrior was fighting for his own interest and not just his nation's?

>> No.14187032
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, 1553546077149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time someone sees me in my old fleece at least one person recognizes it and brings it up, and I get thanked. Even when I explain I spent my term freezing in Alaska getting drunk to kill time and boredom.

It always feels awkward, but whatever.

>> No.14187096

i just say why don't you service my cock you fucking boomer lmao

>> No.14187107

thanks for discrediting yourself

>> No.14187119


>> No.14187131

>Can there be glory and honor in modern warfare
I've heard that most combat veterans will say that they miss being deployed/seeing combat, even if they have PTSD or are otherwise fucked up. This is because the sense of brotherhood in the life of a soldier is unparalleled in our soft civilian lives. You may enlist in the military for idealistic reasons, but when the dust kicks up you fight for the guys next to you. That seems to be a universal truth. So maybe it's not honor in the jingoistic sense, and perhaps it never was, but fighting a war might become honorable for you as a man in the thick of it with the other men who all find themselves in the same situation

>> No.14187151

It is easy to be a virtuous man in good times. It is easy to be judged a success when luck runs with the fortunate son. But when adversity strikes, the true measure of a man percolates to the surface. That is why combat became the great sifter - it tested our mettle. Not once but again and again until those who could not hack it were simply written out of the script.
Combat deployments make men incredibly vulnerable. Back in the States, it is all too easy to hide behind facades and defenses, pretensions and rank. But on the field of battle, the threat of death boils all of those things away. What remains is the true measure of a man's character. Some conduct themselves with honor. Some do not. But everyone who serves knows who is who, and that establishes dividing lines that lifetimes of effort can never bridge.

>> No.14187155

>even if they have PTSD or are otherwise fucked up.

PTSD is probably real, but most veterans with "PTSD" are suffering from physiological problems (brain trauma caused by high explosives), or simply had experiences alien to civil society, like discovering that you can make other people do things by killing them if they refuse or that all those PoCs are inbred fellaheen.

>> No.14187212

The meme that combat veterans are generally "mentally ill, traumatized, and impulsively violent" is a propaganda narrative intended to lower their status and discredit the causes they fought for.

>> No.14187218

they are boomers which makes them inherently worthless

>> No.14187226

>glory in fighting for Israel / natural resource extraction corporations / arms manufacturers

lol. Good little slave. Make sure my stock prices go up! I'll give you a nice little college education. What do you mean if the money that was spent on imperialist wars went to education, post-secondary education could be fully paid for? What do you mean if I actually paid my taxes we could afford to pay for universal healthcare? Too many questions! Enlist! Oh sorry you got your leg blown off in an IED attack, and can't work. I guess you'll be homeless now.

>> No.14187259

The left can't meme

>> No.14187261

Literally the opposite. One part of the Indoeuropean soul is largely based in attaining eternal fame/reputation afterall. Also, what was originally meant by the word honour. And the dead always have glory through dying in battle. That's like the highest way to achieve it. Outcome isn't even important to these qualities.

>> No.14187264

So many have come to censure the life of the soldier, as if there were no agency in their actions and no real purpose to their being. I would like to inquire into the pedestrian lives of the everyday citizen: is there any glory in mowing lawns? Is there any glory in coffee shops, parties, desk jobs, restaurants, or binge-watching netflix? The soldier is unique in that they are exposed reality, to sleeping out in the cold, to marching in the heat, and if they are lucky, acquainting themselves with death. Assuming that they are not the masters of themselves but pawns to a game they don't understand is folly from the bohemian mind. What's the purpose of waiting tables or being average when you could for a short time be a part of history. A soldier that fights in Iraq has a more /lit/ perspective on life and death, is more qualified to speak on such matters than some wimpy fuck that wastes away indulging in ephemeral delights.

>> No.14187296

>oy vey all that money going to defense industries and army payrolls, it could be going to college administrators instead, it's an absolute shonda!

>muh healthcare
Military already get "universal healthcare". Sounds like someone hasn't heard of citizenship+.

Good post.

>> No.14187781

Do it. Enlist then. Come on bro! Go fight in utterly pointless forever wars whose only objective is to milk the taxpayer. Go watch your buddy get his head blown off and then when youre discharged don't forget to keep paying those taxes!

>> No.14187800

i'm enlisting next year. hopefully when I come out I can provide some Junger-tier /lit/ for you guys

>> No.14187807

Good literature has come out about American wars, just not written by Americans

>> No.14187820

Yeah I'm a Christian Arab and have had family members fight in wars it's not fucking glorious or honorable to anybody who isn't just watching videos on the internet. It's a necessary sacrifice you take I literally nobody would do it for the "glory". You fell for some of the oldest memes in Civilization

>> No.14187825

Disgusting kike puppet. Writing anything but your condemnation of your inner spirit would be terrible and dishonest.

>> No.14187863

Already did. Worked out great.

>muh pointless wars milking the taxpayer
If only I'd had the privilege of marketing apps to milk wine-tipsy women instead. That would have been a much better use of my time. Perhaps I could have avoided experiencing physical discomfort AND received more money, confirming the superiority of such an existence.

Keep your expectations low.

>It's a necessary sacrifice you take I literally nobody would do it for the "glory".
First of all it's just factually incorrect that "literally nobody" fights wars for glory. As far as your "family members", they could have easily run off to America or converted to Islam or whatever but didn't. Why? Because it's better to fight.

>> No.14187870

Please God tell me this is bait. You literally listed three historical warriors who are notorious for needless conquest and carnage to further self-interest and being an extremely vague definition consisting of a vast majority of people with different intentions, ethnicities and cultures. I refuse to believe anybody can be this retarded, you have to be baiting. And subscribing the idea of "nation" to ancient and medieval soldiers? Please God kill yourself or read a fucking book

>> No.14187874

>wahhhhhh militarism is badddd wahhhhhhhh cowardly pleb

>> No.14187882

>Keep your expectations low.
hoping to go 18D so there will be some form of direct action (hopefully)

>> No.14187889

This dude thinks people who condemn the military for "milking the taxpayer" believes the low IQ dumb fuck, poor soldiers are getting their money. No idiot we all know you couldn't get into college, nobody thanks you are getting paid anymore than an entry-level accountant working in the small business in rural Ohio. Everybody laugh at this guy

>> No.14187895

You are so low IQ I kind of feel pity until I remember you're in the American military. Just kill yourself bud

>> No.14187899
File: 28 KB, 600x400, merlin_163346592_153467c1-5a59-4274-9418-d7f0b90c2b82-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what war is to you? A little escape and adventure from mundanity for a year or two? An ascetic vacation where you become poetic, deep, and "/lit/" by inflicting pain on yourself? You are a LARPer. You are a pretender. There is no god you are fighting for, no great leader, no spoils of war, no beautiful culture to spread, no invasive force you are bravely defending your women and children from.

What history are you going to be a part of? Who is going to read about the 2003 Iraq war, or the 2001 Afghanistan, and see anything but an idiotic blunder? All you will receive from future historians is pity, or, disdain. "Oh the poor baby, he couldn't afford to go to school so he enlisted :(" or "What an idiot, he signed up to fight in a pointless war that accomplished nothing."

What are you fighting for? You are a human sacrifice, so that the military-industrial complex's life is renewed. Every year the US federal budget is reviewed, and every year the pentagon receives an immense sum. Why? Because there is a war going on. There is always a war. Without constant war, they would not be able to justify this. For there to be war, there must be soldiers fighting. You are a blood sacrifice so that stockholders may profit off of the american taxpayer.

There is nothing beautiful, heroic, proud, or poetic about fighting a meaningless war. I know you kids feel emasculated by this idiotic world. I know you think that life is meaningless, and you escape to your history books to get by. I know you've all read about Martel, Nobunaga, Guan Yu, Alexander, and countless other heroes and wish so deeply to be like them. I know you've read the war diaries of Junger, or read the medal citations of Murphy and Basilone. I know you're envious of how profound and meaningful their lives are compared to yours.

But you will not find these feelings as some green beret in Syria. You will realize that you are nothing but a thug, working for a machine that makes money for an elite class, while everyone you care about sees none of it.

>> No.14187913
File: 104 KB, 300x462, thumb_we-know-the-way-we-got-our-knowledge-of-it-57836125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my IQ is 143 you fucking brainlet
where are you from?

>> No.14187921

>don't fight in a pointless war go to pointless college instead


>> No.14187923

>But you will not find these feelings as some green beret in Syria. You will realize that you are nothing but a thug, working for a machine that makes money for an elite class, while everyone you care about sees none of it.
it's a great opportunity for personal development regardless of the larger mission. those who have been baptized by fire come out as superior men

>> No.14187925
File: 38 KB, 425x425, 81Nr32fXQyL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This type of bait doesn't work here, you're going to need some actual meat

>> No.14187926

>where are you from?
are you trying to tempt me? because i come from the land of plenty.

>> No.14187927
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no glory in fighting for a dying, degenerating, avaricious, ugly, cultureless, and self mutilating culture. What is the contemporary US's culture? Marvel movies? Reddit and Instagram? Traffic deadlocks, stagnant real wages, declining life expectancy, rising suicide rates, more and more relying on pharmaceuticals to even have the will to live, tanking fertility levels, the death of art, the death of love. Why would you want to wear an american flag and get shipped off to a desert to be shot at? Are you stupid?

>> No.14187931

but anon you could have been going to college!!!

>> No.14187940

I really appreciate this thread, it's a good inside into the mindset of low IQ middle Americans becoming increasingly more useless every year past their high School graduation. I truly understand now, thank you

>> No.14187943

I already went and it was the biggest waste of time of my life. I deeply regret throwing 5 years of young adulthood into the trash.

>> No.14187954
File: 28 KB, 325x344, 874014218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again, my IQ is 143 so low IQ comments are invalid. the problem is you view the warrior class as beneath you when in fact it is 2-3 castes above you. you are the true low IQ retard

>> No.14187961

You fucking children. You fucking pea brained morons who can't even entertain a difficult thought without making up some pathetic strawman to beat the shit out of. I don't want to you to "go to college." I want you to see the world for the fucking trash heap that it is. I want you to be unsatisfied with how debased, low, and filthy it is. I want you to not fight for its continual existence, pretending that it means anything.

>> No.14187966

and what better thing to do then rid the world of subhuman trash with bullets?

>> No.14187972

IQ, eh? Tell me then, super genius. What is the scientific basis for the validity of IQ? How is it tested to show that it actually is able to detect and test for intelligence. Keep in mind you must define intelligence, and show how it alone is able to measure all ability to process, organize, understand, and use information given to it to solve problems.

Again, since you're so sure that IQ is so important (and yours is so high!), you MUST be able to explain all of these things.

>> No.14187979

Why can't you incels just stay in your containment board

>> No.14187982

Yes. People with "low IQ" should simply kill themselves after graduating High School. What's the point of continuing to exist if you can't continue to complete assignments for grades?

>> No.14187983

this is a /war/ thread. if you can't handle it then get out coward

>> No.14187987

Redeployment is pretty good. Would recommend

>> No.14187990

Good! Now who is the subhuman? Who is the one responsible for making this world such a filthy pile of shit? Let's use our brains, anon.

If you wish to accomplish anything, you need power. So, who is more likely to be responsible for having made the world a trash heap? The powerful ones, or the poor little dirt farmers who have never gone 20 miles outside their village in their whole lives? Tell me?

>> No.14187994

I was the one who was called low IQ and responded by saying "actually no, it's quite high, and likely higher than yours". couldn't care less about IQ desu

>> No.14187995
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 2f7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop doing things besides sitting in your efficiency apartment posting about ClownTrashWorld

>> No.14188014

The only non virgins on pol are the boomers who migrated there from reddit
Every post you make is just displaying more and more about how much of a retard you are holy shit lol, I cannot imagine viewing the world with such little nuance. No the only low iq people that should kill themselves are the ones unable to find a purpose outside of becoming a soldier and pointlessly invading a country and killing it's people on the other side of the world(you)

>> No.14188015

it seems like you're the one with the answers, why don't you tell me?

>> No.14188018
File: 9 KB, 233x217, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n-no!! I read Storm of Steel! War is poetic no matter what! I'm just going to fucking believe in a cause no matter how stupid and low it is because I am a fucking idiot who does not have his own values!

Do you really believe this world is actually worthy? Or are you just telling yourself it is because it's much easier that way? I will tell you what the only escape from this fucking idiot world is. It is not to believe in anything. It is not to say yes, for yes's sake. It is to say NO. The ass says yes to any burden or task, no matter how stupid. You are an ass.

>> No.14188026
File: 51 KB, 968x681, rambo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were you bullied as a child for being a nerd or something? jesus christ, cope harder. those who cry about militarism are the biggest wimps on earth.

>> No.14188031

I can't wait for the losers in this thread to be slaughtered in the valleys of Iran for the interests of Jews and Saudis. Now that will be glorious

>> No.14188064
File: 11 KB, 224x286, friedrich_nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want you all you to have your own values, and not just say yes, because it is easier. I want to you all to realize that "war is glorious" is a CONSEQUENCE of higher ideals, and not a truth in itself. Why was Alexander so great? Because he had a beautiful culture that he spread throughout the world, because he conquered unknown lands and brought back so many riches to his people. He was not great simply because he fought, it was because the purpose and efficacy of his warfare was meaningful. Do you understand?

I want you all to realize that this world's meaninglessness is a specific age in human history. We exist in a nihilistic era, and should do nothing but will its final downfall, while trying to survive in the mean time.

>> No.14188070
File: 61 KB, 800x420, friedrich-nietzsche-quote-war-has-always-been-the-grand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you're the nihilistic one. i'm gonna fight and come out an ubermensch while you cope all day on your computer

>> No.14188102

combat has been a thing since time immemorial. fucking get over it you liberal cocksucking faggot.

>> No.14188122

oh so you're a minority? lmao the day of the rope approaches

>> No.14188129

Lmao so easy to say as an American so fucking coddled and think themselves hard for being deployed in low-stakes wars, with superior arms, in areas you have no attachment to. Come back to me with that hot take when I bombed out your city, killed your friends and am currently raping your mother. Americans getting back what they've dealt for the past hundred years will definitely be one of the most kino moments humans will study as long as history exists.

>> No.14188132

War is not for ideological meaning, but for war itself. Not everyone is wired to believe that the act must be justified, but there are those that, regardless of their "masters" relish in the idea of sending lead down range and killing for killing's sake. Moments of intensity, of hunting and destroying life are empowering, especially under the banner of the greatest superpower on the face of the earth. Such disdain against it are for those that are conditioned to have a humanitarian mindset due to the spoiled life modernity affords, people are able to LARP as intellectuals on message boards comfortably away from the slaughterhouse of humanity. As we divorce ourselves from anything real, reality becomes terrifying. I've read the accounts of Brits in India and africa engaging in bushwars, and have always admired them, and that's what I like, being a cell in the biggest dick that fucks the world.

>> No.14188136

Cringe pol boomer detected, hang yourself old man nobody wants to wait around for a couple more years for you to die naturally

>> No.14188148

You don't understand nihilism, you do not understand the overman, and you don't understand Nietzsche. Read The Genealogy, The Will to Power, Nietzsche and Philosophy by Deleuze, and Zarathustra. Simply clinging to the values of this nihilistic world, is not what it means to be non-nihilistic. You are on a sinking ship, and have said yes to everything it says, in the hope that believing in anything would be better than nothing. But this is a trap. When you finally descend far enough into nihilism, you realize that too "all is worthless" is a value judgement itself, and therefore undoes itself, because it too has no worth. This makes the world light. This lets you believe in your own values, and escape the trap. We are waiting for a new world, not clinging to this one.

>> No.14188152

>spoiled life modernity affords, people are able to LARP as intellectuals on message boards comfortably away from the slaughterhouse of humanity.
Fucking idiot you're just describing your own mindset.

>> No.14188154
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hmm it's hard to tell. my guess is you are a chink. maybe middle eastern since you're so butthurt over the might of the American Military

>> No.14188169
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>nothing F*CKING matters on this trash heap of an earth. destruction of the cities in fire. I don't believe in ANYTHING. u probably haven't encountered someone like me before ;\

ok. I think I'll spend a few years fighting in the army instead of making excel spreadsheets. maybe I'll get something out of it.

>nooooo you can't do that u have to post about clown world and how nothing matters11 what will your parents think when you don't go to college?

>> No.14188170

durrrrrrrrr kind of the point, I can self deprecate, and actually as someone who has been enlisted, can still make a valid point

>> No.14188176

So we are guessing names now? Ok cool then I'll just repeat the obvious already stated multiple times in this thread, you are disconnected, virgin, low IQ, useless, souless, middle American Jewish puppet who doesn't read. Did I get that right?

>> No.14188177

>low stakes
it was only low stakes for me, not for the trash actually living there lmao

>> No.14188178

again, sounds like you're the nihilistic one. i've created my own values and have decided to fight and not bitch about militarism on the internet. you're just a huge fucking coward that's the type of 'last man' which has led to our current era. please cope harder, you have made this an entertaining thread with your projection.

>> No.14188187

haha seriously cope harder, you can't. you are pathetic, you are an incel, and you are of no value to this planet.

>> No.14188195
File: 296 KB, 1280x720, 2019-08-30-image-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright this thread has made me seriously consider enlisting. where do I start?

>> No.14188221

Fuck off trannie

>> No.14188227

New low for this board

>> No.14188229

>Dulce et Decorum Est
Made by a butthurt fag who doesn’t matter and can’t write

>> No.14188231

Im assuning your IE?

>> No.14188234

Recruiters office in the mall. Make sure they pay for your oanda express lunch anon

>> No.14188238
File: 59 KB, 640x528, 6999df9e60d16ecec126c94d9c9a3a2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nihilistic tranny hates the fact that he doesn't have the courage to fight in a war.

>> No.14188239

This thread has already been made multiple times in the past few weeks wtf is your intention with this low iq trash? You'll find more susceptible retards to recruit for an Iran war on pol glownigger, wasted effort coming here

>> No.14188241

you haven't already enlisted. i'm shipping on the 27th.
gonna get myself a slice of some nice ol' navy seamen.

>> No.14188259

/war lit/ and junger gets posted every day bro. people actually enjoy it but this one got derailed by some butthurt fag lashing out at anyone who supports war

>> No.14188268

If you need "courage" to fight in a war you're a morally depraved chimp. The only wars that should be fought are necessary no matter how you feel about it, something you'll never understand as an destructive idiot mutt hated by everybody because of the extent of your greed and lack of knowledge. Funny posting a quote by somebody I can guarantee you never read and cannot point out where they lived on a blank map. Kys

>> No.14188267

damn son good luck.

>> No.14188279

>People enjoy it
Judging by literally every one of the threads it's full of people making fun of it and one American retard attempting to shitpost

>> No.14188285

>The only wars that should be fought are necessary no matter how you feel about it

Imagine actually believing this. Fucking betas

>> No.14188298

again, there you go thinking you are above the warrior class. you are a chandala my friend.
do you really think some dumb jarhead would be on /lit/?

>> No.14188299

it's actually the other way around. one beta faggot cannot contain himself from sperging out over other people going to fight for their countries.

>> No.14188343

Low iq Internet tough guy lingo is so fucking pathetic and just ousts yourself again as a person who doesn't read and actually falls for image board ideologies. You're correct that you joining the military is a net positive for society, you dying like a dog in a hole releases the world from another genetic failure given political and technological power by people better than him laughing about how easy it is, even in the age of the internet, to get him to actually fight, kill, and die for their offshore bank accounts. You aren't ceasers legions """""defending""""" gaulish allies, you're the poor sack of shit dying in carrhae to give glory to a rich asshole.

>> No.14188376

>Imagine being a roman soldier during pax
>"Bro you're not part of history, you're just defending rich. fucking loser"

>> No.14188396

take your meds

>> No.14188397
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>> No.14188429

>Ceaser and crassus are pax Romana
Holy shit please god kill yourself, low iq illiterate idiot. Just stop speaking for the mental sanity of people who have read more than one book since junior high
Cringe boomer meme humor trash

>> No.14188443

can you do 10 pushups anon?

>> No.14188448

>Be hundreds of miles away from war zone
>Press button
>Missiles launch
>See giant explosion on the screen from the safety of the control room
So this, is war?

>> No.14188465

The low IQ faggots are people like you paying my tuition to Columbia after I did 4 years of nothing but collecting paychecks. You're my bitch. But I understand the frustration you feel towards your impotence.

>> No.14188469

Ageism is legitimately for retards. You can call me illiterate but it seems like you're projecting a bit. You must have no strength, no redeeming quality other than being woke, by being anti-establishment. You probably don't work out, lit that promotes weakness, that justifies noodley faggot arms, or being a disgusting fatbody. I would feel pity for you but I'm above that. You don't need to kys, you're already irrelevant

>> No.14188475

This is correct, and much of the suicides in the military are due to the warrior no longer being able to find his spirit in war. Those who have misread Junger will only find a deeper disappointment. The fight is elsewhere now.

>> No.14188477

Just look at the anons posts in this thread. they stick out like a sore thumb. pure projection

>> No.14188494

This is a glownig mindset.

>> No.14188511

>i've created my own values
What are they?

>> No.14188523

Not really. You invite this with your pol-tier leveling of Junger.

>> No.14188532

He's not shitposting though, he's simply that retarded.

>> No.14188544


>> No.14188553
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we're not in the age of modern warfare.
we're in the age of postmodern warfare where robots piloted by men in chairs in Virginia blow up Somalis and CIA-trained torturers do all the heavy-lifting. there is no more need for cannon fodder.

>> No.14188710
File: 82 KB, 900x600, roman-centurion-john-wills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not wanting to experience this feeling

>> No.14188745
File: 312 KB, 780x439, syria-destruction-war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this couldn't be further from the truth. So, you are correct that we've entered a sort of postmodern era of warfare, what's been deemed 4th generation warfare, where yes intel and civil affairs are key, but the need for boots on the ground are equally important. The role of the infantryman has turned into more of a police officer, or just a presence. The infantryman still engages with the enemy but in a much more limited capacity as opposed to a war with a near peer threat. What is really interesting is that the whole videogame war mentality has been long proven ineffective, the nail in the coffin was the 2002 millennium war challenge. In that exercise, it showed that a state of the art military that abides by Geneva conventions, that relies of sophisticated technology from afar, is practically useless. But this is in the context of counter insurgencies, which imo will be the standard for conflict for a long time to come. The US is incredibly good at destroying a nation, but sort of inept at prosecuting a counterinsurgency that immediately follows the breakdown of order.

>War as politics by other means

Now it could be argued that intelligence games are a manifestation of postmodern warfare. In Postscript on The Societies of Control, Deleuze says that post world war two, the world had undergone a paradigm shift from Foucault's disciplinary society. What's interesting is that, war taking on a new line of flight, that is, morphing into vast games of international subversion campaigns whose architects are faceless, is completely in line with this. Societies of control in contest with each other operate according to sketchy rules, little green men, bots, and deepfakes. If you want to see where developed nations are headed, read some of Alexandr Dugin's work. Hot war will only occur in developing nations, cold war for us.

>> No.14188809

>post world war two, the world had undergone a paradigm shift from Foucault's disciplinary society.

>> No.14188822

>word salad, stale references, and the vapid "boots on the ground" line
ok zoomer

>> No.14188824


>> No.14188851

I'm not gonna give a lesson:

>read Discipline and Punish

I would say that, and it's been a long time since I've read Burroughs, that there is a connection with the emergence of the society of control with the emergence of an American intel community. Burroughs coined "control" and from what I remember his work was paranoid, which certainly would be the proper response to a society that instead of acting as a cast, becomes self deforming mold that adapts to the smallest changes in society. I would say that uniformed armies, while organized and certainly disciplinary, are more akin to the societies of sovereignty, but definitely not control. Control requires agents operating in obfuscation, but much like the cell that absorbed another micro-organism which became mitochondria, the society of discipline adopted armies and used them to their ends, and the same with control societies.

>> No.14188907

>war literally makes hedonists seethe because they can no longer dive in their pointless life of eternal pleasure
that's enough for me to support it

>> No.14189046

Given that the entire modern era can be seen as a reaction to war it is more likely that politics is the continuation of war by other means. Not to make light of this perspective on political control but it is a liberal fantasy to think of war as a material that can be naturalised, as if darker elements will never be able to seep in so long as their laws are studied. Civil wars are now fought precariously on the lines set out by the society of nations, the economic and political laws appear as universal yet this may only be a miscommunication between victory conditions and logistics. War is also the extension of pikes and halberds into a nation's walls, against them - there is a lampoonish primitivism in the lining up of the latest material achievements between continents, a testing of boundaries and threat displays as a last resort to settle outside of war. Today the dance of death only occurs after the war, but the technology still conforms to these old laws: that which threatens communications breakdown, system jamming, and peering into the control these invisible men have over their birds of steel. There is a prodding to see if war can be continued without descent into nuclear holocaust, but also an understanding that we have crossed the line into something even more destructive.

There is no more distinction between friend and enemy just as no victory is possible in societies of the leveled. Pyrrhic laws are assumed and the return of politics only makes the devastation apparent. Defense in depth thus appears in spirit, military theology the last stand of humanism.

Total warfare is the mobilisation of the entire landscape to the material battle, and also the smouldering of fields which ignite towns in ruin and demand an architecture of the City of Fear. The Maginot Line falls to the mobilised territory with no fear of devastation, the people who have absolved themselves of all humanity. Where modern man triumphs over Pyrrhic victory his greatest weapon is reduced to a mere symbol. Cities in ruin can be defended eternally as the territory itself becomes an instrument of war.

Nuclear arms are thus nothing more than a formalisation of the defensive stalemate. War returns once defenses can be penetrated - the foggy territory of civil war as the testing ground of empires suggests the topography of this unseen battlefield is already being calculated. We are crows fighting with eagles, scraps of trout the only apparent conquest.

>> No.14189198

>Either you willingly kill other people and die like a dog in a battlefield that uses you as cannon fodder to further the bank accounts of kleptomaniacs, Jews, and oil rich Arab monarchs or you're a hedonist
>My values are determined by the reaction of other people's values
Another low iq detected, nice self awareness anon war is perfect for your types. Just make sure you don't breed before you're deployed so your genetic line can be properly extinguished. I honor your sacrifice for the greater cause of eugenics. Godspeed

>> No.14189276

the battle hardened, jacked, chad veteran will be taking all the pussy to advance the eugenics program. meanwhile your incel ass will not be contributing one ounce of DNA to the future race of man. you are probably a disgusting mongrel anyway just by your anti-militarism tone throughout this thread. COPE

>> No.14189463

>Can there be glory and honor in modern warfare?
There was never any glory or honor just bravery in the face of being used for political purposes
This is right. Achilles regrets everything in the Odyssey

>> No.14189469
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>> No.14189478

>I'd be happy to die of dysentery because the officer is an aristocrat and has no knowledge of how a military camp's latrine system should work
Do you support Israel?

>> No.14189530

>War hasn't been honourable since the Napoleonic wars.
American civil war, Zulu war, Franco-Prussian war, Spanish-American war...

Anon no...

>> No.14189908

Achilles was a whinny bitch, so Zeus punished him.

>> No.14190679

No. There's nothing glorious or honourable about using drones to do 99% of your dirty work. The only honourable combatants at this point are guerilla fighters.

>> No.14191502

No, there cannot be courage or glory in anything unless Liberal media idealogues say so. You're a cringe incel if you believe in anything except things explicitly rubber stamped by several rounds of focus group trials backed by machine learning processed ad data harvested by international corporations. If Jews on Late Night Comedy shows are not exhorting it, it is immoral to believe it.

Conformity and comfort are the highest virtues. To actually believe in anything, as opposed to just wallowing in irony, is the greatest sin imaginable.

>> No.14192162

good point

>> No.14192906

What about the other side?

>> No.14192911


>> No.14192984
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In one of these threads someone had asked me to post this video and I forgot to respond.

>> No.14193489

> butthurt conscripts
You mean decorated war heroes? I'd take one of Hemingway and Owen to war before I'd take a hundred clones of your fat, unwashed ass

>> No.14194216

If you think war is fun you've been indoctrinated by computer games. Find another hobby.

>> No.14194225

>If some loser incel gets blown up, he gets more respect than he would from dying of prostate cancer at 60.
Part of that admiration is pity.

>> No.14194317

Remarque was a chickenshit, Owens was a literal fag, and Hemingway had no real regrets about fighting although he was sensitive enough to see how someone might. Even if you don't agree with my assessments, none of these men (except maybe Hemingway) would have had any shot at being /lit/ - Literature if it weren't for their war experiences.

>> No.14194330

> none of these men (except maybe Hemingway) would have had any shot at being /lit/ - Literature if it weren't for their war experiences.
>If they weren't who they were, they wouldn't be who they were!
How much does it cost to join the tautology club?

>> No.14194357

Looks fun as shit