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14183774 No.14183774 [Reply] [Original]

I'm worried that my philosophy degree won't really teach me much about philosophy. It may be a good stepping stone for later research, but we cover snippets of thinkers. I don't see when we're ever going to get deeper into Kant, or cover Heidegger or other 20th century thinkers at all. No one in my department has heard about or cares about Deleuze, we're never going to cover Wittgenstein, or his collaboration with Russell, which are among the most important parts of philosophy to me.

>> No.14183783

Philosophy degrees are for wealthy 18th century heiresses and old money toffs.

It was the olden times version of having "I love hiking, travelling and restaurants" in your tindr profile.

>> No.14183797

It's a bit more than that, I think. Philosophy is the most beautiful of the disciplines to me. I don't really care about the fruits of the pursuit, I care about the philosophical nature of it. I have what Plato would call the "philosophic nature", as opposed to the honor seeking or wealth seeking nature. I am sad that so many people see a degree now a days as just a means for a bigger paycheck. I hate money, it only feeds the appetitive part of the soul, not the philosophic.

>> No.14183802

SF tech faggots love hiring philosophy majors dude

>> No.14183811

It's still really good to get the degree education. It's hard to understand how much you're getting until you make a point to reflect on it later. I felt like I was doing nothing for a while but that definitely wasn't the case.

>> No.14183826
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When I passed my matriculation exams, my whole family was in a great turmoil, because they all wanted_somebody wanted me to be a doctor, somebody wanted me to be a scientist, somebody wanted me to be an engineer-because in India these are respectable jobs, paying jobs. You become rich, you become well-known, you are honored.

But I said, "I am going to study philosophy."
They all said, "This is nonsense! No man of sense will go and study philosophy. What will you do after that? Six years wasted in the university studying things which are of no use. They don't have any They all said, "This is nonsense! No man of sense will go and study philosophy. What will you do after that? Six years wasted in the university studying things which are of no use. They don't have any value, you will not even get a small service, a small job."

And they were right. In India, if you apply for the smallest job, like a clerk in the post office which needs only matriculation as qualification, and you have a master's degree in philosophy, you top the university, you have a gold medal-you will be refused. Only because of these things! These are disqualifications, you are a difficult person! A clerk should not be a philosopher; otherwise there are bound to be difficulties.
So they said, "You will suffer your whole life. Think it over."
I said, "I never think, you know that. I simply see. And there is no question of choice, I know what I am going to study. It is not a question of weighing which job will be more profitable. Even if I become a beggar, I am going to study philosophy."
They were at a loss. They all asked me, "But what is the reason that you want to study philosophy?"

I said, "The reason is that my whole life I am going to fight against philosophers. I have to know everything about them."
They said, "My God! This is your idea? We have never imagined that a man should study philosophy because he is going to fight philosophers his whole life." But they knew that I am crazy. They said, "Something like this was expected." Still they persisted: "There is time, you can still think about it. The universities will be opening in one month; you can still think."

I said, "One month, one year, one life makes no difference, because I don't have any choice. It is my choiceless responsibility."
One of my uncles, who was a graduate from the university, said, "It is absolutely impossible to talk with him-he uses words which don't seem to carry any meaning.
Choicelessness_responsibility_awareness-what do these things have to do with life? You will need money, you will need a house, you will need to support a family"

I said, "I am not going to have a family. I am not going to have a house and I am not going to support anybody!" And I have not supported anybody and I have not made any house. I am the poorest man in the world!

They could not manage to force me to become a doctor, engineer, scientist, but they all were angry.

>> No.14183907

You read like a teenager trying to sound profound

>> No.14183938

You read like an insecure asshole. I'm just talking about concepts from Plato's Republic.

>> No.14184092

This is how I've always felt, but I forced myself to get an undergrad degree I had no interest in just for jobs.

>> No.14184215

Academia is run by the most disgusting, arrogant, and altogether useless minds in the western world. Even if there is merit in philosophy, or other subjects, it is only taught by professors. Professors are a sniveling leech class. Therein lies the problem.

>> No.14184228

I've la philosophy professor who is atleast wrist enough to say "i only got so far as to teach it" understanding this is much different from constructing your own philosophic system etc

best you'll do is write in academic journals but that's good enough for some

>> No.14184249
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>> No.14184313

I'm about to redpill you OP: study law and pursue philosophy on the side.

>> No.14184390

Why law?

>> No.14184691

I am assuming this is at the undergraduate level. Are you getting the same impression of graduate/post-graduate study?

>> No.14185139
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Damm right

>> No.14185152


>> No.14185208

Sophist spotted. True philosophers know that Plato's ideas are always rich and have some truth. For instance, as he says in Theaetetus, philosophy begins with wonder and nothing else!

>> No.14185936

>Philosophy degrees are for wealthy 18th century heiresses and old money toffs.
I've encountered this often.

>> No.14186010

Speak for yourself, american.

>> No.14186479

Is this not the case elsewhere?