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14183392 No.14183392 [Reply] [Original]

The philosophy/Theology of all of it all. Lets just have a /comfy/ vidya thread.

>> No.14183404

Are the other Aedra/Daedra before Artherius only manifestations of the three Akatosh, Magnus and Lorkhan?

>> No.14183408
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>> No.14183466

>tfw no one wants /comfy/ vidya thread

>> No.14183552

This but unironically, ironically, because although Ulfric should be king, the Empire must remain in strength to eventually challenge and win against the Dominion.

>> No.14183557

Bruh, let's just overthrow the empire and all the unique nations can just join (including Cyrodill) and fight the dominion.

>> No.14183898
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An extremely rare Ash Zombie Pepe.

>> No.14183920

Morrowind was last good game and funny enough it was because it forced you to read.

>> No.14183999

I agree that the later games oversimplified themselves for the market, however all three of the trilogy still remain masterpieces. All for their unique spirit and character but also for their own reasons. They all play with a different rhythm if you will, though similar and joined by the same overarching structure.

In regards to the quality of the next TES game after Skyrim, I do believe it cannot simplify itself any further lest it leave a completely unfulfilling experience. They will not, and if we are lucky they will better it for us.

>> No.14184125

It's interesting you see them as a trilogy given how I feel about your thoughts on the next game
Personally I feel that unless they completely move to a new engine and there's a drastic overhaul not unlike that between Daggerfall and Morrowind, then I think the next game will be a disappointment. With games like The Witcher 3 and No Man's Sky (yes, I'm serious) making huge strides in very different directions that the ES series pioneered at one time or another, they need to either match that or go somewhere entirely new.
Skyrim really pushed the very limit of what acceptable with the previous way of doing things, exemplified by the absolute mess that was fallout 4. I love Skyrim, but it's dated as fuck.
Also who else /hype/ for hammerfell bois?
looking forward to those ancient Persian aesthetics

>> No.14184169

>It's interesting you see them as a trilogy given how I feel about your thoughts on the next game
>Personally I feel that unless they completely move to a new engine and there's a drastic overhaul not unlike that between Daggerfall and Morrowind, then I think the next game will be a disappointment. With games like The Witcher 3 and No Man's Sky (yes, I'm serious) making huge strides in very different directions that the ES series pioneered at one time or another, they need to either match that or go somewhere entirely new.

I agree with you anon, I've thought this myself. Though No Mans Sky was still a total failure and didn't do anything special for our current level of technical advancement. Tod has said TES 6 will be revolutionary and I believe him in that it's going to be different from the past three games in regards to the engine as you said but I'm not sure if they will just do "enough" in that, like the story, aesthetic and gameplay of it. Todd seems based so lets just hope that it isn't ultra pc, and that maybe if we are extremely lucky the Hammerfell characters are notched up a few shades to Semites or at least containing both groups of Semites and Negros.

>Also who else /hype/ for hammerfell bois?
looking forward to those ancient Persian aesthetics
Shame, I guess I'm just thinking it will be like the Hammerfell characters in Skyrim but considering they were in "Skyrim" it makes sense how they were dressed and presented archetypally simplistic in a foreign land which the game was about. Though we must remember Bethesda did just enough in that sneak peek trailer to contradict its own locations making it impossible to assert Hammerfell or Highrock as it contained implications for both locations, though I do admit it does seem much more likely to be Hammerfell considering everything but also the city in the far background.

Thoughts on swordsinging? I think it has a lot of potential gameplay wise to advance TES beyond the simplifications of Skyrim. Think along the lines of something like spell creation in Morrowind in the way of that extra layer of freedom and difference.

>> No.14184223

I don't think all the redguard characters will be black, they've always been depicted as middle eastern and it was only in Skyrim that we started to see some more negroidal looking ones. Even in the character creator you could make a redguard that was anywhere from a high caste Iranian looking dude to a Nigerian. I think the game itself, which I am pretty certain will be set in Hammerfell although High Rock would be clever to try and jump on that high middle ages/ knights and maidens game of thrones buzz, will almost certainly have NPCs that vary in the exact same way. What would be based is if they establish there to be some kind of social stratification within Hammerfell, based on these group differences... That's unlikely I'll be honest, but certainly a lot more depth will be given to the redguard, the khajit in skyrim were also very basic (basically just gypsies) but I'm pretty sure in the lore there's meant to be like 20 different variants some the size of house cats and others that look more like elves than cats, and so on. Furries may not like to hear this though, but I find it unlikely we'll ever get an Elseweyr game. It would be a total normie repellent

I look forward to any combat improvements 2bh, like I said ideally there'll be a drastic overhaul.

>> No.14184234

back to uesp with you.

>> No.14184240

The dwemer were aryans

>> No.14184331

>I don't think all the redguard characters will be black, they've always been depicted as middle eastern and it was only in Skyrim that we started to see some more negroidal looking ones. Even in the character creator you could make a Redguard that was anywhere from a high caste Iranian looking dude to a Nigerian.
As long as the character was human their race was pretty much interchangeable right anon? It's been a long time since I've played Skyrim and my memories already as bad as it is so I may be wrong but from memory there just some presets that you couldn't get with the varying race choices. I'm looking forward to seeing my light blue eyed, blonde haired Aryan descendent of the Ancient Iranian blood, who knows maybe there'll even be the theory showing how the negroid looking Hammerfellians are just the modern production of racial intermixing.

>I think the game itself, which I am pretty certain will be set in Hammerfell although High Rock would be clever to try and jump on that high middle ages/ knights and maidens game of thrones buzz, will almost certainly have NPCs that vary in the exact same way.
Yea very true, they wouldn't have a game with only black people, even in Skyrim they had relatively quite a few darker characters. You've restored some of my faith against the doubts anon. It would be annoying having all the mongoloid Elf blood in Highrock though.

>What would be based is if they establish there to be some kind of social stratification within Hammerfell, based on these group differences... That's unlikely I'll be honest,
I was thinking the same thing, though I doubt they would use skin colour as an example of difference considering the real world parallels rather than just different species(like the Khajits as you say)/sub-groups/cultures say with the Nords and Imperials.

>Furries may not like to hear this though, but I find it unlikely we'll ever get an Elseweyr game. It would be a total normie repellent
Agreed but I think it's definite that we would have a game that say heavily involves a large portion of Elseweyr. Like just a chunk which I think most normies would be able to handle but actually enjoy visiting the cat city/town(s). Though really I know I would still buy the purely Elseweyr game cause it's still TES but I don't think it's purely normie repellent, it's repellent to any normal guy who doesn't want to play in a cat world. I think it leaves that aspect of mystery knowing that that foreign and odd land remains foreign and odd as doing a cat game would, I think, be difficult to separate from a furrie sex simulator. Apart from jokes I do think it would be difficult to do it in a cool way.

>I look forward to any combat improvements 2bh, like I said ideally there'll be a drastic overhaul.
Though it'll still follow many past improvements likely like the star signs(as that's practically an essential part of the lore) and the Skyrim perk system, stuff like that, there'll definitely be new gameplay stuff also.

>> No.14184336

I don't know what that is.

And no they weren't, they were somewhat Faustian perhaps(they weren't) but they're still a highly analytical race. You might be mixing the Dwemer up with the Chimmer, and even then they weren't Aryans but representative of a sinful and cursed race.

>> No.14184342
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Do you faggots even Michael Kirkbride?

>> No.14184359

this, because my 12 year old brain saw it as an IRA v the brits type thing

>> No.14184363
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>this Jew elf

>> No.14184368

Of course we do, but:

1. The TES Lore is not purely Kirkbride's as there are often significant changes between the two.

2. The TES Lore was not solely inspired/created by Kirkbride as from my knowledge there were a few figures but the only other prominent originator I am aware of is Todd Howard himself, he was there in the beginning to create it, and he's still creating most of the lore now. Occasionally Kirkbride is asked to write an in game book or some past created lore is relied on, however predominantly it is Todd and whoever else from here on out(and that is as far as I know most of the Elder Scrolls games). People don't give Todd enough credit, it makes me think he might be based considering he both essentially made the lore for the Stormcloaks, as well as presented them in a positive light obviously being the superior choice even by those who originally chose the empire.

3. Kirkbirde is/may be a Jew. Not that this detracts from his value.

TES lore is about as good as it gets when it comes to the representatory.

>> No.14184376

Do you know anywhere I can find his deep lore? Most of it seems to be hidden away for Bethesda and the stuff I can find is only on the Imperial library like shorts pieces of writings or books he made and the occasional thread where he talks about/leaves it up to a user to figure out the lore.

>> No.14184398

This is a TES philosophy/theology thread. Kirkbride did almost all of the metaphysics work.

>> No.14184405 [DELETED] 

>Do you know anywhere I can find his deep lore?

>> No.14184418

The Lusty argonian maid

>> No.14184452

Maybe so, but Todd has done his fair share also.

>> No.14184453

Is that you Todd?

>> No.14184455

baste scoomer.

>> No.14184458
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>it's all so tiresome

>> No.14184478

The Scripture of the City:

'All cities are born of solid light. Such is my city, his city.
'But then the light subsides, revealing the bright and terrible angel of Veloth. He is in his pre-chimerical form, demonic VEHK, gaunt and pale and beautiful, skin stretched painfully thin on bird's bones, feathered serpents encircling his arms. His wings are spread out behind him, their red and yellow ends like razors in the sun. The wispy mass of his fire hair floats as if underwater, milky in the nimbus of light that crowns his head. His presence is undeniable, the awe too much to bear.
'This is God's city, different from others. Cities from foreign countries put their denizens to sleep and walk to the star-wounded East to pay homage to me. The capital of the northern men, crusty with eon's ice, bows before Vivec the city, me it together.
'Self-thought streets rush through tunnel blood. I have rebuilt myself. Hyper eyed signposts along my traffic arm, soon to be an inner sea. My body is crawling with all gathered to see me rising up like a monolithic instrument of pleasure. My spine is the main road to the city that I am. Countless transactions are taking place in veins and catwalks and the roaming, roaming, roaming, as they roam over and through and add to me. There are temples erected along the hollow of my skull and I will ever wear them as a crown. Walk across the lips of God.
'They add new doors to me and I become effortlessly trans-immortal with the comings and goings and the stride-heat of the market where I am traded for, yell of the children hear them play, scoffed at, amused, desired, paid for in native coin, new minted with my face on one side and my city-body on the other. I stare with each new window. Soon I am a million-eyed insect dreaming.
'Red-sparking war trumpets sound like cattle in the ribcage of shuffling transit. The heretics are destroyed on the plaza knees. I flood over into the hills, houses rising like a rash, and I never scratch. Cities are the antidotes to hunting.
'I raise lanterns to light my hollows, lend wax to the thousands the candlesticks that bear my name again and again, the name innumerable, shutting in, mantra and priest, god-city, filling every corner with the naming name, wheeled, circling, running river language giggling with footfalls mating, selling, stealing, searching, and worry not ye who walk with me. This is the flowering scheme of the Aurbis. This is the promise of the PSJJJ: egg, image, man, god, city, state. I serve and am served. I am made of wire and string and mortar and I accede my own precedent, world without am.'
The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

>> No.14184494

Some of the peaks in this song are actually really nice, though it none the less fails to the character of the times:

>> No.14184500
File: 131 KB, 708x798, tumblr_mlixq7bjBL1rkpaw6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of Apocrypha, I wrote this when I was a TES nerd high schooler:

Treatise on Bosmeri Ships (4E 142)


The Bosmer (Wood Elves) are not known for their maritime tradition, but it is fascinating nonetheless.

The Green Pact, the Pact between the proto-Bosmer and the Forest God Y’ffre, is a well known facet of Bosmeri culture; it established the central tenets of the Bosmeri people, and it affects life in Valenwood even today. For instance, the Green Pact forbids the use of any plant matter, alive or dead, for personal or societal benefit. Therefore, the entirety of Bosmeri culture is built upon what seems, at first, to be an economical impossibility. The Bosmer do well enough in spite of their cultural lifestyle: their bows are built of chitin and bone, they only eat meat—including people, for the Meat Mandate within the Green Pact dictates that the Bosmer must devour those enemies that they fell in battle—and any needed wood is imported from foreign forests.

Due to the Green Pact, ships such as those of men cannot be constructed with local materials. The Bosmer may, and do, sail ships built of imported wood, but the sole use of foreign ships and local ships built of imported materials would simply be inefficient. Ships built of insect materials, such as those of the Dunmer (Dark Elves) and Maormer (Sea Elves), are out of the question as well, for the ships of both races do include some small quantity of wood in their design, and such huge insects as are needed are not native to Valenwood. Even the legendary ships of the Altmer (High Elves), built of crystal, light, and aetheric fire, are unsuitable, for although those ships do not put plant materials to use, Bosmeri mages capable of constructing such craft are few and far between.

The Bosmer are spared the fate of naval mediocrity by the Maritime Provision, a little known note within the Green Pact. Thaewen, a renowned Bosmeri historian residing in the Imperial City, states:

"When Y’ffre and the proto-Bosmer negotiated the Green Pact, the proto-Bosmer insisted that a provision of some sort must be made for sailing craft; to stand on its own, the nation of Valenwood would need to defend itself both on land and at sea against its enemies.

"The Maormer threatened Valenwood’s coastline even then, and the proto-Bosmer knew that they would have to fight against them if Valenwood was to stand at all.

"Y’ffre thought and thought and thought, and he had an idea. He told the the proto-Bosmer that he would give them trees that would grow ships like fruit. He made the trees so that the proto-Bosmer could defend themselves against the Maormer, travel easily throughout Valenwood with the aid of its waterways, take a piece of Valenwood with them even when they went to sea, and spread seeds of more mundane trees and plants wherever the ships went. These trees, the Rellyeis in my tongue, were one of Y’ffre’s many gifts to the Bosmer."


>> No.14184511
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On second thought, it's too long and I'm too lazy to bother transplanting it in full:

>> No.14184537

Cringe but sorta sweet, I like it. Funny how I was really into TES in highschool also but was a proto-chad, funny how different people act through their observations that is.

>> No.14184614

Babby's first Jungian archetypes

>> No.14184941
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>Wasn't allowed to play games and almost exclusively consumed books throughout his teenage years
>Created some of the best games of all time
What did he mean by this?

>> No.14185154

Definitely cringe but it's cute to look back and see that I was writing fictional academic papers as a teenager

>> No.14185351

>he was 12 when he played skyrim
Zoomers please leave my board

>> No.14185387
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I was actually doing a play through where I read every book I came across. It was actually really insightful to lore I didn't know from just playing the game for 1000 hours. I had the difficulty set to legendary and played a mage which was fun in how annoyingly difficult it was. I got bored when I reached the library since there were too many books all at once. It was pretty fun and I'd recommend it.

>> No.14185407

I really like the one where a guy explores the realms of Oblivion but Corpse Preparation will always hold a special place in my heart. I hope necromancy will be like that one day but I know better.

>> No.14185451

Almost everyone on this board is between 18 and 23

>> No.14185479

Lord Vivec's Sword-Meeting With Cyrus the Restless is the best TES story, prove me wrong.

>> No.14185495

Atomos gimmick is dumb

>> No.14185502

Well no wonder it's gone to shit then.

>> No.14185511

Its obvious Dwemer are babylonian/sumerian. By both their beards and them being most advanced civilization at the time.

>> No.14185523

For me it's Republic of Hahd

>> No.14185529

Modding that scummy game was the biggest waste of my life. I wish back then i was already reading books, and not doing that shit.